10 Benefits of Spending Time With Family

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10 Benefits of Spending Time With Family

February 24, 2021 by Scarlet

There is not an investment wiser than spending quality time with family. The word “family” is a collective
term. In other words, it is not just a couple of individuals living together under the same roof, but a group of
people who are connected and share good as well as bad times. A few of the bene/ts of spending time with
family are that nobody knows you like your family and they can be a source of comfort and safety. Family is
not always perfect but it is important to build family bonds that will get you through the tough times. There
are quite a few advantages of family. Here are some of the bene/ts of family time together as well as some
family time statistics that you may /nd surprising.
Advantages Of Family
To me, the advantages of family are that you have people to love and who love you. No matter what. The
advantages of family are having people catch you when you fall, guide you when you are lost, and restore
hope when it is waning. Having someone who knows you through and through and loves you and believes
in you, maybe even more than you believe in yourself. Well, that type of family relationship is just invaluable!

Sometimes it is easy to take our family for granted but they are a gift. If you ever lose a family member, you
will be reminded how precious they are, how Peeting time is, and how we should treasure our family every
day. An extended family with grandparents and uncles and aunts and cousins just means more people to
love and care about each other. It gives you an even sturdier foundation to build your life on.

There are also more pragmatic advantages of family. Having a whole nuclear family under one roof, as
opposed to split families under multiple roofs is more /nancially sound. That huge savings allows more
spending money for things the whole family may need and want. More 5nancial stability also tends to
mean that the people in the family have more time to spend with each other. There are many bene/ts of
family time and many positive statistics to help prove that.
10 Benefits of Family Time
If you have ever been asked why is family time important, here are 10 strong reasons why spending time
with family is important!

1. Strengthens Family Bonding

One of the bene/ts of spending time with family and indulging in leisure activities together, is that it
strengthens the family bond. This holds true to all type of family activities. They don’t always need to be
fancy activities that require a bigger sum of money. Even home-based, low-cost activities such as game
night, movie night, gardening, or playing outdoors have a big impact on the ‘health’ of the family
relationships. These positive behaviors make everybody in the family feel closer emotionally to each other,
which is always a good thing. These mundane everyday group activities are known as a family’s “core”
activities. Those that require much time, money and planning (special events, vacations) are called
“balance” activities.

Finding fun ways to spend special time together should be a source of joy. The bene/ts of family bonding
are deeply related to a family’s ability to better adapt to the changes that come with life. The strengthening
of family bonds is one of the important bene/ts of family time. Strong family bonds are one of the best
ways to make us more resilient to the changes and challenges of life.

2. Quality Family Time Improves Child’s Academic Performance

The academic success of a child is associated with having his/her parents provide help and guidance when
needed. The /rst steps are always the hardest and most important. This holds true especially in terms of
studying. If you, as a parent, provide essential guidance through your child’s /rst academic school years,
this will have a really positive effect on the child’s life in future. If you help your kid with school matters, it is
more likely for him/her to receive a better education. This gives them an opportunity to land a better paying
job in the future.

It starts in Kindergarten when you spend enough time letting your child know that you value education. You
also need to let them know you expect them to put forth their best effort. Encourage your child to do well
and get better grades. Asking about their day and what they learned helps them understand the importance
of learning. They will enjoy getting attention for doing well in school activities. One of the bene/ts of family
time is the opportunity to help young children achieve academic skills, con/dence, and success. Success in
academic performance often leads to better jobs and more /nancial security.
3. Spending Time With Family Helps Kids Develop Parenting Skills
Time together with the parents helps the kids develop parenting skills. As strange as it may sound, it really
is true. Kids learn by example. If you set a good example on how to behave with your children, your son or
daughter will de/nitely remember that. They will naturally apply these ‘parenting skills‘ in the future with
their children. In fact, you will probably notice siblings treating each other in the ways you treat them. I have
heard my daughter tell my son, “Now Leo, would you like it if someone did that to you? Don’t do something
you wouldn’t like done to you.”

