Desalination Report-2018

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The New Frontier
of Sustainable Water Desalination

“Today, water can be provided through desalination, but within decades the situation will be different as there are no
rivers in the region and no technology at present under our disposal to help meet the region's demand on fresh water.
Therefore we have to focus our efforts on conducting relevant studies and researches and on drawing up suitable
strategies and solutions to come up with ways to meet future demand and preserve natural resources for the coming

- His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan,

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces,

We applaud the initiative of Masdar The Masdar Renewable Energy

and its partners in producing this Desalination Programme has been
impactful report. instrumental in advancing the
application of renewable energy in
Knowledge building that encourages the desalination sector. In addition,
the commercialisation of clean the pilot plants tested in Ghantoot,
technologies is critical to drive the Abu Dhabi have raised the industry
expansion of the renewable energy profile of more energy efficient and
industry and to mitigate climate novel desalination technologies.
They have also built further
In particular, new solutions are confidence in their commercial
needed to manage the growing water potential.
demand of the Arabian Gulf’s
population and other arid regions ADWEA was proud to offer its
sustainably. experience and expertise to the
Masdar Renewable Energy Water
Abu Dhabi has been at the forefront Desalination Programme in its role
of the shift towards renewable as Abu Dhabi’s desalinated water
energy and advanced desalination provider.
We look forward to collaborating with
At ADWEA, we are developing the Masdar and other stakeholders to
emirate’s first large-scale solar PV promote further innovation,
power plant. Meanwhile, in January commercialisation and deployment
this year, we launched an expression of sustainable water solutions.
of interest to develop Abu Dhabi’s
second large-scale reverse osmosis
(RO) plant. Other RO systems are
under development in the UAE and
the region.

H.E. Dr Saif Saleh Al Sayari

Director General
Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA)

Developing innovative technologies to provide for the water needs of the

that can sustainably source clean Arabian Gulf over the long term.
water is vital, not only for the UAE, but Energy efficiency improvements of up
for countries throughout the Arabian to 75 per cent, compared with
Gulf and around the world. technologies mostly used in the UAE
at present, were also demonstrated
The Masdar Renewable Energy Water through the programme.
Desalination Programme sought to
address this critical need by investing On behalf of Masdar, I would like to pay
in advanced technologies aimed at tribute to the vision of His Highness
improving both the efficiency and the Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al
environmental performance of Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi
desalination processes used here in and Deputy Supreme Commander of
the UAE and internationally. the UAE Armed Forces. His call to
action to safeguard the water security
Five pilot projects were commissioned of the UAE inspired our programme.
to explore the feasibility of renewable
energy as a power source for seawater Along with the Masdar Institute, who
desalination. They also tested more worked closely with us, Masdar would
energy-efficient alternatives to also like to recognise the commitment
conventional desalination technology. of its partners Veolia/SIDEM, SUEZ,
Trevi Systems, Abengoa, and Mascara
Our programme has helped to bridge Renewable Water. We are also grateful
the gap between research in the for the expertise of ILF Consulting
laboratory and commercialisation out Engineers and PwC.
in the field. Just as importantly, it has
shown that multi-stakeholder Together, we have produced
partnerships, involving government, compelling evidence of the critical role
business and academia, can realise innovative desalination technologies
genuine innovation in response to and renewable energy can play in
global sustainability challenges. addressing the acute water needs of
the UAE and other arid regions.
Reverse osmosis combined with solar
power is a commercially viable option

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi

Chief Executive Officer

Masdar launched the Renewable
Energy Water Desalination
Programme in January 2013
responding to a call from Abu Dhabi’s

leadership. This forward-thinking
initiative directed Masdar to develop
and demonstrate advanced and
innovative technologies in desalination.

Masdar is Abu Dhabi’s renewable
energy company which works to
advance the development,
commercialisation and deployment of
clean energy technologies and
solutions. The company serves as a
link between today’s fossil fuel
economy and the energy economy of
the future. Wholly owned by the
Mubadala Investment Company, the
strategic investment company of the
Government of Abu Dhabi, Masdar is
dedicated to the United Arab Emirates’
long-term vision for the future of
energy and water.

Masdar Institute, is part of the Khalifa

University of Science and Technology
and a graduate-level research
university in Abu Dhabi. As part of the
Programme, the Masdar Institute
conducted five R&D projects in
collaboration with – and funded by –
the participating companies.

ILF Consulting Engineers provided

support to Masdar throughout the
programme with technical advice and
engineering support. Their
engagement spanned from the initial
design of the Programme to analysis of
the results.

PwC assisted Masdar in defining an

action plan on commercialising its
renewable energy desalination efforts,
and helped outlining the potential
future role of the project site.

Global sustainable

Global Clean Water
Desalination Alliance –“H20 minus CO2”

Desalination in the Arabian

Gulf and the UAE 05

opportunities 11

Masdar's Renewable Energy

Water Desalination Programme 15

Forging partnerships for

a sustainable advantage 17

technologies 23

A timeline
of success 33

It’s just the

beginning... 37

Evaluation by the
Independent Advisory Panel 41

There is plenty and not enough water While desalination currently provides
in the world at the same time. While only around 1% of the world’s
there’s more than 1,400 million cubic drinking water, this percentage is
kilometres of water on our blue planet, increasing year on year. A rising
there’s actually a shortage of clean demand for safe water, depleting
drinking water. Our oceans cover more natural fresh water resources, and
than 71% of the Earth’s surface and the falling costs of desalination
contain 97% of the Earth’s water. This technologies – are all contributing
means that only a tiny fraction of all to growing investment in desalination
water on our planet – 13,500 cubic plants. Due to the high energy
kilometres or 1/100,000 of the total consumption and environmental
water – is actually fresh, drinkable and footprint associated with
usable [1]. desalination, however, the pressure
is on to develop more sustainable
There’s a worldwide thirst for clean desalination solutions.
Desalination: water – drinking water, water for
quenching the global irrigation, water for industrial use The UAE is among other nations
thirst for clean water and so on. It’s not just a problem for initiating dedicated programmes to
people living in third world countries address these challenges. Among
anymore. With global consumption these efforts is the Renewable
doubling every 20 years, and at more Energy Water Desalination
than twice the rate of the world’s programme, managed by Masdar.
population growth, getting clean The programme stimulated the
water is also an issue for the world’s development and demonstration
major cities. Climate change will also of innovative energy efficient
affect water scarcity, where for each desalination technologies that can
degree of global warming, be cost-effectively powered by
approximately 7% of the global renewable energy sources. This
population is projected to be exposed effort is complemented by the Global
to a decrease of renewable water Clean Water Desalination Alliance –
resources of at least 20% [2]. “H20 minus CO2” (Alliance), an
international climate initiative
“By 2030, global demand for water is launched by Masdar and the French
expected to grow by 50%” [3] Government and the International
Desalination Association in 2015 at
Water is the fundamental building COP21 in Paris. The Alliance
block of life, and it’s vital for the currently includes more than 150
sustainable development of countries members worldwide on corporate
worldwide. That’s why the United and governmental levels committing
Nations (UN) has included a specific to reduce the carbon dioxide
Sustainable Development Goal to emissions from desalination plants.
“ensure the availability and
sustainable management of water
and sanitation for all” as part of the
UN’s Sustainable Development
Agenda. In response to the UN’s call
to action, countries have attempted
to help solve global water shortage
through a variety of demand-side and
supply-side solutions, the latter
including desalination of brackish
water and sea water.





