Changelog of UE

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--------------------------MINI PATCH.-------------------------

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed room2sl's music.

- Again fixed SCP-402's sounds.

- Small fixes for buttons' positions.

-------------------------PATCH FOR PATCH?---------------------

- Added an elevator for SCP-079's containment chamber.

- Added new button type.
- Added a security camera in SCP-173's containment chamber.

- Renamed document SCP-??? to document SCP-XXX.

- Renamed exit1 to gateb.

- Removed one bump texture.

- Small changes for SCP-079's containment chamber.

- Small changes for security camera's red light.
- Small changes for buttons' texture.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with disappearing of the button next to O5 Council's door.

- Fixed SCP-207.
- Fixed loading screens' rendering.

- Again fixed SCP-357's location.

- Small fixes for SCP-447.

- Small fixes for camera's light timing.
- Small fixes for the vehicle's motor sound.

-------------------------SMALL ADDITIONS.---------------------

- Added a new message when player use keycards on scanner.

- Added a new bump texture.

- Changed SCP-914's label.

- Changed SCP-513, SCP-008 and SCP-035's containment chamber style to HCZ.
- Changed coin's model to 3D version.
- Changed O5 Council office.

- Small changes for SCP-457's containment chamber.

- Now SCP-409's achievement appears only if player opened the door to the
containment chamber.
- Now night vision goggles protect player's eyes from gas.

- Renamed room173_intro to room173intro.

- Optimized SCP-009's containment chamber (I hope, - Jabka).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed stairs' collision in room2closets.

- Fixed appearing of MTF groups when player in the SCP-106 or SCP-457's containment
- Fixed appearing of the SCP-650 in the Pocket Dimension, SCP-1499's dimension,
SCP-860-1, Gate B and Gate A.

- Small fixes for room2servers2.

- Small fixes for vehicle's sound in intro scene.
- Small fixes for three bump textures.
- Small fixes for ligtmaps in room173intro.

--------------------INSTALLER FIX FOR v5.5.2.-----------------

- Removed .zip archive.

- Removed from mod's folder.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed installation folder.

--------------------------BUG FIXES.--------------------------

- Now player can save the ballistic helmet in the inventory.

- Now the mod uses a special setup.

- Changed SCP-207's loading screen.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed one of the maintenance tunnel doors in the SCP-457 storage area.
- Fixed decals in the SCP-096's containment chamber.
- Fixed a sound bug in the SCP-895's containment chamber (guard's falling).
- Fixed description of the special maps.

- Small fixes for SCP-500's location.

- Small fixes for SCP-009.
- Small fixes for room2scps2 and room3scps.

------------------------SMALL PATCH.--------------------------

- Fixed SCP-714 -> Upgraded SCP-714.

- Fixed model of the quarters and movie ticket.

Bug Fixes:

- Small fixes for credits.

- Small fixes for minty pill's color.
- Small fixes for note from Maynard.
- Small fixes for SCP-447's decals.
- Small fixes for "noblinking" command.


- Added crouch sound.

- Added SCP-066's achievement.
- Added one new sound for SCP-079, SCP-372 and SCP-513-1.
- Added new radio's sound.
- Added "NoBlinking" command.
- Added new SCP-895's picture.
- Added messages for eyedrops.
- Added Dr. Clef's note.
- Added a ballistic helmet.
- Added an elevator inside the SCP-106's containment area.
- Added new death animations for Class D.
- Added two new loading screens.
- Added a special vehicle in the intro scene.
- Added new commotion sound.
- Added a drips sound in the SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Added a memorable document SCP-970.
- Added room2catwalk.
- Added music in the SCP-106's containment area.
- Added a special badges for all personnel (except Class D).
- Added new SCP-079's face images.
- Added new janitor's texture.
- Added new scientist's texture for SCP-008's event.
- Added a glow effect for buttons.
- Added minty pill and upgraded minty pill.

- Re-Added "decontamination" alarm sound for room2gw.

- Changed level 6 keycard and omni keycard achievement's icon.

- Changed clearance level of the SCP-914's observaion room.
- Changed SCP-049's loading screen.
- Changed glasses case's icon.
- Changed design of the SCP-106's containment chamber to HCZ style -> Changed
room2sl's monitor.
- Changed hazmat suit's overlay.
- Changed SCP-457's fire loop sound.
- Changed SCP-970's document.
- Changed SCP-1033-RU and SCP-860's icons.
- Changed lost key's model to 3D version.
- Changed images for the document in O5 Council office (removing the copyright).
- Changed design of the SCP-895's containment chamber to HCZ style -> Changed SCP-
895's loading screen.
- Changed music in the SCP-457's storage area (removing the copyright).

- Small changes for SCP-457's containment chamber -> Changed room2sl's monitor.
- Small changes for some achievements' names and descriptions.

- Now SCP-457 spawns randomly inside the SCP-457's storage area.

- Now quick loading disables the wireframe mod.
- Now shooting looks more realistic.
- Now SCP-1033-RU can protect from SCP-049.
- Now the player can't save on the thaumiel difficulty (only save and quit).
- Now scale of the loading screens depends on the resolution.

- Nerfed SCP-109, SCP-714 and SCP-1033-RU.

- Optimized intro scene.

- Removed binoculars.
- Removed room3gw.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed room2servers' event.

- Fixed SCP-1048 in room2testroom's event.
- Fixed SCP-008-1's standing animation in medibay's event.
- Fixed guard's death pose.
- Fixed stairs in SCP-409's containment chamber.
- Fixed disappearing of the decals in SCP-173's containment chamber after the intro
- Fixed using the items while wearing gas mask, SCP-1499 and others.
- Fixed SCP-966 and SCP-1499-1's attack when player using the SCP-1033-RU.
- Fixed wrong waypoint in the SCP-009's containment chamber.
- Fixed window in the SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Fixed disappearing of the one button near the door in the intro.
- Fixed some bump textures.
- Fixed "two inventory slots" mode for custom difficulty.
- Fixed a lot of wrong textures in the some rooms.
- Fixed disappearing of the achievement icons after pressing ALT + TAB in
- Fixed combining of the SCP-447 with SCP-500-01.

- Small fixes for blood loss if player have an active vomit timer.
- Small fixes for player's HUD while light blink timer is appearing.
- Small fixes for "revive" command.
- Small fixes for SCP-409's touching system.
- Small fixes for SCP-457's containing distance.
- Small fixes for SCP-035's tentacle in room2offices035's event.
- Small fixes for death animation of the SCP-035's tentacle.
- Small fixes for SCP-914's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for special maps.
- Small fixes for room2closets.
- Small fixes for position of the security camera in SCP-966's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for upgraded SCP-1033-RU.
- Small fixes for MTF's attack system.
- Small fixes for the player's HUD.
- Small fixes for SCP-294's drinks.
- Small fixes for death messages.
- Small fixes for thaumiel difficulty.
- Small fixes for some horror sounds.
- Small fixes for credits.
- Small fixes for the fog's range.
- Small fixes for SCP-402, SCP-357, SCP-207 and SCP-1033-RU.
- Small fixes logical fixes the SCP-173's containment chamber (intro scene).
- Small fixes for 4th SCP-939's trigger.
- Small fixes for the key card's model.