4. More Family Time Results In Less Behavioral Problems

Family time is bene/cial for parents and children. Youths who communicate more with their parents tend
to have less behavioral problems. One of the bene/ts of family time is that they are learning interpersonal
skills from the way we treat them. Communication skills are the key to the solution of all problems.

If you help your children learn to talk through problems when they are little, they will naturally do the same
as they grow older. Especially when it comes to kids in their teen years. Everybody knows teenagers go
through a lot of hard moments. Nothing can make it better for them than having non-judgmental advice
from a caring parent. If they know they can come to you with their tricky situations, they will likely act out
less and choose better solutions to their problems.

5. Spending Time With Family Results In Less Violence

Adolescents that have a closer relationship with their parents are less likely to engage in acts of violence.
Teenagers are often enraged for various reasons. This period of their lives is usually full of emotions, which
are sometimes di`cult to control. Unchecked emotions can often escalate to random acts of violence
either against peers or as an act of self inPiction. A conversation with a parent and quality time spent
together is capable of relieving these feelings of anxiety and anger. Knowing they can turn to someone who
cares and that someone can understand what they are going through helps calm them and leave them less
frustrated. One of the bene/ts of spending time with family is helping each other with coping skills and
healthy lifestyles.

6. More Family Time Means Less Chance of Drug Abuse

Studies show that teenagers who spend more time with their family are less likely to engage in substance
abuse. Youths who experience various problems and are, in general, frustrated, are likely to seek ‘salvation’
in experiencing arti/cial highs. This, they ‘accomplish’ by using unlawful substances like drugs. Needless to
say, the use of such substances could have great damage to their health and mental health.

Teenagers that always have an understanding and helping parent by their side will be less likely to have big
problems. It is less likely that they will feel the urge to use such substances. It is also less likely that they will
give in to peer pressure to try drugs when they understand that a parent has their best interest in mind.
Parent expectations play an important role. Kids do not like to disappoint a parent who they feel is always
there for them and who has made it clear that drugs are a poor choice.

7. Spending Time With Family Results in Greater Happiness

A lot of who we are as people is developed when we are kids. All we know is our parents and family initially.
Developing a sense of belonging as a child is a huge bene/t of family that stays with you throughout your
life. A sense of belonging can lead to a happier child. A bene/t of family time is learning that we are cared
for and needed and both elements are important to happiness. Families need all their members to be an
active giving part of the circle to function at their best.
8. More Family Time Can Lead To Greater Self-Confidence
Another bene/t of family time can be building self-con/dence. When parents display self-con/dence in a
way that shows they have a positive value of themselves without putting others down, kids can learn to
value themselves. Family can foster a healthy self-esteem and a positive self-concept. This occurs not only
through modeling behavior but also through helping the child develop important skills. Social competence
and problem solving skills naturally improve the child’s self con/dence. Family members can make a real
difference in how members view themselves and their ability to succeed in life.

9. Spending Time With Family Results in Conflict Resolution Skills

Every family is sure to suffer its share of conPicts. At times, siblings seem born to argue with each other.
Sometimes I just sit back and let them argue it out. After all it is good for them to learn to express their
emotions and say what is bothering them. It is good for them to learn to talk through things.

Then there are times when they need help progressing through the argument in a constructive way. I try to
be there to mediate and help them learn how to resolve con>icts on their own. The thing about family is
that they are always there and it is hard to just avoid them or forget about them. That means you have to
learn to work things out, to let the little things slide, and to make up and move on. ConPict resolution is an
important life skill. One of the bene/ts of spending time with family is that they can help you learn to
problem solve and forgive.

10. More Family Time O!ers More Chance Of Success

One of the most important bene/ts of spending time with family is increased chances for success. A
positive family environment allows the individuals to blossom instead of worry. All of the great bene/ts of
family that I have already mentioned just set up family members for more success.

When everything is positive at home, each family member has a chance to grow to their potential and
support each other in their growth. Family stability is key to academic success. Family helps provide you
with a safety net and gives you reason to push yourself to succeed. Cleverism said that 66% de/ned
success as “good relationships with friends and family,” so you can see right there how important family
time is. And as Zig Ziglar said, “a synergism exists between your personal, family and business lives, and
what you do in one affects the other two.”

