UPM DT1 10 ManualExplorer
UPM DT1 10 ManualExplorer
UPM DT1 10 ManualExplorer
Easton, MD 21601
Voice: (410) 820-5111
Fax: (410) 822-9633
© Ohmic Instruments Company
All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced in complete form without written permission of Ohmic Instruments
Company. Test forms may be copied as required by the original purchaser of the instrument. Information contained in this
manual is believed to be accurate and reliable; however, no responsibility is assumed by Ohmic Instruments Company for its
use. Ohmic reserves the right to supply its instruments with design changes and/or component substitutions that may not be
documented in this manual.
Introduction..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Calibration ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Specifications ............................................................................................................................................................... 12
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Warranty....................................................................................................................................................................... 17
INTRODUCTION ward force (weight) on the target. This weight is then
Measurement of power output levels of diagnostic and transferred through the target support assembly to the
therapeutic ultrasound equipment has become increas- electro-mechanical load cell inside the scale. The cell is
ingly important to determine exact patient exposure lev- in a computer-controlled feedback loop and produces a
els in case a potential risk exists to the patient. Since the digital readout in watts of power (custom units) or grams
Radiation Control for Health & Safety Act of 1968 and the of force. The choice of units (grams or watts) is selected
1976 Medical Device Amendments to the FDA Act be- by front panel pushbuttons. The units are supplied with a
came effective, all manufacturers of diagnostic Doppler plug-in 120 VAC to 24 VAC 50/60Hz adapter. A me-
ultrasound equipment are required to submit information chanical shock mounting in the carrying case protects
regarding their maximum peak and average exposure the electronic balance mechanism. Model UPM-DT-1
level, beam patterns, and other pertinent information. has a display resolution of ±2 milliwatts and Model UPM-
Hospitals are responsible for regularly scheduled testing DT-10 has a display resolution of ±10 milliwatts.
(every six months) of output power and safety to main-
tain their accreditation.
The Ultrasound Power Meter, Model UPM-DT series, is UNPACKING THE UPM-DT POWER METER
designed to measure the ultrasound power output of di- The power meter comes complete with all accessories in
agnostic or therapeutic transducers up to 30 watts. The a sturdy carrying case. To make ultrasonic measure-
principle of measurement is the radiant force method. ments, the water tank requires only one pint of de-
The UPM-DT-1 and UPM-DT-10 are mechanically identi- gassed water. If de-gassed water is not available, use
cal, each having a positioning clamp to hold the trans- distilled water, NOT tap water.
ducer in de-gassed water above a conical target. The
ultrasonic energy passes through the water to reflect off The following replacement parts can be ordered if neces-
the target and is then absorbed by the rubber lining. The sary from Ohmic :
radiant power is directly proportional to the total down-
DO NOT operate the Power Meters: Allow sufficient space around the instrument for ease of
operation and keep away from radiant heat sources.
Next to open windows or doors causing drafts or Never set any material on the Power Meter or place your
rapid temperature changes hands or fingers on it while taking readings.
Near air conditioning or heat ducts
OPERATING PROCEDURE ducer) if the transducer is smaller than the cone.
1. Remove the top of the carrying case by unlatching Otherwise, use cone area.
the clamps located on each side. The Ultrasound
Power Meter is mounted on the base of the carrying 12. After tests are completed, unplug the meter, empty
case. For all applications, the unit must be re- the tank, and place the dry target cone in the tank for
moved from the carrying case base, by removing protection.
the 4 thumbscrews at the sides of the unit.
