For Foreign Nationals Including Nris and Mou Students Only: University of Madras
For Foreign Nationals Including Nris and Mou Students Only: University of Madras
For Foreign Nationals Including Nris and Mou Students Only: University of Madras
Application for Admission to the Post-Graduate/ P.G.Diploma/ Diploma/ Certificate programmes offered
in the University Departments under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for the
Academic Year 2023-2024
For Foreign Nationals including NRIs and MoU Students only
Application No.: 2350102
Admission for : M.A.
2324 2324
Mobile : [33]3253255325 e-mail : [email protected]
Course of Name and Address of the Institution Name of the Examination Month & Year of Grade/Credit/Marks Minimum
study Passed Passing obtained Passing Grade
f sfsf swfew fewfewfew 2000 99 30
The print copy of the Online application shall be sent directly to the following
adress: SBI Collect Ref.No:
The Director
International Centre of Madras University (ICOM) Transaction Date: 11/07/1988
University of Madras
Chepauk, Chennai - 600 005
Kindly send the all documents to this mail id [email protected]
I hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are correct. I agree that the authorities may invalidate my application, at any
time, if any of the information furnished is found to be false. I am aware that my eligibility for admission to a programme will be decided by the
concerned admitting authority and I will abide by the CBCS Rules and Regulations of the University.
Date: 27/07/2023
F oreign C an d id ates U G /P G /M p h il/
Certifica te V erification P roced u re
1. P rimary S chool C ertificate – E nclosed / No t E nclosed .
2. M id dle S ch ool C ertificate - E nclosed / No t E n clo sed .
3. S econd ary S choo l Certificate - E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
4. H igher S econdary S chool C ertificate - E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
5. G rade 9/1 0/1 1/12 - C ertificate - E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
6. O -L evel an d A S & A L evel C ertificate - E n clo sed / N ot E nclosed.
7. S choolin g C ertificate - E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
8. B o ard not recognised.
9. X IIth / High S choo l/A S & A - L ev el – T .C ./M igration
- E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
10 . U .G . A cadem ic T ranscript / M ark S heets (3 Y ears -
Y ear w ise/S em ester w ise) - E n clo sed / No t E n clo sed.
11 . U .G . D eg ree C ertificate - E nclosed / N ot E n closed .
12 . U .G . T .C /M igration – E nclosed / N ot E nclosed.
13 . U niversity not R eco gnised in the association of Indian
un iv ersities w w w .aiuw eb.o rg /W o rld list of U niversities
http://univ .cc and /w w w. iau ww .w hed.n et
un iv ersities .
14 . P .G . A cademic T ranscript/M ark S heets(3 Years -Y ear
w ise/S em ester w ise) -E n clo sed /N ot E nclosed.
15 . P .G . D egree C ertificate – E nclosed/N ot E n closed .
16 . U niversity not R eco gnised in the association of Indian
un iv ersities w w w .aiuw eb.o rg /W o rld list of U niversities
http://univ .cc and /w w w. iau ww .w hed.n et
un iv ersities .
17 . P .G . T . C/M ig ration – E nclo sed / N ot E nclosed.
18 . P assp ort S ho uld be V alid.
19 . If any