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1) RAW images contains ______ of depth per colour channel

Select one:
a) 16 bit
b) 8 bit
c) 12 bit
d) 24 bit
2) HSB stands for?
Select one:
a) Hue, Saturation, Black
b) Hue, Saturation, Brightness
c) Highlight, Softness, Brightness
d) None of them
3) The “create new layer” dialog creates the new layer with the name _______
Select one:
a) New layer #
b) New layer
c) Layer #
d) Layer
4) We can draw using the ______ tool
Select one:
a) Path
b) Pencil
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of them
5) RGB stands for _______
Select one:
a) Rose, Grey, Brown
b) Red, Green, Black
c) Red, Green, Blue
d) Rose, Grey, Blue
6) GIMP Animations will be saved as ______
Select one:
a) .png
b) .gif
c) .mov
d) .ogv
7) Histogram shows _______
Select one:
a) History of the last activities
b) None of them
c) About the image
d) Color distribution of the image
8) CMYK stands for ______
Select one:
a) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Khaki
b) Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
c) Coral, Maroon, Yellow, Khaki
d) Cyan, Maroon, Yellow, Khaki
9) GIMP stands for _________
Select one:
a) Gnu Image Making Program
b) Gnu Image Manipulation Program
c) Graphical Image Making Project
d) Graphical Image Manipulation Project
10) Which tool will have a hard edges while drawing _______
Select one:
a) Paint Brush
b) Pencil
c) None of them
d) Air Brush

11) Both and tool is to patch the image

Select one:
o True
o False
12) To do the following, we have to select Filters menu, Distorts and Gaussian Blur option
Select one:

o True
o False
13) Curves option is used for changing the color, brightness, contrast or transparency of the active

Select one:
o True
o False

14) This will link the width and height of the image
Select one:
o True
o False
15) What are the steps to do the following? Put it in the right sequence.

Select one:
a) Right Click the layer, Select Alpha to selection, Apply multi-colour Gradient
b) None of them
c) Go to Colours in the main menu, Select Map and Gradient Map
d) Select the layer, Apply multi-colour Gradient

16) This icon is to _______

Select one:
a) Delete the top layer
b) Create a new layer
c) Create a new rectangle on top of the old one
d) Select Foreground and Background Colour
17) This icon is to _______
Select one:
a) Create a new layer
b) Delete the layer
c) Hide the layer
d) Lower the layer
18) What are the steps to do the following? Put it in the right sequence.

Select one:
a) Select Layer menu, Transform, Flip Horizontally
b) Select Flip tool, click on the image
c) Select Image menu, Transform, Flip Horizontally
d) Both a and b
19) What are the steps to do the following. Put it in the right sequence.

Select one:
a) Select Filters, Edge detect, Edge
b) None of them
c) Select Filters, Bevel, Emboss
d) Select Filters, Light and Shadow, Drop Shadow
20) What are the steps to do the following. Put it in the right sequence.

Select one:
a) Select Fuzzy Select tool, Select the color region and press delete
b) Right Click on the layer, Select Add Alpha Channel, use Eraser tool and remove the color
c) Right Click on the layer, Select Add Alpha Channel, use Fuzzy Select tool, Select the color
region and press delete
d) Both b and c
21) What are the steps to do the following. Put it in the right sequence.

Select one:
a) Select Filters, Blur, Motion Blur
b) Select Filters, Distorts, Wind
c) Select Filters, Noise, Slur
d) None of them
22) Which of the following is correct method to resize the image?
Select one:
a) Image, Scale image
b) Tools, Scale tool
c) Image, Canvas size
d) Both a & c

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