What Do You Know About Endangered Species
What Do You Know About Endangered Species
What Do You Know About Endangered Species
- For those who care and protect animals in zoos, it is not enough to ensure their safety, but also to
make them happy by taking care of and creating the best living environment, helping to keep them
safe. They retain their natural behavior.
3. For what reasons do an increasing number of animals get endangered of extinction? What are
conservation efforts to protect endangered animals?
-hunting and trapping animals has reduced the number of wild animals
-is to ensure that the natural world will be protected to protect future generations and to help
humanity realize the importance of wildlife and the wild environment to humans and different
species across the globe. this planet.
-Wild animals are extremely natural resources, making an important contribution to creating
ecological balance and ensuring a healthy living environment for humans.
4. It is said that people are the main cause of extinctions. Do you agree or disagree?
places for keeping an animal. One reason is that cities have a great medical, which means their
animal will be better with monthly health checks.
Moreover, they also be able to recover from accidents with higher survival
6. Think of an animal that existed in the past but is no longer here. What happened?
- some people say is that the mammoth may have contracted a bacterial infection.
8. Do you think scientists and conservationists should use de-extinction to bring back extinct species?
Why or why not?
- introducing a new version of an extinct species into an ecosystem that could harm other animals.
-Each animal plays a necessary role in its ecosystem—either, including clean water, crop pollination
and disease prevention.
-species for example bees are also important to the ecosystem because they participate in
pollinating plants, like other insects