History of Global Market Integration Two world Wars (1 & 2) and the Great
Depression; Post World wars and Post
Roman Period and Early Voyages Great Depression
The history of economic globalization can The heightened economic integration
be traced back to the early years of the achieved during the early 19 th century
Roman Empire, as evidenced by their was ruined by the two world wars and the
extensive transportation network and the great depression. The major powers of
existence of everyday language, the legal those times, the United States, Western
system, and currency. Years went by, and Europe, and Japan, have undertaken the
during the early 15th century, the task of rebuilding the economic system,
different voyages of Vasco Da Gama, including Infrastructure, International
Columbus, Magellan, and others have Trade, and Monetary policies
proved that technological advances have
made it possible to sail over the other The Bretton Wood System – this
continents and to facilitate agreement was enacted during the post-
intercontinental trade. Different global world wars. It is the United States of
powers that exist during those times, such America who was at that time owned the
as Spain, Portugal, Britain, and Italy, have two-third of world’s Gold had led this
controlled international trade, which conference in July 1944 with delegates
further their territory and sovereignty. from 44 countries at Bretton Woods,
Thus, from this point onwards, the New Hampshire. Hence, the name
Expansion of international trade was Bretton Woods Agreement. The goal of
evident, and the growth of economic this agreement was to create an
globalization was vividly experienced by efficient foreign exchange system,
different countries. prevent competitive devaluations of
currencies, and promote international
Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and the economic growth. As mentioned earlier,
Beginning of World War 1 the scenario has led the delegates of this
During this time, the international trade conference to establish the fixed
expanded significantly as did cross- exchange rate with the U.S. dollar to be
border flows of financial capital and labor. pegged to the value of Gold. Moreover, all
Technological advancement in this year other currencies in the system were then
can be seen from the replacement of the pegged to the U.S. dollar's value. During
sail and railroads by the steam power. The those times, the exchange rate applied at
opening of the Suez Canal has helped to the time set the price of Gold at $35 an
reduce travel times between Europe and ounce. As mentioned earlier, the scenario
Asia. Trade expanded the variety of has led the delegates of this conference to
available goods, both in Europe and establish the fixed exchange rate with the
elsewhere. As the trade monopolies of U.S. dollar to be pegged to the value of
earlier times were replaced by intense Gold. Moreover, all other currencies in the
competition, prices converged globally for system were then pegged to the U.S.
a wide range of commodities, including dollar's value. During those times, the
spices, wheat, cotton, pig iron, and jute exchange rate applied at the time set the
(Findlay and O'Rourke, 2002). price of Gold at $35 an ounce.
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) interest-free loans to the government
and the World Bank of low-income countries.
These two institutions were established 3. International Finance
as part of the Bretton woods Corporations – focuses on private
agreement in 1945. Both of these two sectors and developing countries
institutions were created to address with investment financing and
specific concerns in regard to the financial advisory services.
economic crisis that the world has 4. Multilateral Investment
experienced. Guarantee Agency – that promotes
investment in developing countries e.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) – International Centre for Settlement of
this Institution was created to oversee Investment disputes is an institution
the world’s monetary system’s that provides arbitration on
stability. The IMF was compromised of international investment disputes.
189 member countries that 15 cooperate
and collaborate towards the goal of The General Agreement on Tariffs and
fostering global monetary cooperation, Trade (GATT) – the agreement was
establishing financial stability, signed into law on January 1, 1948 with
maintaining international trade, and 23 countries after the world war to
promoting growth in the economy. monitor world trade that may lead to
economic recovery. Its main objective
World Bank – this Institution was was to eliminate barriers in
established to provide financial international trade by either reducing
assistance and strategic advice to or removing tariffs and quotas. As time
nations profoundly affected by the passed by, the agreement was replaced
previous world wars. The two main by the world trade organization in
goals of the world bank are to end 1995.
extreme poverty and increase overall
prosperity. It supplies qualifying World Trade Organization – is a global
governments with low-interest loans, organization made up of 164 member
zero-interest credits, and grants to countries that deals with the rules of
support the development of individual trade between nations. It was born out of
economies. the General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT), which was established in
World Banks’ Other Branches or 1947.
Market Integration – is a term used to
1. International Bank for identify a phenomenon in which markets
Reconstruction and Development – of goods and services that are related to
that provides debt financing to one another is experiencing similar
government that is considered patterns of increase or decrease in
middle income. terms of the prices of those products. The
2. International Development term can also refer to circumstances in
Association (IDA) – which gives which the prices of related goods and
services sold in a defined geographical
location also begin to move in some sort external rate of tariff to nonmember
of similar pattern to one another. countries.