- Added HK loading screen.

- Added new sounds for SCP-372.
- Added SCP-402, SCP-207, SCP-1033-RU and SCP-357's documents.
- Added new drip sounds.
- Added relaxed breath sound for the gas mask, SCP-1499 and hazmat suit.
- Added a headphones for guard with music in the intro.
- Added Dr.Gears' office.
- Added SCP-085's note.
- Added commands "disable966" and "enable966."
- Added a few commands for "help" command.

- Changed keycard's level in the SCP-066's containment chamber.

- Changed entrance to the O5 council office.
- Changed step sounds.
- Changed sound of the orange anomalous duck.
- Changed SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-2's get up animation.
- Changed SCP-178-1's model.

- Small changes for SCP-372's model.

- Now SCP-035's tentacle and SCP-966 can't attack the player if he used the
"notarget" command.
- Now door to the D-9341's cell will be closed if the player has left from it.
- Now MTF and MTF2's accuracy depends on distance to the player.
- Now player can upgrade the SCP-1033-RU in SCP-914 to 200 HP.

- Updated credits.

- Renamed SCP-457's documents.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed door to the SCP-860-1.

- Fixed bug with saving in SCP-205's containment chamber.
- Fixed hit box of the SCP-372's containment chamber.
- Fixed missing "dispense" sound for SCP-294.
- Fixed missing anomalous duck's texture in the room2offices2.
- Fixed SCP-009's containment chamber in the 3-D menu.
- Fixed all issues with SCP-457's behavior.
- Fixed saves in SCP-035's containment chamber.
- Fixed SCP-049's behavior (I hope, - Jabka).
- Fixed bug with saving the mouse sensitivity.
- Fixed SCP-966's walking animation.
- Fixed windows in room2testroom.
- Fixed SCP-357's position (I hope, - Jabka).
- Fixed overlapping of the all rooms with elevators and lower floors.
- Fixed SCP-178-1's animations.
- Fixed SCP-409's crystallization effect.
- Fixed LightMapPNG.exe

- Small fixes for SCP-1162's containment chamber.

- Small fixes for location of the SCP-500's document.
- Small fixes for event of the SCP-096's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for thaumiel difficulty.
- Small fixes for room2scps2.
- Small fixes for Map Creator.
- Small fixes for event names in events.ini.
- Small fixes for events of room4info and SCP-1123's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for night vision goggles glitched sound in SCP-895's containment
- Small fixes for special maps.
- Small fixes for FOV slider.
- Small fixes for DebugHUD.
- Small fixes for SCP-447's timers.
- Small fixes for room2tunnel.
- Small fixes for achievements button.
- Small fixes for SCP-457 and SCP-035's documents location.
- Small fixes for SCP-939's death message.

--------------------------JULY UPDATE.------------------------


- Added a screenshot key.


- Added new parameter for custom difficulty.

- Added "observation room" sings for SCP-895 and SCP-860's containment chambers.
- Added SCP-066's containment chamber.
- Added new SCP-1033-RU's sounds.
- Added new horror sounds for SCP-173.
- Added combined batteries with SCP-447.
- Added three new bump textures.
- Added room3offices2, room2coffices, room2offices5 and room2bio.
- Added Data Report document.
- Added bloody texture for documents and notes.
- Added new severed hand.
- Added commands "enablecontrol" and "disablecontrol" and "unlockcheckpoints".
- Added negative and positive effects for the HUD.
- Added animation for SCP-109.
- Added the door for room2pit.
- Added a second buttons for Gate A and Gate B's big doors.

- Re-Added Story of Site to the credits.

- Changed SCP-035 and SCP-457's containment chambers music.

- Changed S-Nav and Level 1 KeyCard's location in room2testroom2.
- Changed brightness of blurring effect (for gas mask, hazmat suit and SCP-1499).
- Changed mechanics of obtaining the SCP-207 and thaumiel's achievements.
- Changed hallway with elevator for the SCP-008's containment chamber.
- Changed SCP-106's walk animation.
- Changed music in room2tunnel and room3storage.
- Changed SCP-096's triggered animation.
- Changed label of the SCP-650's containment chamber.
- Changed SCP-372's model.
- Changed SCP-096 and SCP-009's containment chambers.
- Changed ballistic vest and document's location in room2nuke.
- Changed menu theme.
- Changed the maximum number of characters in the map description (for Map
- Changed death animation for SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-2.

- Small changes for thaumiel difficulty.

- Small changes for O5-14 incident document.
- Small changes for design of hallway with elevator for the SCP-409's containment
- Small changes for horror sound in the intro.
- Small changes for Franklin's texture.

- Removed rotation of the SCP-173's head.

- Removed frame for save messages.
- Removed one sound in checkpoint rooms.

- Now keycards can be upgraded by SCP-447.

- Now SCP-1033-RU causes damage to the enemy when losing health (working only for
- Now all zombies can be killed by the tesla gate (also the tesla gate reacts on
SCP-049 and SCP-096, but can't kill or stop them, -Jabka).
- Now SCP-066 is visible on the S-Nav.

- Renamed a lot of files in "items" and "npcs" folders.

- Renamed a lot of room descriptions.
- Renamed testroom to room2testroom.
- Renamed command "unlockallachievements" to "unlockachievements".
- Renamed command "toggle_warhead_lever" to "disablenuke".

- Updated credits.

- Optimized command "unlockachievements".

- Optimized a few rooms.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed disappering of the big door in endroom3.

- Fixed bug with disappearing of the SCP-173 in SCP-008's containment chamber.
- Fixed monitor and glass textures in SCP-008's containment chamber.
- Fixed SCP-035 tentacle's death in event with SCP-035.
- Fixed disappearing of the room2nuke and SCP-205's containment chamber on the map
(I hope, - Jabka).
- Fixed error message in room2servers and room2ccont.
- Fixed wrong SCP-1079's rotation.
- Fixed SCP-1033-RU's system (I hope, - Jabka).
- Fixed wrong Class D rotation in room4tunnels (I hope this stupid D will work
normally, -Jabka).
- Fixed radio system (I hope, -Jabka)..
- Fixed disappearing of the SCP-447's achievement.
- Fixed wrong SCP-008's containment chamber image in room2sl monitors.
- Fixed generation of the lockroom in EZ.
- Fixed combining SCP-500-01 (death pill) with the wallet.
- Fixed SCP-970 event's sound.
- Fixed SCP-457's document for SCP-914.
- Fixed three bump textures.
- Fixed red message in SCP-1499's dimension.
- Fixed SCP-1048's drawings.
- Fixed hole in the floor for the room2testroom.
- Fixed textures for elevator arrows in room1lifts.
- Fixed different color of the syringe and infected syringe.
- Fixed disappearing of the labels in the intro.
- Fixed position of the all buttons on the map.
- Fixed unclickable "BACK" button if enabled "antialiased text" parameter.
- Fixed overlapping of the achievements.
- Fixed command "disablenuke".
- Fixed SCP-049's animations.

