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Epicor ERP

Bank Statement Processing

This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its
contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its
date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with
regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a
particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is
likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document
are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained
herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information
about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release
notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or
make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice.
The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of
any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage
of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase
of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements
in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws
and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly
Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of
platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred
to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also
stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible
with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or
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Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs
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Revision: May 18, 2020 5:50 a.m.
Total pages: 58
Bank Statement Processing Course Contents

Bank Statement Processing Course.......................................................................................5
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................6
Modules Licensing...........................................................................................................................................6
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................6
Workshop Constraints..............................................................................................................................8
Application Setup.................................................................................................................10
Download Statements....................................................................................................................................10
Electronic Interface Maintenance...................................................................................................................10
Create an Electronic Interface.................................................................................................................10
Bank Account Maintenance...........................................................................................................................11
Bank Reconciliation Settings...................................................................................................................11
Workshop - Set Up Bank Reconciliation Parameters.........................................................................12
Cross References Creation.............................................................................................................................12
Create Cross References for Customers..................................................................................................12
Workshop - Perform Auto-matching..............................................................................................................14
Quick Matching.....................................................................................................................15
Workshop - Quickly Match Statement Lines and Post the Statement..............................................................15
Unmatch Transaction from the Statement Line........................................................................................15
Quickly Match Transactions to the Statement Line..................................................................................15
Post the Reconciled Statement................................................................................................................16
Creation of New Statements and Lines..............................................................................17
Workshop - Create a New Statement.............................................................................................................17
Workshop - Create a New Statement Line from the Existing Transaction........................................................17
Personalization Options.......................................................................................................19
Workshop - Define and Use Hot Keys.............................................................................................................19
Workshop - Use Tolerance for Matching........................................................................................................21
Workshop - Create a Cross-Reference and Use Quick Searches......................................................................23
Enter Cross-References for a Partner.......................................................................................................23
Use Quick Search to Select a Partner Name by Cross-Reference...............................................................23
Automatically Match a Line with Recognized Partner..............................................................................24
Parsing Parameters for Reconciliation................................................................................26
Workshop - Set up and Apply a Parsing Parameter.........................................................................................26
Enter a Parsing Parameter.......................................................................................................................26

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 3

Contents Bank Statement Processing Course

Set Up Parsing Parameter in Bank Account.............................................................................................27

Apply Parsing Parameter.........................................................................................................................27
Creation of New Transactions.............................................................................................29
Manual Creation of New Transactions............................................................................................................29
Workshop - Manually Create a New Transaction.....................................................................................29
Workshop - Manual Creation of a New Reverse Transaction....................................................................30
Create a Payment Method for Batching...........................................................................................30
Create and Post a Statement with Matched AR Batch......................................................................31
Reverse a Cash Receipt....................................................................................................................32
Manually Create a Reverse AR Cash Receipt Transaction..................................................................32
Automatic Creation of New Transactions.......................................................................................................34
Workshop - Automatically Create a New Transaction..............................................................................34
Automatically Create a Cash Receipt with Allocated Invoices...........................................................34
Automatically Create an On Account Cash Receipt..........................................................................35
Automatically Create a Cash Receipt Based on Customer Balance....................................................35
Automatic Creation of a New Reverse Transaction..................................................................................36
Workshop - Automatically Create a Voided AP Payment Transaction................................................36
Batches of Transactions........................................................................................................38
Workshop - Create, Edit, and Match Batches.................................................................................................38
Create a Batch in Cash Receipts Entry.....................................................................................................38
Create a Batch in Cash Receipt Batch Maintenance.................................................................................39
Edit a Batch............................................................................................................................................39
Auto Match a Batch to a Statement Line.................................................................................................40
Bank Funds Transfer.............................................................................................................41
Workshop - Match a Bank Transfer Transaction to the Statement Line...........................................................41
Custom Electronic Interfaces..........................................................................................................................44
Create CSV Bank Statements..................................................................................................................45
Create Customized EI File for Statement 1..............................................................................................46
Create Customized EI File for Statement 2..............................................................................................48
Create Customized Electronic Interfaces..................................................................................................49
Import CSV Bank Statements Using Customized EI..................................................................................49
Multi-Currency Processing..............................................................................................................................50
Workshop - Define Exchange Rates for the Currency Pairs.......................................................................50
Workshop - Set Up Bank Account...........................................................................................................51
Workshop - Select Exchange Rate To Be Applied.....................................................................................52
Workshop - Create an On Account Cash Receipt....................................................................................52
Workshop - Create a Statement Line and Match It to the Cash Receipt...................................................53
Workshop - Print Edit List........................................................................................................................54
Multi-Currency Transactions: Revaluation and Reconciliation...................................................................54

4 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Bank Statement Processing Course

Bank Statement Processing Course

The Bank Statement Processing course guides you through the process of reconciling bank statements with cash
transactions. The Bank Statement Processing program processes and clears cash transactions. Cash transactions
are reconciled by creating and editing bank account statements.
This course reviews the various sheets and fields available in Bank Statement Processing and guides you through
a step-by-step process of how to reconcile bank statements.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
• Import an electronic bank statement
• Create a new statement manually
• Automatically match statement lines to unmatched transactions
• Manually match statement lines to unmatched transactions
• Quickly search for partners by a partner name (identifier) during reconciliation
• Create new transactions automatically and manually

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Before You Begin Bank Statement Processing Course

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Modules Licensing
The following modules must be licensed to complete all the workshops in this course:
• Accounts Payable
• Accounts Receivable
• General Ledger
• Multi-Currency Management


Specific audiences will benefit from this course.

• Chief Cashier responsible for bank statement reconciliation


To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager.
It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses.
• Foundations Agenda Courses on Epicor Learning Center - These courses describe logging in to Epicor
ERP, using menus and toolbars, working with Tree view and sheets. They give you a quick overview how to
enter data in Epicor ERP, use searches to find data and work with grids. The courses in this agenda teach you
to personalize your application, print forms and reports and use trackers to view information.
• Accounts Payable Course - This course is designed to review the concepts and reporting tools available in
the Accounts Payable (AP) module. Topics of discussion include maintenance program setup and the creation
and payment processes for various invoice types. This course also describes how AP invoices and payments
impact the general ledger (GL).

Environment Setup

The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.

6 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Before You Begin

The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

1. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
• Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.

• The Epicor demonstration database is at the same version as the Epicor application. The
demonstration database is installed from the Epicor Administration Console using the "Add Demo
Database" command under Database Server. See Epicor ERP installation guides for details. If you are an
Epicor Cloud ERP customer (and have licensed embedded education), the demonstration database is
installed for you.
• Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP
customer see section below.

2. Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.
Important When you log on for the first time, a message appears to inform you that your password
has expired. You will be prompted to set a new password. To set a new password, perform the
following steps:

1. Click Yes.
A Change Password window displays.

2. In the Current Password field, enter manager.

3. In the New password field, enter a new password. An example would be manager2.

4. In the Confirm new password field, re-enter the same password.

5. Click OK. The Change Password window closes and you are logged on with the manager user

6. Record the new password. This is important as this will be the password everyone uses when
they log on with the manager ID until the database is refreshed.

3. From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).

4. From the Main menu, select the Main Site.

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Before You Begin Bank Statement Processing Course

Epicor Cloud ERP Specific Information

Note If you are an Epicor Cloud ERP customer, then note the following about your Epicor-hosted education
company. All logins referenced in the course (such as manager, or epicor) should be changed to be the
<site ID>-. For example, if your site ID is 98315, then wherever you are instructed to use the login manager,
instead use 98315-manager. The password is 'Train18!'.

Note To refresh your Epicor training data, enter a support ticket in EpicCare and include your site ID.

Workshop Constraints

Workshops in this course can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed) shared database.