2. Place the UPM-DT on a stable and level surface Lift off the target cone assembly from the sleeve, empty
(use the Leveling feet and indicator on the unit). water into a sealable container, dry the tank and cone,
Avoid air currents and mechanical vibrations. Level place cone in the tank and clamp the target rod into the
unit as much as possible. storage clips on the side of the target sleeve. Rotate the
transducer clamp arm over the top of the tank and
3. Loosen the positioning clamp and remove target stretch the large rubber band between the two hooks of
from the test tank where it is normally stored. the hold-down clip, over the clamp arm and tank. Place
unit on base of carrying case and secure it on posts us-
4. Place the back of the tank against the target sleeve. ing knobs provided (for shipping instructions see Page
Lower the target rod into the concentric test sleeve 11).
located behind the test tank, which simultaneously
place the cone target into the tank. If the cone can
swing in an arc, it is not down far enough. Tip the GENERAL OPERATING NOTES
rod back slightly to fully engage the rod. Line Power / Voltage: UPM-DT Series meters are set to
5. Fill the test tank to ¼ inch below the top of the rubber operate on 12 VAC 50/60Hz. The unit is supplied with a
liner with recently de-gassed water at room tempera- 120 VAC adapter. Check for correct line voltage before
ture. (To obtain de-gassed water, boil distilled water use. For voltages 220/240 VAC, an optional power
for 20 minutes, fill a jar completely, cover surface adapter and line cord are required.
with saran wrap, and allow to cool)
Measurement Range, Watts & Grams: Model UPM-DT-
6. By means of the positioning clamp, attach the trans- 10 has four ranges. When Custom P is showing, the
ducer head and place its radiating face 1/8” to 1/4” UPM-DT-10 displays watts with a resolution of ± 20 milli-
inch below the water level, parallel to the water sur- watts or ± 0.02 watts. When the grams indicator g is on,
face, and directly above the center of the cone. the resolution is 10 milligrams (± 0.01 gram). Each gram
Check transducer surface for uniform wetting (no air equals 14.65 watts and 10 milligrams is equivalent to
pocket or bubbles should be on its surface). 146.5 milliwatts (rounded to 0.14 watt). Use Custom C
mode for most therapy equipment testing. If measure-
7. Plug the line cord/adapter into a 120 VAC, 50/60Hz ment conditions are not stable, use Unit N or Grams
power outlet and depress the ON/OFF button. mode (when using the grams mode multiply the readings
by 14.65 to obtain watts).
8. Allow 5 minutes for the scale to stabilize. With no
ultrasonic power applied to the transducer, press Model UPM-DT-1 also has four ranges. When watts or
either of the two O/T buttons to zero the unit. milliwatts are being measured, a Unit indicator below the
display will illuminate. Unit P appears for ±2 milliwatt
9. Check response using the 1 gram weight. 1 gram is resolution; Unit C gives ±10 milliwatts, and Unit N dis-
equal to 14.65 watts. plays to the nearest ±0.1 watt. Use Unit C and N for all
10. Apply power to the Transducer Under Test (TUT). measurements except the lowest range requiring Unit P
Re-zero before each measurement and take your mode. When the gram g sign appears, the display gives
power reading when the display has stabilized. De- readings to the nearest ±1 milligram. Each milligram cor-
responds to 14.65 milliwatts. Depressing the Units but-
termine the maximum peak power with the maximum
ton, then or buttons will select the desired range.
duty cycle and pulsed output settings with the equa-
Re-Zero / Tare: By depressing the O/T button, the
PAVE = Pp ÷ Rtpa meter will zero at the present balance condition. During
PAVE = calculated average power re-zeroing, the display will be blank until the microproc-
Pp = Peak Pulsed Power Setting on unit under test essor senses a stable condition. If no ultrasound force is
Rtpa = Ratio of Temporal Peak to Average Power (from applied, then the display will simply indicate true zero
each manufacturer) reference; otherwise the applied ultrasound will become
the offset zero reference. This feature is convenient for
11. To calculate the watts/cm 2 output, take the total watts automatic zero setting before taking a reading, but also
reading from the unit and divide by the area. The to balance out a fixed ultrasonic power setting and to
area is d2 ÷ 4 (d is the diameter of the trans- measure incremental ± deviation from this mean setting.
