UTS Bsed The Spiritual Self
UTS Bsed The Spiritual Self
UTS Bsed The Spiritual Self
On June 17, 2011, an art exhibit entitled “Kulo” featured the works of 32 artists from the
University of Santo Tomas. After few days however, this exhibit reaped various negative criticisms
particularly the Catholic Church and the believers. They argued that the exhibit is blasphemous and
sacrilegious. It displayed the images of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary mixed with other phallic
visual arts, and one featured a condom. Several days later. Even the lawmakers and the President
himself, condemned the said exhibit and ordered for the closure of the said exhibit, stating that the
said exhibit does not cater the interest of the public, which the Cultural Center of the Philippines
ought to promote
Various sectors of the society however have different opinion on the issue. According to
various artists, the exhibit is a form or manner of expressing one self and art is the end product of
such expression. As an art, it is devoid of any moral judgment. According to them, the act of
condemning the exhibit is only an indication that the Church remains a powerful social institution
that dictates even to social aspects that should no longer within its intrusion.
On the other hand, one famous columnist opined that the possible filing of the criminal
charges against the organizers and artists of the exhibit may be pushed through, however, the
prosecutors may find the problem of what constitutes obscenity as a crime, for after all, the artist
created such an art work merely for art’s sake.
Fr. Joaquin Bernas, "Art and the Right Not to Speak.” Philippine Daily Inquirer August 10, 2011
“Two persons may look at the same thing but they may look at it differently.”
Perhaps, this is the reason why the issue on the propriety of the "Kulo" exhibit created
different views from people of various walks of life. For one, the exhibit appears to be a
mockery of the social institution which has been the guardian of the society's moral. For
another, the closure of the exhibit appears to be a power play and indicates a continuing
conflict of interest between the powerful and the powerless, the former being in the
better position to define the rules in the society.
Throughout our history humans have attempted to understand and explain the
world in which people live. During all the time, religion has been an important part of
social life. Religious beliefs and practices are found in all known contemporary
Religion, etymologically a Latin word religare meaning “to bind together.” The
binding together depends on how people interpret religion.
Religion is the belief in supernatural being and the institution and practices
associated with the belief.
Religion involves a set of symbols which arouse feeling of reverence and awe
which are likened to rituals and ceremonies like church services practiced by
community of believers.
Religion is culturally entrenched pattern of behavior composed of sacred beliefs,
emotional feelings accompanied by overt conduct implementing the beliefs and
feelings. (San Juan & Centeno, 2011)
Aside from the above definitions, it can just be simplified that religion is Bond
between God and Man So if there is a bond between God and man and the
human self will simply be good in behavior, thinking and feeling
5. Meaning and purpose – religion gives meaning and purpose to people’s lives
a. In the face of death, disease and the hazards of everyday living, people are
vulnerable to all kinds of disasters beyond their control. Religious beliefs offer
people comfort in times of crisis
b. It is the institution which gives people the strength to continue and promotes the
long-term maintenance of society as a result.
Techniques of Religion
The practice of religion pertains to the general acts followed by the Laity in accordance
with the religious requirements. This points to the overt conduct of the laity or believers
performing the beliefs and feelings.
Ceremony – This refers to a number of interconnected rituals done at specific time and
place. Examples of these are Holy Mass, solemnizing marriage, priest’s ordination
and tedium
Reverence – This pertains to the feeling of awe coupled with love and admiration a
person offers to the Almighty or Supernatural Power
Duty – This tries to please the Almighty by reverent act. For instance, it is the duty of
anyone to follow GOD's Ten Commandments Thou Shall Love Thy Neighbors and
Thou Shall Not Kill.
Sacred Objects - These are objects attributed to the Supernatural Power such as the
Bible, rosaries, prayer books and crucifix. To the Catholic, the bread and wine
sanctified during Holy Mass is a very sacred symbolism of the life of Jesus Christ
Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones
People's main motivation for living is their will to find meaning in Life.
People have freedom to find meaning in what they do, and what they experience
or at least in the stand they take when faced with certain situation of
unchangeable suffering (Frankl.1959, Retrieved)
According to Frankl, people can discover this meaning in life in three different ways:
3. Self is affected by cultural factors including religious beliefs in which they achieve to
find meaning in everyday living