A key milestone in the UAE’s Alliance, which is working Working in partnership with
journey towards developing towards reducing CO2 industries, the utilities sector,
sustainable desalination has emissions in the desalination research organisations,
been Masdar’s support of the industry. The Alliance was universities, NGOs, financial
Global Clean Water launched at the 2015 United institutions, local authorities
Desalination Alliance – “H20 Nations Climate Change and governments, the
minus CO2”. Masdar has been Conference COP21 as part of Alliance’s work focuses on
actively involved with the the Lima Paris Action Plan. four key areas:


Mapping and assessing potential
markets for clean energy-powered
desalination, led by the International Promoting energy efficiency,
Desalination Association. The system integration and demand
Alliance has set the following response, led by the US National
targets for the next 20 years: 10% Renewable Energy Laboratory
clean energy supply by 2020 for (NREL). NREL is analysing how
existing desalination plants; 20% incentives, such as tax credits,
for new plants from 2020-2025; rebates, special tariff structures
40% for new plants from can help to advance energy
2026-2030, 60% for new plants efficiency and system integration
from 2031-2035; and 80% for new of desalination facilities.
plants after 2035.


Research, development and Education, training and outreach,
demonstration, led by the led by the Renewables 100 Policy
Massachusetts Institute of Institute and ENGIE. The Alliance
Technology. Members of the is supporting the dissemination of
Alliance are identifying research information on opportunities for
gaps in sustainable desalination reducing CO2 emissions in the
to help attract additional desalination sector through a
investment in solution-driven dedicated web-based platform.
research, development and


DESALINATION IN THE Desalination is critical to

ARABIAN GULF AND THE UAE the sustainable growth of

the United Arab Emirates

The GCC is one of the world’s main 83% of desalination in the UAE
producers of desalinated water – is produced at thermal plants, which
around 45% of global desalination consume around 3.5 times more
production is in the GCC countries (as energy for each unit of produced
of 2010) [4]. GCC countries increased water than modern reverse osmosis
their capacity to turn seawater into plants [7][8]
freshwater from 3,000 million cubic
metres per year in 2000 to 5,000 The widely deployed integration
million cubic metres per year in 2012; of electricity and water production
looking ahead, we can expect this leads to energetic inefficiencies
figure to rise to around 9,000 million caused by seasonal variations
cubic metres per year by 2030 [3]. mainly in electricity demand forcing
the integrated water and power
The growth of the UAE depends on plants to operate sub-optimally
producing sufficient water for its during winter
growing population – and what it
lacks in freshwater, it is accounting The desalination sector is

for in desalinated water. Desalinated estimated to contribute more than
seawater accounts for 31% of the 22% of Abu Dhabi’s total CO2
total water supply in Abu Dhabi, and emissions [9]
of the desalination capacity has become the main source of
in the UAE consists of drinking water [5].
thermal plants
There is a considerable
environmental downside to the
Desalination sector is desalination methods used in the
UAE. The majority of UAE’s
estimated to contribute over desalination plants use thermal

22% of the CO2

emissions of
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
desalination processes, which are
in most cases considerably more
energy intensive compared to reverse
osmosis processes. The thermal
plants release hot brine, chemicals
and other trace elements into coastal
waters, which increases seawater
temperature and salinity, and harms
the marine environment. Climate
change is expected to compound
such impacts by increasing salinity
in certain locations and increasing
seawater temperatures in the
Arabian Gulf [6]. Any significant
changes to the quality of the
seawater will also impact the
efficiency of desalination plants,
furthering the need to find new
cleaner and less damaging ways to
desalinate water.


Fresh water demand by economic

sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
in 2012 [5].

Government 0.3%


Forests and


DESALINATION IN THE Desalination is critical to

ARABIAN GULF AND THE UAE the sustainable growth of

the United Arab Emirates

Consumption of desalinated 1400

seawater across economic
sectors in the Emirate of 1200
Abu Dhabi [10].

03% Other 800

02% Industry 600

Millions m3/a

17% Agriculture
14% Government
19% Commercial 200

48% Domestic 0
2012 2013 2014 2015

Fresh water demand by

source in the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi in 2012 [5].

Recycled 04%(139)

31% (1,059)
Millions m3/a


Groundwater 65% (2,218)

0 1,000 2,000 3,000



“Water is an essential component for industrial, economic and social development and its demand globally is
predicted to increase by %55 by 2050. While the UAE is developing rapidly, it remains one of the most water-scarce
countries in the world, and with more than %90 of the UAE’s drinking water provided through desalination, we have a
duty to pursue and deliver solutions to manage the increasing demand using sustainable, clean technologies. The
UAE is committed to this and through programmes like the Ghantoot Renewable Energy Desalination Pilot
Programme, we are working towards this objective to achieving our goals set out in the UAE Energy Strategy 2050.”

- His Excellency Suhail Al Mazrouei, UAE Minister of Energy.


CREATING Driving innovation for

OPPORTUNITIES the next generation of

desalination technologies

The UAE is committed to improving HOW IT ALL STARTED

existing desalination methods and The quest for clean water
pioneering new solutions that are desalination started in 2013 when
more energy-efficient and Masdar launched the Renewable
cost-effective. It is actively working Energy Water Desalination
towards powering a more Programme. The programme was
sustainable future by diversifying its a result of a call to action to improve
energy resources, introducing water security made by His Highness
renewable energy sources, and General Sheikh Mohammed bin
developing nuclear energy. Coupling Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of
energy-efficient reverse osmosis Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme
plants with the abundantly available Commander of the UAE Armed
solar resources and capitalizing on Forces. The programme was
low-cost renewable generation established to stimulate growth,
technologies will allow the UAE to promote investment and advance the
transition to achieve the country’s desalination sector. The key
strategic goals and environmentally
The key objectives of the objectives of the Programme were
benign, cost-effective and secure to research and develop
programme were to develop water supply solution for the future.
and demonstrate seawater energy-efficient, cost-efficient
desalination technologies that are
desalination technologies The UAE is a rapidly developing powered by renewable energy. The
that: country with one of the fastest long-term goal was to establish
population growth rates in the world. renewable energy-powered
Are more energy efficient As the population grows, so does the desalination plants in the UAE, and
than state-of-the-art demand for safe, easily accessible across the MENA region. The
systems; freshwater for human consumption Programme was sponsored by the
and for agricultural, commercial and Abu Dhabi Government and
Are suitable to be powered industrial use – and this is the driving co-funded by the industry partners
by renewable energy force behind the UAE’s investment in participating in the Programme.
pioneering, innovative technologies
sources; During the Programme, five different
for water desalination. desalination pilot plants were
Are cost competitive with operated at a site in Ghantoot. Each
non-renewable energy one used innovative technologies to
powered seawater demonstrate different approaches
to energy-efficient seawater
Have minimal
environmental impact; and
Are resilient in challenging
seawater and environmental


Installed seawater desalination

capacity per technology type in the
UAE [7].

Multi Stage
Flash (MSF)

Millions m3/d
Osmosis (RO) 1.5

Multi Effect
Distillation (MED)

0 02 04 06

Electricity demand and water demand

throughout 2015 in the Emirate of
Abu Dhabi [11].

400 04
Millions m3 Water per Day
GWh Elecricity per Day

300 03

200 02

100 01

0 0






Monthly Average Daily Electricity Demand Monthly Average Daily Water Demand


“Trevi was honored to be selected for the Renewable Energy Desalination Challenge by Masdar.
The selection afforded us the opportunity to build a large scale pilot plant and demonstrate the technology under real
world conditions. We were able to improve key components of the design and the data gathering proved invaluable.
Our partner Masdar provided a facility which would be dearly missed in desalination research, and their financial and
technical support during the project was key to our success.”

