Demonstration Plan Business Plan
Demonstration Plan Business Plan
Demonstration Plan Business Plan
SY 2022-2023
October 19, 2022
8:00-9:00 AM
The learners demonstrate an understanding of concepts, underlying principles and processes of developing a
business plan.
The learners independently or with his/her classmates presents an acceptable detailed business plan.
At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:
a. identify the basic parts of a business plan;
b. write your own business plan; and
c. appreciates the importance of business plan.
K to 12 MELC (Curriculum Implementation and Learning Management Matrix)
Entrepreneurship 9 Module 1, Quarter 4
Activity Sheets, powerpoint presentation, laptop, television, video, cellphone,
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Preliminary Activities:
Very good!
Time is up! Post now your group output on the board. Jollibee ma’am
SM ma’am
MC Donalds ma’am
Very good! In group 3?
Coca-cola ma’am
Interaction Business plan is any plan that works for a business to look
Very good! All the existing business/enterprises, they all
prepared a business plan before starting any kind of
business. What is a business plan?
Executive Summary, Project Background and
History, Management and Personnel Feasibility,
Excellent answer! Business plans have been used for a
Production Feasibility, Financial Feasibility,
long time helping companies set realistic and strategic Socio Economic Feasibility and Project
goals. What are the important parts of a business plan? Implementation and Timetable
Will you name them all?
Executive summary guides proponents on investors on the
overall feasibility of the proposed project at a glance. It
summarizes the major highlights and findings of each
Correct! While the format of business plans undergone major aspect of the study and the conclusion of the study
changes over the years, all the components are equally is its focal point.
important for all businesses. First part is executive
summary, what should be the content of this part and how Because it pinpoints the project’s general to specific
it is to the entrepreneurs? market feasibility topics. It presents the market and an
analysis of past, present and future demand and supply
Another important part is the project background and situations for the particular products.
history where it narrates the project conceptualization,
and details the events that led to the project, the type of
business proposal/project, and the project location. Why
do we need also the management and personnel
feasibility as part of the business plan? It is a significant part because it includes the details of
what the product is and how they will be produced/ raised
using proposed location, production size (capacity) and
You are correct! In addition to that, it represents the lay-out. It also looks into the machinery and equipment,
summary of sales projections of the project study’s entire raw materials and manpower requirements, as well as the
duration and the project’s marketing system and forms detailed civil engineering and lay outing of the projects as
design. How can the production feasibility part be a applicable.
significant part of a business?
This includes the viewing the project’s feasibility
only from the point of view or from the
standpoint of the project’s proponents/investors
We also have the financial feasibility as part of it for it enables and presents the project’s feasibility as to how it
the entrepreneur to know how much capitalization will be will be beneficial to other and entities.
needed to finance the project and who will be the project’s
financiers and determines the most adaptable financing scheme
in terms of the financiers’ terms and conditions of repayment.
Another one is the socio economic feasibility, what are needed
details to included in this part and important it is to business NO, these include the details of all activities to be
men? considered during the project’s pre-investment and pre-
opening phase and also the timetable of each of these
Yes you are correct! And last important part is the project activities and this is included in the Management and
implementation and timetable. Can you remove this one as part Personnel Feasibility to distinguish
of your business plan? Why? pre-operating from normal operating activities.
Very good!
Because the success and strong foundation of such
Integration business lies in preparing a detailed business plan
indicating all the important parts for it for this will guide the
Why is it important for an entrepreneur to know and entrepreneur in operating his/her business in achieving the
identify the important parts of a business plan? set goals or objectives.
Yes ma’am
Very good ! You have understood the lesson well. Now,
you have to apply what you have learned from the lesson.
In your activity, you are going to write a business plan by
arranging and identifying the sample of each part of
business. Is that clear?
VI. Evaluation
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase to make the statement complete.
1.A ____________________ is any plan that works for a business to look ahead.
2-3. In creating a name of your business, the things to remember is that it must be easy to __________
4.____________________ is the overview of the business.
5. ____________________ is the one who makes a proposal.
Direction: List down five of your talents/skills/hobbies, five resources/materials which are abundant in your place and
five business opportunities that you may engage into.