- Again fixed level 6 keycard text...

- Again fixed SCP-939 after using the SCP-1499.

- Small fixes for SCP-447's achievement description.

- Small fixes for Gate B.
- Small fixes for Map Creator.
- Small fixes for SCP-294's drinks.
- Small fixes in the changelog.
- Small fixes for room2posters' lightmap.
- Small fixes for MTF2, guard, SCP-650 and SCP-008-2's models.
- Small fixes for SCP-1162's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for MTF2's texture.
- Small fixes for SCP-109, SCP-207 and SCP-447's models.
- Small fixes for room3storage, room860, Gate B and endroom3.
- Small fixes for bump texture of the gears.

--------------------------HUGE UPDATE-------------------------

- Added SCP-447's achievement.

- Added SCP-1074 and O5-14's ester eggs.
- Added light sprites in 3D Menu.
- Added observation room for SCP-178 and SCP-009's containment chambers.
- Added "observation room" signs for SCP-035, SCP-457, SCP-914, SCP-009�and SCP-
079's containment chambers.
- Added blur after opening the door to the SCP-1079's containment chamber.
- Added caution sign in room2shaft.
- Added endroom3.
- Added SCP-035's ambience.
- Added new gasmask and hazmat suit mechanics.

- Removed SCP-038.
- Removed SCP-006.
- Removed SCP-008-2 -> Renamed SCP-008-3 to SCP-008-2.

- Changed design of SCP-079's containment chamber to HCZ.

- Changed SCP-049's model.
- Changed SCP-096's texture and chasing music.
- Changed hallway with elevators of SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Changed NTF to the SNE at the gate B.
- Changed SCP-205's label.
- Changed mechanics of obtaining the SCP-650's achievement.
- Changed walls' texture of the room2posters.
- Changed wall in the medibay's hallway.
- Changed textures of the ducks. -> Changed ducks loading screen.
- Changed SCP-447's scale.
- Changed texture of crystallized Class D and Class D with pink blood.
- Changed texture of the infected syringe.
- Changed logo of the 3-D menu.
- Changed SCP-049-2-2's texture to Class D (because scientist isn't a canon).
- Changed SCP-008's containment chamber.
- Changed brightness of the SCP-106's containment area monitor in room2sl.

- Small changes for SCP-106's music.

- Small changes for room4info event.
- Small changes for level 6 keycard's achievement.
- Small changes for Gate A ending.

- Now SCP-096 more active.

- Now SCP-198 effect can be removed by SCP-500-01.
- Now player gets a blur if he wears a gas mask and has a little stamina.

- Sorted all rooms in Map Creator.

- Updated credits.

- Renamed SCP-008's containment chamber to room008.

- Renamed SCP-914's containment chamber to room914.
- Renamed SCP-895's containment chamber to room895.
- Renamed SCP-372's containment chamber to room372.
- Renamed Photo to Unknown Document.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a lot of lightmaps.

- Fixed error if player use SCP-1079-01.
- Fixed doors in room3scps.
- Fixed room3tunnel event's description.
- Fixed wrong SCP-650's rotate in his containment chamber.
- Fixed duplicate of room3scps on the map.
- Fixed disappearing of "fine" mode for level 6 keycard.
- Fixed error message in Gate A.
- Fixed disappearing of terrain in Gate B.
- Fixed elevator arrows in room2shaft.
- Fixed infinite cough sound after death by SCP-402.
- Fixed bug with infected syringe instead the 9V battery in room2posters.
- Fixed grammatical mistakes in level 6 keycard's achievement.
- Fixed SCP-457's containing procedure (I hope it works, - Jabka)
- Fixed incompatibility of SCP-447 and items in SCP-914.
- Fixed bug with infinite decals in SCP-005's containment chamber when SCP-106
chasing the player (I hope it works, - Jabka)
- Fixed error message in SCP-035's containment chamber.
- Fixed wrong wall textures in room2testroom, room2offices3, exit1.
- Fixed disappearing of the pipe near the SCP-008.
- Fixed invisible floor in pocket dimension (room with SCP-106's throne).
- Fixed disappearing of the pipes in room3gw.
- Fixed invisible wall in pocket dimension.
- Fixed disappearing of the room1office on the map.
- Fixed logical mistake in room1archive when player opens the door by level 0
- Fixed no reaction of all MTFs to tentacles.

- Small fixes for SCP-650's containment chamber.

- Small fixes for SCP-096's containment chamber and event.
- Small fixes for keycards' refining system.
- Small fixes for Chaos Insurgency model.
- Small elevator fixes for room2shaft.
- Small fixes for big doors at Gate A.
- Small fixes for SCP-005's icon.
- Small fixes for SCP-1123's containment chamber (after touching the skull).
- Small fixes for SCP-860-1 in his containment chamber.
- Small fixes for "heal" command.
- Small lightmap fixes for room3scps.
- Small sound fixes when MTF2 kills zombies.
- Small fixes in SCP-357 containment chamber.

- Forgot to change the MTF2's announcement.


- Added security cameras in room2scps3 and SCP-005's containment chamber.

- Added SCP-357, SCP-402, SCP-1033-RU, SCP-1079 and SCP-207's containment chambers.

- Changed hallway with elevators to the SCP-457's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-650's containment chamber.
- Changed SCP-106's music to the old version.
- Changed design of SCP-096's containment chamber.

- Now level 1 keycard and level 2 keycard switched places in rooms.

- Now you can't continue saving from old versions (because it have a lot of bugs).

- Removed room3ct for optimizing game.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with lagging of zombies near the doors (I hope it works, - Jabka).
- Fixed missing SCP-173's halloween texture.

- Small fixes for SCP-457's containment area lights and music.


Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with game crashes if player enters to the SCP-205's containment

-------------------------SMALL PATCH--------------------------

- Added monitor screen in SCP-914's containment chamber.

- Small changes for SCP-178 and SCP-005's containment chambers.

- Changed floor in the coridor of SCP-447's containment chamber.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed wrong SCP-447's document resolution.

- Fixed bug with first aid kit and note 3/5 pass a little through the wall.
- Fixed wrong SCP-079's images.
- Fixed disapperaing of SCP-035 texture.
- Fixed holes in the wall near the pipes in room with posters.
- Fixed bug with using SCP-1033-RU and SCP-049.

- Small fixes for SCP-106 in the SCP-005's containment chamber.

- Maybe fixed disappearing of SCP-457 (if he was contained) after leaving SCP-1499


- Added a lot of new bump textures.