- John Webley, CEO of Trevi Systems



WATER DESALINATION PROGRAMME desalination industry into

a more sustainable model

Throughout the Programme, Masdar that the demonstrated technologies

worked with local and international address the Programme objectives.
stakeholders in what became a truly Masdar established key
global effort to achieve collaborations with multiple relevant
energy-efficient seawater stakeholders, both nationally and
desalination. International internationally, to enable stakeholder
technology providers, industry input and dissemination of the
experts and professors from the Programme results. The
Masdar Institute of Science and collaborative instruments included
Technology (MI) (a graduate-level the Project Management Office,
research university in Abu Dhabi) Steering Committee, and the
have all contributed to the Independent Advisory Panel. "(See
Programme in terms of research, page 17-18 for more details)",
development and monitoring. Rather Moreover, Masdar has introduced the
than operating on typical Programme and shared its results at
supplier-customer relationships, the multiple national and international
Programme was very much a conferences. MI also contributed to
partnership between all the the Programme by conducting five
participating companies who united research and development projects
to address the specific challenge. in collaboration with the participating
companies in the Programme.
The programme addressed The commercialization of new
desalination technologies is
key challenges to the UAE’s
especially challenging until a first
desalination sector, and built commercial reference plant has been
upon the knowledge and built using the new technology.
experience of local and Expenditures are high during this
global stakeholders. Masdar phase of technology development,
has involved local and global and practical implementations may
stakeholders throughout the prove difficult to realize outside of
programme to enable a the lab. It is therefore difficult to
attract funding for this phase. The
lasting impact of the programme offered infrastructure
programme's results. and funding in one of the prime
markets, addressing key pitfalls in
the commercialisation of new
desalination technologies.

Masdar was responsible for the

management of the programme.
Masdar’s role included the
identification, refurbishment and
provision of the project site in
Ghantoot, including the solicitation
of all required permits to perform the
pilot projects. Masdar had all needed
site infrastructure, including electric
power supply, natural gas supply and
seawater supply, installed at the site.
Masdar selected the participating
companies and engaged in detailed
technical discussions to make sure




Masdar monitored the performance
of the pilot plants on an ongoing
basis, and analysed the results in
collaboration with the five different
technology partners. This process
involved regular progress reports,

Trial run
Acceptance test
Availability test
Performance tests
Completion test


Energy consumption (electricity
and heat)
Seawater quality
Potable water quality and quantity
Brine discharge quality and quantity

process for the technology partners. TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PROGRAMME:
Masdar invited bids from companies
who could develop and demonstrate
innovative and advanced desalination
technologies that were suitable for
the UAE. The mandate was kept The Spanish company Abengoa is
relatively open to encourage a global leader in energy and
providers to propose solutions that desalination. As well as delivering A global expert in the water and
would meet the Programme’s turnkey solutions for solar energy, waste sectors, SUEZ offers services
objectives while maximising the biofuel plants, conventional energy in water treatment, water distribution
company’s individual strengths. plants, desalination, and electricity and management, waste recycling
and water infrastructures, Abengoa and waste recovery. The company is
operates and maintains energy and based in France and designs, builds
water plants. It also has a research and operates desalination and other
and development arm. water treatment plants.

Roughly 1% (400,000 m3/day) of the SUEZ has plants in Europe, North

world’s water desalination capacity Africa, the Middle East, Australia and
originates from Abengoa’s plants Latin America, and is responsible for
located in North Africa, Latin America, roughly 4% (1,700,000 m3/day) of the
China, and the Middle East [7]. world’s water desalination capacity [7].


Mascara Renewable Water

specialises in solar-powered Trevi Systems has developed a
desalination. The French company Forward Osmosis technology that is
has developed a technology for used to desalinate seawater, high
PV-powered desalination that can salinity water, brackish water and
decrease and increase water industrial wastewater. The Veolia group is a global leader in
production according to the available California-based start-up company optimized resource management.
solar energy. This enables off-grid operated the following pilot plants: The group designs and provides water,
solar powered desalination, as well Orange County Water District waste and energy management
as demand response functionality for (California), Port Huenema Seawater solutions that contribute to the
micro-grid systems. Desalination Test Facility (California), sustainable development of
and Romberg Tiburon Centre communities and industries.
After piloting a 30 m3/day (California).
desalination plant in partnership with Roughly 13% (6,200,000 m3/day) of the
Masdar, Mascara has installed an It the Middle East, Trevi has installed a world’s operational seawater
off-grid system in Bora Bora that has 10 m3/day pilot plant in Kuwait while it desalination capacity originates from
a capacity of 80 m3/day. The company was operating its 50 m3/day pilot plant Veolia/SIDEM at plants in Africa, Latin
also plans to install an 80 m3/day in in the UAE. Trial Zero-Liquid America, Australia, China, the Middle
plant in Rodrigues, an island of the Discharge systems have been installed East, Europe, East Asia, and North
Republic of Mauritius. in India, China and the US. America [7].


The programme addressed key challenges to the UAE’s desalination sector, and built upon the
knowledge and experience of local and global stakeholders. Masdar has involved local and global
stakeholders throughout the programme to enable a lasting impact of the Program’s results.

Technology references
Quality of proposed technology
R&D competence
Energy intensity
Projected development outlook of
the technology
Potential for industrial applications
Robustness and reliability
Innovativeness, potential for
technological breakthrough
Suitability for coupling with
renewable energy sources
Environmental impact of brine

Cost of produced potable water
Projected development outlook in
terms of cost
Cost sharing in project





Pilot plant production capacity



The Project Management Office The Independent Advisory Panel (IAP)
(PMO) facilitated the involvement of included eight distinguished
key local stakeholders in the international desalination and
programme: renewable energy experts.
Participation of the IAP was on a
Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity
voluntary and non-commercial basis.
Authority (ADWEA)
The IAP met three times at the
Abu Dhabi Regulation and project site in Ghantoot during the
Supervision Bureau (RSB) programme. The IAP’s role centered
around independent review and
Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi
feedback on the programme's results
and the next steps in developing and
Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services commercialising the desalination
Company (ADSSC) technologies. Masdar briefed the IAP
Executive Affairs Authority (EAA) on the project status and results of
the pilot plants to this end.
Members to the IAP were:
Masdar briefed the PMO on the Dr. Corrado Sommariva (Chair),
project status and results of the pilot Managing Director, ILF Consulting
plants in periodic meetings and site Engineers;
visits throughout the programme.
Ursula Annunziata, President,
Discussions with the PMO centered European Desalination Society;
on the results and potential of the
technologies, targeting adoption in Leon Awerbuch, Director,
the UAE. International Desalination
STEERING COMMITTEE Dr. Nobuya Fujiwara, General
The Steering Committee (SC) was Manager, Toyobo;
comprised of four senior level Paul Holthus, Founding President
representatives of Masdar and the and CEO, World Ocean Council;
Masdar Institute. The SC provided
guidance to Masdar’s project Dr. Joachim Koschikowski, Head of
managers on achieving the Group, Fraunhofer;
programme's objectives, timeline Dr. Masaru Kurihara, Advisor,
and budget. Toray Industries;
Dr. Adam Warren, Group Manager,
National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, US DOE.


" Masdar was the first to offer Mascara Renewable Water the chance to test and validate its innovative solar desalination
technology through its Renewable Energy Desalination Programme in Ghantoot. This programme fully achieved its initial
goal to bridge the gap between R&D and industry : the industrialisation of the world’s first solar desalination technology
powered by solar energy only and no battery, OSMOSUN®, was accelerated through that programme.

Without Masdar’s trust and support, Mascara would have taken many more years to prove and gain credibility for its
OSMOSUN® technology. The validation by Masdar of the unique performance of OSMOSUN® enabled Mascara to sign
its first orders in 2017. Mascara is now developing projects in Mauritius, Cape Verde, South Africa, Morocco and
Vanuatu in the Pacific. Some of these projects are being developed through the strategic development partnership
tying the two organisations along with the Ghantoot programme.

