Syllabus-6 Month C

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“Advanced Certificate Course on Computer Training”

Course Module
GB †Kvm© gwWDjwU 6 gvm †gqv`x ―Advanced Certificate Course on Computer Training‖ Gi Rb¨
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Advanced Certificate Course on Computer Training

Syllabus (6 Months)
Unit Course Title Classes Hour
1. Introduction to Computer 06
2. Software & Operating System 06
3. Operating System (Windows-7 or upper version) 10
4. Word Processing (Office-2007 or upper version) 32
5. Type practice using word processing ( Bangla & English) 20
6. Number System and Code 14
7. Boolean Algebra and Logic Gate, Microprocessor and Digital Logic 20
8. Input, Output, Memory device 12
9. Spread Sheet Analysis (MS Excel: Office-2007 or upper version) 32
10. Database Management System, MS Access: Office-2007 or upper 36
version, with real time Project
11. Microsoft Power Point (Office-2007 or upper version),Digital 28
Content Development, Multimedia, GIF (Graphics Interchange
Format) Software
12. Program Design 06
13. ―C‖; Programming Language 40
14. Data Structure and Algorithm 08
15. Data Processing, System analysis and design 06
16. Web page Design Using Html 20
17. Visual Basic 30
18. Information Technology 06
19. Data Communication, Network and Internet 26
20. Computer Maintenance 16
21. English 20
22. Evaluation and Exam. 06
Total Hour 400
Course Outline
01. Course Title : Six Months Computer Training Course
02. Course Duration : 6 Months
03. Computer Course : 310 Hours (3 hours par day, 5 days par week)
04. English Course : 50 Hours (1 hour per day, 3 days per week)
05. Evaluation and Exam. : 06 Hours

Course Title : Six Months Computer Training Course

Total Length : 6 months
Working hr. per day : 3 hours (5 days week)
Entry Qualification : Graduation Degree

Details of Course Module

Introduction to Computer
History of Computer, Importance of Computer, Generation, Types of Computer, Definition
of Hardware and Software. Basic hardware organization of a Microcomputer System.

Software and Operation System
Introduction to Software, Software classification, System software, Application software,
Customized software.

Operating System
Introduction to Operating System, Importance of Operating system, Organization and,
Classification of Operating System: Serial batch processing, Multiprogramming, Time
sharing, Multiprocessing, Real time and Virtual storage Operating System; Distributed
processing, Utility program, Job control program, Text based and Graphical User interface
(GUI) Operating System. Micro computer Operating System: Single user, Single user
Multitasking, Multi-user multitasking, Networking Operating System.

Operating System (Windows 7 or Upper Version)
Operating System, Importance of an operating system, Introduction the features of
windows 7, desktop icon, taskbar, menu bar, Clicking and dragging, Opening and closing
windows, Minimize, Maximize, Restore Windows, Tool bar, Address bar, Customizing
toolbars, Introducing Start menu options, Running program from start menu
Files and Folders
Drive, File, Folder, folders in a drive/Folder, Managing files, Copying a file, One folder to
another folder, File/Folder searching.

Working with programs

Starting a program, Switching between open programs, Quitting a program that is not
responding quitting a program

Adding a program to the start of program menu, Removing a program from the start of
program menu task bar.

Using windows accessories

Calculator, Notepad, Media Player, Volume control, Word pad.
Word processing (Office 2007)

Word Processing software, Application of a Word-processing software, Microsoft Word as
a Word- processor, Familiarization of MS Word’s working environment.

Text Editing
Creating a New Document, Typing text, Cursor movement, Inserting and deleting
letter/word, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo, Searching and replacing text. Spell and
Grammar checking.

File Management
Saving and retrieving a file in different location, Difference between Save and Save As.

Text formatting
Applying different Font (Including Bangla) and Font Size, Bangla key Layout, Change
case, Super script, Sub script, Bold, Underline, Italic, Drop case, Indenting, Line
numbering, Word searching and formatting.

Creating a Table, Merging cell, Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Borders and

Inserting object, Special symbol, Picture (Clip Art, Word Art) Text Box, Date/Time, Page

Page Formatting
Paper selection, Margin setup, Page numbering, Header/Footer.
Printer selection, Print preview, printing a Document.

Type practice using standard word processor.

Number Systems and Code
Number Systems: Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal Number System, Base/Radix of a
number system, Conversation of Number from one base into another Base, Binary
Arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Complements, Representation of signed
numbers, Subtraction Using Complements Method.

Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Digital Logic and Microprocessor
Fundamentals Concepts of Boolean Algebra, Boolean Constants and variables, Postulates
and Boolean Theorems, De-Morgan’s Theorems, Boolean Logic operations: AND, OR,
NOT, Simplification of Boolean expression, Truth table, Karnaugh Maps, Boolean
expression Simplification using Karnaugh map method.

