Ec401 Midterms

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Course 401: Econometric Methods

1. Consider the two models (a) y = Xβ + u where X is n × K and (b) y = Zγ + w

where Z is n × r. Under classical assumptions (and Z and X are non-stochastic) if
model (a), that is y = Xβ + u is the true model, show that E(σ̂w2 ) ≥ σu2 and explain
the implication of your result. 4 marks
Answer : See problem set 1. The idea was that specification matters: the cases of
omitted variables and inclusion of irrelevant variables are special cases. Bottom line:
any specification error leads to inefficiency.
2. Consider Model A: y = Xβ + ε with n observations, and E(εε0 ) = σ 2 I. Say there
is reason to suspect that p of these observations may be influential, p << n. The
following augmented regression (Model B) is run using OLS: y = Xβ + Zγ + u, with
Z = M Dp where M = (I − X(X 0 X)−1 X 0 ), and Dp is a n × p matrix, each column
of which takes on value 1 if the ith observation is suspected of being influential, and
zero otherwise. I.e. each column of Dp contains only one element which takes value
1, the remaining are zero.
(a) Define ep = Dp0 e. Show that γ̂OLS from Model B is given by (Dp0 M Dp )−1 ep . 2
(b) Show that the residual sum of squares in the augmented regression is given by
û0 û = e0 e − e0p (Dp0 M Dp )−1 ep 4 marks
(c) How would you test whether these p observations collectively are influential 2
Answer : Once again, see problem set 1.
3. Consider the following regression expressed in partitioned form as y = X1 β1 +X2 β2 +ε
where X1 has K1 variables and X2 has K2 variables and K1 + K2 = K. Denote the
corresponding OLS estimators by b1 and b2 respectively. All the classical assumptions
hold, except that E(ε) 6= 0. Instead E(ε) = X1 Γ.
Show that b1 is biased 3 marks
Show that b2 is unbiased 5 marks
Answer : Use the FWL theorem. Showing that b1 is biased is relatively straightfor-
ward and follows directly from the theorem.
As far as b2 is concerned, note that
0 0
b2 = (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 y
0 0
= (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 [X1 β1 + X2 β2 + ε]
0 0 0 0 0 0
= (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 X1 β1 + (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 X2 β2 + (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 ε
0 0
= 0 + β2 + (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 ε
Where we use the fact that M1 X1 = 0.
0 0
⇒ E[b2 |X] = β2 + (X2 M1 X2 )−1 X2 M1 X1 Γ = β2
once again using M1 X1 = 0. Therefore unbiased. Many students assumed that X1
and X2 are orthogonal. This was not specified in the question; therefore it was not
accepted as a valid way to proceed.
4. A researcher has estimated the following regression
lnearnings = β1 + β2 kids + β3 education + β4 kids X education + ε
Where kids is a dummy variable taking value 1 if the individual has children and zero
if not, and education is the number of years of completed education. She obtains the
following results:
Variable Coefficient t-ratio
Constant 3.24 1.99
Kids -0.35 -2.83
Education 0.07 2.67
Kids X Education 0.20 0.93
How should she interpret the estimated b3 ? 2 marks
How should she test if returns to education vary for those with and without kids? 3
You may ignore considerations of endogeneity and specification
Answer : This was a modified version of example 6.1 on page 154 of Greene. The
intent was to (a) recognize even this simple version of a non-linear relationship, which
translates the dummy variable into a multiplicative (rather than an additive) shift (b)
cast this in the form of a test based on the delta method, and (c) note the apparent
insignificance of the b4 . Answers based on a Course 003 - level understanding of this
as a semi-elasticity (or percent changes) without recognizing that this interpretation
does not go through automatically for dummy variables were given minimal credit if

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