8 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Overview


Bank Statement Processing allows you to create a new bank statement either through import of electronic
statement files from the bank into the Epicor application or by manual entry of the new bank statements and
statement lines, review the information, search for the Epicor transactions available for matching, or create new
transactions. You can perform bank reconciliation in the automatic mode (using a reconciliation algorithm) and
in the manual mode (matching transactions to statement lines).
The main functions of Bank Statement Processing include the following:
• Import of an electronic bank statement or manual creation of a new statement.
• Automatic matching of statement lines to unmatched transactions. The icons of line statuses help you to
quickly review the results of automatic matching.
• Manual matching of statement lines to unmatched transactions.
• Quick (one-click) manual matching of existing transactions to the statement lines.
• Quick search of partners by a partner name (identifier) during reconciliation.
• Automatic creation of new transactions.
• Manual creation of new transactions.
• Posting of new transactions to a current bank account and general ledger (GL) accounts specified in the GL
controls attached to the bank account.
The bank statement lists the activity in the bank account and the balance in the bank account. The bank usually
mails a bank statement to the company, or provides a copy through online access. The company does a bank
reconciliation, that is it verifies the amounts on the bank statement are consistent with the amounts in the
company's account and the other way round. In most cases, you handle statements imported from the bank.
However, sometimes you may want to create a new statement. To make sure the bank reconciliation process is
done accurately, you must perform settings in multiple Epicor programs. These recommendations describe basic
steps you need to take when using this functionality and point out important information specific to those steps.
Bank Statement Processing is a powerful functionality that enables you to take full advantage of Epicor potential
during reconciliation. The following sections explain how to start working with this functionality and how to
tailor it to your needs.
The application uses the algorithm of automatic matching to review the imported bank statement, analyze its
records, and attempt to match each of the statement lines to Epicor transactions. If the attempt is successful,
the functionality reconciles a statement record with the Epicor transaction.

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Application Setup Bank Statement Processing Course

Application Setup

This section of the course reviews the most common maintenance program setup factors applicable to Bank
Statement Processing.

Download Statements

In this course, you need to import and reconcile multiple bank statements. Perform the following steps to
download, extract, and save the folder with statements.
To perform this task, open the online version of the course and browse to the Application Setup > Download
Statements topic. The Statements link is available at the bottom of the page (under the Related information

1. Click the Statements link.

2. Download the Statements.zip folder to your local computer.

3. Extract the zipped folder and note its location. When passing workshops, you will need to browse to this
statement folder and import specific bank statements.

Note When you import a statement, the application may display a warning about difference between the
closing balance of the last processed statement and the opening balance of the imported statement. Click
OK each time this warning displays.

Electronic Interface Maintenance

Use Electronic Interface Maintenance to create bank interface formats required by a specific bank or country
to perform electronic funds transfers (EFT) and electronic reports.
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Electronic Interface

Create an Electronic Interface

In this workshop, create an electronic interface to be used during import of bank statements.
Navigate to Electronic Interface Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Electronic Interface

1. From the New menu, select New Interface.

2. In the Interface name field, enter XXXMT940 where XXX are your initials.

3. From the Type drop-down list, select Bank Statement.

10 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Application Setup

4. Click Program....
The Electronic Interface Files window displays.

5. From the list, select the Erp\EI\StatementImportMT940\StatementImportMT940.cs file and click OK.

6. In the Description field, enter EI for bank reconciliation (MT940).

7. Click Save and exit Electronic Interface Maintenance.

Bank Account Maintenance

Use Bank Account Maintenance to define bank accounts and select the GL controls that determine the accounts
to which bank transactions post.
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

Bank Reconciliation Settings

On the Bank Reconciliation sheet, you need to define bank reconciliation settings for the selected bank account.
On this sheet, the fields are grouped into four panes:
• Modules
Using check boxes in this pane you can specify whether you want to use pending accounts for booking cash
receipts, AP payments, bank adjustments, and bank funds transfers.

• Automatic Reconciliation
The fields in this pane allow you to:
• select an electronic interface used for importing bank statements
• specify parsing parameters allowing you to extract invoice numbers from a statement line
• assign a pre-defined list of transaction codes used by a particular bank or by a country
• enable automatic matching which uses an algorithm of automatic reconciliation and AR/AP automated
recognition settings
• automatically display transactions that potentially can be matched to a selected statement line and limit
the number of unreconciled transactions taken into consideration
• filter the unmatched transactions retrieved for each line type by transaction types
• define how the application behaves in case when transactions do not contain information about reference
number, partner name, and partner bank account
• set up the application to automatically create different types of new transactions and match them
• determine maximum allowed percent difference between amounts of the unallocated line amount and
all matched documents
• specify whether the application automatically attempts to analyze the information from the statement
lines and match them to existing transactions in Bank Statement Processing
• specify which rate is considered as exchange rate when clearing - original payment/receipt exchange rate
or clear date bank currency exchange rate

• Automated Recognition AR and Automated Recognition AP

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Application Setup Bank Statement Processing Course

Using check boxes in this pane, you can specify which parameters the application takes into consideration
for reliable (full) match during automated recognition of the found AR and AP transactions - reference number,
customer/supplier, and transaction date.

Workshop - Set Up Bank Reconciliation Parameters

In this workshop, set up bank reconciliation parameters for the bank account.
Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

1. In the Account... field, search for and select BA01.

2. Select the Bank Reconciliation sheet.

3. Click the down arrow near the Electronic Interface field and select XXXMT940 from the list of electronic

4. Click the down arrow near the Transaction Codes field.

5. From the drop-down list, select MT940 transaction codes.

6. Select the Retrieve unmatched transactions automatically check box.

7. Select the Filter unmatched transactions by statement line type check box.

8. Select the Auto-match Statement Details check box.

9. Click Save and exit Bank Account Maintenance.

Cross References Creation

The application uses cross-references to match partner names (customers, suppliers, bank IDs) used in bank
statements against partner IDs registered in Epicor.

Create Cross References for Customers

In this workshop, create cross-references for customers.

Navigate to Customer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customer

1. In the Customer... field, search for and select BARRISTON.

2. Navigate to the Customer > Additional > Search Cross-References sheet.

3. From the New menu, select New Search Xref.

4. In the Cross-Reference column, enter BARRISTON.

5. Make sure the Active check box is selected.

12 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Application Setup

6. Click Save.

7. Perform steps 1 - 7 to create cross-references for the following customers:

Customer Cross-reference

8. Exit Customer Maintenance.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 13

Auto-matching Bank Statement Processing Course


The auto-matching functionality in Bank Statement Processing helps you to automatically reconcile bank statement
lines. The application searches for unmatched transactions with similar partner name, date, and amount and
attempts to match them to the lines.

Workshop - Perform Auto-matching

Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940QuickMatch.

4. Click Open.

5. Click OK to the message that displays.

6. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

7. In the upper pane, review statuses of all lines.

The application found unmatched transactions with similar partner name, date, and amount and matched
them to the lines.

8. Select lines with the Matched status one by one and review the transactions matched to these lines in the
lower pane.

9. Click Save and remain in Bank Statement Processing.

14 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Quick Matching

Quick Matching

Quick matching is a simple approach that helps you to easily match existing Epicor transactions to the statement
lines in the imported bank statement during bank reconciliation.
When you import a bank statement, you can attempt to match its lines to Epicor transactions. You can view both
statement lines and transactions on one sheet in two separate panes, select a statement line, review the
transactions, and define which of them at your option can be matched. When the total amount of the selected
transactions becomes equal to the line amount, the application considers transactions as matched to the line.
The application behavior during automatic reconciliation depends on the reconciliation settings in Bank Account
Maintenance. The Auto-match Statement Details option in Bank Account Maintenance enables the application
to automatically match transactions to the statement lines in case all requirements are met.
Note You must perform the following workshop right after the workshop in the Auto-matching section
using the same statement.

Workshop - Quickly Match Statement Lines and Post the Statement

In this workshop, get familiar with the Un-match option, manually match transactions to the remaining line on
the Quick Matching sheet, post the statement, review the GL journal entry, and confirm it.

Unmatch Transaction from the Statement Line

1. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet.

2. In the Statement Lines pane, select the line of the imported statement.

3. In the Transactions pane, select any transaction and click Match.

Click OK in the confirmation window.

4. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet and select this line (now it has the Matched status).

5. Click Un-match and then click OK in the confirmation window.

The application unmatches the transaction from the statement line and changes its status to Not Matched.
The unmatched transaction disappears from the Matched Documents grid.

6. Click Save.

Quickly Match Transactions to the Statement Line

1. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet and click Retrieve....

Note Make sure the current date displays in the To Date field.

2. Click Retrieve.

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Quick Matching Bank Statement Processing Course

In the Transactions pane the application displays unmatched documents.

3. Review the Unallocated Amount.

You must select unmatched transactions with the total amount equal to the unallocated line amount.

4. Press and hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Now select the transactions with amounts 50 USD and
40 USD in the right pane (document numbers 10237 and 10239).
When the total selected amount becomes equal to the line's amount, the line is considered as matched.
The line and selected transactions disappear from the sheet.

5. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet and view this line (now it has the Matched status) and transactions
matched to this line.

6. Click Save.

Post the Reconciled Statement

You can post a statement only if the line statuses are Matched or Ignored, and variance is zero.

1. Navigate to the Statement Header sheet.

2. In the Variance field, verify the variance amount is equal to zero.

3. From the Actions menu, select Post Statement.

4. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

5. In the Bank Reconciliation Post Process window, click Submit and close the window.
The statement is now submitted.

6. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

16 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Statements and Lines

Creation of New Statements and Lines

During reconciliation you may want to create a new bank statement and match Epicor transactions to this
statement. You can perform this operation only if there are no unposted statements for the current bank account.

Workshop - Create a New Statement

In this workshop, create a statement with one line (type - AR Receipt, partner - Addison, amount - 100).
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, search for and select BA01.

2. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

3. Specify the statement description - 100.

4. In the Opening Date field, enter 01/01/2018.

5. In the Closing Date field, enter the current date.

6. To the Warning message, click OK.

7. From the New menu, select New Statement Line.

8. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

9. From the Type drop-down list, select ARRcpt.

10. In the Bank Amount field, enter 100.

11. Right-click in the Partner Name field and select the Open With > Customer Search command.

12. Click Search, select ADDISON as the customer ID, and click OK.

13. Click Save.

Workshop - Create a New Statement Line from the Existing Transaction

In this workshop, create a new statement line from the existing Epicor transaction.

1. Navigate to the Unmatched Transactions sheet.

2. Select a transaction with document number 10246 (partner - Ace Molding Company, amount - 100 USD).

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Creation of New Statements and Lines Bank Statement Processing Course

3. Click the Create Lines button at the bottom of the screen.

The selected transaction disappears from the list of unmatched transactions.

4. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

The application moves the selected transaction to the Matched Documents pane on this sheet and creates
a statement line with the Matched status and similar details (partner, date, amount).

5. Place the cursor in the Statement field and click Delete on the Standard toolbar.

6. Remain in Bank Statement Processing for the following workshops.

18 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Personalization Options

Personalization Options

Bank Statement Processing incorporates multiple personalization options that enable you to navigate through
the program interface and run commands using shortcut keys.
Shortcut keys enable you to quickly navigate through the Bank Statement Processing interface with keyboard
options. You can define multiple shortcut key combinations for the features of this program.

Workshop - Define and Use Hot Keys

In this workshop, define hot keys and use them in Bank Statement Processing.

1. Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

2. From the Tools menu, select Options. Then click OK in the confirmation window.

3. In the Options window that displays, navigate to the Hot Keys sheet.

4. From the Command drop-down list, select New Statement.

5. From the Short Cut drop-down list, select ShiftF1 and click OK.

6. Repeat steps 4-5 to make the following settings.

Command Short Cut

New Statement Line ShiftF2
Save ShiftF3
Un-match All Lines ShiftF4

7. Click OK.

8. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

9. Press ShiftF1.
The application creates a new statement.

10. Specify the statement description - 10.

11. Press ShiftF2.

The application creates a new statement line.

12. Navigate to the Statement Workbench sheet.

13. From the Type drop-down list, select ARRcpt.

14. In the Bank Amount field, enter 1,000.

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Personalization Options Bank Statement Processing Course

15. In the Partner ID field, enter ADDISON.

16. Press ShiftF3.

The application saves this statement.

17. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet.

18. Click Retrieve.... Then click Retrieve in the Retrieve Options window.

19. In the Transactions pane, select any unmatched transaction and click Match.

20. Press ShiftF4. Click OK in the information message that displays.

The application un-matches this transaction.

21. From the tree view, select the bank statement and click Delete.
Note For the purpose of this workshop, the statement will not be posted.

22. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

20 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Tolerance


The Tolerance option allows you to specify maximum allowed percent difference between unallocated statement
line amount and statement line transactional amount at which a statement line is considered as Matched during
automatic or manual matching.
The application compares the amounts and considers the line reconciled based on this value. The reconciliation
process becomes more flexible in cases when the amounts of the line and documents you want to match to this
line are not equal.

Workshop - Use Tolerance for Matching

In this workshop, specify the tolerance and automatically match an Epicor transaction to the statement line.
Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

1. In the Account field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. Navigate to the Bank Reconciliation sheet.

3. In the Tolerance field, enter 20.

4. Click Save and remain in Bank Account Maintenance.

5. Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

6. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

7. To delete existing statement for the bank, click in the Statement Description field and then click Delete
on the Standard toolbar.

8. Click Yes to confirm deletion.

Use steps 7 and 8 in the following workshops every time you need to delete existing statement. If you do
not delete existing statement, you will not be able to import another one.

9. From the Actions menu, select the Import Statement command.

10. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940Tolerance.

11. Click Open.

12. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

13. In the upper pane, review the status of the line.

The application found the unmatched transaction with similar partner name and date and matched it to
the line. The cash receipt amount differs from the line amount (100 USD and 90 USD), but nevertheless

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 21

Tolerance Bank Statement Processing Course

the application automatically matched this cash receipt to the line. The tolerance value is 20%, whereas the
actual amount difference is 10%.

14. Click Save.

15. From the Actions menu, select Print Edit List.

16. In the Edit List window, select the Show Variance check box and click Print Preview.

17. Notice how the application posts the difference to the Bank Reconciliation Variance account.

18. In Bank Account Maintenance, change the variance tolerance to 1 for future workshops.

19. Exit Bank Account Maintenance and Bank Statement Processing.

22 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Cross-References


Cross-references help you to define which partner names used in bank statements correspond to partner IDs
registered in Epicor ERP.
This functionality makes reconciliation easier, as the application uses these pre-defined pairs (partner names -
partner IDs) to find a correct partner ID for a statement line. It also allows you to quickly search for a partner ID
you can specify in the line.

Workshop - Create a Cross-Reference and Use Quick Searches

In this workshop, create a number of cross-references and use the quick search functionality to select a partner
for a statement line.
According to this scenario, the bank usually mentions the partner ADDISON in its statements as ADDIS and
ADDSN. Since a cross-reference with ADDIS already exists for the partner record, the application automatically
recognizes this partner. Now you want the application to automatically assign the partner name ADDISON to
the statement lines with the partner ID ADDSN.

Enter Cross-References for a Partner

Navigate to Customer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Customer Maintenance

1. In the Customer... field, search for and select ADDISON.

2. Navigate to the Customer > Additional > Search Cross-References sheet.

3. From the New menu, select New Search Xref.

4. In the Cross-Reference column, enter ADDSN.

5. Make sure the Active check box is selected.

6. Click Save.

7. Exit Customer Maintenance.

Use Quick Search to Select a Partner Name by Cross-Reference

Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Make sure the check boxes enabling auto-creation of documents on the Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank
Account Maintenance are clear.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, search for and select BA01.

2. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 23

Cross-References Bank Statement Processing Course

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940CrossRef.

4. Click Open.

5. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

6. Review the details of statement line 1. The application automatically assigned the customer name ADDISON
to the line taking into account the customer ID ADDIS and matched the transaction with the same customer,
date, and amount to this line.

7. Right-click in the Partner Name field of statement line 2.

The customer ID is ADDSN and you need to select a customer name for the line manually.

8. Select the Quick Searches > Customer Xref Quick Search command.

9. In the Search Form window, enter AD and click Search.

The application displays cross-references starting from AD. Both of them are related to the customer name

10. Select either of the records and click OK.

11. In the Store Identifier window, click Yes.

The application populates the Partner Name field with the selected partner name and saves ADDSN as a
cross-reference for the partner ADDISON.

12. In the information message that displays, click Yes.

13. Click Save and remain in Bank Statement Processing.

14. Navigate to Customer Maintenance.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Customer Maintenance

15. In the Customer... field, enter ADDISON and press Tab.

16. Navigate to the Customer > Additional > Search Cross-References sheet.

17. Review the list of cross-references.

The partner ID from line 2 (ADDSN) is added as a cross-reference to the partner name ADDISON.

18. Exit Customer Maintenance.

Automatically Match a Line with Recognized Partner

1. In Bank Statement Processing, from the Actions menu, select Automatic Matching and click OK.
Since you added a new cross-reference to the partner, the application found an appropriate transaction and
matched it to the line with the Not matched status. The line status is now Suggested.

2. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet, optionally make a selection, and click Match.

3. Click Save.

4. From the tree view, select the bank statement and click Delete.

24 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Cross-References

Note For the purpose of this workshop, the statement will not be posted.

5. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

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Parsing Parameters for Reconciliation Bank Statement Processing Course

Parsing Parameters for Reconciliation

Setting up parsing parameters allows you to make automatic reconciliation more effective. These parameters are
used to retrieve invoice references from the statement line.

Workshop - Set up and Apply a Parsing Parameter

Set up a parsing parameter in Bank Statement Parsing Parameters and apply it during bank reconciliation to
retrieve the information about invoice references.
Bank statements you import usually have similar symbol sequences where the invoices are listed. Namely, invoice
references are preceded by the symbols NR and are followed by the symbols //. You need to create a parsing
parameter that enables the application to retrieve the invoice references information from a statement using this
pattern. The application then searches for these invoices, verifies their details, automatically creates a cash receipt,
and allocates invoices to this cash receipt.

Enter a Parsing Parameter

Navigate to Bank Statement Parsing Parameters.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Statement Parsing Parameters

1. From the New menu, select New Parsing Parameters.

2. In the Param Code field, enter PP01.

3. In the Description field, enter Parsing Parameter 01.

4. Navigate to the Parsing Parameters sheet.

5. In the Start token field, select Keyword.

6. From the New menu, select New Start Keyword.

7. In the blank line that displays in the Keyword grid, enter NR.

8. In the End token field, select Keyword.

9. From the New menu, select New End Keyword.

10. In the blank line that displays in the Keyword grid, enter //.

11. In the Separate by field, select Separator.

12. From the New menu, select New Separator.

13. In the blank line that displays in the Keyword grid, enter a comma (,).

14. Click Save.

26 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Parsing Parameters for Reconciliation

15. Exit Bank Statement Parsing Parameters.

Set Up Parsing Parameter in Bank Account

Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

1. In the Account... field, enter BA01 and press TAB.

2. Navigate to the Bank Reconciliation sheet.

3. From the Parsing Parameters drop-down list, select Parsing Parameter 01.

4. Select the Auto create Invoice Cash Receipts check box and verify that Auto-match Statement Details
check box is selected.

5. Click Save.

6. Exit Bank Account Maintenance.

Apply Parsing Parameter

Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, search for and select BA01.

2. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940Parsing.

4. Click Open.

5. Navigate to the Statement Lines > Detail sheet.

The retrieved invoice references (10243, 10244, and 10245) display in the Invoice References field. The
message in the Error/Warning field means matching documents were not found and the application created
this document automatically.

6. Navigate to the Statement Lines > List sheet.

Using the application you found posted invoices using the references it retrieved, analyzed their details
(partner, date, and amount), created a cash receipt, allocated invoices to this cash receipt, and matched it
to the statement line.

7. Double-click the matched document line in the lower pane.

The Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program starts. Do not close the Bank Statement Processing

8. Navigate to the Allocate sheet.

You allocated invoices with numbers 10243, 10244, 10245 to the automatically created cash receipt.

9. Exit Invoice Payment - Payment Entry.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 27

Parsing Parameters for Reconciliation Bank Statement Processing Course

10. In Bank Statement Processing, navigate to the Statement Header sheet, and post the statement as
described in the Post the Reconciled Statement workshop.

28 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Transactions

Creation of New Transactions

If you do not want to match existing transactions to the statement line, it is possible to create transactions
automatically. However, If you prefer to create transactions in the manual mode, this operation is also available.

Manual Creation of New Transactions

The application enables you to create new transactions manually during reconciliation.
The application analyzes details of the statement line and starts a specific program depending on the statement
line type (for example, ARRcpt for invoice cash receipt, MiscRcpt for miscellaneous cash receipt, and Transfer
for bank funds transfer), enabling you to create a new transaction that will be matched to this line.
The application automatically populates fields in the pop-up window of this program with the information taken
from the statement line (for example, partner, currency, amount). You cannot post the transaction directly from
this window. You can only save it. The application posts the transaction along with the whole statement.
In this scenario, you create a cash receipt for an AR receipt statement line, allocate an invoice to this cash receipt,
and save it.

Workshop - Manually Create a New Transaction

In this workshop, manually create a new transaction that will be matched to the statement line based on the line
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940NewTrans.

4. Click Open.

5. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

6. In the Statement Lines pane, select line 1.

7. From the Actions menu, select Un-match All Lines. In the information window that displays, click OK.

8. From the Actions > Statement Line menu, select Create New Document.
The new document displays in the Matched Documents pane. The New Doc Type field value is Manual.
The application launches the Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program.

9. In the Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program, from the Customer ID field, verify or select BARRISTON.

10. From the New menu, select New Line.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 29

Creation of New Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

11. On the Allocate sheet, in the Invoice field, enter invoice number 10247 and press Tab.
This posted invoice has the same customer, date, and amount as the statement line and can be allocated
to the new cash receipt you just created.

12. Click Save.

13. Navigate to the Header sheet.

The unapplied amount is now zero.

14. Exit the Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program and review the line details in the Bank Statement Processing
The line has the Matched status now.

15. Click Save.

16. Delete the statement and remain in Bank Statement Processing.

Workshop - Manual Creation of a New Reverse Transaction

You can create a reverse transaction for a statement line of the RevARRcpt or RevAPPay type manually.
The bank processes cash receipts as a batch. After you had sent a cash receipt batch to the bank, you found out
that one of checks was incorrectly entered into the system - it was applied to the wrong customer. To correct
the issue, you need to reverse the incorrect cash receipt and to enter a new one. The bank processed the whole
batch and the received bank statement includes the line with total batch amount.

Check number Customer Amount

4202 Addison 400
5202 Fred Miller 600

In this scenario, you send to the bank a batch of posted cash receipts. The customer in check 5202 (Fred Miller)
is incorrect and Dalton should be used instead.

Create a Payment Method for Batching

In this workshop, create an AR payment method for batching and assign it to the bank account.
Navigate to Payment Method Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Payment Method

1. Click New.

2. In the Payment Method... field, enter Batching.

3. From the Scope field, select AR.

4. From the Pay Method Type drop-down list, verify that Manual displays.

5. Navigate to the Additional AR sheet.

6. Select the Automatic Check Numbering check box.

7. From the Statement Grouping drop-down list, select Grouped.

30 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Transactions

8. From the Timing drop-down list, verify that in Cash Receipts displays.

9. From the Deposit Slips drop-down list, verify that None displays.

10. Click Save.

11. Exit Payment Method Maintenance.

12. Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

13. In the Account... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

14. Navigate to the Payment Methods > AR Payment Methods sheet.

15. From the New menu, select New AR Payment Method.

16. From the Payment Method drop-down list, select Batching.

17. Click Save.

18. Exit Bank Account Maintenance.

Create and Post a Statement with Matched AR Batch

Before performing these steps, make sure you select the Retrieve unmatched transaction automatically
check box on the Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank Account Maintenance for bank account BA01.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the New menu, select New Statement.

3. In the Description field, enter AR Batch Statement.

4. In the Opening Date field, enter 12/20/2018.

5. In the Closing Date field, enter today's date.

6. Click Save.

7. From the New menu, select New Statement Line, navigate to the Statement Lines sheet and enter the
statement line data from the following table.

Line type Bank Amount

ARRcpt 1,000

8. Click Save.

9. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet and select the batch 00011.

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Creation of New Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

Note If batch 00011 does not display, click Retrieve.

10. Click Match.

The application matches the batch to the line.

11. Navigate to the Statement Header sheet.

12. In the field to the right of the closing date, enter the Variance amount so that the new variance is equal
to zero. For example, enter 19,425.

13. From the Actions menu, select Post Statement.

14. Click Yes in the confirmation window.

15. In the Bank Reconciliation Post Process window, click Submit and close the window.
The statement is now submitted.

16. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

Reverse a Cash Receipt

According to the scenario, after posting you found out that the customer Fred Miller in check 5202 is incorrect
and the customer Dalton must be used instead. It is required to reverse the incorrect statement line.
Note Before performing these steps make sure you select the Retrieve unmatched transaction
automatically check box on the Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank Account Maintenance for bank
account BA01.

Navigate to Reverse Cash Receipt.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Reverse Cash Receipt

1. Click the Search icon.

The Cash Receipt Search window displays.