Fundamental Logic Gates : AND, OR, NOT, Compound Logic Gates:NAND, NOR, EX-
OR, EX-NOR; universality of NAND and NOR Gates, Logic circuit design using logic
gates. Simplify Boolean expression using K-Map/Boolean Algebra and design simplified
logic circuit.

Digital Logic and Microprocessor

Half and Full Adder Circuit, Encoder, Decoder, Combinational and Sequential Circuit,
Sequential Logic Circuit, Flip-Flop, SR (Set-Reset), Introduction to Counter, Up-Down

Functions of Microprocessors, Organization of a Microprocessor, Arithmetic/Logic Unit,
Control Unit and Its Structure, Register, Addressing Modes, Instruction Execution, Fetch-
Execute Cycle. RISC & CISC Processor, Parallel Processing: Pipe line processing

Input/Output and Memory Devices
Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Punch card, OMR, OCR, MICR etc.
Output Devices: Monitor, Printer: types of printer, Plotter, Speaker etc.

Memory, Memory Organization and Classification Bit, Byte, Computer word, Primary
Memory RAM, ROM, Cache Memory, Register, Secondary Memory: Hard Disk, CD-
ROM, DVD, pen drive Magnetic Tape etc.

Spreadsheet Analysis (MS-EXCEL Office 2007)
Basic concepts of spread sheet Analysis, working with the excel program, Excel
introduction, starting excel program, the application window, the document window, row,
column, cell moving around the work sheet, Work book and Work sheet, Help Menu.

Creating a Worksheet
Concepts of label, value and formula, entering labels, values and formulas, creating a work
book, saving and retrieving work book, Exiting the Excel Program.

Editing Skill
Working with ranges: erasing ranges, copying, cutting and pasting, filling ranges, working
with cells, rows and columns, editing cell contents, clearing or deleting cells, rows and
columns, clearing contents, formats of comments from a cell, the find command, the
replace command, inserting or deleting cells, rows or columns. Spell checking.

Using the auto format command, working with manual formatting, aligning labels and
values, formatting numbers, dates and times, changing Font style and sizes, creating
borders and shaded cells/tables modifying column and row size, alignment, indentation,
line spacing, formatting sheets, rename, hide, unhide.

Database Management System, MS Access (Office 2007) With real time project
Fundamental Concepts of Database Management System, Data Models, DBMS Structure,
Entity, Attribute, Relationship, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Mapping Constraints,
Conversion of ERD into Tables. Client server and Distributed database.
Database Languages: DDL,DML,SQL,4GL
Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases.
Data security : Data Security, Encryption, Decryption
SQL (Structure Query Language): Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions,
Nested Sub Queries.

Microsoft Access
Learning the Access Essentials
Basic Concepts on Database, Data Information, Filed Record, Table, Concepts of object,
Property, Method, Planning the Database Structure

Understanding Access Objects

Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Modules, Naming Conventions of the Access Object

Creation A Database and Its Objects

Creating a Database, Database File and Table

Creating a Table
Designing Tables, Working With the Table in Design View, Working With field
Propertied, Naming Fields. Data Types, Setting Data Types, Concepts of primary and
Foreign Key, Setting Primary Key, Multiple Field Primary Keys Indexes, Using The Table

Creating Queries
Queries, Creating Queries, Working With The Query Design Grid. Adding Fields to the
Query Design Grid. Sorting Records Using Simple Query Wizard, Working With Queries
Append, Make Table, Update, Delete Etc. Queries With SQL Statement.
Creating Forms
Understanding Forms, Working in Design View, The Components of a Form in Design
View, Assigning Form properties, Modifying Form Properties to Create a Dialog Box,
Running Forms, Adding Controls And Setting Properties on Forms, Bound And Unbound
Control, Adding Label, Command Button Combo Box, List Box, Quickly Creating Forms
With a Wizard, Auto forms.

Creating Reports
Introducing Reports, Working With Auto, Reports, Using the Report Wizard Designing A
Report, Viewing Report in Design View, Setting Reporting properties standardizing
Reports, Inserting A chart into a Report with the Chart Wizard Printing Reports.

Organizing Information With Databases

Creation Form, Data Entry Using Form, Sorting Data, Data Validation, finding And
Extracting Records using Different Criteria.

