Chapter 1 (Dimensional Analysis and Vector Analysis)
Chapter 1 (Dimensional Analysis and Vector Analysis)
Chapter 1 (Dimensional Analysis and Vector Analysis)
Faculty of Technology
Department of Sciences & Technologies
Physics ( IST1.5 )
Chapter I:
Dimensional Analysis and Vector Analysis
Presented by Dr N.BENMESSAOUD
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
The unit of time is second. One second is 9 192 631 770 times the
period of vibration of radiation from the cesium-133 atom.2
derived units
milliseconds, microseconds, days, weeks, hours, centuries, months..
derived units
milligrams, pounds, metric tons..
I.1Dimensional Analysis
it is an equation which links a derived quantity Q to the
fundamental quantities by a relation of form:
Q M a
.L .T . . I . J . N
b c d e f g
M, L, T, θ, I, J, N are respectively mass, length, time, temperature, Electric current
intensity, Luminous Intensity and amount of matter
a, b, c, d, e, f, g are real numbers (are called dimensional exponents, they can be
positive, negative or zero)
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
Show that the expression x = ½.at2, where x represents the position, a acceleration,
and t an instant of time, is dimensionally correct.
using dimensional analysis is to set up an expression of the form.
x a n .t m
Where n and m are exponents that must be determined.
Because the dimension of the left side is length, the dimension of the right side must also be
x a n .t m L L1.T 0
Because the dimensions of acceleration are and the dimension of time is T, we have:
L m
T L1
.T 0
T m 2 n
.T 0
The exponents of L and T must be the same on both sides of the equation. From the exponents
of L, we see immediately that n = 1. From the exponents of T, we see that m- 2n = 0, which,
once we substitute for n, gives us m = 2. Returning to our original expression x ~ ant m, we
conclude that x ~ at2.
Dimensional Analysis
In physics any measurement that you make without any knowledge of the
uncertainty is meaningless.
What is uncertainty?
x xmax x
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
Absolute Uncertainty
Measure the thickness of a book : e 3 0.05 cm 2.95 e 3.05
2.95 3.05
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
Relative Uncertainty
What is the relative uncertainty in a measurement taken with a measuring ruler, given that
the length of the object to be measured is 21.3 cm?
We will then express the measure taken by the rule as follows: 21.3 cm 0.2%
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
Then: ∆R=∆A+∆B+ ∆C If R An then n.
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
Differential method of
Total Differential Method
logarithmic function
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
f f f
A x y z
x y z
I.1 Dimensional Analysis
When three or more vectors are added, their sum is independent of the way in
which the individual vectors are grouped together. A geometric proof of this rule
for three vectors is given in figure above. This property is called the associative
law of addition:
I.2 Vector Analysis:
•Negative of a Vector:
The negative of the vector is defined as the vector that when added to A gives zero for the
vector sum. That is, A A 0. The vectors A and A have the same magnitude but
I.2 Vector Analysis:
•Subtracting Vectors:
The operation of vector subtraction makes use of the definition of the negative of a vector.
A B as vector B Added to vector A
We define the operation
I.2 Vector Analysis:
•Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar:
B m A
If B have the same direction of A
In two dimensions, a vector can be written as the sum of two perpendicular vectors
The projections of vectors along coordinate axes are called the components of the vector
A Ax i Ay j
A unit vector is a dimensionless vector having a magnitude of exactly 1.
Unit vectors are used to specify a given direction and have no other physical significance.
Ay j
i Ax i
I.2 Vector Analysis:
•Three-dimensional vectors z
k j Ay y
x A Ax i Ay j Az k
Figure below illustrates two vectors A and B having the same module and the same
R Ax i Ay j Bx i B y j
R A B R Ax Bx i Ay B y j
The extension of our methods to three-dimensional vectors is straightforward.
A Ax i Ay j Az k
B Bx i By j Bz k
R Ax Bx i Ay B y j Az Bz k
I.2 Vector Analysis:
To calculate the subtraction using the components D A B we subtract the components:
•Unit vector
Consider a vector A Ax i Ay j Az k and its module A then the unit vector u A
A Ax i Ay j Az k
is defined by the fooling formula: uA
A Ax2 Ay2 Az2
Given the vector: A 4.5i 2.0 j 5.3k m / s and B 2.5i 3.4 j 9.0k m / s
a) calculate the vector R 3A 2B
A.B A.B.cos
The result is a scalar.
Commutative: A.B B. A
A. B C A.B A.C
A.B Ax i Ay j Az k . Bx i By j Bz k C A B
We obtain:
Ax Bx . Ay By . Az Bz
I.2 Vector Analysis:
V 1 2.0i 1.1 j 2.0k m / s and V 2 1.0i 2.0 j 0.5k m / s
. Calculate the angle between the two speeds.
A cross product is always perpendicular to both A and B but it leaves you with two
choices: It can either come out of the blackboard or it can go in the blackboard.
Anticommutative A B B A
Calculate the vector W, product of the two vectors: V1= (2.1, 1) and V2= (1.0, 2).
Deduce the angle between them.
I.2 Vector Analysis:
Differential operators:
A single-variable function is a function that depends on a single variable x:
F=f(x). If the function f is differentiable at any point x, we define F’ the derivative
of the function f such that 𝐹′=𝑑𝑓𝑑𝑥
On the other hand, if the function depends on several variables x, y, z,…, we
define what we call a differential.
A function with two variables is a function that depends on two variables:
A three-variable function is a function that depends on three variables x, y and z:
F=f(x, y, z)
The total differential of an algebraic function F with three variables x, y, z is
f f f
dF df x, y , z dx dy dz
x y z
f f f
With , and are partial differentials
x y z
I.2 Vector Analysis:
Example :
f x, y, z x 2 2 y 4 z
The operators :
Nabla operator
i j k
x y z
I.2 Vector Analysis:
The gradient
The gradient is an operator which acts on algebraic functions and transforms them into
vector functions using the nabla operator. We define the gradient vector of the algebraic
function f as follows:
f f f
grad f f i j k
x y z
Example :
f x, y, z xyz 2
grad f yz 2 i xz 2 j 2 xyzk
The divergent
The divergent is an operator which acts on vector functions and transforms them into
algebraic functions using the nabla operator. It is defined as follows:
Vx V y Vz
divV V
x y z
I.2 Vector Analysis:
i k
rotV V
x y z
Vx V y Vz
rotV xz 2 xy i yz 2 0 j yz 2 x k
rotV xz 2 xy i yz 2 j yz 2 x k
The Laplacian
The Laplacian is defined as the divergent of the gradient or the gradient of the divergent
The Laplacian of an algebraic function is given by the following relation:
I.2 Vector Analysis:
2 f 2 f 2 f
f f 2 2 2
x y z
2V 2V 2V
V f 2 2 2
x y z