Set Up: If you accidentally get into the Setup menu, 5. Press Enter button to save setting.
push the button until exit is displayed, then push En- 6. Press or button and select either menu setting
ter. The UPM-DT Series Ultrasound Power Meters are or On or Off.
custom programmed balances with additional hardware 7. Press Enter button to save setting.
(cone target, tank, etc.) designed to provide ultrasound 8. Press or button to continue to LOCK or EXIT.
power readings. Entry into the Setup menu enables a 9. Press Enter button to save setting.
user to modify certain setup parameters with respect to
custom units, calibration stability and linearity. Ohmic Auto Print Feature: When enabled, the Auto Print fea-
Instruments Company assumes no responsibility for the ture causes the balance to automatically output display
performance of these units if user changes to the internal data in one of three ways: continuously, at user-
setup parameters or program are made. Any change to specified time intervals, or upon stability. Default set-
the internal program parameters voids the warranty and tings are shown bold:
calibration certification. Should reprogramming to the
original parameters be required, the unit must be re- OFF—when set on, turns off the Auto Print feature
turned to Ohmic’s facility in Easton, Maryland. An hourly Cont—when set on, outputs printed data continu-
labor rate of $75 will be charged and recalibration fees ously
will be assessed. Inter—provides a user specified printing interval
On Stb—provides printed data only when a stable
reading is achieved
A 1-gram calibration weight is suplied. With the trans- Interval: Can be set to provide a specified printing inter-
ducer under test turned off, zero the unit by pressing the val between 1 and 3600 seconds.
O/T button. Place the weight on the arm of the cone
target. Within 10 seconds the unit should read 14.65 Print Stable Data Only: When set On, this feature per-
watts (± 1%). A set of precision weights and a scale pan mits only stable display data to be output. OFF is the
assembly is needed to recalibrate the unit. Send the unit default setting.
to our service department for calibration. A calibration kit
is also available. If you accidentally get into CAL mode, Print Numeric Data Only: When Numeric Data Only
push the button until exit is displayed, then push En- function is turned ON, this allows the balance to output
ter. It is recommended that these units be returned to only numeric data for the RS-232 output (see page 10).
Ohmic Instruments Company on a yearly basis for recali- OFF is the default setting.
bration and recertification.
Print Time: When the Time function is set ON, allows the
balance to output the current time to the printer. OFF is
PROGRAMMING PRINT CONTROL the default setting. See Setting Date and Time below.
The Print menu provides a number of options which can
be turned on or off. It contains eight submenus: Auto Print Date: When the Date function is set ON, allows the
Print, which includes selection of Off, Continuous, Inter- balance to output the current date to the printer. OFF is
val and Stability; Inter, which specifies the time interval the default setting.
for automatic output of displayed data; Stable, a data-
only feature, Numeric only or full display data for output; Reference: When the Reference function is ON, prints
PrtDate, PrtTime, Reference, which prints reference the value of weight used as a reference in either Percent
weight value, and Lock, which enables you to program or Parts Counting modes. OFF is the default setting.
balance parameters and to lock the settings.
Lock: Lock ON/OFF can be changed only when the
Procedure: Hardware Lock switch is set OFF/disabled. A menu is
1. Press the Setup button; CAL is displayed. locked when the menu lock is set ON and the Lock
2. Press or button until PRINT is displayed. switch is ON. Lock, when selected and turned on, locks
3. Press Enter button to save setting. all of the entries made under the Print menu. In the
4. Press or button until either AUTOPRT, INTER, locked condition, items may be looked at but not
STABLE, NUMERIC, PRTDATE, PRTTIME, REF- changed in the menu. When set off, entries may be
EREN, LOCK, or EXIT is displayed. changed. OFF is the default setting.