2. In the Check Number field, enter 5202. Then click Search.

3. Click OK.

4. In the Reverse Date field, select today's date.

5. Then click Reverse and click Yes.

6. In the information window that displays, click OK.

The application creates a reverse transaction.

7. Exit Reverse Cash Receipt.

Manually Create a Reverse AR Cash Receipt Transaction

Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID field, enter BA01.

32 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Transactions

2. From the New menu, select New Statement.

3. In the Description field, enter Manual Reverse.

4. In the Opening Date field, enter 12/01/2017.

5. In the Closing Date field, enter today's date.

6. Click Save.

7. To the Warning message, click OK.

8. From the New menu, select New Statement Line to create a statement with two lines using the information
from the following table.

Line type Bank Amount Partner Name

RevARRcpt -600 Fred Miller
ARRcpt 600 Dalton Manufacturing

9. From the tree view, select the reverse transaction RevARRcpt.

10. Navigate to the Quick Matching sheet and match the reverse transaction to the Reversed Cash for Doc
Number 5202.

11. From the tree view, select the ARRcpt line.

12. From the Actions > Statement Line menu, select Create New Document.
The Invoice Payment - Payment Entry screen displays.

13. Select the On Account check box from the Header sheet and click Save.

14. Close the Invoice Payment - Payment Entry screen.

The new cash receipt transaction displays in the Matched Documents pane. It is matched to the line.

15. Post the statement as described in the Post the Reconciled Statement topic.

16. Navigate to Cash Receipt Batch Tracker.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Cash Receipts Batch

17. Search for the batch number 00011.

18. In the Receipts grid, select the line with check number 5202 and view the Reversed check box.
The check box is selected.

19. Click Save.

20. Exit Cash Receipts Batch Tracker.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 33

Creation of New Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

Automatic Creation of New Transactions

If there are no suitable transactions for matching, you can set up the application to automatically create transactions
during statement import.
Using bank account settings, you can specify the transaction types to be created automatically.

Workshop - Automatically Create a New Transaction

By selecting check boxes in Bank Account Maintenance, you can specify how the application creates new
documents to be matched to the statement lines. In our scenarios, the application analyzes a statement with the
AR Receipt type lines and creates cash receipts.
Automatic creation of cash receipts is enabled only when you select the Auto creation of Invoice Cash Receipts
check box. The application applies the invoices whose references display on the Statement Lines > Detail sheet
to the line amount. These invoices must have the same details as the statement line, and the invoices date must
be no later than the line date. If the invoices amount is equal to the line amount, the application generates a
cash receipt and the line status changes to Matched.
If some amount on the line still remains, the application checks whether the Auto creation of On account Cash
Receipts check box is selected. If it is selected, the application puts the unapplied amount on account and
generates a cash receipt for the allocated amount. The line status changes to Matched. If the Auto creation of
On account Cash Receipts check box is clear, the unallocated amount is left on the line and the line status
changes to Partially Matched.
If there are no invoices on the Statement Lines > Detail sheet, the application checks whether the Auto creation
of Cash Receipts Based on Customer Balance check box is selected. If it is selected, the application attempts
to apply all invoices and credit memos (where the details are the same as on the statement line and the invoice
date is no later than the line date) to the line. It applies them one by one until the unallocated amount becomes
zero. If it is not possible to find invoices and credit memos with the total amount equal to the line amount, the
application attempts to find an invoice whose amount matches the line amount. If the invoice amount matches
the line amount, the application generates a cash receipt and the line status changes to Matched.

Automatically Create a Cash Receipt with Allocated Invoices

Make sure you select the Auto create Invoice Cash Receipts check box and Parsing Parameter 01 on the
Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank Account Maintenance for bank account BA01. All other auto creation check
boxes must be clear.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, click the Import Statement command.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940AutomCreate1.

4. Click Open.

5. Select line 1 and then navigate to the Statement Lines > Detail sheet.
The application extracted the invoice references using the parsing functionality (see the Invoice References
field), created a cash receipt, and allocated invoices to this document. The line status is Matched.

34 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Transactions

6. Navigate to the Statement Lines > List sheet.

You can view the new document in the Matched Documents pane.

7. Double-click the document line.

The Invoice Payment - Payment Entry window displays.

8. Select the Allocate sheet to review the allocated invoices.

9. Exit Invoice Payment - Payment Entry.

10. In Bank Statement Processing, click the statement number in the Statement... field and click Delete.

Automatically Create an On Account Cash Receipt

Before performing these steps make sure you select the Auto create Invoice Cash Receipts and Auto create
On Account Cash Receipts check boxes on the Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank Account Maintenance for
bank account BA01.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, click the Import Statement command.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940AutomCreate2.

4. Click Open.

5. Select line 1 and then select the Statement Lines > List sheet.
The application created an on account cash receipt. The line status is Matched.

6. In the lower pane, double-click the cash receipt.

7. In the new Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program window, navigate to the Allocate sheet.
The On Account check box is selected.

8. Exit Invoice Payment - Payment Entry.

9. In Bank Statement Processing, click the statement number in the Statement... field and click Delete on
the Standard toolbar.

Automatically Create a Cash Receipt Based on Customer Balance

Before performing these steps make sure you select the Auto create Invoice Cash Receipts and Auto create
Cash Receipts Based on Customer Balance check boxes on the Bank Reconciliation sheet in Bank Account
Maintenance for bank account BA01.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 35

Creation of New Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

2. From the Actions menu click the Import Statement command.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940AutomCreate3.

4. Click Open.

5. Select line 1 and then select the Statement Lines > List sheet.
The application found two customer invoices whose total amount is equal to the line amount and created
a cash receipt. The line status is Matched.

6. In the lower pane, double-click the cash receipt.

7. In the new Invoice Payment - Payment Entry program window, select the Allocate sheet to review the
allocated invoices.
The On Account check box is selected.

8. Exit Invoice Payment - Payment Entry.

9. In Bank Statement Processing, click the statement number in the Statement... field and click Delete on
the Standard toolbar.

Automatic Creation of a New Reverse Transaction

You can create a reverse transaction for a statement line of the RevARRcpt, RevAPPay, or RevARPI type. The
application can create a transaction automatically or, if necessary, you can do it manually.
The application searches for the documents with the following parameters:
• Posted on the same bank account where the statement was imported
• Reconciled
• Non-reversed
• The same currency as on the statement line
The application creates a reverse document if it finds a document with the reference number, partner name, and
currency amount matching the statement line data. The document date cannot be later than the reverse document
In the following workshop, you will perform automatic search and creation of a reverse cash receipt transaction.

Workshop - Automatically Create a Voided AP Payment Transaction

In this workshop, you set up the application to search for an AP payment based on the statement line information
and automatically create a voided AP payment transaction.
Before performing these steps, make sure you selected the Auto reverse check box on the Bank Reconciliation
sheet in Bank Account Maintenance for bank account BA01.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu click the Import Statement command.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940ReverseAutom2.

36 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Creation of New Transactions

4. Click Open.

5. Navigate to the Statement Lines > List sheet.

The application found an AP payment and created a voided payment transaction. You can see this transaction
in the Matched Documents pane. The line status is Matched.

6. On the Statement Header sheet, click the statement number in the Statement... field and click Delete
on the Standard toolbar.

7. Remain in Bank Statement Processing.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 37

Batches of Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

Batches of Transactions

Multiple similar transactions are usually processed as groups, or batches. You can manually match any transaction
or transactions in a batch to a statement line as you would do for any other Epicor transaction. It is easy to find
transactions from the same batch in the unmatched transactions list since they all have the same batch reference
Before creating batches, you need to create a payment method for batching. In Epicor ERP, you can create and
edit batches, move transactions from the batch, and add them to the batch.

Workshop - Create, Edit, and Match Batches

In this workshop, create a batch in Cash Receipt Batch Maintenance and edit it. You also create a batch in
Cash Receipts Entry and automatically match it to a statement line.

Create a Batch in Cash Receipts Entry

Before completing this workshop, make sure you set up a payment method for batching and applied required
setup for the bank account as described in the Create a Payment Method for Batching workshop earlier.
Navigate to Cash Receipts Entry.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Cash Receipts Entry

1. Click New.

2. In the Group... field, enter any group name (for example, gr01) and press Tab.

3. Click Yes.

4. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select Bank Account 01.
Note the Batching payment method displays in the Payment Method field.