Besides supporting the testing and validation of OSMOSUN®, Masdar involved Mascara in other programme of
interest : Masdar co-founded during the COP21 in Paris and now holds the secretariat of the climate initiative Global
Clean Water Desalination Alliance – “H20 minus CO2”, and is offering Mascara an incredible opportunity to lead the
change of the sector along with Masdar and the Alliance members.Mascara was also offered to join an R&D
programme with Masdar Institute to improve the efficiency of solar panels, which displayed important results for
future implementation of solar desalination projects."

- Marc Vergnet, CEO of Mascara Renewable Water


DESALINATION Bridging the gap between

TECHNOLOGIES research & development

and commercialisation


The Programme’s five pilot plants operated from a site in Ghantoot, in the
emirate of Abu Dhabi. Located around 65km northeast of the city of Abu Dhabi,
this site became a competitive hub where the five pilot plants were in
operation side-by-side.

The desalination system piloted by Approximately 10% of the brine
Abengoa used a Reverse Osmosis from the first pass RO system was
(RO) system and has a capacity of treated using a low-grade,
1,080 m3/day. This RO system uses heat-driven Membrane Distillation
an ultra-filtration system and (MD) system. Product water from
The five pilot plants in the
self-cleaning cartridge filters for the the MD system was sent for
Programme demonstrated pre-treatment of seawater. Then, remineralization along with
different seawater there’s a two-pass RO system with permeate of the second pass RO
desalination technologies split partial second pass, which system. The MD system was of a
and configurations that sends only the relatively high salinity Vacuum Multi-stage type and
aimed to achieve the permeate from the first-pass RO to consisted of three units treating
Programme’s objectives. the second-pass RO. Abengoa used brine in parallel. Because the MD
an isobaric Energy Recovery Device system is driven by low
(ERD) to recover energy from the temperatures, the Abengoa pilot
high-pressure brine, and plant required both electric and
remineralization was achieved by thermal energy.
calcite and CO2 treatment.

Ultra Cartridge
Intake Filtration

Potable Water Calcite +
Water ERD
Tank CO2


Outfall Tank


M A S CA R A Mascara Renewable Water developed designed to operate at low flow rates.

an off-grid, solar powered Powered by a 30 kWp PV plant, this
RE N EW A B L E W A T E R desalination solution that used a 30 m3/day system operated only
beach well to obtain seawater from during sunlight hours. The
a borehole near the sea. The natural membranes were automatically
sand filtration of the beach well flushed before sunset to avoid
eliminated the need for a dedicated biofouling. A control system
pre-treatment system. A special RO managed the continuous operation
system with a proprietary hydraulic of the pilot plant under the varying
energy accumulator ensured that the sunlight by adjusting the water
RO system could operate under a production and hence the demand
varying power supply. Also, a special for power throughout the day,
isobaric Energy Recovery Device assisted by the hydraulic energy
(ERD) system recovered energy from accumulator to smooth out sharp
the high-pressure brine, and was fluctuations in power supply.


Seawater Well
HP Pump RO Remin.


Outfall Tank Portable Water Water


DESALINATION Bridging the gap between

TECHNOLOGIES research & development

and commercialisation

SUEZ’S SUEZ’s 100 m3/day pilot plant Brine from the first pass RO was
combined an advanced RO system treated by the AquaOmnes®
with an innovative brine treatment system, an innovative Ionic Liquid
system The RO system used two Membrane (ILM) technology, which
pre-treatment systems, Dissolved extracted fresh water from the
Air Floatation (DAF) and brine stream by capturing it in a
Ultrafiltration (UF). The RO system special solvent. The fresh water
consisted of two passes, and there was then stripped from the solvent
was a partial split-second pass with using low-grade heat. A Brackish
full regulation of the front and rear Water Reverse Osmosis system was
permeate flow rates on the first used to polish the fresh water from
pass. This determined how much the ILM system. SUEZ also used an
permeate from the front or rear of isobaric Energy Recovery Device
the first pass RO system was sent (ERD) to recover energy from the
to the second pass RO. high-pressure brine, and
remineralization was performed
by calcite and CO2 treatment.

Intake SeaDAFTM
Water RO1

Potable Water Calcite +
Water ERD
Tank CO2


Outfall Tank


TREVI The Forward Osmosis (FO) Multiple heat exchangers were

desalination system of Trevi Systems’ used throughout the process to
S Y S T E MS pilot plant had a total capacity of 50 recover heat from the seawater,
m3/day. A multi-media filtration freshwater, brine and draw solution
system was used in the streams. An RO filtration system
pre-treatment stage. Then, during was deployed to guarantee
the FO process, a proprietary draw sufficient boron removal from the
solution absorbed the freshwater water, before processing the fresh
from the seawater and the draw water by conventional
solution was regenerated using remineralization using calcite and
low-grade heat; this separated water CO2 treatment.
from the draw solution. A low
pressure nano-filtration was then
used to recover any infiltration of the
draw solution from the permeate

Forward Osmosis

Multi Draw
Intake Media

Brine Nano
Outfall Tank Filteration

Potable Water Calcite + RO
Water CO2


DESALINATION Bridging the gap between

TECHNOLOGIES research & development

and commercialisation

V E OL I A / The 300 m3/day pilot plant developed

by SIDEM combined Dissolved Air
SIDEM Flotation (DAF) and gravity dual
media filtration into one single unit
for the pre-treatment of the
seawater. SIDEM used a two-pass
RO system with a central port
configuration, and it deployed an
innovative Energy Recovery Device
(ERD) that avoided mixing RO feed
water with the brine stream and
promised a 98% efficiency across its
operating range. Calcite filters were
then used for remineralisation

Intake DAF Filter Water


Outfall Tank

Potable Water Cacite
Water Filters RO2


RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT to prevent or reduce fouling, which PV system’s lifespan. Two main
As part of the Programme, the MI would help to improve MD types of cooling methods were
conducted five R&D projects in technology. The project tested five analysed: An active method which
collaboration with – and funded by – different commercially available requires an energy input and a
the participating companies. anti-scalants. Tests were performed passive method which does not.
on brine from the pilot plant’s RO
system using MI’s Membrane Test In a joint R&D project, Masdar
DISTILLATION Unit; a small lab-scale MD systems Institute and Mascara have tested
Abengoa’s pilot plant used the was configured to test different types cooling schemes on three PV
emerging desalination technology of membranes and feed water modules, identical to the ones used
Membrane Distillation (MD) to (different brine configurations) under at the pilot plant located in
enhance the overall water recovery the same operating conditions of the Ghantoot. One module was actively
process from the seawater pilot plant. Final results of the R&D cooled, while another module was
desalination plant. A typical seawater were used to determine which passively cooled and the last
desalination plant produces chemical agent and dosage should module was used as a reference.
high-quality freshwater and reject be used to operate the MD system at The tests were conducted at
water with a high salinity called Abengoa’s pilot plant. Masdar’s PV Test Centre in Masdar
brine. There are several brine City. Prior to outdoor testing, the
disposal methods, which all have "The project was led by Dr Hassan performances under Standard Test
different costs and environmental Arafat,a Professor in Water and Conditions (STC) were verified using
impacts. Environmental Engineering at the Masdar’s indoor solar simulator.
MI’s Department of Chemical and This STC test allowed to determine
Using MD technology, the brine can Environmental Engineering." the correction factors used to
be treated to recover fresh water, normalise the modules’ outdoor
increasing the overall water recovery PV MODULE COOLING performances.
from seawater desalination systems Mascara Renewable Water used
and reducing brine volume. On the photovoltaic (PV) energy to power its As a result, both tested cooling
downside, membrane systems such off-grid desalination units. PV methods may be implemented on
as MD are affected by fouling, which energy has become an increasingly Mascara’s off-grid PV-powered
occurs when salt or other popular form of alternative energy in desalination systems in order to
compounds deposit on the both standalone and grid connected help increase energy production and
membrane surface. Fouling restricts systems. However, PV power output reduce the footprint. Any increase in
water flow and ultimately affects the is not constant and depends on the energy production will reduce the
water recovery of the MD system and incident solar irradiance as well as desalination plant’s footprint, which
damages the membranes – but it can the PV cells’ operating temperature. is particularly valuable in densely
be prevented by adding special populated coastal areas where
chemical agents or anti-scalants to In a PV system, the open-circuit desalination plants are likely to be
the brine. voltage and output power decreases located.
as the operating temperature of the
The collaborative R&D project solar cells increases. Any rise in the The project was led by Dr Mohamed
between Masdar Institute and operating temperature affects the El Moursi, Associate Professor at
Abengoa evaluated fouling in the MD solar cells’ electrical conversion the Masdar Institute Department of
process at Abengoa’s pilot plant. efficiency and, thus, reduces the Electrical Engineering and
Their goal was to develop a strategy energy output; it can also reduce the Computer Science.