The UPM-DT Series provides date and time data which Time is a feature which enables the balance to be set to
can be viewed on a computer or printed out on an exter- the current time in either U.S. standards (12 hour peri-
nal printer. When you put your new instrument into op- ods) or European/military standards (24 hour periods).
eration for the first time, you should enter the current The default setting is U.S. standards.
date and time. These settings are retained as long as
the balance remains connected to a power source. Procedure:
1. Press the Setup button; CAL is displayed.
Date is a feature which enables the balance to be set to 2. Press or button and select Time from the menu.
a U.S. date standard or European. U.S. standard has 3. Press Enter button; TYPE is displayed.
the month, day and year each separated by a / in the 4. Press Enter button; TYPE 12 hr is displayed.
printout. The European date standard has the day, 5. Press or button and select 12 hr or 24 hr.
month and year each separated by a period. The default 6. Press Enter button; SAVED is displayed, then SET is
setting is U.S. standard. displayed.
7. Press Enter button; SET with time will flash.
Procedure: 8. Using or buttons, enter the correct time.
1. Press the Setup button; CAL is displayed. 9. When the correct time is entered, press Enter button.
2. Press or button and select Date from the menu. 10. SAVED is displayed momentarily, and EXIT appears.
3. Press Enter button; TYPE is displayed. 11. Press Enter button; balance returns to weighing
4. Press Enter button; SET M d y, d M y, y M d, M y d, mode.
y d M, or d y M is displayed.
5. Press or button and select type of date. Adjustments up to ± 60 seconds a month can be made to
6. Press Enter button; SAVED is displayed, then SET is the balance’s internal clock. Repeat the first seven
displayed. steps, ADJUST is displayed. Using the arrow buttons,
7. Press Enter button; first digit of date will flash. enter time correction and press Enter button.
8. Using or buttons, enter the correct date.
9. When the correct date is entered, press Enter but-
10. SAVED is displayed momentarily, and EXIT appears.
11. Press Enter button; balance returns to weighing
An Ohaus RS-232 cable is required to enable the balance to communicate with a com-
puter or printer; a standard RS-232 cable will not work. The cable can be ordered from
Ohmic or directly from Ohaus (www.ohaus.com). Cable part numbers are as follows:
25-pin: #AS017-02;
9-pin: #AS017-09.
1. N/C
2. Data Out (TXD)
3. Data In (RXD)
4. Tare (External Signal)*
5. Clear to Send (CTS)
6. Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
7. Ground
8. Request to Send (RTS)
9. Print (External Signal)*
RS-232 INTERFACE: The UPM-DT-1 and UPM-DT-10 Output Formats: Data output can be initiated in one of
Ultrasound Power Meters are equipped with a bi- three ways: 1) by pressing PRINT; 2) using the Auto
directional RS-232 compatible interface for communica- Print feature or 3) sending a print command (“P”) from a
tion with printers and computers. When the balance is computer.
connected directly to a printer, displayed data can be out-
put at any time by simply pressing PRINT or by using the Default Settings: Baud-2400; Data bits-7; Parity-None;
Auto Print feature. Connecting the balance to a computer Stop bits-2; Lock-Off.
enables you to operate the balance from the computer, as
well as receive data such as displayed weight, weighing RS-232 Commands: All communication is accomplished
mode, stability status, etc. by standard ASCII format. Characters shown in the fol-
lowing table are acknowledged by the balance. Invalid
Hardware: On the rear of the balance, the right hand 9- command response “ES” error indicates the balance has
pin male subminiature “D” connector is provided for inter- not recognized the command. Commands sent to the
facing to other devices. The balance will not output any power meter must be terminated with a carriage return-
data unless pin 5 (CTS) is held in an ON state (+3 to +15 line feed (CRFL).
VDC). Interfaces not utilizing the CTS handshake may tie
pin 5 to pin 6 to defeat it.
