Pertemuan Ke 9 Biaya Produksi
Pertemuan Ke 9 Biaya Produksi
Pertemuan Ke 9 Biaya Produksi
Eight Edition
Biaya Produksi
Premium PowerPoint Slides by:
Eastern Illinois University
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Active Learning 1 Brainstorming costs
Anggap anda sebagai Direktur Ford Motor
• Terdapat tiga biaya berbeda yang anda
• Buat daftar tiga
keputusan bisnis
berbeda yang
dipengaruhi oleh
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Carilah jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini:
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Costs: Explicit vs. Implicit
• ‘Biaya adalah sesuatu apa yang Anda
berikan untuk mendapatkannya.’
• Explicit costs
– Membutuhkan Pengeluaran Uang
• E.g., paying wages to workers.
• Implicit costs
– Tidak membutuhkan pengeluaran tunai
• E.g., the opportunity cost of the owner’s time.
• Total cost = Explicit + Implicit costs
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Explicit vs. Implicit Costs: An Example
Anda membutuhkan $100.000 untuk memulai
usaha anda. Suku bunga sebesar 5%.
• Case 1: Meminjam $100.000
– Explicit cost = $5.000 interest on loan
• Case 2: Menggunakan $40,000 dari tabungan,
dan meminjam dari yang lain $60,000
– Explicit cost = $3.000 (5%) interest on the loan.
– Implicit cost = $2.000 (5%) bunga sebelumnya
yang bisa Anda dapatkan $40,000.
In both cases, total (exp + imp) costs are $5000
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Economic Profit vs. Accounting Profit
• Accounting profit
=total revenue minus total explicit costs
• Economic profit
=total revenue minus total costs (including
explicit and implicit costs)
• Accounting profit mengabaikan biaya
implisit, jadi lebih tinggi dari Economic
profit …. Case Indonesia dalam penentuan
harga BBM mengikuti Economic Profit (dengan
istilah nilai ke-ekonomi-annya.
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Active Learning 2
Economic profit vs. accounting profit
Biaya sewa ruangan kantor baru saja naik
menjadi $500/bulan.
Tentukan pengaruhnya terhadap laba
akuntansi dan laba ekonomi jika :
a. Kamu menyewa ruangan kantor.
b. Kamu menggunakan ruangan kantor milikmu
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Active Learning 2 Answers
Biaya sewa ruangan kantor naik menjadi $500/bulan.
a. Kamu menyewa ruangan kantor.
• Biaya Explicit naik menjadi $500/bulan. Accounting
profit & economic profit semuanya turun sebesar
b.Kamu menggunakan ruangan kantor milikmu
• Explicit costs tidak berubah, sehingga accounting
profit tidak berubah juga.
• Implicit costs meningkat $500/bulan (opportunity
cost penggunaan ruangan milik anda) sehingga
economic profit turun sebesar $500/bulan.
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Fungsi Produksi
• Fungsi Produksi
– Hubungan antara
• Kuantitas input yang digunakan untuk
memproduksi barang/jasa (good)
• dan kuantitas output barang/jasa tersebut.
– Menjadi lebih datar saat produksi
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EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack
Example 1:
• Farmer Jack grows wheat.
• He has 5 acres of land (fixed resource).
• He can hire as many workers as he wants.
– The quantity of output produced varies with the
number of workers hired
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EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack’s Production Function
L Q 3,000
(no. of (bushels
workers) of wheat) 2,500
Quantity of output
0 0 2,000
1 1000 1,500
2 1800 1,000
3 2400 500
4 2800 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
5 3000
No. of workers
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Marginal Product
• Marginal product
– Peningkatan output yang muncul dari unit
input tambahan
• Other inputs constant
– Kemiringan fungsi produksi
• Marginal product of labor, MPL
– MPL = ∆Q/∆L
– Jika Jack mempekerjakan satu pekerja lagi,
outputnya meningkat oleh produk marjinal
tenaga kerja.
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EXAMPLE 1: Total & Marginal Product
(no. of (bushels
workers) of wheat)
0 0
∆L = 1 ∆Q = 1000 1000
1 1000
∆L = 1 ∆Q = 800 800
2 1800
∆L = 1 ∆Q = 600 600
3 2400
∆L = 1 ∆Q = 400 400
4 2800
∆L = 1 ∆Q = 200 200
5 3000
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Diminishing MPL
• Diminishing marginal product
– Marginal product input menurun dengan
meningkatnya jumlah input.
– Fungsi produksi menjadi lebih datar
karena lebih banyak input yang
digunakan :
• Kemiringan fungsi produksi menurun
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EXAMPLE 1: MPL = Slope of Prod Function
3,000 equals the
(no. of (bushels MPL slope of the
workers) of wheat) 2,500
production function.