Printing And Managing Files

Printing With Excel: Setting Print Area, Clearing Print Area, The Page Setup Command,
The Print Preview Command. Managing Files With Excel: Saving/Retrieving Files in
Different Locations, Handing Multiple Files, Deleting Files.
Security Modes: Understanding Security Modes, Windows Authentication, SQL
Authentication, User logins: Creating user logins, Managing logins Database-level
Security: Database users, database roles

Microsoft Power Point (Office 2007), Digital Content Development, Multimedia, GIF

Microsoft Power Point(Office-2007):

Creating a Presentation: Creating a New Blank Presentation, Choosing Slide Layout, Use
of Various Templates In Creating a Presentation, Saving, Closing and Opening an Existing
a Presentation. Inserting New Slides in a Presentation, Deleting a Slide, Sorting the Slides,
Inserting a Picture In To a Slide, Slide Show with Slide Show Menu, Inserting a Text Box
In To a Slide. Insert & Modify Word Arts In To a Slide, Rotate Or Flip a Drawn Object In
To a Slide. Changing Back Ground Color of a Slide, Applying Alignments to a Paragraph.
Using Animation And Effects In to a Slide

Manipulating Text, Images & Slides: Bangle Writing In To a Slide. Changing The Font,
Style & Font Size Bold, Italics, Underline & Case Changes, Inserting and Modifying
Bullets & Numbering. Linking a Document In To a Slide. Drawing Auto Shapes and Word
Arts. Creating a Table In To A Slide, Using Header and Footer In To a Presentation,
Inserting Movies And Sounds In To a Slide. Using Cut, Copy And Past, Deleting a
Selected Text and Image. Changing Slide Design, Changing Slide Background, Page Setup
& Printing a Slide. Creating a Presentation by Auto Content Wizard, Using the Pack and
Go Wizard.
Creating Digital Content using Microsoft power point.

Definition, Use of Multimedia, Digital Text, Graphics, Audio, Video, Components of a
Multimedia System.

Graphic Interchange Format(GIF) Software

Edit GIF Animation and manage frames, Visual layer editing, Editing Frames, Quick
create, Optimize, Preview animation.

Program Design
Program, , Types of Programming Languages: Machine Language, Assembly Language,
High Level Language, Translator Program: Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler; Steps
of Programming, Algorithm, Flowchart, Pseducode, Structured Programming, Object
Oriented Programming Event Driven Programming, Visual Programming.

―C‖ Programming Language
Concept of C Programming, C Programming Characteristics, C Characteristics Set,
Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variable and Array, Declarations,
Statements, Operators and Expressions.

Input/Output Statement: Structure of C Program, Input/Output Statement:printf(), scanf();

gets(), puts(), getchar(), putchar().
Lab session: Writing simple c programs.
Control and Loop Statements: If-else statement, Switch Statement, Break Statement,
Continue Statement, Comma Operator, and Go to Statement. Loop State: While Statement,
Do–While Statement, For Statement, Nested Loops,

Functions: A Brief Overview, Defining a Function, Accessing a Function, Passing

Arguments to a Function, Specifying Argument Data Types, Function prototypes,

Lab session: Writing program using function.

Arrays: Defining an Array, Processing an Array, Passing Arrays to a Function,

Multidimensional Arrays, Arrays and String.

Lab session: Writing program using array.

String Function: strlen(), strcat(),strcmp(),strcpy(),atoi() etc.

Lab session: Writing program using String Function.

Pointers: Fundamentals, Pointer Declarations, Operations on Pointers.

Lab session: Writing program using pointers.

Data Files: Opening and Closing a Data File, Creating a Data File, Processing a Data File.

Lab session: Writing program using Data Files..

Data Structure And Algorithm
Data Structure, Array, Queue, Record, Tree, Pointer, Linked List, Application of Data
Sub-string, Concatenation, Length,
Lab session: Writing Program using C program
Insertion, Delete, Replacing, Indexing Etc,
Lab session: Writing Program using C program
Sorting: Sorting Algorithms, Selection, Bubble, Quick, Insertion.
Lab session: Writing Program using C program
Searching: Algorithms: Linear searching, Binary Searching
Lab session: Writing Program using C program

Data Processing , System Analysis and Design
Data & Information, Data Processing, Manual Data Processing, Data Processing Using
Computer, Data Coding, Data Validation, System Tools, System Development Life
Cycle(SDLC), System Development Tools: Data Flow Diagram, Decision Table, Decision
Tree, System Flow Chart; Optimum System Analysis and implementation (Pay Roll,
Result Sheet Salary Sheet etc.)

Web Page Design using HTML
Basic concept of Web : World Wide Web, The Hypertext Concept, Web links, Webpage, Website,
HTML Syntax and Rules: Components, Elements, Attributes, Entities
Basic Document Structure : Labeling Document as an HTML Page, Standard Attributes, Body of
HTML Document, HTML Comments, Saving and Viewing the page.
Adding a Document Header : Page Title, Meta Tags,
Adding text : paragraphs, Line break, Text Emphasis, Headings, Math and Science Notations,
practice exercise.
Linking Text and Documents : Hyperlinks, Linking to Other files; Files in the same directory, Files
in the another directory, Linking Email address , Linking within the same page, Linking to an
Anchor in another page, practice exercise.
Create Lists : Bulleted (Unordered) Lists, Numbered (Ordered) Lists, Setting a Start Value, Setting
type, Definition lists, practice exercise.
Table : Formatting Tables, Creating row & column, Joining row & column, Practice exercise.
Graphics : Adding Image, Adding Alternate Text, Adjusting the height and width, aligning text and
images, Using Images as links, practice exercise.
Frames : Adding Columns, Working with rows, columns and rows, practice exercise.
Forms : Input, Text fields, Text area, Radio Buttons, Checkbox, Drop-down option, Submit and
reset button, Label, practice exercise.
Receiving Form Data : Action Method, practice exercise.