- Added buttons "SEE CHANGELOG" and "REPORT A BUG!" for launcher.
- Added commands "enable049" and "disable049".
- Added new SCP-1033-RU's texture.
- Added SCP-096 photo's location.
- Added SCP signs in room2scps3.
- Added new sounds for intro.
- Added monitor for SCP-457's containment chamber in room2sl.
- Added elevator signs for SCP-457 and SCP-409's containment chambers.
- Added SCP-447's containment chamber and document.
- Added decals for SCP-447.

- Re-Added monitor for SCP-106's containment area in room2sl.

- Now player can touch the SCP-409.

- Now player can re-contain SCP-457.
- Now you can continue saving from old versions (copy folder "Saves" from old
versions and paste it in new versions folder, Jabka).
- Now camera's red light can blink.

- Nerfed SCP-1033-RU.

- Changed speed, texture and texture alpha of SCP-457.

- Changed chance of level 6 keycard's appearance.
- Changed SCP-207's model.
- Changed location of level 2 keycard in room2posters.
- Changed model and texture of SCP-049-2-2.
- Changed color of SCP-457's fire.
- Changed broken door in SCP-457's containment chamber to default.
- Changed SCP-420-J's spawn command and just command to: spawn 420j and 420j.
- Changed animations of zombies with D model.
- Changed SCP-005's containment chamber.
- Changed room with posters.

- Small changes for room4info's event.

- Small fixes for SCP-457's label.

- Removed a lot of MTF2 announcements.

- Removed one SCP-895's picture.
- Removed function "Update Game".
- Removed commands: "choke", "clay", "dose", "paranoid".
- Removed SCP-1074.
- Removed CI's 3-D eyes.
- Removed SCP-020.

- Renamed MTF achievement (stripping group, lol, only now it came to me that this
sounds rather strange :DDD, - Jabka).
- Renamed oldmedibay to medibay2.
- Renamed a lot of files in "npcs" and "items" folders.

- Optimized game (rewrited a lot of codes and converted a lot of .jpg files
to .png. Also removed props in LCZ medibay and added by loading. I hope it works, -

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed message if player use SCP-1162 and SCP-357.

- Fixed bug "ItemTamplate not Found: "Document SCP-00, paper".
- Fixed bug with pickable corrosive vest.
- Fixed timing of mod's startup video.
- Fixed all new drinks.
- Fixed command "money".
- Fixed freezing when player enter the room4info room.
- Fixed bug "ItemTamplate not Found: "Document SCP-1025, paper".
- Fixed bug with command "unlockallachievements".
- Fixed bug with invisible blood overlay if zombies kill player.
- Fixed disappearing of alarm sound in broken LCZ gateway.

- Small fixes for SCP-049's death message.

- Small fixes for SCP-109's joke texture. ;D
- Small fixes for SCP-035 tentacle's attacking code if player with SCP-1033-RU.
- Small fixes for command "cheats".
- Small fixes for SCP-402's model.
- Small fixes for lightmaps in room2scps3 and room2posters.
- Small fixes for SCP-096's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for guard in intro.
- Small fixes for SCP-008-2 texture.

- Again small grammatical fixes in changelog.

- Again small fixes for SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Again fixed "BLINKING" sound for MTF's.
- Again fixed wrong SCP-096's rotation in room2servers.

- Forgot to fix slidebars in menu.

-------------------------SMALL PATCH.-------------------------

- Re-Added SCP-049-3 in SCP-049's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-173's model.

- Changed color of Thaumiel diffuculty in menu.

- Blocked door to observation room in SCP-096's containment chamber.

- Now victims of SCP-106 are made by different events.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed zombies in SCP-049's containment chamber.

- Fixed infected zombie's attack if player in hazmat suit.
- Fixed bug with wrong SCP-096 rotation in room2servers event.
- Fixed saves in SCP-457's containment chamber (because his fire was changed.) (I
hope, - Jabka).
- Fixed fog after leaving from SCP-457's containment chamber or room3ct (I hope, -

- Small fixes for thaumiel difficulty.

- Small fixes for credits.

- Maybe fixed disappearing of the two MTF groups in the map.

-----------------------IMPORTANT PATCH.-----------------------

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed missing screen's file.

- Fixed saves.



- Added new sounds for NVG.

- Added new ambients.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with disappearing FOV in the menu.



Bug Fixes:

- Fixed keycard's system (for SCP-005 and level 6 keycard).


- Added blur and scary sound near the SCP-1123.

- Added commands: clay and choke.
- Added new room in 3D menu.
- Added thaumiel difficulty (W.I.P.).
- Added new pictures for SCP-1048.
- Added new document in O5 Council Office.
- Added achievement for O5 Council Office.
- Added new function (this fucntion changes console to old version or new).

- Forgot to add SCP-357 variation for SCP-038.

- Changed SCP-357 and SCP-1033-RU achievement name.

- Changed all new SCP-106 victims texture.
- Changed SCP-173 texture.
- Changed new year SCP-173 texture.
- Changed Unknown note texture.
- Changed sound of event in SCP-096's containment chamber.
- Changed wall's texture in SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Changed texture of corrosive ballistic vest.
- Changed a few textures from original game.

- Updated credits.

- Now SCP-500-01 can remove SCP-207 and SCP-357 effects.

- Now SCP-500 can give you maximum 3 pills (not 5).
- Now all zombies can open the doors.
- Now player is invisible for SCP-457 in notarget.
- Now SCP-005 can't open the door to the forest (SCP-860).
- Now the sound volume depends on the distance in the event with SCP-096 and guard
(room2servers event).

- Removed subject O5-14.

- Removed SCP-001.

- Renamed command giveallachievements to unlockallachievements.

- Returned the ability of SCP-173 to turn his head towards the player.

- Converted some models from .b3d to .rmesh format.

- Optimized room3ct and SCP-457's containment chamber.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with texture disappearing in event with SCP-106's victims.

- Fixed bug with wrong decal's location in SCP-005's containment chamber (event
with SCP-106).
- Fixed double sound in new mod's startup video.
- Fixed very loud SCP-1033-RU's sound.
- Fixed logo's disappearing in Map Creator (file).
- Fixed SCP-207's death timer.
- Fixed SCP-402's death message.
- Fixed new MTF's announcement timer.
- Fixed medibay in light containment zone (event's disappearing).
- Fixed radio sound in room4info's event.
- Fixed SCP-372's event.
- Fixed room3ct's event (with SCP-106 and using SCP-1499).
- Fixed wrong Class D texture in intro (Class D between 2 guards).
- Fixed again SCP-457 label and documents.
- Fixed missing files like "TargetTerminated.ogg" for MTF2.
- Fixed forgotten code for SCP-109 (can't use SCP-109 in mask and others).
- Fixed bug with opening locked door using SCP-005 in checkpoints (doors with
- Fixed SCP-372 name in super NVG.
- Fixed damage system using SCP-1033-RU for SCP-966.
- Fixed wrong achievement icon of level 6 keycard.
- Fixed SCP-457's step sounds.
- Fixed bug with impossible to combine wallet and cloned SCP-500 (pill).
- Fixed small misstep with new model of SCP-860 and picture in his document, also
his icon.
- Fixed bug with using NVG in SCP-457's containment chamber and room3ct.
- Fixed slidebars in 3D menu.
- Fixed a small bug with disappearance of the infected syringe after using SCP-914.
- Fixed text layout in using command debughud.
- Fixed bug with impossible continuation of the game after watching the third
startup video after launching the game.
- Fixed bug with loading game in moving elevator in SCP-006's containment chamber.