4. Common Market – is second to the
Types of Market Integration highest degree of economic
integration by which labor and capital
Negative Integration – this implies are included in the trade. It is to
eliminating barriers that restrict the integrate both product and factor
movement of goods, services, and factors markets of member countries.
of production. Also, the Government 5. Economic Union – is considered to
plays a minor role in policymaking be the final step in complete
regarding manufacturing, distribution, integration by which the member
and flow of goods. countries have common policies
Positive Integration – the Government that involve common currency
may adjust domestic policies and among member nations, fiscal and
institutions through the creation of political policies.
supranational arrangements. Likewise, It
is often identified with positive values like International Financial Institutions –
social protection and the correction of were founded by groups of countries to
market failures. promote public and private investment
to foster economic and social
Degree of Economic Integration development in developing and
transitioning countries.
1. Preferential Agreement – is
considered to be the first stage to International or Regional
which it lessens tariffs and quotas Organization and Alliances
between member countries who
have signed the agreement. It allows 1. Organization for Economic
member countries to have access to Cooperation and Development
some of their products. Tariffs are (OECD) – is an international
not eliminated but it is lessened as organization that works to build
compared to non-participating better policies for better lives. Their
countries goal is to shape policies that foster
2. Free Trade Area – is considered to be prosperity, equality, opportunity
the second stage of economic and well-being for all. Together with
integration for which it reduces governments, policymakers and
barriers to trade among member citizens, they work on establishing
countries to zero, but each member evidence-based international
country has its own decision when standards and finding solutions to a
it comes to the external rate of tariff range of social, economic and
to nonmember countries. environmental challenges.
3. Custom Union – is almost similar to
the free trade area but it differs from 2. The Organization of Petroleum
the former economic integration as Exporting Countries – is a
Custom Union has a common permanent intergovernmental
organization, created at the
Baghdad Conference on living of its people. The EU remains
September 10–14, 1960, by Iran, focused on making its governing
Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and institutions more transparent and
Venezuela. It was established to democratic.
monitor and stabilize the price of
oil that is both beneficial and fair with 6. North American Free Trade
the stakeholders such as the Agreement (NAFTA) – was formed in
producer and consumer. 1994 by the Canada, Mexico and
America for the reason of
3. Association of South East Nations elimination of barriers when it
(ASEAN) – was formed in 1967 by comes to trade and investment. The
Indonesia, Malaysia, the agricultural sector, production and
Philippines, Singapore, and manufacturing sector, investment,
Thailand to promote political and and other services are some of the
economic cooperation and economic sectors wherein tariffs are
regional stability. The Economic, eliminated.
Political-Security, and Socio-
Cultural Community are the 3 Global Corporations
pillars of ASEAN Community. Also known as a global company, is
coined from the base term ‘global’, which
4. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation means all around the world. It is a
(APEC) – was established in 1989. company that operates beyond its
Currently, the APEC has a 21 member local boundary. Thus, most of the global
over the four continents. APEC companies works in more than one
Member Economies works together country and has some foreign
to sustain economic growth investment. Global corporations are
through a commitment to open deemed to be one of the major players in
trade, investment and economic economic integration as their goods and
reform. The economic growth is commodities allow other countries to
usually accomplished through the engage in foreign trading and exchange
reduction of barriers such as tariffs
and import quotas. Its Goal is to Types of Global Corporations
ensure the sustainability of growth
and development of the region for International Companies – this
the good of its people. company operates primarily in a single
country but has some exposure to
5. European Union – adheres to the foreign markets. These are basically
economic and political union where importers and exporters. The most
its member countries have a single common type of American international
currency, Euro. Through its business is one that purchases products
harmonization of its political and or raw materials from international
economic policy, the European Union markets. Best Buy is an example of this
was able to deliver peace, prosperity, type of business.
and stability for more than fifty years Multinational Companies – this
by which it increases the standards of Company operates in more than one
country and receive substantial income
from these foreign operations qualify as
multinational in nature. Usually
controlled by management based in a
single country, cater to markets in
individual countries. It invests directly in
foreign nations, but this is usually limited
to a few areas. Products are customized
to local preferences, rather than
homogenized, limiting the ability to create
economies of scale.
Example: Flood
The Latin American Experience and
Dependency Theory
▪ After World War II, Latin American
countries such as Mexico, Central