DESALINATION Bridging the gap between

TECHNOLOGIES research & development

and commercialisation

DESALINATION Arafat, a Professor in Water and Trevi Systems employed Forward
While there’s no shortage of seawater Environmental Engineering at MI’s Osmosis (FO) at its pilot plant, a
desalination and renewable energy Department of Chemical and technology that has gained attention
systems in the global market, the Environmental Engineering. as an energy efficient technology to
challenge is finding the right one. desalinate water and treat
SUEZ collaborated with Masdar and contaminated industrial water.
ENGIE Laborelec in an R&D project Forward Osmosis (FO) is a two-stage
Masdar Institute and Veolia
that focused on the optimisation of process where water is extracted
investigated the feasibility of
renewable energy-driven desalination from seawater or brackish water
membrane based Capacitive
plants in terms of cost and design. (feed solution) with lower osmotic
Deionization (CapDI) for seawater
desalination systems. CapDI systems pressure into a more concentrated
Solar irradiance data, seawater draw solution with a higher osmotic
remove salt (e.g. table salt, sodium
temperature and salinity profiles, and pressure. This results in
chloride) by applying an electrical
cost were mapped to identify which concentration of the feed solution
potential difference over two
type of solar desalination and dilution of the draw solution. The
electrodes to saline water; the
configuration has the greatest second stage is the regeneration step
negatively charged ions (chloride)
potential. Researchers where draw agent is recovered by
can be stored by the positive
technically-modelled and simulated extracting water from the draw
electrode and the positively charged
Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) solution.
ions (sodium) can be stored by the
desalination systems (with and
negative electrode.
without thermal energy-driven brine The membranes used for the FO
concentration steps), as well as process in the UAE have to be
The project evaluated the energy
multiple photovoltaic, concentrated customised for the higher salinity
consumption, desalting performance,
solar power, solar thermal, thermal and temperatures of the Arabian Gulf
and potential applications of CapDI
storage and electrical storage seawater. In light of this, the R&D
technology. Research focused on
systems. project by the Masdar Institute and
using CapDI technology within an
SWRO plant for the post-treatment of Trevi Systems focused on the
Researchers had the technical data development of FO membranes that
first-pass RO. Water produced by
they required to develop a cost model allow high water flux, high salt
a first-pass RO system was treated
to simulate a commercial rejection, minimise salt flux and can
using CapDI, instead of feeding it to a
solar-powered desalination plant. The operate at temperatures of 40°C or
second-pass RO system that is often
results highlighted the strengths and higher.
applied to meet drinking water
limitations of each solar-powered
standards. Throughout the project,
system, as well as the expected cost Researchers investigated the effect
researchers evaluated a range of
of solar-powered water desalination. of membrane preparation conditions
water qualities produced by a first
pass RO system in a small pilot scale via a phase inversion technique on
The project resulted in the the performance of asymmetric
CapDI unit. Tests monitored flow
prioritisation of solar desalination polybenzylimide (PBI) flat sheet
rate, operation time, applied
configurations for both grid membranes, and investigated the
electrical current, energy
connected and off-grid situations. It integration of silica nanoparticles
consumption and achieved levels of
provided the participants of this R&D (SNPs) into PBI which was supplied
solids removal. Researchers
project with a sound technical by Trevi Systems to develop a novel
compared the performance of
understanding of the limits and mixed membrane matrix for FO
one-pass and two-pass CapDI
strengths of each solar system, as applications.
systems, as well as water with
well as the expected cost of solar
different concentration levels.
powered water desalination. The project was led by Dr Shadi Wajih
Moreover, the cost model allowed Hasan, an Assistant Professor in
The project was led by Dr. Linda Zou,
adjustments of key parameters to Water and Environmental
a professor in chemical and
analyze new scenarios without the Engineering at MI’s Department of
environmental engineering at the
need for further detailed technical Chemical and Environmental
Chemical and Environmental
simulations. Engineering.
Engineering department of MI.




Abu Dhabi CO2
reduction in
emissions from energy intensity

Energy Inputs Energy Inputs

Seawater Osmosis

increase in demand 1,500 Million in potential

for water by 2030 annual savings

m /day
potable water

Increased energy Reduced cost of Decreased environmental Diversification of

efficiency desalination impact energy supply


“Abengoa would like to thank Masdar for the opportunity to participate in the Renewable Energy Seawater
Desalination Program. Abengoa developed a cutting edge desalination pilot plant with the goal of employing a more
sustainable and energy-efficient process that could be powered by renewable energy. Abengoa has learned valuable
information throughout the project, that will lead to future sustainable projects.”

- Tyson Doyle, Project Manager at Abengoa


A TIMELINE A key step to achieving water

OF SUCCESS security and reducing energy


2013 2014

Masdar launches the Renewable Masdar partners with four global

Energy Water Desalination industry leaders – Abengoa, SUEZ,
Programme to develop advanced Veolia/Sidem, and Trevi Systems – to
energy-efficient seawater operate four pilot desalination plants
desalination technologies suitable to in Ghantoot.
be powered by renewable energy


2015 2016 2017

Masdar inaugurates its project site Masdar partners with Mascara The pilot plants are visited by a
in Ghantoot, Abu Dhabi; the Renewable Water to operate a fifth delegation of the Saline Water
inauguration ceremony is attended pilot desalination plant in Ghantoot. Conversion Corporation (SWCC) from
by HE Dr Suhail Al Mazroui (UAE the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, led by
Minister of Energy), HE Dr Sultan Al The pilot plants are visited by a Eng. Ali Abdulrahman Al-Hazmi
Jaber (UAE Minister of State and delegation of the International (Governor, SWCC).
Chairman of Masdar), HE Dr Ahmad Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).
Belhoul, Minister of State for Higher The pilot plants are visited by a
Education, HE Razan Al Mubarak The pilot plants are visited by delegation of the Dubai Electricity
(Secretary General, Environment attendees of Abu Dhabi Sustainability and Water Authority (DEWA).
Agency - Abu Dhabi), HE Faris Obaid Week 2016.
Al Dhaheri (Director General, Abu Final results collected and
The pilot plants are visited by
Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority), synthesised
members of the media from the
HE Michel Miraillet (former
BBC, National Geographic, Russia24,
Ambassador of France to the UAE).
Vietnam Television (VTV), Huffington
Post and more.
Pilot plant comes into operation

R&D programme started


“Our partnership with Masdar during the Ghantoot Renewable Energy Desalination Pilot Programme provided us
with a unique opportunity to assess the development of our desalination technologies. The cooperation between all
parties has allowed us to gain valuable data and insight to move forward with implementing these solutions in a
large-scale commercial setting and we are looking forward to further progressing the technologies piloted.”