Quantity of output
0 0 2,000
Notice that
1 1000 MPL diminishes
800 as L increases.
2 1800 1,000
600 This explains why
3 2400 the
500 production
400 function gets flatter
4 2800 0
200 as L0 increases.
1 2 3 4 5
5 3000
No. of workers
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Mengapa MPL Penting
• ‘Rational people think at the margin’
• Ketika Farmer Jack’s mempekerjakan
tambahan tenaga kerja ekstra:
– Biayanya meningkat dengan gaji yang dia
bayarkan kepada pekerja
– Outputnya meningkat sebesar MPL
– Perbandingkan mereka untuk membantu
Jack memutuskan, apakah dia harus
mempekerjakan pekerja tersebut.
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Mengapa MPL Menurun ?
• Output Farmer Jack's meningkat dengan
jumlah yang semakin kecil untuk setiap
tambahan pekerja. Mengapa ?
– Saat Jack menambahkan pekerja baru,
rata-rata pekerja memiliki lebih sedikit
lahan untuk bekerja dan akan menjadi
kurang produktif.
– Secara umum, MPL berkurang ketika L
naik apakah input tetapnya adalah tanah
atau modal (equipment, machines, etc.).
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EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack’s Costs
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EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack’s Costs
Cost of Cost of Total
(no. of (bushels
land labor cost
workers) of wheat)
0 0 $1,000 $0 $1,000
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EXAMPLE 1: Farmer Jack’s Total Cost Curve
Q $12,000
Cost $10,000
of wheat)
Total cost
0 $1,000
1000 $3,000
1800 $5,000
2400 $7,000
2800 $9,000
0 1000 2000 3000
3000 $11,000 Quantity of wheat
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Marginal Cost
• Marginal cost, MC
– Kenaikan total biaya yang timbul dari unit
produksi tambahan
– Marginal cost = Change in total cost /
Change in quantity
– MC = ΔTC / ΔQ
– Kenaikan total biaya
• Dari memproduksi satu unit output tambahan
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EXAMPLE 1: Total and Marginal Cost
Total Marginal
Cost Cost (MC)
of wheat)
0 $1,000
∆Q = 1000 ∆TC = $2000 $2.00
1000 $3,000
∆Q = 800 ∆TC = $2000 $2.50
1800 $5,000
∆Q = 600 ∆TC = $2000 $3.33
2400 $7,000
∆Q = 400 ∆TC = $2000 $5.00
2800 $9,000
∆Q = 200 ∆TC = $2000 $10.00
3000 $11,000
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EXAMPLE 1: The Marginal Cost Curve
(bushels TC MC $10 MC usually rises
of wheat) as Q rises,
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Mengapa MC Penting ?
• Farmer Jack’s adalah rasional dan ingin
memaksimalkan keuntungannya
– Untuk meningkatkan keuntungan,
haruskah dia memproduksi lebih banyak
atau lebih sedikit gandum?
• Farmer Jack’s needs to “think at the margin”
– Jika biaya tambahan gandum (MC) kurang
dari pendapatan yang didapat dari
penjualannya, maka keuntungan Jack
meningkat jika dia menghasilkan lebih banyak.
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Fixed and Variable Costs
• Fixed costs, FC, tidak berbeda dengan
kuantitas output yang dihasilkan
– For Farmer Jack’s, FC = $1000 for his land
– Other examples: cost of equipment, loan
payments, rent
• Variable costs, VC, bervariasi dengan
kuantitas output yang dihasilkan
• For Farmer Jack, VC = wages he pays workers
• Other example: cost of materials
• Total cost = Fixed cost + Variable cost
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EXAMPLE 2: Biaya Produksi
• Contoh kedua kami lebih umum, berlaku
untuk semua jenis perusahaan yang
memproduksi barang apa pun dengan jenis
input apa pun.
– Calculate and graph TC knowing FC and VC
– Calculate and graph marginal and average
– Understand the relationship between marginal
cost and average cost
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EXAMPLE 2: Costs: TC = FC + VC
$800 FC
Q FC VC TC $700 VC
0 $100 $0 $100 $600
1 100 70 170 $500
2 100 120 220 $400
3 100 160 260
4 100 210 310
5 100 280 380
6 100 380 480
7 100 520 620 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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EXAMPLE 2: Marginal Cost
$200 Marginal Cost (MC)
Q TC MC is the change in total cost from
producing one more unit:
0 $100 $150 ∆TC
$70 MC =
1 170 $125 ∆Q
2 220 $100
40 $75
3 260 Usually, MC rises as Q rises, due to
50 diminishing
$50 marginal product.