Visual BASIC

Visual Programming, Visual Basic as a Programming Tools, Concepts of Properties,
Methods And Events, Discussion on Project and Form, Running Visual Basic

Identifiers, Variables & Operators

Variable, Constants and Data Types, Mathematical Operator, Relational Operator and
Logical Operator, Implicit and Explicit Declaration of Variables, Scope of Variables.

Form, standard and Class Modules

Working With Tool Box Command

Working With Text Box, Label, Combo Box, List Box, Option Button, Working With,
Command Button, Check Box, Frame Control, Timer, picture Box, Simple Visual Basic
Statement and Program Coding

Conditional Statement
If—Then—Else Statement, If—Then—Else if Statement, Select Case Statement.
Interaction (Loop) Statement
For—Next Loop, Do—While Loop, Do—Until Loop
Procedure and Functions
Sub Procedure, Function, Their Differences, Creating User Defined Procedure and
Functions, Return Value of a Function, Function’s Data Types.
Working With Database
Data Control and Its properties, Creating a Database (Ms Access), simple Data Input Form
Controls, Multiple Controls and Coding for Controls, Database Connectivity With Data
Creating Database Program With Visual Basic Code
Data Navigating, Move First, Move last, Move Next, Move Previous, Methods

Information Technology
Chronological History of Information Technology, Transmission of Text, Telex, Tele text,
Videotext, Computer mail System (CMMS) Voice Mail System (VMS), Electronic Mail,
Transmission of Pictures. Teleconferencing, Videoconferencing, Facsimile Transmission,
Micro-Graphics, Bulletin Board, Expert System, Voice Processing, artificial Intelligent,
Effect of Information Technology in the Society.

Data Communication, Computer Network and Internet.
Fundamentals of Data Transmission, Metallic Transmission Media, Optical Fiber,
Unguided Transmission Techniques, Transmission System,
MODEM and is Application.
Computer Network: Basic Concepts Types of Computer Networks Network Topology,
Protocols the OSI Model, LAN, MAN, WAN,
Lab session: Cross & Street Cabling
Introduction to UDP, Remote Procedure Call, The Real-Time Transport Protocol
Introduction to TCP, The TCP Service Model, TCP Connection Establishment, Modeling
TCP Connection Management, TCP Transmission Policy, TCP Timer Management,
Wireless TCP and UDP, Transactional TCP
Lab session: Transmission Policy, TCP Timer Management

Internetworking.: Internet Protocols, Routing Protocols

Intranet, xtranet, WIFI WIMAX, Cyber Security.

NETWORK SECURITY: Introduction to Cryptography, Substitution Ciphers,

Transposition Ciphers, Two Fundamental Cryptographic Principles, DES--The Data
Encryption Standard, AES--The Advanced Encryption Standard, SSL (Secure Socket
Lab session: DES, AES
Lab session: RSA
DIGITAL SIGNATURES: Symmetric-Key Signatures, Public-Key Signatures, Message
MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC KEYS: Certificates, X.509, Public Key Infrastructures
COMMUNICATION SECURITY: IPsec, Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Wireless
Lab session: IPsec, Firewalls, Virtual Private Networks, Wireless Security
E-MAIL SECURITY: PGP—Pretty Good Privacy, PEM—Privacy Enhanced Mail,
Lab session: PGP—Pretty Good Privacy, PEM—Privacy Enhanced Mail, S/MIME
WEB SECURITY: Threats, Secure Naming, SSL—Secure Sockets Layer, Mobile Code
Lab session: Threats, Secure Naming, SSL—Secure Sockets Layer
SOCIAL ISSUES: Privacy, Freedom of Speech, Copyright

Micro Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Basic Parts of a Microcomputer System, Main Boars and Multifunction Boards,
Connection Procedure Among the Various Parts of a Micro-Computer System, stabilizer,
UPS, Power noise: Spikes; Sugs, Surges, Over Voltage, Under Voltage Preventive
Maintenance From the Power Noise, Heart Thermal Shock and dust, Virus and Virus
Protection, Software Problem: Booting Problem, Device Driver Installation (Mouse, AGP,
Printer), Configuring CMOS, HDD Maintenance, Common Faults diagnosis (Both
Hardware & Software)


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