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sprig (ccass-t] omiece im ae need ner ty be enol ' ® VceRT— class M+ clase (2 © ac leon © yee Books, © Neuspapeu, Aeatal a . cea Hand ~Andion vupaud Ideas page Colvmn ay Asher gute Explained , ptt yin Axt by Muxish Danw vlux (Andian bay n Wa vine Hiodu)- © Andwl Tom tay pt Tent amd content rg fag (sn : Hagajinu - Kana kesherne ¢ RG ree * Down to earth. a ft Agriculture. Trie~ ugrivthtal eoone rey « | = Te appeds atl the as puts cathe in Indie a im Kata uk employ ve of pio ple. 2 ph Maret eomptay ecg peop “ tenemic Aun Qf MPM -L1 Sele ppl ane ase eelty engaged in agar . Farm: A pusen who hes an aul Lond ond ws as ~ that Land L004 — Lormimin —heuled b Avani Nabhan Awuni Nuthen mimion Au rit fwomu induda - tenant Furnny, Furr tbo angen Raving Land 4 in wlivutin ib, share De Ca ye oe te who ate deri agri ttucal OAR og. rving nw tiv ~ Uh Rood pen uysiulhae bub do not uve lundl (For ey. povon = pracivirg mq AEC Fane). candlow Oe (eu “ObGb. A National UP = INy, — Agar have pxvfrvnd wan act on evucull euemermy. Finca Degeut ~ PLUMS when opy dnwnne st wl S Macimmunt enpindi ture mudi by you ~ Non capital acti fon Y pene Spat prod subse dies w Ree son pox previoy peo aubudieds —emiwting food accu ty . 2.8d Awich Cwoxe 5 pint on feed Aubsidy on your” 2011-22 (ny) Emvurtiny tre weir utr of Fain os — 2, (PHanay] gy ety eye [hig x palaiduee J early Fum 4 © -20Kg / Mere 2023 = expenditure on subyd 7 MP cree us TOA Tnueanud arm than ot fe tar er Au peonljo lL e C2 of Iow pion ee ne why tnerease 2 Prwettburing pl Poe Rani henhe | Fat Mig pepe otayb SA Vletuineg We Arm pent wyt Pp 2 h UXO nu eared. a eet 2 Raasey kay tw Sete, S Imp vompenent op Vate = Wuhural flew een eee Qe wily QJun wwe wort th Muha Hy eae PRiLTD ene produution tsk + Wun Demand of Avheat tte IN India invieanedt. tatetnubionul Manat. © Puthhgee Aub osdy = if nek ast ovided ere othe op abba , > ~ Ma of Intl PA8bim in. pel! Aedes Ce AWM Hence you G a, yon . provided ndvridivoun MY as oe Heuf wav lel be -@ i eqs Rleda wy subvi dy] eviawin Hu prvduit . Penqub ov i ie 6000 Vente on ik ion eh wheel. [Pyrivtroee upped Me oval! cone tuptnd ture by He (eimmaca dlp by ineaningy m4 eee, Rag nivel Furcel bop oats reer Indi« ~ D) ny Busmuk + Nen Busmuah Rice Tru — Lacquk ux porhed ; ALiond Aug tak pry dae Aiquk utew unit Rice wlhvukon RBwmak — Muon My in Punjab, Hargany and. High valuc Ria. tap etbed Hh obiy Mole eks [ninth Rm wird wut Asiu, wali tumen p com Lovnpmy) Non hummuh — wlhvukid ever a Luge wea Up HH be Abpica, Bum ged wh (1) Maxine produce, > APOVVVVUNLOUUUT UE UU UU IV ef pis ; ‘ = Ateend Kayor produur . Indie = At = Daan in unten of Prwia,, Wink ep fut i Motine — porous exponb — Mualcets ay wout om —____ Nott Druin, baropt, Euat/avvinu} Aria. Qnjindiu ~ Lurguk producer a emperhr ° Buffellorw . Manin. Ry $b 7 UP> Mahmuthtau > On dae. Munir Cupp eitouw mea produ hi on.