Disadvantages of MSP:
Reach of MSP: Shanta Kumar-headed High Level Committeeonly 6% farmers were sold
produce at MSP
Awareness issue: Survey by National sample surveymany small and marginal farmers
are unaware of MSP
Skewed croppingtowards cereal crops (as procurement of wheat & paddy ensured by
Groundwater depletion, deteriorating soil and water conditions from overuse of
Due to cultivation of rice in north-west India, water table went down by 33 cm
per year during 2002-08
Does not cover perishables
Inadequate infrastructure (in states): less procurement. Ex: North-eastern states,
West Bengal (in 2018, WB procured only 45,000 tonnes paddy against 149 Lakh MT
Farmers within APMC’snot able to take higher profit offered by private agencies
outside APMC
Procurement by government agencies has created a shortage of crops in the open
Subsidizing with high price penalizes consumers
Issues in WTO: MSP challenged by many countries like, USA, EU @ WTO
Fixing MSPDistorts free market
Higher production due to higher MSP affected at international market when food price
is low
MSPnon-scientific agricultural practices overexploitation of ground water soil
Arbitrary fixation of cane prices by state governments affected sugar mills (not able to
pay dues)
Explore alternative to MSP Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojna (MP); Bhavantar Bharapai Yojna for
vegetables (Haryana) price deficiency scheme avoids market distortions, save storage and
transpiration cost and even attracts private investment
Inclusion and exclusion errors: estimation by expert group set up in 2009 PDS suffers
from nearly 61% error of exclusion and 25% inclusion of beneficiaries
Leakage of food grains: (Transportation leakages + Black Marketing by FPS owners):
Planning Commission found 36% leakage of PDS rice and wheat at all-India level.
Lower Density of Fair Price Shops in many states.
Migrant Workers –unable access their entitlement
Issue with procurement: Open-ended Procurement over capacity of storage place &
shortage of food grains in open market
Issues with storage: CAG shortfall in government’s storage capacity;
Ministry of public distribution rotting and damage of food gains: 40,000
tonnes of food damage from 2014 to 2019
Low Purchase-Entitlement ratio: due to poor quality of food grains & irregularity of FPS
Poor internet connectivity: beneficiaries don't get benefits due to inability to
authenticate their Aadhar biometrics because of Network Failures
Centralised procurementthough WB produces one of the highest rice in the country
but government procures just 2% of national total but allots 7% of PDS of national share
this distribution mainly from Punjab, Haryana etc
Decentralised procurementwin-win situation for farmers with high demand and price and
low rate for consumers as transportation from other state has reduced in local market and for
government transportation and stock piling cost has reduced