5. In the Transaction Apply Date field, enter 11/29/2018.

6. Click Save.
The Set Bank Batch Reference window displays.

7. In the Batch Reference field, enter XXX003 where XXX are your initials.

8. Click OK.

9. From the New menu, select New Invoice Payment.

10. In the Receipt Amount field, enter 1,250.

11. In the Customer ID field, enter Ace Brown and press Tab.

12. Select the On Account check box.

38 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Batches of Transactions

13. Click Save.

14. Repeat steps 9–13 to create a new invoice payment for the amount of 2,250.

15. From the Actions menu, select Post.

16. In the Cash Receipt Post Process window that displays, click Submit.

Create a Batch in Cash Receipt Batch Maintenance

Navigate to Cash Receipt Batch Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Cash Receipt Batch

1. From the New menu, select New Bank Batch.

2. In the Set Bank Batch Reference window, click Next Reference to get a reference number suggested by
the application. Then click OK.
The application assigns a reference number to the batch. Note this number _________. You use it in the
Edit a Batch workshop.

3. From the Bank Account drop-down list, select Bank Account 01.

4. From the New menu, select New Receipt.

The program displays all receipts which potentially can be added to this batch.

5. In the Select Receipts window, select the Selected check box next to the following cash receipts:

Check/Ref Customer
10269 Ace Brown
10270 Ace Brown

6. Click OK.
The application adds selected receipts to the batch. Review the batch status in the Status field.

7. Click Save.

Edit a Batch

1. In the Cash Receipt Batch Maintenance, view the Receipts dashboard, select the Selected check box
near any receipt and then from the Actions menu, select Move Receipts.

2. In the Bank Batch Reference Search window, click Search, select any batch reference except for the batch
you created in the Create a Batch in Cash Receipts Entry workshop, and click OK.
The cash receipt is now moved to the selected batch.

3. Click Save.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 39

Batches of Transactions Bank Statement Processing Course

Auto Match a Batch to a Statement Line

Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the New menu, select New Statement.

3. In the Description field, enter Batch Processing.

4. In the Opening Date field, enter 01/01/2018.

5. In the Closing Date field, enter 11/30/2018.

6. If the warning message appears, click OK.

7. Click Save.

8. From the New menu, select New Statement Line.

9. Navigate to the Statement Lines sheet.

10. In the Status field, select ARRcpt.

11. In the Date field, verify that 12/30/2018 displays.

12. In the Bank Amount field, enter 3,500.

13. In the Reference field, enter XXX03 (the number of the batch you created earlier).

14. Click Save.

15. Navigate to the Statement Workbench > List sheet.

16. In the Bank Statement Workbench Transactions pane, click Retrieve.

The Retrieve Options window displays.

17. In the To Date field, select 12/31/2018 and click Retrieve.

The batch you created displays in the Bank Statement Workbench Transactions grid.

18. From the Actions menu, select Automatic Matching.

19. In the information message that displays, click OK.

When you match a batch, all cash receipts or payments included into this batch are matched to the statement
line. On the Statement Workbench > List sheet, the line status changes to Matched.

20. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

40 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Bank Funds Transfer

Bank Funds Transfer

If the application recognizes a statement line as Transfer (bank transfer), it is possible to search for a similar bank
transfer transaction and match it to the line.
A bank account is recognized if either of the following is true:

1. The statement line contains a bank account code that matches the IBAN account code of one of the registered
bank accounts.

2. The statement line contains a combination of bank code and bank account code that matches the Bank
Identifier and Checking Account fields of one of the registered bank accounts.

If you want to create a new bank transfer document, the application displays the existing unreviewed transfers
for this bank and suggests you either review them for matching or create a new document.

Workshop - Match a Bank Transfer Transaction to the Statement Line

In this workshop, import a statement with the line of the Transfer type and search for a transaction to be matched
to this line.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

2. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

3. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select MT940_Transfer.

4. Click Open.

5. Select line 1 and then navigate to the Statement Lines > List sheet.
The application finds an unmatched bank transfer transaction with the same bank code, date, currency,
and amount as on the line and matches it to the line. The line status is Matched.
Let us say you want to create a new transfer for matching.

6. From the Actions menu, select Un-match All Lines. Then click OK.

7. Double-click the statement line to create a new transfer.

Since there are unreviewed transfers for the bank, the application displays a warning and suggests you either
review these transfer first or create a new transfer.

8. Click No.

9. Select the Statement Workbench > List sheet and click Retrieve.
The application displays existing transfers in the Transactions pane.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 41

Bank Funds Transfer Bank Statement Processing Course

10. From the To Date drop-down list, select the current date and click Retrieve to review existing transactions.

11. Select the transfer with the same bank code, date, currency, and amount as on the line and click Match.
The line status is Matched.

12. Exit Bank Statement Processing.

42 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Conclusion


Congratulations! You have completed the Bank Statement Processing course.

Please take a moment to let Epicor University know how to serve you better by completing an evaluation at htt
p://www.keysurvey.com/survey/379199/e92f/. Your feedback provides the guidelines for the future direction of
Epicor University offerings.

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 43

Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course


The Bank Statement Processing Course appendix contains workshops describing how to work with custom
electronic interfaces and how to process bank statements in a multi-currency environment.

Custom Electronic Interfaces

Bank Statement Processing allows you to use multiple .cs source files for configuring electronic interfaces depending
on your needs.
Important Workshops describing custom electronic interfaces are available for the on-premise customers
only. SaaS customers will not be able to pass these workshops.

The following workshops are not related to day-to-day work and are usually performed by an administrator who
modifies electronic interfaces according to the company's needs, and then saves the customized files to the EI
folder. Epicor ERP application users can create customized EIs using those files. To complete the workshops in
this section, you must have administrator rights.
The EI files are located in the ...Deployment\Server\ERP\EI folder in the folders of the same name:
• StatementImportCamt053.cs
• StatementImportCSV_Example.cs - for the CSV electronic interface.
• StatementImportCSV_Template.cs - for the CSV electronic interface.
The .csv file must be pre-configured to conform to the bank electronic statement file format. The
template file contains the descriptions of all fields that can be used during configuration. The example
file allows you to review the configuration examples and better understand how the interface can be
configured. We recommend you to configure the template file only and keep another file unchanged
for reference purposes.

• StatementImportMT940.cs - for the MT940 electronic interface.

• StatementImportWellsFargo_CSV.cs - for the Wells Fargo CSV electronic interface.
This file is preconfigured to conform to the Wells Fargo bank CSV electronic statement file format.

Each file contains comments that allow you to adjust it and make required settings. Please note that the following
file names are allowed only: xxxxx.cs and xxxxx.Queries.cs where xxxxx is the name of the delivered .cs file
(for example, StatementImportCamt053 or StatementImportMT940).

Download Statements

In this course, you need to import and reconcile multiple bank statements. Perform the following steps to
download, extract, and save the folder with statements.
To perform this task, open the online version of the course and browse to the Application Setup > Download
Statements topic. The Statements link is available at the bottom of the page (under the Related information

1. Click the Statements link.

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

2. Download the Statements.zip folder to your local computer.

3. Extract the zipped folder and note its location. When passing workshops, you will need to browse to this
statement folder and import specific bank statements.

Note When you import a statement, the application may display a warning about difference between the
closing balance of the last processed statement and the opening balance of the imported statement. Click
OK each time this warning displays.

Create CSV Bank Statements

In this workshop, create two different bank statements of the CSV format. These statements have different
header structure, so you will need to apply different electronic interfaces to import each of them.

1. Open Microsoft Excel™.

2. Create a bank statement file in the CSV format according to the provided table.

Note that in this file one single cell (row 1) contains header information - statement number, opening date,
closing date, opening balance, closing balance, bank checking number. The rest of the cells contain
information about lines (date and amount).

3. Name your file (for example, csv_example1) and save it in the CSV format on your local computer.

4. Create another bank statement file in the .csv format according to the provided table.

Note that in this file two cells contain header information - row 1 (statement number, opening date, opening
balance, closing balance, bank checking number) and row 2 (closing date). The rest of the cells contain
information about lines (date and amount).

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

5. Name your file (for example, csv_example2) and save it in the CSV format on your local computer.

Create Customized EI File for Statement 1

In this workshop, create an electronic interface file for importing statement 1.

1. On your local computer, browse to the folder where you extracted the Statements.zip file.
Review the Download Statements topic for instructions.

