English Literature

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English Literature Answer: a

Question: William Halitt is a -

Question: The first English novel, Pamela, has
1. a. Novelist been written by -
2. b. Essayist
3. c. Dramatist 1. a. Daniel Defoe
4. d. Poet 2. b. Henry Fielding
3. c. Samuel Richardson
Answer: b 4. d. Sir Walter Scott

Question: Which Indian English writter wrote 'A

Answer: c
Suitable Boy ' ?

1. a. Nirod Chaudhuri Question: Emily Bronte is a --- ?

2. b. Jhumpa Lehri
3. c. Anita Desai 1. a. Poet
4. d. Vikram Seth 2. b. Critic
3. c. Novelist
Answer: d 4. d. Scientist
Question: 'Our sweetest song are those that tell
Answer: c
of saddest thoughts' -Who is the poet ?
Question: Hamlet by Shakespeare is -
1. a. Kippling
2. b. Wordsworth 1. a. a comedy
3. c. Shelley 2. b. a tragic-comedy
4. d. Byron 3. c. an epic
4. d. a tragedy
Answer: c
Answer: d
Question: The last line of "To daffodils" is -

1. a. Ne'er to be seen again Question: 'A thing of beauty is a joy for ever' was
2. b. Vanish like summer's rain
stated by -
3. c. Ne'er to be found again
4. d. As quick a growth to meet
1. a. John Keats
2. b. William Shakespeare
3. c. Bacon
Answer: d
4. d. Milton
Question: 'Ballad' is---
Answer: a
1. a. a kind of short narrative poem
Question: Who was English poet addicted to
2. b. a kind of short condoling poem
opium ?
3. c. a kind of short love poem
4. d. a rhymic verse
1. a. S.T. Coleridge
2. b. P.B. Shelly
3. c. John Keats 4. d. T.S. Elliot
4. d. S. Buck
Answer: b
Answer: a

Question: A famous English poet who was

Professionally known as a man of medicine is
---- ?
Question: Alexander Pope's "An Essay on Man"
1. a. Shelley
is a -
2. b. Keats
3. c. Milton
1. a. Novel 4. d. Pope
2. b. Treatise
3. c. Short story
Answer: b
4. d. Poem

Answer: d Question: Of the following authors who wrote

an epic ?
প্রশ্নঃ 'Gitanjali' of Rabindranath Tagore was
1. a. Jane Mansfield
translated by-- 2. b. John Milton
3. c. William Cowper
1. ক. W.B. Yeats 4. d. William Shakespeare
2. খ. Robert Frost
3. গ. John Keats Answer: b
4. ঘ. Rudyard Kipling
প্রশ্নঃ “The sun also rises” is a novel written by –
উত্তরঃ ক
প্রশ্নঃ Othello gave Desdemona _______ as a 1. ক. Charles Dickens
token of love: 2. খ. Harmanne Melville
3. গ. Earnest Hemingway
1. ক. Ring 4. ঘ. Thomas Hardly
2. খ. Handkercheif
3. গ. Pendant উত্তরঃ গ
4. ঘ. Bangles Question: Francis Bacon is a/an -

উত্তরঃ খ 1. a. Novelist
2. b. Dramatist
Question: One of the four mentionedbelow is 3. c. Poet
not a Novelist of modern age in English 4. d. Essayist
Language. Who is he ?
Answer: d
1. a. H.G Wells
2. b. Charles Dickens
3. c. Rudyard Kipling
Question: William Shakespeare is a famous-- Question: William Wordsworth এর সমসাময়িক
Century English Playwright. কবি কে ?

1. a. nineteenth 1. a. T.S. Eliot

2. b. sixteenth 2. b. W.B. Yeats
3. c. fifteenth 3. c. D.G. Rossetti
4. d. twelfth 4. d. S.T. Coleridge

Answer: b Answer: d
Question: William Shakespeare is the author
Question: In the lines "Here shall he see/No of--
enemy" taken from 'Under the Greenwood Tree'
'Here' stands for - 1. a. Paradise Lost
2. b. Old ,
1. a. nature 3. d. King Lear
2. b. the greenwood tree
3. c. open space Answer: Answer not available.
4. d. hunting ground Question: 'Victor Huge' was a -