- Vincent Baujat, Veolia Water Technologies Executive Vice-President for the Middle East.


IT’S JUST THE Reverse osmosis

BEGINNING... and solar power

are the future


The programme outcomes have The demand for desalinated water
defined that reverse osmosis and across the UAE is expected to
solar power are commercially rise, and more than 800 million
attractive, sustainable long-term imperial gallons per day (MIGD) of
mainstream solutions to water and additional seawater reverse
energy security in the Gulf region. osmosis capacity is expected to be
installed by 2030 [11]. Based on
Multiple technologies were tested this estimate, the implementation
to provide reliable results: The of renewable energy powered
desalination pilot plants have advanced seawater reverse
successfully established a refer- osmosis desalination would
ence for multiple advanced desali- reduce natural gas consumption
nation technologies and configura- by up to 235 million MMBtu per
tions. annum; this is worth more than
USD 1.4 billion [12] per annum
The Programme showed Solutions were proven in the Gulf’s and is equivalent to 47% of
that reverse osmosis specific local conditions: The present-day net natural gas
seawater desalination Programme demonstrated that the imports. If 100% of this new
technologies are able advanced technologies are capable capacity is powered by renewable
of handling one of the world’s most energy reverse osmosis desalination,
to achieve an energy
challenging seawaters, fulfilling a it would save more than 14 million
consumption of below 3.6 key requirement for commercial tonnes of CO 2 per annum.
kWh per cubic meter of adoption.
produced water The UAE has already taken
Reverse osmosis was confirmed to proactive steps to implement
be the most energy efficient reverse osmosis desalination
desalination technology with 75% technology. This could potentially
gains over the current status-quo be accompanied by other
in the UAE: The Programme supporting measures to save
showed that reverse osmosis energy, reduce CO 2 emissions and
seawater desalination technolo- add more value:
gies are able to achieve an energy
consumption of below 3.6 kWh per Desalination plants could be
cubic meter of produced water subjected to the true cost of
treating highly saline seawater of energy supply. Charging
the UAE’s Arabian Gulf coast, if pre-determined cost of energy for
applied in a large-scale setting. desalination plants limits the
development of more energy
Renewable energy powered efficient plants to achieve a lower
reverse osmosis has been proven lifecycle cost.
commercially viable with drastic
reduction in production cost: Water and power production
Levelized costs of below AED could be separated allowing more
3.3/m3 can be realized if applied at efficient and seasonally adequate
a scale of 100,000 m3/day or water and power production.
higher, compared to current
average water production cost of The energy supply for
5.16 AED/m3 in the UAE [10]. desalination plants could be
preferably sourced from
renewable energy plants via a grid


CO2 accounting could be INNOVATION BEYOND THE Innovative technological

introduced to benchmark and PROGRAMME advancements across the water
optimize the desalination plants. Further research and development sector value chain.
on seawater desalination could
Environmental key performance focus on new solutions that utilise Addressing environmental
targets could be established for optimised pre-treatment impact of desalination and climate
desalination plants to mitigate the technologies to achieve energy change.
impact of chemical usage and savings and additional value
brine discharge on the marine creation by demand response. Studying social attitudes towards
environment. water and influencing behaviour.
The infrastructure at the pilot
Desalination plants could offer facility in Ghantoot can be used to Policy research for
demand response capabilities to innovate, develop and create a new commercialization and application
be able to reduce electricity peak wave of solutions for the UAE’s of novel water technologies.
demand when needed and to future, especially within the
water-energy-food nexus. The Education, awareness and
create value outside of the water
facility could be kept in operation training that inform, educate and
as a Water Innovation Park (‘the inspire water industry
Park’), an idea that has received professionals, utilities, policy
a lot of support from project makers and schools.
partners, the independent advisory
panel and other stakeholders from
the pilot phase. By operating the
Park at the heart of the region with
the world’s largest desalination
industry and growing demand, it
would lend itself well to ensuring
the UAE and Masdar are competitively
positioned to develop and
commercially deploy novel water
technology in the region and
beyond for the next 30 years. The
Park could be operated as a
Public-Private-Partnership model
in order to become a world-leading,
cross-disciplinary hub where
partners from technology companies,
universities, government entities and
international organisations work
together to foster holistic innovation
in water across the following
multiple themes:


SUEZ is proud to have played an active role in the Masdar Renewable Energy Water Desalination Programme and to have
partnered with Masdar by contributing to their ambitious initiatives for renewable energy. Masdar and SUEZ reached the
objective to test new desalination technologies and process optimization to reduce the energy consumption that will
address sustainable access to potable water. Masdar Renewable Energy Water Desalination Programme was a unique
opportunity to test out bench scale to relevant scale innovative process with the challenging seawater quality of the Arabian
Gulf. The project provided Masdar and SUEZ with valuable information about the performance of Masdar Renewable Energy
Water Desalination Programme components to ensure water security and reduce energy consumption in order to meet the
United Arab Emirates’ energy reduction target:
An innovative brine treatment solution has been implemented, based on a counter-current liquid/liquid deionisation
technology with thermal energy: the reactor shape could be tested and evaluated and the resin formula confirmed.
The pretreatment solutions have been operated out of their design range to challenge their capacity and robustness.
The research project with Masdar Institute and ENGIE provided valuable insights about new configurations of solar powered reverse
osmosis seawater Desalination plant.

This project would not have been possible without the support and trust from Masdar. The collaboration was deeply
enriched by the expertise of Masdar Institute, Masdar, and ILF, its consulting partner. The forward-looking vision of the
involved stakeholders enabled the development of innovative solutions for desalination.

- Gregory Tesse, Project Director, SUEZ


October 2017

MEMBERS OF THE PREMISE Five different desalination pilot

INDEPENDENT In 2013, Masdar launched the plants have been operated at the
ADVISORY PANEL: Renewable Energy Water project site in Ghantoot in the
Desalination Programme (the course of the Programme. The pilot
Programme). The Programme is plants demonstrated different
Dr. Corrado Sommariva (Chair) based in Ghantoot, UAE. Its goal was advanced and innovative
ILF Consulting Engineers to develop and demonstrate advanced approaches to energy-efficient
and innovative seawater desalination seawater desalination. The
Ursula Annunziata technologies that are highly energy technologies have been selected by
Genesys International efficient and cost-competitive and Masdar on a competitive basis after
can be powered by renewable energy a comprehensive technical due
Leon Awerbuch coupled to utility-scale desalination diligence process.
International Desalination Association plants in the near future.

Dr. Nobuya Fujiwara The following technologies have been developed and demonstrated:
Toyobo Technology Capacity of Pilot
Desalination Technology
Provider Plant [m3/d]
Paul Holthus Abengoa Reverse Osmosis and Membrane Distillation 1,000
World Ocean Council
Suez Reverse Osmosis and Liquid Ionic Membrane 100
Dr. Joachim Koschikowski Trevi Systems Forward Osmosis 50
Veolia Reverse Osmosis 300

Dr. Masaru Kurihara Mascara PV Powered Reverse Osmosis 30

Toray Industries

Dr. Adam Warren PANEL The mandate of the Panel was to

National Renewable Energy Laboratory Masdar invited the Independent provide independent expert opinion
Advisory Panel (the Panel) to review and guidance on the implementation
the Programme and to provide of the Programme. Participation of
independent expert opinion and the panelists was in an honorary
guidance on the implementation of capacity. The Panel met once a year
the Programme. The panelists are at the project site in Ghantoot for a
internationally well recognized full day workshop. Masdar and the
industry experts in areas relevant to participating companies in the
seawater desalination and have been Programme provided the Panel with
appointed by Masdar. Dr. Corrado detailed information about the
Sommariva, Managing Director of ILF demonstrated technologies and
Consulting Engineers Middle East, shared with them the performances
has been appointed by Masdar as of the pilot plants. Each workshop
Chair of the Panel. included a site tour guided by Masdar
and the participating companies.
Masdar paid attention that the At the end of each workshop a
appointed panelists represent discussion was arranged between
different areas of expertise the panelists, the programme
complementing each other to managers of Masdar and faculty
guarantee that all aspects relevant of Masdar Institute of Science and
to seawater desalination are Technology allowing immediate
covered. The panelists were also feedback and guidance.
selected to have a good
geographical and institutional
diversity among the Panel.


