1) The document is a daily lesson log for a Home Economics class that focuses on preparing different types of appetizers over four days, including hors d'oeuvres, chips and dips, relishes, and storing appetizers.
2) On each day, students learn about a new type of appetizer - the tools needed, sample recipes, plating techniques - and then prepare samples in groups with proper garnishing.
3) The final day focuses on platter presentation and storage methods to maintain food safety and quality after preparation.
1) The document is a daily lesson log for a Home Economics class that focuses on preparing different types of appetizers over four days, including hors d'oeuvres, chips and dips, relishes, and storing appetizers.
2) On each day, students learn about a new type of appetizer - the tools needed, sample recipes, plating techniques - and then prepare samples in groups with proper garnishing.
3) The final day focuses on platter presentation and storage methods to maintain food safety and quality after preparation.
1) The document is a daily lesson log for a Home Economics class that focuses on preparing different types of appetizers over four days, including hors d'oeuvres, chips and dips, relishes, and storing appetizers.
2) On each day, students learn about a new type of appetizer - the tools needed, sample recipes, plating techniques - and then prepare samples in groups with proper garnishing.
3) The final day focuses on platter presentation and storage methods to maintain food safety and quality after preparation.
1) The document is a daily lesson log for a Home Economics class that focuses on preparing different types of appetizers over four days, including hors d'oeuvres, chips and dips, relishes, and storing appetizers.
2) On each day, students learn about a new type of appetizer - the tools needed, sample recipes, plating techniques - and then prepare samples in groups with proper garnishing.
3) The final day focuses on platter presentation and storage methods to maintain food safety and quality after preparation.
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GRADE 9 Teacher JEROME A. PERDIGON 9 Teaching Dates G9 - DANIEL 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Learning Area HOME ECONOMICS and Time G9 - AMOS 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM G9 - EZEKIEL 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM COOKERY Quarter
S.Y. 2022-2023 WEEK 7 OCTOBER 3-7
1st DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 I. OBJECTIVE A. CONTENT STANDARD The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an understanding the knowledge, understanding the knowledge, understanding the knowledge, understanding the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in skills, and attitudes required in skills, and attitudes required in skills, and attitudes required in preparing appetizers preparing appetizers preparing appetizers storing appetizers B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently The learners independently store prepare appetizers prepare appetizers prepare appetizers appetizers C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES a. Identify the different tools a. Identify the different tools a. Identify the different tools a. Identify principles and At the end of the lesson 90% of the needed in preparing hors needed in preparing appetizers; needed in preparing appetizers; techniques of storing salad and students with 80% proficiency d’eouvres; b. Demonstrate the proper use of b. Demonstrate the proper use of appetizers; should be able to: b. Demonstrate the proper use of different kitchen tools and different kitchen tools and b. Store salad and appetizers; different kitchen tools and equipment; and equipment; and c. Observe sanitary practices equipment; and c. Recognize the importance of c. Recognize the importance of storing salad and appetizers; and c. Recognize the importance of identifying kitchen tools and identifying kitchen tools and d. Recognize the importance of identifying kitchen tools and equipment used in the preparation equipment used in the preparation storing salad and appetizers. equipment used in the preparation of appetizers. of appetizers. TLE_HECK9- 12PA-Ij-6 of appetizers. TLE_HECK912PA-Ic-3 TLE_HECK912PA-Ic-3 TLE_HECK912PA-Ic-3 II. CONTENT Presentation of appetizers: Presentation of appetizers: Presentation of appetizers: Store appetizers HORS D’EOUVRES CHIPS AND DIPS RELISHES/CRUDITE’S III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. REFERENCES 1. TEACHER’S GUIDE PAGES Page 12 Page 12 Page 12 Page 15 2. LEARNER’S MATERIAL PAGES Pages 69-75 Pages 69-75 Pages 69-75 Pages 76-78 3. TEXTBOOK PAGES 4. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FROM IV. PROCEDURES A. REVIEWING PREVIOUS LESSON Recall the different elements and Recall the different elements and Recall the different elements and Review the different classification OR PRESENTING THE NEW principles of preparing HORS principles of preparing CHIPS AND principles of preparing of appetizers LESSON D’EOUVRES DIPS RELISHES/CRUDITE’S B. ESTABLISHING A PURPOSE FOR Let the students select the type of Let the students select the type of Let the students select the type of Let the students describe how they THE LESSON hors d’eouvres according to their chips and dips according to their relishes/crudite’s according to their prepare different types of tastes and preferences tastes and preferences tastes and preferences appetizers. C. PRESENTING EXAMPLES/ Present sample recipes for hors Present sample recipes for chips Present sample recipes for Present sample platter INSTANCES OF THE LESSON d’eouvres and dips relishes/crudite’s presentation D. DISCUSSING NEW CONCEPTS Discuss the different composition Discuss the different composition Discuss the different composition Discuss the fundamentals of plating AND PRACTICING NEW SKILLS #1 of hors d’eouvres of chips and dips of relishes/crudite’s E. DISCUSSING NEW CONCEPTS Discuss the following guidelines on Discuss the following guidelines on Discuss the following guidelines on Discuss the basic elements and AND PRACTICING NEW SKILLS #2 assembling hors d’eouvres assembling chips and dips assembling relishes/crudite’s principles of platter presentation F. DEVELOPING MASTERY The students identify the parts of The students identify the parts of The students identify the parts of The students determine the (Leads to formative assessment) the hors d’eouvres the chips and dips the relishes/crudite’s different elements and principles to be observed in preparing appetizers G. FINDING PRACTICAL The students will be grouped then The students will be grouped then The students will be grouped then The students will create a platter of APPLICATIONS OF CONCEPTS assigned to prepare their hors assigned to prepare their chips and assigned to prepare their different appetizers. AND SKILLS IN DAILY LIVING d’eouvres with proper garnishing dips with proper garnishing relishes/crudite’s with proper garnishing H. MAKING GENERALIZATIONS AND Hors d’eouvres is often served Hors d’eouvres is often served Relishes/Crudités are pickled item Plate presentation is the process of ABSTRACTIONS ABOUT THE preceding a meal, they are served preceding a meal, they are served which are raw, crisp vegetables offering the appetizer to guests in a LESSON as the food at cocktail parties as the food at cocktail parties such as julienne carrots or celery stylish and pleasing manner. involving alcoholic beverages. involving alcoholic beverages. sticks. Storing salads and appetizers is one of the most important activities done after preparing them to maintain freshness and avoid spoilage. I. EVALUATING LEARNING The learners are graded according The learners are graded according The learners are graded according The students identify the different to the prepared rubrics to the prepared rubrics to the prepared rubrics elements and principles observed in their platter presentation J. ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR The students can search for the The students can search for the The students can search for the The students will create a portfolio APPLICATION AND other recipes and study the other recipes and study the other recipes and study the with the compilation of their work REMEDIATION different ways of garnishing different ways of garnishing different ways of garnishing on different appetizers they appetizers appetizers appetizers presented in class. V. REMARKS Classes are suspended on September 26 ( Monday) due to typhoon. Activity will be conducted at their respective classroom. VI. REFLECTION A. NUMBER OF LEARNERS WHO EARNED 80% IN THE EVALUATION B. NUMBER OF LEARNERS WHO REQUIRE ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES FOR REMEDIATION C. DID THE REMEDIAL LESSONS WORK? NUMBER OF LEARNERS WHO HAVE CAUGHT UP WITH THE LESSON. D. NUMBER OF LEARNERS WHO CONTINUE TO REQUIRE REMEDIATION E. WHICH OF MY TEACHING STRATEGIES WORKED WELL? F. WHAT DIFFICULTIES DID I ENCOUNTER WHICH MY PRINCIPAL OR SUPERVISOR CAN HELP ME SOLVE? G. WHAT INNOVATIONS OR LOCALIZED MATERIALS DID I USED/ DISCOVER WHICH I WISH TO SHARE WITH OTHER TEACHERS?