- Small fixes in door's code.

- Small fixes for Minty Eye Drops code.
- Small fixes for event in SCP-096's containment chamber.
- Small grammatical fixes in ChangeLog.
- Small fixes for SCP-008's containment chamber event.
- Small fixes for cloned SCP-215 and SCP-178.
- Small fixes for SCP-357, SCP-402, SCP-1033-RU, SCP-207.
- Small fixes for MTF2.

- Maybe fixed wrong chunks in SCP-1499 dimension.

- Maybe fixed LCZ medibay with slight drop of performance.
- Maybe fixed error after loading (fix in DrawGui function).



- Added FOV.



- Added new failed to duplicate items for SCP-038.

- Added command "reset650" -> Removed commands "enable650" and "disable650".

- Re-Added monitor for SCP-409's containment chamber in room2sl.

- Re-Added and upgraded 3D menu.

- Changed SCP-427's icon.

- Now SCP-001 can't teleport player to pocket dimension.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed briefcase animation.

- Small fixes for event in SCP-005's containment chamber.


- Added SCP-1033-RU.
- Added command reset1033ru.
- Added SCP-357.
- Added SCP-402.
- Added one anomalous duck.
- Added loading screen about anomalous ducks.
- Added SCP-207.
- Added new testing map with all SCPs and rooms.
- Added new mod's startup video.
- Added new MTF2 lines.
- Re-Added different SCP-106's victims.

- Changed SCP-178's document.

- Changed SCP-109's model.
- Changed fire overlay.
- Changed infected syringe texture.
- Changed SCP-1079's icon (sweet).
- Changed achievement icon of level 6 keycard.
- Changed texture of level 0 keycard
- Changed loading screen of SCP-650.
- Changed SCP-860's model (by The KMan).
- Changed SCP-109 and SCP-198's achievements icon.
- Changed SPECIAL map.
- Changed mod's logo.

- Optimized some overlays.

- Small additions for infected syringe and 008-1 zombies.

- Updated credits.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed attacking code for SCP-008-2 and SCP-049-3.

- Small fixes for SCP-215.
- Small fixes in SCP-457's containment chamber.
- Small fixes for level 6 keycard and level 0 keycard's icons.
- Small fixes for morphine.
- Small fixes for loading screen of SCP-215.

--------------------------PATCH AGAIN.------------------------

Bug Fixes:

- Forgot to change string "scp500" to "scp500pill".

--------------------------SMALL PATCH.------------------------

- Added new Class D texture (in intro).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed glasses overlay for SCP-178.

- Fixed wrong clearance level for SCP-178's document (in text).
- Fixed disappearing of MTF groups.
- Fixed bug with two SCP-096 in the complex.

- Forgot to change SCP-106 texture.

------------------------AUGUST UPDATE.------------------------
v4.9 (ported to v1.3.11 ot the original game)


- Added SCP-457.

- Changed music for storage with SCP-939.



- Added SCP-001's containment chamber.

- Added SCP-650's containment chamber.
- Added SCP-006's achievement.
- Added SCP-1079's packet.

- Re-Added commands "disable650" and "enable650".

- Re-Added command "reset372".

- Changed SCP-006's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-1079's mechanics.
- Changed SCP-650's model and AI.


- Added SCP-096's containment chamber.

- Added cooldown for default gasmask.
- Added alarm and burn sound for gateway in SCP-006 containment chamber (player's
burn sound).
- Added O5 council office.
- Added unknown note.
- Added agent log.
- Added bottle with SCP-500-01.
- Added glasses case.
- Added documents about SCP-178, SCP-215 and SCP-198 + added SCP-215 containment
- Added paper strips as item.
- Added infected syringe in Medical Bay (EZ and LCZ).
- Added a new hallway with SCP-198, SCP-109 and SCP-178.

- Re-Added SCP-500's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-215's achievement.

- Changed color of medical bay label to green.
- Changed loading screen of SCP-215.
- Changed brightness of SCP-1079 achievement.
- Changed mod's logo to default.
- Changed CI's texture (again).
- Changed color of Minty SCP-500-01 to green.
- Changed texture of guard helmet.

- Removed old SCP-198's containment (SCP-198 containment chamber near the SCP-1449
containment chamber).

- Now subject O5-14 CAN'T be killed by MTF.

- Now you can pick up syringes in Medical Bay (LCZ).
- Now if player wears SCP-215 for a long time then he can't put anything on his
- Now SCP-714 stops the effect of SCP-215.

- Updated credits.

Bug Fixes:

- Small fixes for SCP-215.

- Small fixes in SPECIAL map.
- Small fixes for saves.
- Fixed white blood overlay.
- Fixed appearing of SCP-020 after loading without night vision goggles.
- Fixed elevator doors in room3ct (third elevator).


- Added frame for save message.

- Added SCP-215.
- Added document of SCP-1079.
- Added SCP-178.
- Added new text for SCP-198.
- Added an improvement of the wallet.

- Re-Added corrosive ballistic vest.

- Removed unnecessary loading screens.

- Removed room2vent.

- Renamed newroom005 to room005.

- Renamed SCP-198's achievement.
- Renamed SCP-1079's achievement.

- Changed color of SCP-038's loading screen.

- Changed mechanics of SCP-109.
- Changed loading screen of SCP-1048.
- Changed monitor texture.
- Changed gun and his sound for MTF2.
- Changed model of �haos Insurgency.

- Now you can't get rid of SCP-198 using SCP-1162.

- Now subject O5-14 CAN be killed by MTF.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed effect of SCP-500 on SCP-009.

- Fixed bug with MTFs and zombies (fixed by 1.3.10).
- Fixed SCP-650's achievement.
- Fixed bug with vomiting (fixed by 1.3.10).
- Fixed bug with healing when using SCP-1079.
- Fixed bug with the door in the middle of the rooms (fixed by v1.3.10).
- Fixed bug with disappearing buttons near the monitor after the intro.

--------------------------IT'S TRUE?--------------------------
v4.7 (ported to v1.3.10 of the original game)

- Added alarm sound at the entrance to the zone.


- Added SCP-009.
- Added a lot of drinks for SCP-294.

- Re-Added command "halloween".

- Re-Added command "allachievements".
- Re-Added room3ct.