Command Character Description
? Prints current mode: Mode, Stability, CR, LF
nnnA Set Auto Print Feature: nnn = 0 Turns feature OFF
nnn = S Output on Stability
nnn = C Output is continuous
nnnn = 1-3600 Sets Auto Print interval in seconds
P Print Display Data
xD Set 1 second print delay: x = 0 for OFF
x = 1 for ON
T Tare (Same effect as pressing O/T button)
ON Turns balance on
OFF Turns balance off
TIME Prints current time
Mm/dd/yy SETDATE Set date
hh:mm:ss SETTIME Set time
The UPM-DT Series Ultrasound Power Meters are cus- 3. Place the weight under the screw provided. Make
tom programmed balances with additional hardware sure the transducer clamp asembly is screwed in
(cone target, tank, etc.) designed to provide ultrasound place tightly over the tank and pull the large rubber
power readings. When utilizing the RS-232 interface cer- band over the tank and clamp.
tain setup commands may be entered that enable
changes to the internal programming with respect to cus- 4. Secure unit in case using wing brackets and knobs.
tom units, calibration stability and linearity. ONLY THE
COMMANDS ABOVE SHOULD BE USED. 5. Fasten the case lid onto the base, after making cer-
tain there is nothing loose inside.
Ohmic Instruments Company assumes no responsibility
for the performance of these units if user changes to the 6. The package used for shipping should be strong and
internal setup parameters or program are made. Any large enough to allow for adequate packing material
change to the internal program parameters voids the war- on all sides of unit.
ranty and calibration certification. Should reprogramming
7. Ship to:
to the original parameters be required, the unit must be
Ohmic Instruments Company
returned to Ohmic’s facility in Easton, Maryland. An
hourly labor rate of $75 will be charged and recalibration 508 August Street
fees will be assessed. Easton, Maryland USA 21601
Power Range 0 to 30 Watts 0 to 30 Watts
Resolution ±2mW ±10mW
Minimum Detectable Power 1mW 10mW
Display Sensitivity 0.001 / 0.01 / 0.1 Watt 0.01 / 0.1 / 1 Watt
Accuracy ±3% + One Digit ±3% + One Digit
Zeroing Method Automatic Automatic
Averaging of Measured Values 100 100
Stabilization 2.5 Second Integration 2.5 Second Integration
Maximum Weight Capacity 210 Grams 600 Grams
Maximum Transducer Size 3” Diameter 3” Diameter
Transducer Operating Frequency 0.5 to 10MHz 0.5 to 10MHz
Test Media Degassed Water Degassed Water
Computer Interface RS-232, 300-9600 Baud RS-232, 300-9600 Baud
Default Baud Rate 2400 2400
Power 12 VAC, 1 Amp 12 VAC, 1 Amp
120 VAC Adapter Supplied 120 VAC to 12 VAC w/ 3-Prong Male 120 VAC to 12 VAC w/ 3-Prong Male
(Adapters for 240 VAC Available on Plug and 6-Ft. Cord Plug and 6-Ft. Cord
Special Order)
EMI Rating Conforms to CE & FCC Conforms to CE & FCC
Electrical Safety Conforms to UL & CSA Conforms to UL & CSA
Size 11” x 15” x 10” (H x L x W) 11” x 15” x 10” (H x L x W)
Weight 22 Lbs. Net 22 Lbs. Net
Carrying Case Black Anodized Aluminum Black Anodized Aluminum
Verification of Proper Scale Functioning: Small varia- Out of Measurement Range Warnings: Model UPM-DT-
tions of water surface motion, air currents or mechanical 1 accommodates weight differential of ± 200 grams while
movements may cause uncertainties in power measure- UPM-DT-10 accommodates ± 600 grams. When the
ments. To test scale accuracy at low levels, set up the scale exceeds this range, “Error 8.3” will be displayed.
scale as in the Operating Procedure (Page 7). Place the Something may be pressing hard on the target or sup-
14.65 watt weight on the flat surface of the target arm. port. “Error 8.4” indicates underweight condition. This
Read meter three times; readings should be within ± 1% will occur if the target is out of place on the UPM-DT-1.
(for example, 14.504 to 14.796 for UPM-DT-1 and 14.52
to 14.80 for UPM-DT-10). In case of doubt about lower No Display: 1) Check power and line cord; 2) Verify that
power resolution, repeat the same procedure using light the line voltage is set correctly.
objects such as thin paper slices to produce readings of
5 to 10 counts; repeat readings. Average uncertainty If you need further assistance, please call our service
should be within ± 2 counts on the grams as well as on department.
the watts scale. Avoid mechanical and air movement or
variations in magnetic fields while making tests.
