Lecture Heat Treatment
Lecture Heat Treatment
Lecture Heat Treatment
Heat treatment is generally employed for the following purposes:
1) To improve machinability
2) To change or refine grain size.
3) To relieve stresses on the metal induced by cold working
4) To improve mechanical properties of the metals e.g ductility, tensile
strength, hardenability, shock resistance etc.
5) To improve magnetic and electrical properties
6) To improve resistance to wear, heat and corrosion.
7) To produce a hard surface on a ductile interior
1) Ferrite
Iron which contains little or no carbon is called ferrite.
It is soft and ductile and is known as alpha iron by the metallurgists.
Ferrite is present to some extent in a great range of steels particularly
those of low in carbon content and also present in soft cast iron.
Ferrite does not harden when cooled rapidly
It forms smaller crystals when cooled from a bright red heat at rapid
2) Cementite
This is definite carbide of iron (Fe3C) which is extremely hard, being
harder than ordinary hardened steel or glass.
Cementite increases gradually with the increase in the proportion of
carbon present. The hardness of cast iron and its brittleness is believed
to be due to this substance.
Contains 6.6% carbon
It’s magnetic below 25°С.
Its presences in iron or steel decreases the tensile strength but
increases the hardness and cutting qualities
3) Pearlite
Pearlite is the name given to a mixture of about 87.5% ferrite and
12.5% Cementite.
Comprises of alternate layers of ferrite and cementite in steel
When seen under a microscope it appears like the mother of pearl,
hence the name pearlite.
Thickness of the alternate plates and the distance between them is
governed by the rate of cooling; slow cooling produces a coarser
structure than rapid cooling.
It is the characteristic of soft steels that they contain ferrite and
pearlite. Hardness increases with the proportion of pearlite and
Hard steels are a mixture of pearlite and cementite.
4) Martensite
It is hard brittle mass of fibrous or needlelike structure and is the chief
component/ constituent of hardened steel.
It is produced by the rapid quenching of high carbon steel and from a
slightly higher temperature
5) Austenite
It is a solid solution of iron-carbon which is stable only with a particular
range of composition and temperature and is non-magnetic.
On cooling below 700°С it is completely transformed into ferrite
(which is magnetic) and cementite to form a eutectoid pearlite;
together with free ferrite and free cementite depending on whether
the carbon content is less than or more than 0.87% respectively.
It is formed when carbon steel with more than 1.1% carbon is quenched
rapidly from about 1000°С.
The amount of Austenite increases with the amount of carbon present.
Austenite steel cannot harden by the usual heat treatment methods and
are non-magnetic.
6) Troosite
7) Sorbite
1) Annealing
2) Normalising
3) Hardening
4) Tempering
5) Surface hardening
1) Annealing
(i) To soften the metals
(ii) To improve machinability
(iii) To refine grain size due to phase recrystallization
(iv) To increase ductility of metal
(v) To prepare steel for subsequent treatment
(vi) To modify electrical and magnetic properties
(vii) To relieve internal stresses
(viii) To remove gases
(ix) To produce a definite microstructure
1.4. Spheroidisation
It is a type of annealing which causes practically all carbides in the
steel to agglomerate in the form of small gobules or spheroids.
There may be wide range of hardness with such a structure for any
grade of steel since the size of the globules has a direct relation to
Spherodisation may be accomplished by heating to a temperature just
above the critical and cooling very slowly (about 6°С per hour)
through the critical range.
This treatment is used for practically all steels containing over 0.6%
carbon that are to be machined or cold formed
1.5 Diffusion annealing (Homogenizing annealing)
It is used to remove structural non-uniformity such as dendrites.
Columns in grains and chemical inhomogeneity.
These defects promote brittleness and reduce ductility and toughness
in steel.
Diffusion annealing involves:
1. Steel is heated sufficiently above upper critical temperature (say 1000
1200°С) and is held at this temperature for prolonged periods (usually
10-20 hours)
2. This is followed by slow cooling. Segregated zones are eliminated and
a chemically homogeneous steel is obtained by this treatment as a
result of diffusion.
2) Normalising
(i) To eliminate coarse grain structure obtained during forging, rolling
and stamping.
(ii) To increase strength of medium carbon steel
(iii) To improve machinability of low carbon steel
(iv) To improve the structure of welds
(v) To reduce internal stresses
(vi) To achieve desired results in mechanical and electrical properties
Ref to Fig 1.
Normalising is the term applied to the process of heating the steel
approximately 4°С above the critical temperature followed be cooling
below this range in still air.
This is one of the simplest treatments
Steel produced by this treatment is harder and stronger but less
ductile than annealed steel having the same composition.
This treatment is frequently applied to castings, forgings etc., to refine
grain structure and to relieve stresses set up in previous operations
It is commonly applied after cold working, overheating or any other
operation resulting in non-uniform heating or cooling.