- Changed SCP-008-1 model.

- Changed SCP-513-1 model.
- Changed volume of some sounds.
- Changed infected guard texture.
- Changed MTF2's texture.

- Renamed room2unlockables to room2posters.

- Removed SCP-330, knife, SCP-457's documents, P90, M9 Baretta, crowbar, USP,

room2gs, ammo for P90 and USP, SCP-049-3, corrosive ballistic vest, guard with NVG
and four SCP-106's victims.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed missing 173h texture.

- Fixed MTF's achievement.
- Fixed crystalization.
- Fixed some drinks.
- Fixed some loading screens.
- Fixed special map.

- Maybe fixed bug with doors.

------------------------SUMMER UPDATE!------------------------

- Added loading screens for SCP-330, SCP-198, SCP-109, SCP-006.

- Added new dispensing sound for SCP-294.
- Added new ambients.

- Changed Chaos Insurgency model.

- Changed binocular's overlay.
- Changed credits.
- Changed brightness of SCP-1499's texture and icon.
- Changed SCP-205's and SCP-020's label.
- Changed gas mask's texture.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with the disappearance of sounds SCP-294 and SCP-106.

- Fixed bug with keycards level 0 and 6 with SCP-914.


- Added Level 0 and 6 KeyCard.

- Added ammo for FN P90.
- Added ammo for USP.
- Added new achievement.
- Added secret NPC.
- Added new pick up's sounds.
- Added spawn of.

- Changed arrangement of items in room2gs, room2poffices and room2storage.

- Changed knife's icon.
- Changed appearance of the blood in room2vent's event.
- Changed brightness of the SCP-1079 loading screen.
- Changed FN P90's icon.
- Changed pick up sound for SCP-198.
- Changed size of some weapons.
- Changed some position of corpses.
- Changed intellect of the second MTF group (a few new features).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed ballistic vest's texture.

- Fixed bug with incorrect name of copied items.
- Fixed spawn of new documents in the archive (light containment zone).
- Fixed bug with wrong lost key model.
- Fixed bug with no sound when the button is clicked in SCP-038 containment
- Fixed bug with a black screen when folding the game.

---------------------------SOME CHANGES.----------------------

- Added new sounds for MTF.

- Added new ambients.
- Added new laugh sound for SCP-106.
- Added new horror sounds.
- Added new SCP-049-2.
- Added new announcements.
- Added clipboard in SCP-020's contianment chamber.

- Changed second MTF's texture.

- Changed announcement's sound for second MTF group.
- Changed M9 Baretta's icon
- Changed kill sound in servers with SCP-096 (again).
- Changed SCP-096's texutre.
- Changed room2vent's event.
- Changed corrosive P90's texture.
- Changed mod inscription in main menu.

- Removed light blink in medibay in light contianment zone.

- Updated credits.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug with ambients.
- Fixed settings.
- Fixed position of second MTF - victim.
- Fixed death position of the SCP-008-3.
- Fixed command "blur".
- Fixed some zombies.

---------------------------NEW UPDATE.------------------------


- Now SCP-1026-RU can talking with player.


- Added blur if pick up SCP-198.

- Added vomit for SCP-895.
- Added more commands in "help" command.
- Added new functions for SCP-001.
- Added command "blur".
- Added command "wtf".
- Added 4th SCP-939 in a storage.
- Added special map with all SCPs (only with containment chamber).
- Added SCP-650's achievement.
- Added electric sound if pick up strange battery.
- Added loading screen of SCP-1026-RU.

- Changed fire sound in SCP-006's containment chamber.

- Changed vomit function for SCP-109.
- Changed text when picking up corrosive ballistic vest.
- Changed kill's sound in servers with SCP-096.
- Changed brightness of SCP-1079's achivement.
- Changed sound of SCP-1026-RU at the appearance.
- Changed SCP-650's model.
- Changed some quotes.

- Now SCP-372 is visible in super night vision goggles.

- Now for a while player can't run when pick up SCP-198.
- Now MTF closes the door after containing SCP-173.
- Now command "heal" removes blood overlay.
- Now SCP-1079 can be found in SCP-895 containment chamber.

- Removed unnecessary files.

- Removed SCP-173-J's achievement.
- Removed events with SCP-173-J.
- Removed New Year's textures.
- Removed command "Juan".

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with missing files.

- Fixed inscription about mod version.
- Fixed bug with wrong arrangement of the texture of Class D in SCP-038's
containment chamber.
- Fixed dead guard pose in tunnels.
- Fixed missing mod in credits.
- Fixed forest monster model.
- Some fixes in my map.

------------------------SOME CHANGES.-------------------------

- Added more commands in "help" command.

- Now mod use 4 GB RAM.

- Removed unnecessary files.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with SCP-1079 decals.

- Fixed bug with "Entity doesn't exist" error.

--------------------------LARGE UPDATE.-----------------------


- Added medibay in light containment zone.

- Added loading screen of SCP-087-B.
- Added Ikobot.
- Added SCP-080 (only console spawn) (test) (write in the comments - delete or no?,
- Jabka).
- Added SCP-006.
- Added document of SCP-006.
- Added documents to Dr.Harp.
- Added command "Juan".
- Added 3D menu.
- Added FPS indicator in menu.
- Added scary event in SCP-005's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-001's function.

- Changed SCP-001's model.
- Changed SCP-001's icon.
- Changed SCP-1079's model.
- Changed SCP-1079's blood.
- Changed SCP-1079's blood sound.
- Changed SCP-006's drink.
- Changed SCP-409's drink.
- Changed SCP-173-J's achievement name.

- Optimized SCP-038.
- Optimized SCP-1074.



- Added SCP-457 (only console spawn) (test) (write in the comments - delete or no?,
- Jabka).
- Added SCP-457's achievement.


- Added SCP-1026-RU (only console spawn) (test) (write in the comments - delete or
no?, - Jabka).
- Added command "morph173j".


- Added shadow of letters in credits and ending.

- Added all events in map creator.
- Added cage for SCP-173-J.
- Added Halloween's achievement.
- Added New Year's achievement.
- Added New Years's textures for SCP-106 and SCP-173.
- Added SCP - Unclockables and SCP-294 Drinks mods in credits.
- Added fire overlay.
- Added open sound for SCP-109.
- Added more commands in "help" command.

- Re-Added breath sound for first MTF group.

- Re-Added SCP-178's containment chamber.

- Changed icon of SCP-1079's achievement.

- Changed text when trying to drink SCP-447.
- Changed and optimized blood overlay.
- Changed SCP-173 and SCP-106's textures to New Year's (Until January 10).
- Changed icon of SCP-457's achievement.
- Changed SCP-008-2's texture.

- Configured spawn of corrosive ballistic vest.

- Removed folder with future additions.

- Removed blood under dead guard in not working disinfection gateway.
- Removed room3ct.

- Some descriptions of the SCP become shorter.