2. Open the StatementImportCSV_Template file in Microsoft Visual Studio™.

3. Change the class name everywhere in the file from StatementImportCSV_Template to


4. Change the propFieldSeparator value from , to ;.

The line should look like this: const string propFieldSeparator = ";";

5. Change the propDateFormat value from M/d/yyyy to MM/dd/yyyy.

6. Change the propHeaderLinesCount value from 3 to 1.

7. Put the comment sign (//) before all headerRules.AddRowRule parameters, as there are no header names
in the statement. The lines should look like this:
//headerRules.AddRowRule(1, 1, "Statement Number");
//headerRules.AddRowRule(1, 2, "Start Date");
//headerRules.AddRowRule(1, 3, "End Date");
//headerRules.AddRowRule(1, 4, "Open Balance");
//headerRules.AddRowRule(1, 5, "Closing Balance");

8. Change all row numbers in the headerRules.AddRowValue parameters from 2 to 1.

The resulting lines should look as follows:
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 1, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum.StatementNu
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 2, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 3, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 4, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 5, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 6, CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum

9. Put the comment sign (//) before the following lines:

• statementLine.TransactionCode = LineValues(2);
• if (LineValues(3).Trim().Length > 0)
• if (LineValues(4).Trim().Length > 0)
• statementLine.DebitAmount = str2Amount(LineValues(4));
• if (LineValues(5).Trim().Length > 0)
• statementLine.CreditAmount = str2Amount(LineValues(5));

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

• statementLine.TranAmount = str2Amount(LineValues(6));
• statementLine.TransactionCurCode = LineValues(7);
• statementLine.ExchangeRate = str2Amount(LineValues(8), ".");
• statementLine.Partner = LineValues(9);
• statementLine.PartnerBankAccount = LineValues(10);
• statementLine.PartnerBankCode = LineValues(11);
• statementLine.ReferenceNumber = LineValues(12);
• statementLine.LineDescription = LineValues(13);
• statementLine.RemitData = LineValues(14);
• statementLine.Reverse(ReverseStamp, LineValues(15));

10. Change the bank amount value to be the second position instead of third. Change statementLine.Ba
nkAmount = str2Amount(LineValues(3)); to be statementLine.BankAmount =
Verify the lines discussed in step 9 & 10 look as follows:

11. Click Save As, name this file as Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template and save it on your local

12. Navigate to ...Deployment\Server\ERP\EI\StatementImportCSV_Template folder and open the

StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries.cs file in Microsoft Visual Studio™.

13. Change the class name from StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries to


14. Click Save As, name this file as Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries and save it on your
local computer.

15. Navigate to ...Deployment\Server\ERP\EI folder of your Epicor ERP server and create the
Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template folder.
Contact your administrator if necessary.

16. Save the files Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.cs and

Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries.cs to this folder.

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

Create Customized EI File for Statement 2

In this workshop, create an electronic interface file for importing statement 2.

1. Open the Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.cs file on your local computer.

2. Change the class name everywhere in the file from Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template to


3. Change the propHeaderLinesCount value from 1 to 2.

4. Change the following header values:

CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum.EndDate from 1, 3 to 2, 1.
CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum.OpeningBalance from 1, 4 to 1, 3.
CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum.ClosingBalance from 1, 5 to 1, 4.
CSVFieldRule.FieldDesignationEnum.BankAccountNumber from 1, 6 to 1, 5.
The resulting line must look like follows:
//Define header values
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 1,
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 2,
headerRules.AddRowValue(2, 1,
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 3,
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 4,
headerRules.AddRowValue(1, 5,

5. Click Save As, name this file as custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template and save it on your local

6. Open the Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries.cs file on your local computer.

7. Change the class name from Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries to


8. Click Save As, name this file as Custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries and save it on your
local computer.

9. Navigate to the ...Deployment\Server\ERP\EI folder of your Epicor ERP server and create the
Custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template folder.
Contact your administrator if necessary.

10. Save the files Custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template.cs and

Custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template.Queries.cs to this folder.

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

Create Customized Electronic Interfaces

In this workshop, create customized electronic interfaces for importing bank statements.
Navigate to Electronic Interface Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Electronic Interface

1. From the New menu, select New Interface.

2. In the Interface name field, enter csv_test1.

3. From the Type drop-down list, select Bank Statement.

4. Click Program....

5. From the list, select the Custom_StatementImportCSV_Template.cs file and click OK.

6. In the Description field, enter Customized EI 1.

7. Click Save.

8. Exit Electronic Interface Maintenance and restart it.

9. From the New menu, select New Interface.

10. In the Interface name field, enter csv_test2.

11. From the Type drop-down list, select Bank Statement.

12. Click Program....

13. From the list, select the Custom2_StatementImportCSV_Template.cs file and click OK.

14. In the Description field, enter Customized EI 2.

15. Click Save.

16. Exit Electronic Interface Maintenance.

Import CSV Bank Statements Using Customized EI

In this workshop, you import created bank statements using customized electronic interfaces that are applied to
actual statement file formats.
Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

1. In the Account... field, search for and select BA01.

2. Select the Bank Reconciliation sheet.

3. Click the down arrow next to the Electronic Interface field and select csv_test1 from the list of electronic

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

4. Click Save. Remain in Bank Account Maintenance.

5. Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.

Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

6. In the Bank ID... field, enter BA01 and press Tab.

7. From the Actions menu, select Import Statement.

8. In the Open window, browse to the statement folder and select statement 1 you created. In this case, it is

9. Click Open.

10. Click OK to the message that displays.

The statement is imported.

11. Place the cursor in the Statement field and click Delete on the Standard toolbar.

12. Repeat steps 1-9 with the following parameters to import statement 2:

1. Select the csv_test2 electronic interface in step 3.

2. Select the csv_example2 statement file in step 7.

Your results should look similar to the following:

Multi-Currency Processing

It may happen that the payment currency differs from the bank currency. If you work with different currencies,
different exchange rates are taken into consideration by bank statement processing.
In the following workshops, you will work with the following scenario. The cash receipt was posted on date 1.
The bank currency (peso) differs from the cash receipt currency (Euro). The statement was created on date 2. On
these dates the exchange rates are different.

Workshop - Define Exchange Rates for the Currency Pairs

In this workshop, enter exchange rates in Exchange Rate Entry for two currency pairs: USD-PESO and USD-EURO.
Note that base currency in the application is USD.

1. Navigate to Exchange Rate Entry.

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

Menu Path:
Financial Management > Currency Management > General Operations > Exchange Rate Entry

2. In the Rate Type field, search for and select Main Rate Type.

3. Add three days to today's date and in the Effective Date field, select this date from the drop down list,
and then press Tab.
This date is referred to as Date 1 in the next workshops.

4. The message Record not found. Add new? displays. Click Yes.

5. In the tree view, select Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY Currencies: USD-PESO, where MM/DD/YYYY is
the date you selected in step 3.

6. In the Rate Value field, enter 25.

7. In the tree view, select Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY Currencies: USD-EURO, where MM/DD/YYYY is
the date you selected in step 3.

8. In the Rate Value field, enter 0.5.

9. Click Save.

10. Add six days to today's date and in the Effective Date field, select this date from the drop down list, and
then press Tab.
This date is referred to as Date 2 in the next workshops.

11. The message Record not found. Add new? displays. Click Yes.

12. In the tree view, select Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY Currencies: USD-PESO, where MM/DD/YYYY is
the date you selected in step 10.

13. In the Rate Value field, enter 21.

14. In the tree view, select Effective Date: MM/DD/YYYY Currencies: USD-EURO, where MM/DD/YYYY is
the date you selected in step 10.

15. In the Rate Value field, enter 0.7.

16. Click Save.

Workshop - Set Up Bank Account

In this workshop, set up an existing bank account to be used for multi-currency processing.
Navigate to Bank Account Maintenance.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Bank Account

1. In the Account... field, search for and select BA10.

2. From the New menu, select New GL Control.

3. In the Type field, search for and select Bank Account.

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

4. In the Control field, search for and select 100.

5. Click Save.

6. Remain in Bank Account Maintenance.

Workshop - Select Exchange Rate To Be Applied

In this workshop, specify which exchange rate will be considered during bank reconciliation. It can be the original
payment/receipt exchange rate or the clear date bank currency exchange rate.

1. In Bank Account Maintenance, navigate to the Bank Reconciliation sheet.

2. Click the down arrow near the Bank Exchange Rate When Clearing field and select Use clear date bank
currency exchange rate from the list.
This functionality along with detailed examples is described in the Multi-Currency Transactions: Revaluation
and Reconciliation section of this course.