Quenching media
a) Water: It probably the most widely used as it is simple and effective;
it cools at the rate of 982°С per second. It tends, however to
form bubbles on the surface of the metal being quenched and
causes soft spots, so a brine solution is often used to prevent this
b) Brine. It is a very rapid cooling agent and may tend to cause
distortion of the parts, as will water.
c) Oil: It is used when there is any risk of distortion although it is more
suitable for alloy steels than plain carbon steels.
d) Air blast: When the risk of distortion is great, quenching must be
carried out in an air blast. Since the rate of cooling is then lower,
more hardening elements must be added to the steel, forming an
air- hardening alloy. The air blast must be dry, since any moisture
in the air will crack the steel.
e) Molten salts: High speed steels are often quenched in molten salt to
harden them.
4) Tempering
The process of tempering consists of heating, quenched hardened
steel in martensitic condition to some predetermined temperature
between room temperature and the critical temperature of the steel
for a certain length of time followed by air cooling.
Martensitic structures formed by direct quenching of high- carbon
steel are hard and strong but unfortunately are also brittle.
Some of the hardness may be sacrificed to obtain suitable ductility
and ductility and toughness
This is done by tempering the martensitic steel.
Thus tempering process is carried out to:
(i) Increase toughness
(ii) Decrease hardness
(iii) Stabilize structure
(iv) Relieve stresses
(v) Change volume
5) Surface Hardening
There are five methods of surface hardening:
a) Case hardening
b) Nitriding
c) Cyaniding
d) Flame hardening
e) Induction hardening
a) Case hardening
(i) To obtain a hard and wear resistance surface on machine parts with
enrichment of the surface layer with carbon to concentration of 0.75 to
(ii) To obtain a tough core
(iii) To obtain close tolerances in machining parts
(iv)To obtain a higher fatigue limit and high mechanical properties in the
Case hardening consists in heating a steel in the presence of solid, liquid or
gas rich in carbon in order to enable the surface to be hardened, while
retaining a tough ductile core.
There are three methods of adding carbon to the surface of the metal:
1. Pack hardening
2. Liquid Carburizing
3. Gas Carburizing
1. Pack hardening
This method is the oldest. The articles to be carburized are packed in
metal boxes or pots surrounded by a suitable solid compound that is
rich in carbon.
The boxes are sealed with clay to exclude air and are placed in an oven,
or furnace, where they are heated to a temperature of between 900
and 920°C, depending on the composition of steel.
The carbon from the carburizing compound soaks into the surface of
the hot steel to the depth that depends on the time the box is left in
the furnace.
The internal section of the steel and any parts which have been
protected by tinning, however remain unaffaected, the result being a
piece of steel with a dual structure. The steel is allowed to cool slowly
in the box.
The steel is removed from the box and reheated to a temperature just
above its critical point or approximately 915-925°C for fine grin steel,
followed by quenching in water, brine or oil.
This hardens the skin and at the same time refines the core. Smaller
articles and thin sections are heated to a lower temperature in order
to avoid distortion.
Steel is usually given a second heat treatment at about 760-780°C, in
order to improve the ductility and impart resistance of the core and
2. Liquid carburizing:
Where a fairly thin case is required a more economical process is to
carburize the parts in a liquid bath. This consists of a container with
a molten salt, such as sodium cyanide, which is heated by electrical
immersion elements of by a gas burner.
Salt bath carburizing reduces distortion of the part to the minimum,
while equal heating is assured. The parts leave the bath with clean,
bright finish, the scaling experienced during pack hardening being
Using liquid bath carburizing is much the same as pack hardening
although cheaper classes of work the parts may be quenched
immediately after removal from the salt bath.
Considerable time saving occurs from the fact that the quenching
can follow carburizing, instead of waiting for a red-hot box to cool
before the parts can be removed for heat treatment.
3. Gas carburizing:
This is done by heating the metal in a furnace into which a gas
which is rich in carbon such as methane, propane, butane, is
It is necessary to maintain a continuous flow of carburizing gas into
the furnace and to extract the spent gas.
The first cost of gas carburizing equipment is high and the process is
economical only to large output.
The horizontal, rotary type of gas carburizing furnace has a retort
of muffle which revolves slowly so that the parts are rotated in the
stream of gas; this is suitable for smaller parts such as ball and roller
bearings, chain links, pins, axles and so on.
Large parts are usually in a vertical rotary furnace, in which gas is
given a swirling rotary motion so that it circulates around the parts.
b) Nitriding
Simple carbon steels, which are often used for carburizing are not used
for nitriding. Steels used in the process are special alloy steels.
2 NH 3 2 N 3H 2
Merits of Nitriding :
Demerits of Nitriding:
c) Cyaniding
d) Flame hardening
c) Induction hardening.
This process of surface heating is based upon inductive heating in
which a high-frequency current is first transformed from high to low
voltage, and heavy low voltage is passed through the inductor blocks
which surround the bearing journal to be hardened without actually
touching it.
The inductor block current induces current in the surface of the metal
which block surrounds and it is induced current which heats the surface to
be hardened. After some time the electrical circuit is opened and
simultaneously the heated surface is quenched by a spray from a water
jacket built into the inductor block.
1. The time required for this heat-treatment operation is less thereby
increasing the labour productivity.
2. Deformation due to heat treatment is considerably reduced.
3. The articles which are induction heated have no scale effect.
4. The hardening of the surface can easily controlled by varying
frequency of supply voltage.
Classification of furnaces