WATER, TANK SIZE, TRANSDUCER PLACEMENT & testing, particularly at higher power levels, will drive out
TEMPERATURE CONSIDERATIONS dissolved air and air bubbles will be visible on surfaces in
Water as a Measurement Medium: The measurements the tank. These bubbles can be gently brushed off.
are to be performed in de-gassed water because ultra-
sound propagation in water closely approximates that in Transducer Wetting and Placement: After tilting the
tissues (see UL-1-1981, AIUM/NEMA Standard Publica- transducer into the water at a 45° angle, verify that the
tion). The ultrasonic attenuation in water can be taken surface is uniformly wetted; if not, wipe the surface clean.
as a lower limit on the attenuation which will be encoun- The transducer should be positioned above the cone
tered in the body. Large areas in the body can consist of target. Small variations will occur due to placement. Try
low attenuating material such as urine and amniotic fluid. various positions above target to obtain a maximum
The use of water prevents measurements in a more power reading.
highly attenuating material such as liver equivalent gels
from representing the highest possible intensities which
might be encountered in the body. A measurement tem- ULTRASOUND RADIATION LEVELS
perature of 24°C ± 3°C (75°F ± 5°) is chosen for conven- There are no maximum limits in the U.S. for therapy
ience. power, only the verification of the displayed setting accu-
racy to ± 20% of actual output is required. Exposure lev-
De-Gassed Water: Ultrasound power measurement ac- els for physical therapy applicator heads range from
curacy is affected (by lowering the power reading) if the 100mW/cm2 to 3W/cm2. Total power requires multiplica-
water contains more than five parts per million of air. To tion by the radiated cross sectional area in cm 2.
de-gas, boil distilled water for one half-hour, then pour
into a suitable container, seal tightly and place in refrig- The power limits shown in the following table for diagnos-
erator. This process will give the required quality. The tic ultrasound have been extracted from FDA Section
container should be heat resistant glass; or thick plastic 510(k) guidance to manufacturers on submissions and
may be used after the water has been cooled. Before clearance as of February 1993. Refer to the AIUM and
testing, pour water into tilted test tank to minimize turbu- FDA publications for complete and up to date testing
lence. The test tank water surface will absorb oxygen standards and interpretations. Measurements are done
and a change of de-gassed water is recommended be- in all standard modes of operation. Power intensity is
fore each test. An alternative method of de-gassing wa- rated as Spatial Peak Temporal Average (ISPTA) and Spa-
ter is to heat the water to the boiling point, then put a tial Peak Pulse Average (ISPPA). The values in mW/cm 2
vacuum to it for five minutes. are derated for tissue and in parenthesis for the water
medium (use the chart below):
Water temperature affects accuracy; use a testing tem-
perature of 21 to 27°C ambient. Sonic energy agitates
the water surface through heating and scattering. Test-
ing time should be limited to a few minutes; prolonged
* Abdominal, intra-operative, pediatric, small organ (breast, thyroid, testes, etc.), neonatal cephalic, adult cephalic
Sound is a form of energy that sets the particles in the isonated medium into vibrational motion. The particles then
possess a kinetic energy. If dPm is the rate of the flow of this energy about an area dA, then the mean acoustic energy
When a plane sound wave propagates through a uniform non-absorbent medium, the intensity must be the same for
all points in the wave. Let E represent the energy density, i.e., the energy per unit volume. When the sound energy
passes through a unit cross-sectional area with a speed c, the intensity is:
The radiation pressure effect can be explained by analogy to the application of an alternating electric voltage to a non-
linear load. With the non-linear load it appears that both AC and DC components are present. In ultrasonics the non-
linear element is the density of the fluid and hence acoustic impedance (load) varies in the same periodical manner as
the density. Therefore in ultrasound the two components of pressure, one alternating and the other direct are present.