4 310
70 Sometimes
$25 (as here), MC falls
5 380 before
100 $0 rising.
6 480 (In other
0 examples,
1 2 3 MC 4 may
5 be
6 7
140 constant.)
7 620 Q
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EXAMPLE 2: Average Fixed Cost, AFC
Q FC AFC Average
$200 fixed cost (AFC)
fixed cost divided by the
0 $100 n/a
$150 of output:
1 100 $100 $125
2 100 50 $100
3 100 33.33 $75
4 100 25 Notice
$50 that AFC falls as Q
$25 The firm is spreading its
5 100 20
$0 costs over a larger and
6 100 16.67 0 1 2 of 3 units.
4 5 6 7
larger number
7 100 14.29 Q
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EXAMPLE 2: Average Variable Cost, AVC
Average variable cost
0 $0 n/a
is variable
$150 cost divided by
1 70 $70 the quantity of output:
2 120 60 $100AVC = VC/Q
3 160 53.33 $75
As Q rises, AVC may fall
4 210 52.50 $50
initially. In most cases,
5 280 56.00 $25
AVC will eventually rise as
6 380 63.33
$0 rises.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 520 74.29 Q
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EXAMPLE 2: Average Total Cost
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EXAMPLE 2: Average Total Cost, usually U-shaped
$200 as in this example, the
ATC curve is U-shaped.
0 $100 n/a
1 170 $170 $125
2 220 110 $100
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EXAMPLE 2: The Various Cost Curves Together
MC $75
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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Active Learning 3 Calculating costs
Fill in the blank spaces of this table.
0 $50 n/a n/a n/a
1 10 $10 $60.00
2 30 80
3 16.67 20 36.67
4 100 150 12.50 37.50
5 150 30
6 210 260 8.33 35 43.33
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Costs in the Short Run & Long Run
• Short run:
– Some inputs are fixed (e.g., factories, land)
– The costs of these inputs are FC
• Long run:
– All inputs are variable (e.g., firms can build more
factories or sell existing ones)
• In the long run
• ATC pada setiap Q adalah biaya per unit yang
menggunakan campuran input yang paling efisien
untuk Q tersebut (misalnya: ukuran pabrik dengan
ATC terendah)
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EXAMPLE 3: LRATC with 3 factory sizes
To produce more Q
than QB, firm will QA QB
choose size L in the
long run.
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A Typical LRATC Curve
So a typical
LRATC curve
looks like this:
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How ATC Changes as
the Scale of Production Changes
Economies of scale:
ATC falls as Q
Constant returns to
scale: ATC stays
the same as Q
Diseconomies of Q
scale: ATC rises as
Q increases.
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Costs in Short and Long Run
• Economies of scale
– Long-run average total cost (LRATC)
turun karena jumlah output meningkat
• Meningkatkan spesialisasi di antara pekerja
• Secara umum pada saat Q rendah.
• Constant returns to scale
– Long-run average total cost (LRATC)
tetap sama dengan kuantitas perubahan
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Costs in Short and Long Run
• Diseconomies of scale
– Long-run average total cost (LRATC)
meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya
jumlah output
– Meningkatkan masalah koordinasi dalam
organisasi besar.
• Misalnya, manajemen menjadi stress, tidak
dapat mengontrol biaya.
• Biasanya terjadi pada saat Q tinggi.
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• The goal of firms is to maximize profit, which
equals total revenue minus total cost.
• When analyzing a firm’s behavior, it is important
to include all the opportunity costs of production.
– Explicit: wages a firm pays its workers
– Implicit: wages the firm owner gives up by
working at the firm rather than taking another job
• Economic profit takes both explicit and implicit
costs into account, whereas accounting profit
considers only explicit costs.
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• A firm’s costs reflect its production process.
– Diminishing marginal product: production
function gets flatter as Q of an input increases
– Total-cost curve gets steeper as the quantity
produced rises.
• Firm’s total costs = fixed costs + variable costs.
– Fixed costs: do not change when the firm alters
the quantity of output produced.
– Variable costs: change when the firm alters the
quantity of output produced.
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• Average total cost is total cost divided by the
quantity of output.
• Marginal cost is the amount by which total cost
rises if output increases by 1 unit.
• Graph average total cost and marginal cost.
– Marginal cost rises with the quantity of output.
– Average total cost first falls as output increases
and then rises as output increases further.
– The marginal-cost curve always crosses the
average total-cost curve at the minimum of
average total cost
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• A firm’s costs often depend on the time horizon
– In particular, many costs are fixed in the short
run but variable in the long run.
– As a result, when the firm changes its level of
production, average total cost may rise more in
the short run than in the long run.
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