Answer : b 1. a. English novelist

2. b. American novelist
Question: What is the full name of O' Henry ?
3. c. Scottish novelist
4. d. French novelist
1. a. Walt Whitman
2. b. William Sydney Porter
Answer: d
3. c. M. K . Bawlings
4. d. O' Neill Question: In Which year Sir Winston Churchill
got the Nobel Prize in literature ?
Answer: b
Question: 'Point Counterpoint' - এর লেখক কে ? 1. a. 1943
2. b. 1945
3. c. 1948
1. a. Charlotte Bronte
4. d. 1953
2. b. H .G . Wells
3. c. John Galsworthy
Answer: d
4. d. Aldous Huxley

Answer: d Question: What is the meaning of the word

Question: To be or not to be, that is the 'Dirge' ?
question- a question from Shakespeare's---
1. a. a kind of sonnet sequence
1. a. Tempest 2. b. a song expressing patrotic sentiment
2. b. Julius Ceaser 3. c. a long verse telling about an adventure
3. c. Hamlet 4. d. a song expressing grief, lamentation
4. d. As you loke it and mourning

Answer: c Answer: d
Question: Lady Chatterley's Lover was written উত্তরঃ ক
by the author of -- Question: 'All the world's a stage and all the
men and women merely players'- a quotation
1. a. A Passage to India
from Shakespeare's-
2. b. Lord Jim
3. c. Rainbow
1. a. Macbeth
4. d. Ulysses
2. b. As you like it
3. c. Romeo & Juliet
Answer: c
4. d. Tempest

প্রশ্নঃ Charles Dicknes is a great--- Answer: b

Question: Who is the author of 'The Origin of
1. ক. poet Species' ?
2. খ. novelist
3. গ. critic 1. a. C. Darwin
4. ঘ. dramatist 2. b. A. Pope
3. c. T. Hardy
উত্তরঃ খ 4. d. O. Goldsmith

Question: Who is called the poet of beauty in Answer: a

English Literature? Question: The year 1798 is famous for--

1. a. P.B. Shelley 1. a. The French Revolution

2. b. Lord Byron 2. b. The American Independence
3. c. William Wordsworth 3. c. The death of keats
4. d. John Keats 4. d. Publication of Lyrical Ballads

Answer: d Answer: d
Question: Choose the right answer: Chaucer is Question: From which poem are the following
the representative poet of- lines taken ? 'Our sweetest songs are those that
tell of the saddest thoughts'
1. a. 17th century
2. b. 14th century 1. a. To a Skylark
3. c. 16th century 2. b. Remembrance
4. d. 18th century 3. c. Gifts of God
4. d. A Farewel
Answer: b
প্রশ্নঃ Which of the following writers belong to Answer: a
the Elizabethan period? Question: Of the following who is the most
translated author of the world?
1. ক. Christopher Marlowe
2. খ. Alexander Pope 1. a. V.I. Lenin
3. গ. John Dryden 2. b. Leo Tolstoy
4. ঘ. Samuel Beckett 3. c. Agatha Cristie
4. d. Mao Tse Tung Answer: d
Question: Which two things of nature does
Answer: a
Robert Herrick find similar to human beings and
Question: Which one of the following is not daffodils ?
written by Shakespeare? a. Macbeth
1. a. rising sun , moon
1. b. Hamlet 2. b. summer's rain , morning's dew
2. c. Othelo 3. c. spring , summer
3. d. Dr Faustus 4. d. hasting day , even song

Answer: d Answer: b
Question: হোয়াইটহেডের বিখ্যাত পুস্তিকাটির নাম কি Question: 'Phoenix' is --
1. a. a mythological bird
1. a. The Social Contract 2. b.a kind of eagle
2. b. The Aim of Education 3. c. a God of Greek mythology
3. c. The Rythm of Education 4. d. a leopard
4. d. Education and Democracy
Answer: a
Answer: b Question: The Marchant of Venice is a drama
Question: Who wrote 'Crime and Punishment' ? by--

1. a. Shellay 1. a. Webster
2. b. Tolstoy 2. b. William Shakespeare
3. c. Dostoevosky 3. c. Ben Johnson
4. d. Byron 4. d. Christopher Marlowe

