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School: Grade Level: III


Teacher: Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates &
Time: October 2-6, 2023 (Week 6) Quarter: FIRST


A. Content Standards Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
grammatical structures of grammatical structures of grammatical structures of grammatical structures grammatical structures of
English to be able to English to be able to English to be able to of English to be able to English to be able to
communicate effectively communicate effectively communicate effectively in communicate effectively communicate effectively in
in oral and written forms in oral and written forms oral and written forms in oral and written forms oral and written forms
B. Performance Shows proficiency in Shows proficiency in Shows proficiency in Shows proficiency in Shows proficiency in
Standards constructing constructing constructing grammatically constructing constructing
grammatically correct grammatically correct correct sentences in varied grammatically correct grammatically correct
sentences in varied sentences in varied theme-based oral and sentences in varied sentences in varied
theme-based oral and theme-based oral and written activities theme-based oral and theme-based oral and
written activities written activities written activities written activities
C. Learning Use common and proper Use common and proper Use common and proper Use common and proper Use common and proper
Competencies/ nouns in a sentence nouns in a sentence nouns in a sentence nouns in a sentence nouns in a sentence
Objectives EN3G-If-2.2 EN3G-If-2.2 EN3G-If-2.2 EN3G-If-2.2 EN3G-If-2.2
( Write the Code
for each)
II. CONTENT Common and Proper Common and Proper Common and Proper Common and Proper Common and Proper
(Subject Matter) Nouns Nouns Nouns Nouns Nouns
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Modules Modules Modules Modules Modules
from Learning
Resource LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual Audio-visual Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual Audio-visual
Resources presentations, pictures presentations, pictures pictures presentations, pictures presentations, pictures
A. Reviewing previous What are the four kinds of Directions: Encircle the Color the common nouns Copy the sentences in Weekly Summative Test/
Lesson or presenting sentences? correct Common Noun with red and the proper your notebook. Write on Weekly Progress Check
new lesson given for each proper nouns with blue. the blank the noun used
noun. in each sentence.
1. Noli De Castro is a ________1. The girl is
famous (doctor, lovely.
newscaster). ________2. They wash
2. My favorite (singer, their clothes everyday.
actress) is Marian Rivera. ________3. Ferrer runs
3. There’s an array of fast.
good (stories, books) sold ________4. Jocelyn
at the National Bookstore. cooks well.
4. Manny Pacquiao is one ________5. Patrick Paul
of the world’s greatest is afraid of spiders.
(senators, boxers).
5. Attorney Larry Gadon
is a famous (lawyer,
B. Establishing a Everything we see or we What are nouns? What are common nouns? Read the passage
purpose for the can talk about is What are the two types of Give examples of common carefully. List down the
lesson represented by a word noun? nouns. nouns found in the
that names it. That word passage.
is called a noun. We have What are proper nouns?
learned that nouns are Give examples of proper
naming words. A noun is nouns.
the name of a person,
place, thing, or animal.
C. Presenting examples/ Read the story. Read the story. Write a sentence using
instances of the new proper and common nouns
lesson. for the following pictures

1. Proper Noun :
Common Noun:
2. Proper Noun :
Common Noun:

D. Discussing new The italicized words are The italicized words are A common noun refers to 1. Who is the main
concepts and proper nouns and the proper nouns and the the general name of a character in the story?
practicing new skills. underlined words are underlined words are person, thing, animal, a. Mang Ambo
called common nouns. called common nouns. place and event. It begins b. Mang Efren
What are the underlined What are the underlined with a small letter unless it c. Mang Eddie
words in the story? If you words in the story? If you is placed at the beginning 2. How many children
answered father, mother, answered father, mother, of a sentence. does Mang Efren have?
brother, sister, driver, brother, sister, driver, Examples : boy - person a. 6 b. 5 c.4
neighbor, cat, and dog, neighbor, cat, and dog, toy - thing 3. Why does Mang Efren
you are right! We call you are right! We call cat - animal work hard?
them common nouns. them common nouns. school - place a. just to enjoy
Let’s put all together all Let’s put all together all birthday – event b. to earn money for the
common nouns in the first common nouns in the first needs of his family
column. column. c. the story does not tell
4. What day does the
family go to church?
a. Friday b. Saturday c.
The first type is a The first type is a 5. Where does Mang
common noun. All the common noun. All the Efren sit when he takes a
nouns in the first column nouns in the first column rest?
are called common nouns. are called common nouns. a. under the tree
A common noun is a A common noun is a b. at the shaded part of
general word used to general word used to the farm
name people, places, name people, places, c. on the table
things, and animals. A things, and animals. A
common noun does not common noun does not
name a person, place, name a person, place,
thing, or animal. thing, or animal.

What specific name is What specific name is

given to the common given to the common
noun father? noun father?
If you answered Mang If you answered Mang
Luis, you are right! Luis, you are right!
Mang Luis is a proper Mang Luis is a proper
noun because Mang Luis noun because Mang Luis
is a specific name. is a specific name.
E. Discussing new Replace the italicized Common noun names a
concepts and proper nouns in the kind or type of persons,
practicing new skills sentence with a common places, things, or ideas.
#2. noun. It is usually not
1. Ana likes to use Mongol capitalized unless it
in sketching different begins a sentence or is
flowers. part of a title.
2. Angeline wrote the Proper noun names a
song. particular person, place,
3. Peter plays basketball thing, or idea and begins
together with his father with a capital letter.
every Saturday.
4. My youngest brother
drinks a glass of Nido
every morning.
5. I use Colgate in
brushing my teeth.

