Year 10.5.3 Task 2 Notification

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LaSalle Catholic College

Exam Notification 2023

Year 10 Mathematics Stage 5.3

Thursday, 1st of June, Week 6

This examination is a formal assessment task that has a weighting of 25% towards the
total assessment for this subject area. The following notification indicates the format of
the examination and the areas of study/units of work to focus on during students study
and preparation time leading up to the examination period.

Outcomes assessed:
MA5.3-1WM Uses and interprets formal definitions and generalisations when explaining solutions and/or conjectures

MA5.3-2WM Generalises mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse and solve problems efficiently

MA5.3-3WM Uses deductive reasoning in presenting arguments and formal proofs

MA5.3-6NA Performs operations with surds and indices

MA5.2-12MG Applies formulas to calculate the volume of composite solids composed of right prisms and cylinders

MA5.3-14MG Applies formulas to find the volume of right pyramids, right cones, spheres and related composite solids

MA5.3-15MG Applies Pythagoras’ theorem to solve problems involving three dimensions shapes

Exam Format Areas of study Sources to Use

Indices & Surds

Volume Textbook
In Class Task:
Class Notes and Handouts
Multiple choice & free response
Logarithms Mathletics
Assessment Tasks
(Note: This differs from the
assessment grid)
Equipment Time
All Students are expected to bring:
Blue/Black pens 50 minutes + 2 minutes reading time
Lead pencils
Indices & Surds
❏ Perform operations with surds and fractional indices
❏ Combine index laws to simplify algebraic expressions
❏ Apply the four operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to simplify
expressions involving surds
❏ Expand expressions involving surds

❏ Rationalise the denominator of a surd in the form

❏ Simplify algebraic expressions using negative index laws
❏ Solve exponential equations

❏ Choose appropriate units of measurement for volume and convert from one unit to another
❏ Solve problems involving the volumes of right prisms
❏ Solve problems involving volume for a range of prisms, cylinders and composite solids
❏ Solve problems involving volume of right pyramids, right cones, spheres and related composite

❏ Solve equations using logarithms
❏ Simplify expressions using the laws of logarithms

Student on Leave
In the event that students and/or parents have prior knowledge of a student’s inability to attend due to family commitments
or travel they must request leave via a letter addressed to the Principal (forms are available from the front office)
explaining the nature of the leave. Students must speak with the KLA Coordinator regarding these matters after the task
notification has been issued.

In the event of a missed assessment task:

Students in Years 10 – 12 should present a Doctor’s Certificate to the Leader of Teaching & Learning the day after the
medical certificate is dated for, even if the student does not have an exam. Failure to do this may result in lateness penalties
applying or a ZERO mark awarded. All tasks must be completed even if a ZERO award has been issued.

All assessment tasks and Examination blocks are advertised in the Assessment Handbook well in advance each year.
In the event that students and/or parents have prior knowledge of a student’s inability to attend due to family commitments
or travel they must request leave via a letter addressed to the Principal (forms are available from the front office)
explaining the nature of the leave. Students may not necessarily be able to sit missed task or examinations at alternate

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