~ UP >And )mal (Buy). ~har, ~ nM omticer 5 egypt Wut faia, Covntarus f Inde china ™) SHE eatin un MYWL. Conma Hered « AU gueenn C- ~ And Diacutty Upendint on He tut ‘oil fr prin oh CASE R ju Rwy nk product , stun Bxusil. Shuto culkvu hoy - UP. [waren part, anew. Neat be Dethi Se Mugzoppwrne ot |) Meutut oh) ,| Dinkaick bonds in Mepol 5 Mahonash bra. CSovthun Muhuaurhtta - iohlupwt..., wah —n Muahucmbtna - Dbrnclnuyerek Maca th 2447] ang Karoukaru. [ Bulg am, Sovthun pute Mande, Hasral] Andin wy ety Auge Factons oleeeling suy TW PHIL ID Int utnubtonul Mar icef — Th pric of Sugotcune ——__, Repo Molanm qe pre °f Uiuds vi), Sug ave CRode oil price ts L = Inviease f price 7 prbeol Gq Cll Municcking weitt worm, Hin woe acl bp B03 neatly ty heck bot of suyren ut that be enpert 4 Ou gen pew India. °| Pein will min mrore thurro| ‘ncteane in dermanck of ethane) Ham Countain used auqarcamne to procluce othu —nol wo 4 pet eae pore tucFion invute acd. ie in Antucnutional maniete India, Nina fury W) Tea — pevuraye vee ~ calhvutadl in Prepical Regions 4 th woud Indiu: Atcond hung ert prcduur up ht duma Pacduu % Assurm (107 o Fea predudion), aust Bengal CHilty wtear of Duryedin ; Sig ude, porta “| magma), Arunachal, tripury Paes sp tevin — Tem Nadu (hutgut : poredudbe of Ha in savth), Nilgini (Man toe), | Mutelu— cluki wee, Nunnut, Not the castuca pet catted Vuindua). ICA NU Fala UXen ef Ruck. Neath wrtun wet — Hinnathel , VHwtulthane (Dehxudon, wets : Almmoduh) - Guang high pose bx poxt Mutkehy © Rumiu Eupontn of fla au m be of set anwice vei » Inun, UK, crs oun Puiu) WAYiO UE in uteure Laat yeu | wr oe Cos in unpert by Di hamice mm 7 Mone upert a] Indi«. wM') WHon =e Indies tut yuk predawn Comm wu al At0p. ‘ > Paoduters PWOGuorat + Samash bee Re: jon = CD Muahuwhtre CO budyuk pre ducer ° teHen in Ineli a Vidnutha Region (wu pwn, co lw) —~ bellowed by wtuth Wala Sa ) Telengana sali (4 ICU Na Fulew ~ por Maluie plureu uw ec ciel ‘| MP. ode wo Cotten Cultivution — hunky eux itm linked p =a") Enponts 4 Lineaky sprees, pair vegetables. Aun unpott~ 2) Although Indu fa u Net enpodty, Hue oP bkwn unp ’ » ond ran port tA my bw + Trmponts () €didte oir 7 Demand in Indiu 2 ar MIbea tomes 7 ru Mat human Production £ 2) Milhon bonnes Fe be purpiited Mantinn vn im port > Palma oil rough ‘iompert Frm pert vf oi inucenscl ber of - bess prreckutlio 2) Change tn peo habits of people |randen [Peco i 09 OL) Patt of Pain Muluria tet > Nokona Mim; eee on en €ilible ovt eel eaen Palma vil WIHVuion Hey) LUA Jo mde br | soul tas? pria ~eC umount of wetoc (Puckiny in plow vif [vem tea? Pata whet of) cal) Anda ond tuluryong - reading to depen | faim so) paid ° g7eendnuctor) Heme you. oh unded Palaw Telengune: ol Culvuhen 4 Dnddlocen Q Nilcobax Megien, > Acuubeau Oil + Jrupett prem Brazil, Aayenkau. (Meorimuy US— Piso one of the Lue uk producer oy seyubean sh! Indiu dont jmubont re Ul. beteume * dash wv aeyu bron eiccrne 19 India md Vs) | “7 Aun flow oil ¢ viieaing Australia, Rumiu. ee p nade — Canole (simmilur fo Murkuel ot) + Farm biginbion > dak gems jn perth *h UibL Bi Y Million cleans x = Fottilig ve > CONPLbuku bo