There is also the point that more family members working for a common goal helps you get ahead. The
help of the entire family helps have a bigger positive impact on any of life’s challenges.

Why Spending Time With Family Matters

These ten bene/ts of spending time with family are probably more concrete than you even expected. Less
quanti/able bene/ts of family include being there each other and helping each other be better in all areas.

The good news it is that quality time doesn’t have to a family vacation, it can be a simple family night. Every
little bit of time counts When we spend time as family cooking, cleaning, shopping, or building, we are
teaching our children our family values and important skills that will help them function better in life.

From a bedtime story to a family meeting, creating positive memories creates a strong family bond. Which
of these advantages of family bonding time surprised you? What are your favorite bene/ts of family time?

The advantages of family are many but don’t take them for granted. Building and maintaining a strong
family unit takes you making it a priority and giving it your time and attention. I think a solid family life really
helps children feel more secure and grow up to be more con/dent. Try a family dinner and group activity like
a board game as a great way to enjoy each other’s company. The importance of having a good family
relationship can not underestimated.

Did any of these bene/ts of family bonding time surprise you? What do you think are the main advantages
of spending time with family?

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Filed Under: The Best Parenting Tips

Tagged With: family time

Shauna says
August 17, 2015 at 8:43 pm

It is crazy. I can tell a huge difference in my kids when Hubby is working a lot. It is like, they need
that family time to unwind and cope with life. This family realization has made it is super
important to us to spend time with family.

Amber Edwards says

August 17, 2015 at 11:15 pm

I think also having strong family time helps to build children’s Self esteems and make them
stronger to withstand the crap they face out in the world. The importance of family bonding is
knowing they have a support system at home.

Tammy Roy says

August 17, 2015 at 11:43 pm

It is so important to spend time together as a family. We like to go on hikes together. It gives us

time to talk without digital distractions. To quote John Wooden, “The most important thing in the
world is family and love.”

Gail B says
March 5, 2016 at 2:51 pm
Since spending real quality time with my 4 year old son I have noticed such positive improvements
in his ability to focus, behaviour, attitude and he is generally happier and nicer!! I did /nd it hard to
track time spent with him to see if certain activities we did together got better results. I found a
fantastic fee App called ‘Jigsaw’ which does just that! I set up our goal for quality time for the
month and I log all quality time activities. It is so easy to use and has great features which are
really helpful. Highly recommend.

Noel Evans says

July 1, 2016 at 5:11 am

This was such a great read! I was already aware of most of this but to see it all laid out so
smoothly was a bonus. It’s unfortunate that so many families don’t get enough “us” time. Everyone
is busy with activities, work, etc. In our home, there was almost never a night where we didn’t all sit
down together for dinner. As a result, we are happy and we love each other very much – super

Melanie at Dish Dish says

January 16, 2017 at 10:42 am

Enjoying family dinners together is a good time to keep up with everyone, take a few minutes to
reconnect at the end of a long day, and keep open the doors of communication especially as the
children get older. And it doesn’t have to be complicated, just planning to spend time with family
and enjoy a meal – priceless. Thank you for the great ideas!

Miller says
February 28, 2021 at 11:15 am

One amazing way to discover inspiration for quality time with kids is through the series of books
by Gary Chapman about the Five Love Languages. Children often learn skills by modeling after
parents! So think how do you communicate with your child, focus on being patient, being a careful
and respectful listener, and remember to be a role model for problem solving. Kids clearly looking
to us to solve the problem for them and we know that by this, they are seeking some way to spend
time together, which we simply don’t have. That’s why we should /nd something that will
completely /ll our limited time for kids. I can recommend chess as a great tool for this. There are
plenty activities, you can do with chess, alone.



Thanks for reading Family Focus Blog, which has

been named a top family blog for parenting
resources. It was created in 2010 by Nashville mom
blogger, Scarlet Paolicchi. She shares tips for better
family life, parenting, family fun activities, eco-
friendly lifestyle, family food ideas, family travel,
and home decor. Family Focus Blog has been
named #3 in Cision PR’s 50 U.S. Top Mom Blog list.
Scarlet Paolicchi is the author of four books.

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