- Now SCP-500, Minty SCP-500 and SCP-1079 can't be eaten in a gas mask, hazmat suit
and SCP-1499 (not dimension).
- Now SCP-1074 uses music from the intro.
- Now player can get more documents from SCP-914.

- Optimized game.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with blood overlay in start room.

- Fixed the disappearance of corpses and blood beneath them after loading.
- Fixed texture of dead guard with night vision goggles.
- Fixed bug with the disappearance of SCP-049-3 and SCP-008-2's textures.
- Fixed command "halloween".


- Added SCP-001.



- Changed dead guard model in SCP-079 containment chamber.


- Added shadow of letters in launcher, menu and update launcher.

- Added button near to the lift in heavy containment zone.

- Re-Added inscription "The key was hold into the slot but nothing happened."

- Changed two MTF units in GateA.

- Changed model of second MTF group.
- Changed model victim of second MTF.
- Changed step sound in Dr.L's office.

- Now chance of spawning SCP-005 in SCP-409 containment chamber = 100%.

- Now possible click on the buttons in the room with elevators in entrance zone.

- Removed an extra burnt note in the Dr.L's office.

-------------------------NEW CHANGES.-------------------------


- Added language change settings (not yet used).

- Added new chatters for the radio.



- Re-Added SCP-020.



- Changed SCP-106's texture.

- Re-Added Story of Site mod in credits.


- Added vomiting.
- Added nausea sound if drink a lot of water from SCP-109.
- Added file with map seeds without bugs.
- Added SCP-106's MTF Unit victim.
- Added blood under dead guard in not working disinfection gateway (room2gw_b).
- Re-Added and changed the mechanics of regeneration when drinking water from SCP-

- Changed text when using weapons.

- Changed SCP-035 tentacle's damage sound.
- Changed death animation for SCP-049-3 and SCP-008-2.

- Again changed SCP-106's victims spawn.

- Now command "heal" removes blur.

- Now room2posters became darker.
- Now loading screen's text of SCP-173-J is shorter.
- Now sound of death from SCP-096 became longer.
- Now MTF can kill SCP-035's tentacle.
- Now game menu is a little larger.

- Removed Blitz3D Error inscription (for look at errors look error_log_[number].txt

file in game folder, - Jabka).

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with overlap of the FPS indicator on the indicator Frame Limit in the
- Fixed Map Creator 3D.
- Fixed bug where no new images were displayed on the camera near SCP-895.
- Fixed bug with red inscription in SCP-020's containment chamber.



- Added blood overlay after kill the player.

- Added voice of SCP-106.
- Added SCP-109 and SCP-198's containment chamber.

- Re-Added SCP-457's document (page 1/2, 2/2).


- Added SCP-008-3 in room3ct (only if selected agressive NPCs).

- Added developers of included mods in credits.
- Added mod helpers in credits.
- Added SCP-008-1, SCP-008-2's breath.
- Added pink blood after eating SCP-1079.
- Added the phrase of the player when trying to drink the SCP-447.
- Added blood under dead human in room3ct.

- Now SCP-109, SCP-198, SCP-173-J, SCP-1079 achievements in other color.

- Now SCP-1079's blood sound became quieter.
- Now a lot of documents can be found in the archive room (room1archive).

- Removed SCP-500's containment chamber.

- Removed regeneration after drinking water from SCP-109.
- Removed blood overlay when SCP-173 kills the player in a gas mask and hazmat
- Changed sound of switching off tesla gate of the second MTF group.
- Changed SCP-427's death text.

- Small changes for the text when the effect of SCP-1048-A on the player.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug at which being crystallized could be removed at loading.

- Fixed bug where one could not die from crystallization.

------------------YES, IT'S NEW UPDATE :D---------------------


- Added inscription "Press any key to skip video" during video.


- Added dead MTF Unit in room2gs.

- Added information about the crystallization in command "status".
- Added new spawn options of SCP-049-3.
- Added blood overlay when SCP-173 kills the player in a gas mask and hazmat suit.

- Changed texture of the dead human in room3ct.

- Changed text of MTF loading screen.
- Changed the name "Human" to "Apache Helicopter" in super night vision goggles.

- Again changed SCP-049-3 and SCP-008-2 scale.

------------------------SMALL CHANGES.------------------------


- Added a new detection sound SCP-106 and SCP-096 for the first MTF group.


- Added security camera in SCP-860, SCP-500 and SCP-1499 containment chamber.

- Added the inscription "teleported to" during teleportation.
- Added radio sounds for the first and second MTF groups.
- Added command "cheats" (godmode + notarget + noclip).

- Changed scale of SCP-049-3 and SCP-008-2.

- Changed sound of a broken button in the SCP-038 conteinmen chamber.
- Changed security camera's texture.
- Changed running animation of the second MTF.
- Changed text of SCP-650 loading screen.

- Renamed "S-Navigator"'s loading screen to "S-Nav 300 Navigator".

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to find the second SCP-109.

------------------------MORE UPDATES!!!-----------------------


- Added knife.



- Added a lot of loading screens.


- Added security camera in SCP-106's containment chamber.

- Added new monitor in security room.
- Added quotes when a player says something.
- Added folder with future rooms, NPCs and items.

- Changed location of the security camera in SCP-409's containment chamber.

- Changed tolerance from level 3 to 4 to the SCP-409's containment chamber.
- Changed animations of the second MTF.

- Now the command "heal" heals from all.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed "SCP-049-2 terminated" sound with two MTF groups.

- Fixed P90 and crowbar textures.
- Fixed monitor with SCP-409.
- Fixed light in the storage with SCP-173.
- Fixed a lot of drinks.

-------------------------NEW UPDATE.--------------------------


- Added a lot of drinks.



- Added ballistic vest and MTF's document in room2gs.



- Added new room2posters


- Added security camera in SCP-409's containment chamber.

- Added new monitor in security room (room2sl).
- Added missing lever in room2gs.
- Added 4 new pictures on the monitor at SCP-895 and in night vision goggles.

- Re-Added 2 pictures on the monitor at SCP-895.

- Changed spawn victims of SCP-106.

- Changed spawn of SCP-109.

- Configured spawn of SCP-650 document.

- Configured SCP-447 spawn.

--------------------------SO, UPATE.--------------------------

- Added short name for command "notarget".

- Added a description of the command "notarget".

- Now SCP-005 can open door to SCP-860-1.

- Now SCP-427 can protect against SCP-409.

- Removed SCP-682.
- Removed unnecessary files.
- Removed command enable650 and disable650.
- Removed Story of Site mod in credits.

- A few changes in "help" command.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed SCP-447's cup.

- Fixed loading with opened SCP-427.

------------------------JUST UPDATE ;)------------------------


- Added SCP-447.
- Added SCP-427.
- Added SCP-330.
- Added candys.
- Added document of SCP-330.
- Added left and right severed hands.
- Added strange bottle, mint eye drops 1/2 and mint first aid kit 1/2.
- Added loading screens of SCP-427 and SCP-447.