eononmic Ud rat (adm cat ae) a Aruul wonton wmd futivuls, souul problums abe Ainle ty Mgninel Fue Aowwl problems — Ovt Mignakon Villaye = tpied ow bate fowmitooul voit mace Cae Moyen UilecHon —> No npeupre left uteon Town —> Huw pine Hon, (tonsiyk town lommitlee) — Tuo ty py otha tay frwn. —t ™ Cem bwn Chock on po auton 3 condition fox « Pla iy — Aller real ' Sorny He fo be culled 7 bun ppl ven une I low 2) clenvity v pope Yoo pp! / ay) ho ee shen 7 din abu hin othe 5) 187 Mula ahoud be enuge ‘ pptitib lta (eens Fata ubovt “gHilulhwu vi Mon q Nef ubvuf sectons— Ps, T). > Movunent © pl pron Ruta & Wthan is m “| Phat myniud bore foiled wt w su bsiskente a vey Iu e fiat containing tea fecal Cliema Problems., youd Usnnuk condi bon feud We bem pes produchon ulhich in hen otarh the mweice agxiue IN upp iwi unkd md unio you have deoryt oe to utlhivuh > The wn Haw #_nmiynu hon Ril Imi Oren the Unban prob ~lums. fea cy. Muu in Alums. cry erent Ae dermoy ru hy + Hhe village Migkubon - aye aclehive, 5 Census aon Teethoe Henuw mone aul [ sac 40. “mua in Ubu wus. Ray tabard) wt femmin BUHon e A gnival rune: Moxe no Gy oS Ca jomeb in (ame ae Por teporce. The Oippetenw is ~ com pared bh usb luc ommma Hen) Ph fechin fytiwlt wu produdion O)+goou Feuhnolowy muthinul je eg ni lta + Maung (A jon th) Bde not das ned fox wonmen. THLE Urol 74 Teg ity Urvidel mu "4 rele unl Fumufa. —Maln— Merchinan ~ fermaty — Manuul Wowk ON Ahare of pumila ina Own bhi + Lund (Au te uh x ies MOAI = Uy, ~ oY — By. ul Fuxe Un sus Lor mot of the Porm ale Loh wt 4 {id Hud La bows (M1) dour wa u, DIA nmin uh on ruan onl women. 1. Pe prod wie (ondl in ee bhum ai bee mM Auld le CRop poilwre ~ Failure Wy bey dibF- Fume Mobon biane Revonels Buteaw (or) = bhwn 1995 - Jors nuove Hhun 3% Luh putes wormmmitteh Auiucde Repent doug FID SRE AuiWe (30 [winners suidd | day) Furomu Aucude — Not tinnited be vedadivileped sbkah + pxobtemn vey opie ey hoy. rade fees Mu weu shine, 'Ynowed Pungub th), Froutat pein India Revolve wtovnd agniu tue) —» "<> CLienuhic Ob (ery - Clinmak ch ¢-globul w My grea Howure yas oy gy ence ~e Uncen Flouse = leads bp Peeping 4 Heat, ovtnide fom p ~~ Anu jnvide rermp is Chipfecent. = Thee cb ¢ - glean on aXeen howe aie ipp een F qe en the 770 tum hs fem pure deadr to A 4 mM ainnalwe fr the ulrosphute. In CHEOAL lobul Umaamaing. ‘d'd a = Climefe thanye 3 A Null henommenon. the mabe _ C oh wutent Clinmate Ununye inet nutwuul > > Bayniuattucal Actor vit} be the most affected. aa fcal Aleta. geen How umianiens. “~~ vn peed and ugxic OLY. KEYS thet taunspontahion —», ACUIOX Contni bute 13 vy. 7 qn HOWL wmmssions. -@ dndw tai w ~Qlye, ty niulFune od Loud we chanye cut bh Opti Wa HP ute > ofa Ayr awWuitin “betting BO Puddy ve nice Luttvabon™ Methane a © Buantey + Atubble cae ©) Prin ul ciein @O@Land wr chug = ob) Any ucitivation / phonm cthvation a egttting Ric of weeds © . Vol un maahocgel Vary meh as & natal jure WLLL. without uff euting top Sey ac ie, Neh mate

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