F. Developing Mastery Directions: Identify the

(Lead to Formative nouns in the following
Assessment 3) sentences. Underline the
common nouns and
encircle the proper
1. The people in Japan
celebrate many holidays.
2. Many groups work
together to build these
giant sculptures of snow.
3. Do you recognize any
of the statues or
4. Many villages are
5. Different flowers
bloom on different
seasons of the year.
G. Finding practical Make a thumbs up if the Give a proper noun for Think of a proper noun for Rewrite each sentence
application of underlined noun is a each common noun. The each common noun and below and replace each
concepts and skills in common noun, and two first is given as an vice versa. Complete the underlined common
daily living thumbs up if the example. Write the table below in your nouns with proper
underlined noun is a answer after every word. notebook. nouns.
proper noun. 1. planet – Mars Switching Common Noun
1. My teacher is Miss 2. candy to Proper Nouns
Abad. Miss Abad is a 3. book Number 1 serves as an
Grade 3 teacher. 4. school example.
5. street 1.He did well in his final
6. occasion test.

Answer: Mario did well in

2. The doctor who his final test.
attended me when I was 2. I enjoy going to
in the hospital was school.
Dr. Cruz. 3. She is my best friend.
4. The family saw a
fantasy movie.
5. He waters the plants
3. There are many
patients admitted to the
hospital because of the

4. Ramon is a grade 3
pupil. He goes to Buting

5. My father has gotten

his new Honda car.

H. Making A common noun is a A common noun is a A common noun is a A common noun is a

Generalizations and general word used to general word used to general word used to general word used to
Abstraction about the name a class of people, name a class of people, name a class of people, name a class of people,
lesson. places, and things places, and things places, and things animals. places, and things
animals. A common noun animals. A common noun A common noun does not animals. A common noun
does not name a single does not name a single name a single person, does not name a single
person, place thing, or an person, place thing, or an place thing, or an animal. person, place thing, or
animal. animal. A proper noun is an an animal.
A proper noun is an A proper noun is an actual name or specific A proper noun is an
actual name or specific actual name or specific name of a person, place, actual name or specific
name of a person, place, name of a person, place, thing, or animal. A proper name of a person, place,
thing, or animal. A proper thing, or animal. A proper noun always starts with a thing, or animal. A
noun always starts with a noun always starts with a capital letter. proper noun always
capital letter. capital letter. starts with a capital
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Choose the Multiple Choice. Choose Identify the proper noun Directions: Read and
word that will complete the letter of the best for each sentence and understand each
each sentence. Write the answer. Write the chosen write them correctly when question carefully.
letter of the answer on letter on a separate sheet found incorrect. Choose the letter of the
the space provided. of paper. Example: What time best answer. Write the
1. Many people wish they 1. Mc Steve is a proper should jolina call? Jolina chosen letter on a
could go to Rainforest noun. Use it in a 1. Elizabeth is happy. separate sheet of paper.
when the pandemic is sentence. ______________ 1. It is a word or a group
over. Rainforest is a a. Mc Steve plays 2. “Everything I need to of words that is used to
famous __________ in basketball every make the spaghetti sauce name a person, place,
Pasig. Saturday. is right here,” nanna said. thing, or idea. What is it?
a. park b. Mc Steve played ____________ a. adjective b. noun c.
b. mall basketball every 3. How much money did pronoun
c. theatre Saturday. you spend during vacation 2. The name of our
2. My little sister’s c. Mc Steve playing in davao city? province is Davao
favorite __________ is basketball every ___________ Oriental. The underlined
skyflakes. Saturday. 4. Aren’t you glad that word is an example of
a. cookie 2. Which sentence is tomorrow is saturday? ____________________
b. biscuit correct? ____________ ____.
c. chips a. Parents loves to read in 5. My sister precious a. proper noun b.
3. Larry plans to go to the library. memorized the song well. common noun c. verb
Japan five years from b. Ann loves to read in ____________ 3. Mrs. Nancy
now. Japan is a very nice the library. Sumagaysay is beautiful.
__________. c. Children loves to read What is the noun in the
a. city in the library. sentence?
b. country 3. Which sentence is a. beautiful b. Mrs.
c. barangay correct? Nancy Sumagaysay c.
4. I watched different a. My book are on the none
movies on Netflix because table. 4. How should a proper
of the stay-at-home b. My book were on the noun be written? It
situation. I found table. should start with a
_________ the most c. My book is on the _________.
interesting. table. a. capital letter b. small
a. Harry Potter 4. The methodist quoted letter c. bold letter
b. harry potter a verse from the bible. 5. The people in
c. harry Potter Which word should be Philippines celebrate
5. This park has a man- capitalized? many holidays. The word
made lake and it is one of a. Verse b. Bible c. holidays is an example of
the famous attractions in Methodist _______________.
Baguio City. 5. Filipinos live in the a. proper noun b.
a. Linear Park b. Rizal pilippines. What is the common noun c. mass
Park c. Burnham Park correct way of writing the noun
italicized word?
a. philippines b. Pilippines
c. Philippines
J. Additional Activities Directions: Write 3
for Application or sentences with proper
Remediation nouns and 2 sentences
with common nouns
based on the picture

Proper Nouns:
Common Nouns:
A. No. of learners
earned 80%in the
B. No. of learners who
required additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learner who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did
I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:
Checked by:

Teacher III
School Principal I

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