2 Chemistry For Engineers 2023 Atom and Periodic Table
2 Chemistry For Engineers 2023 Atom and Periodic Table
2 Chemistry For Engineers 2023 Atom and Periodic Table
Properties of the Subparticles of the Atom
: Electrolyte
▪ One-lettered symbol - First letter of the name of the chemical element in capital
letter; H, B, C, N, O
▪ Two-lettered symbol - First and the second letter of the name of the chemical
element; First in capital letter, the second in small letter; He, Ca, Li, Br, Al
• Two-lettered symbol - First and the third letter of the name of the chemical element;
First in capital letter, the third in small letter; Mn, Mg, Cr, Zn, Cs
▪ Henry Moseley proposed Modern Periodic Law – The properties of the chemical
element are functions of their atomic numbers;
▪ Chemical elements are denoted by unique symbol using one, two or three
▪ Oxidation state is 1+
▪ Oxidation state is 2 +
Transition metals
▪ Partially filled d orbitals;
2s 2p
3s 3p 3d
4s 4p 4d 4f
5s 5p 5d 5f
6s 6p 6d
7s 7p
Electronic configuration of a chemical element
1𝑠 2𝑠 2𝑝 3𝑠 3𝑝 4𝑠 3𝑑 4𝑝 5𝑠 4𝑑 5𝑝 6𝑠 4𝑓 …
Where 1, 2, 3, … are the shells of the electrons;
Required: Model
𝑝+ = 8
Functions of Electronic Configuration
1. Predict the Period, Group and Family of an element.
Rule: Period is equal to outermost shell;
Group is equal to number of electrons in the outermost shell,
if configuration ends with s or p, the group is either 1, 2, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, or 18 and if it ends with d or f , the group is 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, or 12.
a) 7𝑁 b) 20𝐶𝑎 c) 18𝐴𝑟
3. Predict the Valency of an element
Valency is the combining power of an element
VA 3, 5 VIIB 2, 4, 7
VIA 6 VIIIB (8-10) 2, 3
VIIA 7 IIB (11)
VIIIA 0 IB (12) 1,2
Using the Periodic Table of Elements, predict the corresponding valency:
a) 11𝑁𝑎 b) 4𝐵𝑒 c) 22 𝑇𝑖
4. Predict the electronegativity of an element
▪ The stronger an atom or group attracts electrons from another atom or group,
the larger the electronegativity.
a) Co, K and Br
Co = 1.88
K = 0.82
Br = 2.96
K < Co < Br
5. Predict the ionization energy of an element
▪ The lower ionization energy, the easier the atom become a cation.
▪ In a period, the ionization energy of the elements increases from left to right
due stability of valence shell, and in a group, the ionization energy of the
element increases from bottom to top due to electron shielding.
▪ Atomic radius is the half-distance between the nuclei of two same atoms.
▪ In a period, the atomic radius increases from right to left due to increase of
protons and electrons, and in a group, the atomic radius increases from top
to bottom due increase in quantum number.
Arrange the following elements in increasing atomic radius:
▪ In a period, the electron affinity increases from left to right due to decrease
in atomic radius, and in a group, the electron affinity decreases from top to
bottom due to increase in atomic radius.
Arrange the following elements in increasing electron affinity:
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