CONTEXT from concept to pilot and on to fully that operate desalination plants as
Currently operating desalination operational plants, and additionally newly constructed plants may now be
plants generate 90-billion liters of being able to be involved in the better designed and operated taking
water per day. Population growth and developmental progress of these into account the findings of the
climate change is expected to technologies. Programme.
increase this demand by 12% over
the next five years. Energy One of the first observations by the FUTURE R&D DEVELOPMENTS
consumption represents over 1/3 of Panel was that while the original focus The panel recommends an extension
the cost of desalinated water in of the Programme was mainly to test of the Programme. Further
current systems. From these and innovations in desalination development of the Programme
subsequent discussions in the Panel technologies, it was satisfying to see could include the following RD&D
several themes emerged: that as a response to initial panel elements:
feedback the Mascara renewable solar
There is a need to test energy project was added during the Optimization of recovery ratio.
technologies at scales not possible latter part of the Programme to Increased percentage recovery
in a typical research laboratory. We demonstrate that coupling with may reduce chemical consumption
need a bridge between bench-scale renewable energy supply is feasible. as well as affecting the energy
and full-scale testing. The fact that forward osmosis and consumption, pumping costs,
membrane distillation were included volume of water required etc. –
Research on integrated right from the start was considered mostly this is accounted for in the
energy-water systems is needed, also interesting as well as that the overall energy consumption, but
particularly on systems powered by Programme distinguished between probably not in all cases.
renewable energy or sources of advanced and innovative so that
‘waste’ heat. companies both large and small were Brine recovery / Zero-liquid-discharge.
involved. The panel also appreciated Depending on the location, this
Further research is needed into the fact that Masdar installed three may or may not be currently an
the ability of desalinization systems different solar thermal collector issue, but this topic is definitely
to provide grid services, such as systems at the project site to evaluate becoming one to be solved as
significant flexible load or demand the most suitable way of providing low completely as possible.
response. temperature heat for thermal
desalination processes. Chemicals. Although the
Demonstration and testing of objective is to have the plants as
small-scale, integrated desalination Reducing energy consumption, as well self-sufficient as possible, there
and energy systems is needed. Such as increasing the proportion of will be a necessity for some
systems are needed in areas of renewable energy consumed, was a chemical additions, both
water scarcity with limited, weak, or key factor in monitoring success, and continuously and occasionally
non-existent grids. these measurements have been made. off-line for cleaning events. They
The Panel commends Masdar for are used for pretreatment,
Collaboration between academia, carrying out this important initiative in post-treatment, antiscalants,
industry, and government is needed a very organized, collaborative and cleaning etc. The objectives would
to address future R&D needs. transparent way. The Programme be to reduce chemicals
stimulated the development and consumption as much as possible,
FEEDBACK OF THE PANEL ON THE commercialization of new technologies and to ensure that the most
PROGRAMME that are needed to reduce the effective products are used in
Masdar has done an excellent job of economic and environmental footprint order to reduce downtime. In
overviewing the projects and of desalination. The Programme also addition, it would be necessary
summarizing the critical information enabled the participating companies to to ensure that non-hazardous
for the Panel. improve and optimize their products are used as far as
technologies and adapt them to the possible in order to reduce
The Panel confirmed that it has been a seawater conditions of the Arabian transport and storage hazards.
very interesting experience to observe Gulf. This is a very important aspect
the Ghantoot piloting facility evolving that will ultimately benefit all countries


October 2017

Development of membrane EXTENSION OF PROJECT SITE Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL)

cleaning procedures, perhaps using There was a general consensus among testing with access to remote
different temperatures, or testing the Panel on the fact that the site simulators;
novel products. This topic is part of, potential to develop into a permanent Development of codes and
or related to the point mentioned testing facility continuing a program of standards for energy-water
above; by use of membrane autopsies seawater desalination sustainable systems;
where relevant (or trial and error), development should be pursued
frequency of cleaning could be considering various factors such as: Improve investor (equipment
minimized by using the most effective supplier, utility, contractors, user,
products identified during flat sheet financier) understanding and
1.The site is available with seawater
cleaning protocol comparisons. confidence in new technologies and
abstraction facilities that are already
installed and easy to operate and
Development of new membranes, maintain. Utilizing three different solar
primarily being developed for forward thermal collector systems at the
osmosis, but perhaps exhibiting other 2. In particular this offers a new project site would allow to evaluate
interesting characteristics. company who wish to test an the most suitable way of providing
innovative product to leverage on low temperature heat for thermal
Development of different geometric Existing infrastructure and hybrid desalination processes
membrane spacers. and zero liquid discharge (ZLD).
Existing skilled and trained personnel
Training local engineers! And Permits available This user-facility would provide
thereby increasing the technical And independent source of companies, academia, and research
labor pool. evaluation and possibly certification institutes a test bed to reduce
of the performance of the pilot plant. technology and market risk and to
Developing monitoring/specific accelerate the development of
measuring techniques. Therefore there was a general energy-efficiency, renewable energy
consensus over that fact that the powered desalinization at a scale not
Simplifying procedures such as investment in the existing facility possible today.
shut-down so that automation is should be leveraged to develop a
increased, for remote situations. research ‘user-facility’ where R&D The site would also offer good
is conducted through cost-sharing opportunities to use the plant for public
Evaluating new(ish) standards such partnerships. Users of the facility demonstration, for visitors (like a
as MFI instead of SDI in order to would pay for access to the facilities technology museum) or possible use for
improve automatic control of equipment, infrastructure, trainee course on desalination
pretreatment. laboratories, and related support. technologies and renewable energy.
This would allow partners to test
Promoting awareness of the need and optimize individual technologies Several options were suggested to
for energy footprint limitation. or integrated energy-water systems provide the required funding for the
at scale in a real-world site including:
Improvement of partial load environment.
capabilities or RO plants. 1. Longer term evaluation of the full
scale plant by any of the 5 existing
Research, development, and projects – for an agreed rental, any
Development and optimization of demonstration opportunities
advanced pressure recovery devices. of the companies could stay and
include: continue evaluation and
Development of advanced energy Integrated testing and field development of their processes.
supply concept particular to small to validation of components in a 2. Offer of rental space for
medium scale systems. controlled environment; product/process development to
Simulation and development of various companies that initially
Development of water storage presented interest for the site.
new plant configurations and
concepts as as artificial groundwater


3. Reconversion of the area into two

sectors – one for R&D, as above, INDEPENDENT ADVISORY research and economics and
published two books on desalination
while the other could be used for
companies to showcase their
PANEL MEMBERS management and economics.

technologies, so that these could be He has been president of the

viewed by interested parties. European Desalination Society (EDS)
and chairman of the World Health
4. Concepts such as water for
Organization’s committee for the
irrigation could be showcased, with
establishment of safe drinking water
small areas given over to
from desalination.
demonstrations of fast-growing
agricultural products.