3. Click Save and exit Bank Account Maintenance.

Workshop - Create an On Account Cash Receipt

In this workshop, create an on account cash receipt on date 1.

1. Navigate to Cash Receipt Entry.

Menu Path:
Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > General Operations > Cash Receipt Entry

2. In the Group field, enter any group name and press Tab. Then click Yes in the confirmation field.

3. In the Bank Account field, select Bank account 10.

4. In the Transaction Apply Date field, select Date 1.

5. From the New menu, select New Invoice Payment.

6. Navigate to A/R Receipt > Header Currency sheet and in the Receipt Amount field enter 1,000.

7. In the Receipt Currency field, select Euro.

8. In the Settlement Currency field, select Mexican Peso.

As you are entering the cash receipt on Date 1, the amount in settlement currency is equal to 1,000 Euro
with the exchange rate as of Date 1.
Date 1: Peso/USD = 25; EUR/USD = 0.5. Peso/EUR = 50 => 1,000 EUR = 50,000 Peso.

9. Navigate to A/R Receipt > Header sheet and in the Check field enter a check number (any digits sequence).

10. In the Customer ID field, enter clarke and press Tab.

11. Select the On Account check box.

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

12. Click Save.

13. From the Actions menu, select Post and click Yes in the confirmation window.

14. In the new window, click Submit and close the window.

15. Exit Cash Receipt Entry.

Workshop - Create a Statement Line and Match It to the Cash Receipt

In this workshop, create a statement with one line on Date 2 and match it to your cash receipt.
Navigate to Bank Statement Processing.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Bank Statement Processing

1. In the Bank ID... field, search for and select BA10.

2. Click New on the Standard toolbar.

3. Specify the statement description - statement.

4. In the Closing Date field, enter Date 2.

Note As Date 1 and Date 2 are in the future, you first enter the latest date (closing date), and then
enter the earliest date (opening date).

5. In the Opening Date field, enter Date 1.

6. From the New menu, select New Statement Line.

7. Navigate to the Statement Workbench sheet.

8. In the Statement Lines window from the Type drop-down list, select ARRcpt.

9. Verify that Date 2 is displayed in the Date field.

10. In the Bank Amount field, enter 30,000.

Since you are entering the statement on Date 2, you need to enter the amount equal to 1,000 Euro with
the exchange rate on Date 2.
Date 2: Peso/USD = 21; EUR/USD = 0.7. Peso/EUR = 30 => 1,000 EUR = 30,000 Peso

11. From the Currency field, select EUR.

The Amount field value is automatically recalculated in the selected currency considering the exchange rate
on Date 2. The value is 1,000 Euro.

12. In the Transactions window click Retrieve. Then in the Retrieve Options window click Retrieve.
The application displays the cash receipt you created.

13. Click Match.

The application matches the line to the cash receipt. Review the document in the Matched Documents

14. Remain in the program to complete the final workshop.

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

Workshop - Print Edit List

In this workshop, print edit list for the statement matched to the cash receipt.

1. From the Actions menu, select Print Edit List.

2. In the new window, click the Print Preview button to preview the report on your screen.
First, review how the bank and document amounts in different currencies were considered by the application.

The amount in the statement (created on Date 2) is 1,428.57 USD.

The cash receipt amount (created on Date 1) is 2,000 USD.
The Exchange Gain (Loss) account is credited with the difference: 380.95 USD.

Multi-Currency Transactions: Revaluation and Reconciliation

This section describes basic principles of reconciling statements, revaluation, and gains/losses calculation if base
currency and bank currency differ.
You can specify which exchange rate is considered during bank reconciliation. For this purpose, use the Bank
Exchange Rate When Clearing drop-down list in Bank Account Maintenance (navigate to the Bank
Reconciliation sheet). It allows you to specify which exchange rate is considered during bank reconciliation if a
a foreign currency is applied.
For example, the following exchange rates were set:

Receipt Date Clear Date Notes

USD 1 1 Base currency (Book 1) and bank currency
EUR 1.2 1.25 Reporting currency (Book 2)

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Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

Receipt Date Clear Date Notes

RUB 1.4 1.45 Payment currency

Case 1:
Enter Receipt 1 on receipt date (bank account in USD):
• 100 RUB - payment amount
• 100 * 1.4 = 140.00 USD - bank amount
• 140 USD - base amount
• 140.00 / 1.2 = 116.67 EUR - amount in reporting currency EUR
Create a line from Receipt 1 in Bank Statement Processing:
• Statement line date = Clear date
• Line currency = RUB
• Amount = 100 RUB
• Bank amount = 140.00 USD
Post the statement
• Use original payment/receipt exchange rate (new option)

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 140.00 USD
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 140.00 USD

• Use clear date bank currency exchange rate (existing program behavior)
The actual bank amount of the original receipt in base/reporting currency on clear date:
140.00 USD; 60.87 * 2.2 /1.25 = 112.00 EUR
Gains/Losses = 140.00 - 140.00 = 0 USD; 112.00 - 116.67 = -4.67 EUR

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 140.00 USD
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 140.00 USD
CR Cash 0 4.67
DB Gains/Losses 0 4.67

Exchange rate to USD:

Receipt Date Clear Date Notes

USD 1 1 Base currency (Book 1)
EUR 1.2 1.25 Reporting currency (Book 2)
RUB 1.4 1.45 Payment currency
NOK 2.3 2.2 Bank currency

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Appendix Bank Statement Processing Course

Enter Receipt 2 on receipt date (Bank account in NOK):

• 100 RUB - payment amount
• 100 * 1.4 / 2.3 = 60.87 NOK - bank amount
• 60.87 => 60.87 * 2.3 = 140 USD - base amount
• 60.87 * 2.3 / 1.2 = 116.67 EUR - amount in reporting currency EUR
Case 2
Create a line from Receipt 2 in Bank Statement Processing:
• Statement line date = Clear date
• Line currency = RUB
• Amount = 100 RUB
• Bank amount = 60.87 NOK
Post the statement
• Use original payment/receipt exchange rate (new option)

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK

Note Gains/Losses (6.09 USD; 9.54 EUR) will be posted when the Bank Account Revaluation process
is run.

• Use clear date bank currency exchange rate (existing program behavior)
The actual bank amount of the original receipt in base/reporting currency on clear date:
60.87 * 2.2 = 133.91 USD ; 60.87 * 2.2 /1.25 = 107.13 EUR
Gains/Losses = 133.91 - 140.00 = -6.09 USD; 107.13 - 116.67 = -9.54 EUR

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Cash 6.09 9.54
DB Gains/Losses 6.09 9.54

Case 3
Enter a new statement line with the following values in Bank Statement Processing:
• Statement line date = Clear date
• Line currency = RUB
• Amount = 100 RUB
• Bank amount = 100 * 1.45 / 2.2 = 65.91 NOK (payment amount 100 RUB is converted into bank amount on
clear date)
and match the receipt to it.
After matching the statement line :

56 Epicor ERP | 10.2.600

Bank Statement Processing Course Appendix

Variance = 65.91 - 60.87 = 5.04 NOK => 5.04 * 2,2 = 11.09 USD ; 5.04 * 2,2 / 1.25 = 8.87 EUR
Post the statement
• Use original payment/receipt exchange rate (new option)

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
DB Cash 11.09 9.66 5.04 NOK
CR Variance 11.09 9.66

Note Gains/Losses (6.09 USD; 9.54 EUR) will be posted when the Bank Account Revaluation process
is run.

• Use clear date bank currency exchange rate (existing program behavior)
The actual bank amount of the original receipt in base/reporting currency on clear date:
60.87 * 2.2 = 133.91 USD ; 60.87 * 2.2 / 1.25 = 107.13 EUR
Gains/Losses = 133.91 - 140.00 = -6.09 USD; 107.13 - 116.67 = -9.54 EUR

DB/CR Account Book 1 (USD) Book 2 (EUR) DOC currency

DB Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Pending Cash 140.00 116.67 60.87 NOK
CR Cash 6.09 9.54
DB Gains/Losses 6.09 9.54
DB Cash 11.09 9.66 5.04 NOK
CR Variance 11.09 9.66

Epicor ERP | 10.2.600 57

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Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
this site, you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account. To create an
account, go to http://support.epicor.com.

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