The average AC pressure per cycle is zero, but the DC pressure of radiation is:
Therefore, from the above two equations, the pressure of radiation (P) is equal to the energy density (E).
Eq. 4 P = E
It is this DC pressure of radiation that can be measured. At low frequencies, below 100KHz, a standard high fre-
quency hydrophone can be used. For higher frequencies, generally used in medical applications, 1-15 MHz, hydro-
phones are not available. At these frequencies the force can be measured using a precision balance and a radiation
force target that is perfectly absorptive. The conversion from force to power can be accomplished using the equation:
By combining all constants together and converting from ergs/sec to watts, we obtain a simplified equation that is used
to calculate the ultrasonic power once the force is measured:
To determine the ultrasonic watt density (watts/cm 2 or watts/in2) of a given transducer the P is divided by the cross
sectional area of the transducer.
Not withstanding any provision of any agreement the fol- SHIPPING TO MANUFACTURER FOR REPAIR OR AD-
lowing warranty is exclusive. JUSTMENT
Ohmic Instruments Company warrants each instrument it All shipments of Ohmic Instruments Co. instruments
manufactures to be free from defects in material and work- should be made via United Parcel Service or "Best Way"
manship under normal use and service for the period of 1- prepaid. The instrument should be shipped in the original
year from date of purchase. This warranty extends only to packing carton, or if it is not available, use any suitable
the original purchaser. This warranty shall not apply to container that is rigid and of adequate size. If a substitute
fuses or any product or parts which have been subjected container is used, the instrument should be wrapped in
to misuse, neglect, accident, or abnormal conditions of paper and surrounded with at least four inches of excelsior
operation. or similar shock absorbing material.
In the event of failure of a product covered by this war- CLAIM FOR DAMAGE IN SHIPMENT TO ORIGINAL
ranty, Ohmic Instruments Co. will repair and recalibrate an PURCHASER
instrument returned within 1 year of the original purchase:
provided the warrantor's examination discloses to its satis- The instrument should be thoroughly inspected immedi-
faction that the product was defective. The warrantor may, ately upon delivery to purchaser. All material in the ship-
at its option, replace the product in lieu of repair. With re- ping container should be checked against the enclosed
gard to any instrument returned within 1 year of the origi- packing list. The manufacturer will not be responsible for
nal purchase, said repairs or replacement will be made shortages against the packing sheet unless notified imme-
without charge. If the failure has been caused by misuse, diately. If the instrument is damaged in any way, a claim
neglect, accident, or abnormal conditions of operations, should be filed with the carrier immediately. (To obtain a
repairs will be billed at a nominal cost. In such case, an quotation to repair shipment damage, contact Ohmic In-
estimate will be submitted before work is started, if re- struments.) Final claim and negotiations with the carrier
quested. must be completed by the customer.
THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL Ohmic Instruments Company will be pleased to answer all
OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN- application or use questions, which will enhance your use
CLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WAR- of this instrument. Please address your requests or corre-
RANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS, OR ADE- spondence to: Ohmic Instruments Company, 508 August
QUACY FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE. St., Easton, Maryland 21601, ATTN: Technical Support.
OHMIC INSTRUMENTS COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LI- Or call Ohmic Technical Support at 410-820-5111.
TORT, OR OTHERWISE. All rights reserved. This manual may not be reproduced in
complete form without written permission of Ohmic Instru-
If any failure occurs, the following steps should be ments Company. Test forms may be copied as required by
taken: the original purchaser of the instrument. Information con-
tained within this manual is believed to be accurate and
1. Notify Ohmic Instruments Co. giving full details of the reliable. However, Ohmic Instruments Company assumes
difficulty, and include the model, type, and serial no liability for its use. Ohmic Instruments Company re-
numbers (where applicable). On receipt of this infor- serves the right to supply its instruments with design
mation, service data, or shipping instructions will be changes and/or component substitutions that may not be
forwarded to you. documented in this manual.