5. Water technology centers such as

Wetsus in the Netherlands, PUB in
Singapore, GIST from Korea, could
be interested in co-operating and
using/building the facilities for DR. CORRADO SOMMARIVA (CHAIR)
development of projects for their
industry and university partners/PhD Dr. Sommariva is managing director
students – perhaps as a follow-up to of ILF Consulting Engineers Middle
laboratory pilot scale projects. East and the head of the company’s
worldwide desalination practice. He
has experience in thermal, reverse
osmosis and wastewater systems and URSULA ANNUNZIATA
has served in various roles in all the
major desalination developments in Mrs. Annunziata is an international
the Middle East. authority on desalination. She is
president of the European
Dr. Sommariva was president of the Desalination Society and also a board
International Desalination member of the International
Association (IDA) for the term Desalination Association.
2011-2013, served as co-chairman Her qualifications include a BSc Hons
of the technical program for the 2009 in chemistry and Marine Biology and
IDA World Congress in Dubai and an MSc in Applied Hydrobiology. Over
chairman of IDA’s recently held the last 25 years her focus has been
conference “Desalination Industry on membrane technology,
Action for Good,” a landmark event specializing in antiscalants and
held in Portofino, Italy that focused on membrane cleaning chemicals.
desalination and social responsibility.

Dr. Sommariva has a PhD in

Chemical Engineering from Genoa
University and a diploma in
Management from Leicester
University. He is an honorary
professor at Genoa and L’Aquila
universities where he holds regular
courses on desalination and
economics. He has published over 50
papers on desalination leading edge


October 2017

Mr. Awerbuch holds 28 patents and has

published more than 90 technical
papers. He received a Lifetime
Achievement Award from IDA at the
2007 World Congress in Grand Canarias
and a Life Achievement Award at the
Inaugural Power Generation and Water
Solutions Middle East Awards October
2009. In January 2015, he was voted one
of Water & Wastewater International’s
top 25 industry leaders.


Mr. Awerbuch began his desalination

involvement over 40 years ago. He
joined Bechtel Group in 1972 in R&D
followed by increased responsibilities
for power and water programs as
Mr. Holthus is founding president
Bechtel vice president and senior
and chief executive officer of the
regional representative for the Middle
World Ocean Council. He works with
East and Africa. During his 35-year
the private sector and market forces
career with Bechtel, he was in charge of
to develop practical solutions for
desalination programs and involved in
achieving sustainable development
R&D, design and engineering as well as
DR. NOBUYA FUJIWARA and addressing environmental
EPC of desalination and power projects.
concerns, especially for marine
Dr. Fujiwara is deputy director and areas and resources. Mr. Holthus
As president & chief technology officer, senior general manager of the has been involved in coastal and
Leading Edge Technologies Ltd., Mr. Desalination Membrane Department marine resource sustainable
Awerbuch is currently involved in of TOYOBO Co., Ltd. and director of development and conservation work
providing technical and commercial the Arabian Japanese Membrane in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia,
consulting to a number of leading Company (AJMC) in the Kingdom of the Pacific, Central America and
suppliers and utilities involved in Saudi Arabia. Africa. As a consultant on
reverse osmosis and thermal
sustainable development and
desalination and power projects as well Dr. Fujiwara has been in charge of environmental management, he has
as the assessment of new desalination seawater desalination reverse worked with companies, industry
technologies. osmosis plants with a combined associations, UN agencies,
capacity of around 2 million m3/d. He international NGOs and foundations
Mr. Awerbuch is a past president of IDA currently leads research and on sustainability, especially in the
and was chairman of six IDA World development efforts on forward areas of oil/gas, fisheries,
Congresses. Currently he serves as a osmosis membrane development. aquaculture, standards and
director of the association and has been Dr. Fujiwara is a director of the certification. Mr. Holthus is a
a chairman and co-chair of IDA’s International Desalination graduate of the University of
Technical Programs for the past 25 Association (IDA) and a vice president California and the University of
years. As such, he has organized and of the Japan Desalination Association Hawaii, with advanced degrees in
chaired over 40 conferences, forums, (JDA). coastal/marine resources and
seminars and workshops around the
international business.
world. In addition, he was first vice Dr. Fujiwara graduated from Kyoto
president and director of the National University in the department of
Water Supply Improvement Association Chemical Engineering in 1983. He
(NWSIA) and the American Desalination received a PhD from Kobe University
Association (ADA). in Japan.



Dr. Adam Warren is the Director of

DR. JOACHIM KOSCHIKOWSKI the Integrated Applications Center at
the US Department of Energy’s
Dr. Koschikowski studied mechanical National Renewable Energy
engineering at University Duisburg Laboratory (NREL). His Center
with a focus on construction and addresses the technical, policy, and
renewable energies. He has been DR. MASARU KURIHARA financial hurdles to developing
working with the Fraunhofer Institute resiliency, efficiency, and
for Solar Energy Systems ISE, the Dr. Masaru Kurihara is senior renewable-energy technologies at
largest solar research center in scientific director of the "Mega-ton scale. Lessons from today’s
Europe, since 1996. Water System," a funding program marketplace inform the direction of
for world leading innovation, science future technology and policy
Since 1999, Dr. Koschikowski has and technology in Japan, and fellow research at NREL. Prior to joining
been working in the field of solar of Toray Industries, Inc. He graduated NREL, Dr. Warren supported
desalination with a focus on the from Gunma University in Applied PepsiCo’s corporate sustainability
development, design and simulation Chemistry in 1963 and completed his efforts. Dr. Warren holds PhD and
of membrane distillation processes doctoral dissertation at the University B.S. degrees in Chemical
and systems. This topic was also the of Tokyo in 1970. He joined Toray Engineering and is an adjunct
subject of his PhD thesis. He is Industries, Inc. in 1963, working on professor at Colorado School of
currently involved in several national polymers research. Since then, he Mines.
and international research projects has held several positions in
on solar driven desalination and is research and water treatment
coordinator of EU FP7 and H2020 technology within the company.
Dr. Kurihara is a member of
Since 2014, Dr. Koschikowski is head numerous organizations, including
of the R&D group “Water Treatment the American Chemical Society,
and Separation.” The group works on Japan Chemical Society, Japan
the development, construction and Polymers Society and Japan
testing of solar thermally and PV Membrane Society. He is president of
driven desalination technologies as the Asia Pacific Desalination
well as the development of Association (APDA) and vice
technologies for industrial waste president of the Japanese
water treatment. Desalination Association (JDA). He
has received numerous awards in
recognition of his work including a
Lifetime Achievement Award from
IDA, presented in 2011.


1. PwC, 2012. Water: challenges,
drivers and solutions.
2. IPCC, 2014. Climate change 2014:
impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
Chapter 3, freshwater resources.
3. UN-Habitat, 2016. World Cities
4. Dawoud M. & Al Mulla M., 2012.
Environmental impacts of sea water
desalination: an Arabian Gulf case
study. International Journal of
Environment & Sustainability
Vol1.No.3 pp22-37
5. Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi,
2013. Maximizing Recycled Water
Use in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
6. AGEDI, 2016. Final Technical:
Regional Desalination and Climate
7. International Desalination
Association, 2015. Desalination Plant
8. Fichtner, 2011. MENA Regional
Water Outlook, Part II.
9. Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi,
2012. Greenhouse Gas Inventory for
Abu Dhabi Emirate.
10. SCAD, 2017. Statistical Yearbook
of Abu Dhabi 2016.
11. Regulation and Supervision
Bureau – Abu Dhabi, 2016. Annual
Report 2015.
12. PwC, 2017. Estimate.
13. Assuming gas is valued at USD 6
per MMBtu.


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