- Changed office of Dr.Harp.


- Added SCP-173-J achievement.


- Added SCP-447's drink.

- Added gratitude to the mods in credits.
- Added my name and nickname in credits (-Jabka).
- Added SCP-427's achievement.
- Added commands "disable173j", enable173j", "disable650" and "enable650".

- Removed SCP-020.

--------------------------BUG FIXES.--------------------------

- Removed The inscription "The key was hold into the slot but nothing happened.".

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed keycards.

--------------------------NEW UPDATE.-------------------------


- Added SCP-682 (like NPC).



- Added SCP-409's drink.


- Added a SCP-049-3 in SCP-049 containment chamber.

- Changed dispensing sound of SCP-009 and SCP-999' drinks.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed Lost Key model.

- Fixed texture in office with SCP-420-J.
- Fixed SCP-1123.
- Fixed achievements.


Bug Fixes:
- Fixed command "allachievement".
- Fixed mod inscription in game.

--------------------VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE.--------------------

- Added mod inscription in the launcher and credits.

- Added a new message when using SCP-005 on a blocked door.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug where any keycard could open any door.



- Re-Added SCP-038.


- Added function of SCP-109.

- Added SCP-109's achievement.
- Added an inscription on which the version of the original game is written.

- Removed SCP-178's containment chamber.

- Now plays more MTF announcements.

- Configured spawn of SCP-178 and SCP-109.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed SCP-1079 sounds.

- Fixed a bug with the red message after the use of SCP-1079.

-----------------------IMPORTANT UPDATE.----------------------

- Added inscription version of the mod in the game.

- Added new achievement with weapon.
- Added different inscriptions when using weapons and SCP-198.
- Added the ability to lodge in �lipboard SCP-1079.

- Changed position of the SCP-008-2 in the SCP-008 containment chamber.

- Changed document SCP-1074.
- Changed MTF's loading screens.

- Now SCP-173-J and SCP-650 can open the doors.

- Removed half of text in SCP-484 loading screens.

- Removed SCP-009, SCP-038 achievements.
Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with crystallization after the loading.

- Fixed achievement of SCP-020.

------------------------SMALL CHANGES.------------------------


- Added MTF's achievement.



- Re-added SCP-020's achievement.

- Re-added SCP-1079.
- Re-added SCP-020's containment chamber.


- Added SCP-198's achievement.

- Added SCP-1079's achievement.

- Re-added light event in SCP-966's containment chamber.

- Changed SCP-999's drink dispensing sound.

- Changed death sound with SCP-009 drink.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed SCP-173 open door sound.

- Fixed command "allachievement".




- Added SCP-009's drink.


- Added SCP-006's drink.

- Added SCP-999's drink.




- Now each MTF group has its own voice.


- Added animation of death SCP-049-3 and SCP-008-2.

- Added visibility SCP-650,173-J in super night vision goggles.

- Now SCP-049-3 and the SCP-008-2 don't die from the first shot.
- Now the SCP-008-2 spawns in the SCP-008 containment chamber.
- Now the chance of spawning the second MTF group is random.
- Now SCP-049-3, SCP-008-2, SCP-650 and SCP-173-J can't attack the player if he
used the command "notarget".

- Changed the name "Human" to "Zombie" in super night vision goggles.

- Removed unnecessary files.

- Removed SCP-1499-1's loading screens.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed bug with getting a super night vision goggles in SCP-914.

- Fixed MTF's sounds.


------------------------MICRO UPDATE.-------------------------


- Added blood overlay in room2vent's event.


- Removed SCP-1026-ru, SCP-087-B, SCP-038 and SCP-457 documents.

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed error in room3ct.

-------------------------NEW MTF UPDATE.----------------------

- Changed AI of MTF2

- Removed deleted room files.

- Removed containment chamber of SCP-020.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed animation of the position when the tesla gate is switched of.
- Fixed spawn of new MTF.
- Fixed "BLINKING" sound.
- Fixed animation of idle and looking at SCP-173 for second MTF group.


-----------------------SMALL UPDATE.--------------------------


- Added new ambients.



- Added SCP-049-3.
- Added SCP-008-2.

- Re-Added SCP-173-J.


- Added MTF2 (MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil").

- Now the spawn chance of SCP-005 in the SCP-409 containment chamber = 50%

- Removed SCP-087-B and SCP-1026-RU's loading screens.

- Removed SCP-1079.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed model of SCP-650.

- Fixed SCP-650's sounds.
- Fixed SCP-650's spawn.
- Fixed SCP-650's AI.


------------------------THE BIG UPDATE.-----------------------

v2.0 (ported to v1.3.9 of the original game)


- Added function of SCP-198.

- Added document of SCP-109.
- Added document of SCP-457 page 1/2, 2/2.
- Added SCP-109.
- Added new replays and voice over MTF.
- Added new icon for M9 Barret.



- Added document SCP-1026-RU.

- Added document SCP-650.
- Added document SCP-087-B.
- Added corrosive ballistic vest.
- Added SCP-1079.
- Added SCP-650.
- Added new victims of SCP-106.



- Added command reset372.

- Added command allachievement 1.
- Added Dr. Maynard's note.



- Changed tesla's sounds.

- Optimized tesla's Sounds.


- Added new sounds.

- Added the ability to lodge in Clipboard a lot of items.
- Added 100% chance of spawning working disinfection gateway in Zone 1 and Zone 3.
- Added new rooms for MapCreator and MapCreator 3D.

- Removed old containment chamber of SCP-005.

- Removed SCP-038.
- Removed SCP-009.
- Removed new containment chamber of SCP-005.
- Removed SCP-173-J.

- Changed the mod logo on the Box Of Horrors.

- Changed the sound of death in the event room2vent.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed room2vent's event.

- Fixed map generation.
- Fixed loading screens.
- Fixed sounds in room3ct.



v1.0 (ported to v1.3.7 of the original game)


- Added SCP-409.
- Added SCP-005.
- Added SCP-009.
- Added SCP-020.
- Added SCP-038.
- Added SCP-005.
- Added document of SCP-409.
- Added SCP-005, SCP-009, SCP-148, SCP-409, SCP-1074 loading screens.

- Changed sound of items pick up.



- Added SCP-198.
- Added P90.
- Added USP.
- Added M9 Barret.
- Added crowbar.
- Added room2vent.
- Added room3ct.
- Added room2gs
- Added SCP-457, P90 loading screens.



- Added SCP-650.
- Added SCP-173-J.
- Added SCP-1079, SCP-538, SCP-484, SCP-249, SCP-173-J, SCP-131, SCP-113 loading


- Added new SCP-005's containment chamber.
- Added binoculars.

- Re-Added SCP-1074.

- Changed document of SCP-1074.


- Added new sounds.

- Added game logo.


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