Answer: c Answer: b
Question: 'Give me good a mothers, I will give Question: 'রোমিও জুলিয়েট'- কার লেখা?
you a good nation.' was the observation of-
1. a. শেক্সপিয়ার
1. a. Hitlar 2. b. আর্নেষ্ট হেমিংওয়ে
2. b. Abraham Linclon 3. c. জন কিটস্‌
3. c. Napoleon 4. d. কোনটিই না
4. d. Sk Majib
Answer: a
Answer: c
Question: ভরতপক্ষী ও সমীরণের কবি (Poet of
Question: 'Into the --- of death rode the six Skylark and Winds) নামে পরিচিত কে ?
1. a. Lord Byron
1. a. city 2. b. John Keats
2. b. tunnel 3. c. William Wordsworth
3. c. mad 4. d. P.B. Shelley
4. d. valley
Answer: d প্রশ্নঃ "A Passage to India" is written by--
Question: William Shakespeare is a famous ---
Century English playwright. 1. ক. E.M. Forster
2. খ. Rudyard Kipling
1. a. nineteenth 3. গ. Galls Worthy
2. b. sixteenth 4. ঘ. A.H. Auden
3. c. eighteenth
4. d. fifteenth উত্তরঃ ক
5. e. twelfth

Answer: b Question: 'All the perfumes of Arabia will not

sweeten this little hand' is a quotation from -
Question: Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice' is
1. a. Hamlet
2. b. Othelo
1. a. Tragedy 3. c. King Lear
2. b. Comedy 4. d. Macbeth
3. c. Staire
4. d. Lyric
Answer: d
Answer: b Question: Tennyson wrote -

Question: Charles Dickens is a great ---? 1. a. The Lotos Eaters

2. b. Dover Beach
1. a. Poet 3. c. My Last Dutchess
2. b. Critic 4. d. The Eve of St. Agnes
3. c. Play-Wright
4. d. Novelist Answer: a
Question: Who is called the 'poet of Nature' in
Answer: d
English literature ?
Question: Who is considered to be the father of
English novel ? 1. a. Lord Byron
2. b. John Keats
1. a. Francis Bacon 3. c. William Wordsworth
2. b. Geoffery Chaucer 4. d. P.B. Shelley
3. c. King Alfred the Great
4. d. Henry Fielding Answer: c
Question: ঈশ্বরচন্দ্র বিদ্যাসাগরের ‘ভ্রান্তবিলাস’ কোন
Answer: d
গ্রন্থের অনুবাদ?
Question: 'Moby Dick' deals with -
1. a. Uncle Tom's Cabin
1. a. a Shark 2. b. Doll's House
2. b. a Crocodile 3. c. Macbeth
3. c. a Sea -Gull 4. d. The Comedy of Errors
4. d. a While
Answer: d
Answer: d
Question: Author of 'The Time Machine' is - Question: One of the following authors, one is
French. Who is he ?
1. a. T.S. Eliot
2. b. Thomas Kdy 1. a. Sir Asther Doyle
3. c. Robert Herrick 2. b. W. Somerset Maugham
4. d. H.G. Wells 3. c. Edward Fitzerald
4. d. Alexander Dumas
Answer: d
Question: "Full many flower is born to blush Answer: d
unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert Question: The rainbow is ---?
air"- কোন কবির কবিতা থেকে নেয়া হয়েছে?
1. a. a poem by Wordsworth
1. a. P.B. Shelley 2. b. a short story by Somerset Maugham
2. b. William Wordsworth 3. c. a novel by D. H . Lawrence
3. c. Thomas Gray 4. d. a verse by Coleridge
4. d. John Keats
Answer: c
Answer: c Question: 'Othelia' is an important character in
the Shakespearean play-
Question: Who is considered to be the father of
English Poem? 1. a. Macbeth
2. b. The Tempest
1. a. William Langland 3. c. Hamlet
2. b. Thomas More 4. d. King Lear
3. c. Roger Bacon
4. d. Geoffery Chaucer Answer: c

Answer: d Question: The meaning of the word

Question: Who wrote Madame Bovary ? 'Euphemism'?

1. a. Leo Tolstoy 1. a. Vague idea

2. b. James Joyce 2. b. Inoffensive expression
3. c. E . M . Forster 3. c. Verbal play
4. d. Gustave Flaubert 4. d. Wise saying

Answer: d Answer: b
Question: Who compiled the first English Question: Who wrote the world famous tragic
Dictionary ? play 'King Lear'?

1. a. Adam Smith 1. a. G.B. Shaw

2. b. Dr. Johnson 2. b. William Shakespeare
3. c. Edmund Burke 3. c. Christopher Marlowe
4. d. Edward Gibbon 4. d. John Milton

Answer: b Answer: b
Question: 'To err is human , to forgive is divine' 1. a. Patriotism
--- is written by - 2. b. The patriot
3. c. A Frosty Night
1. a. A. Tennyson 4. d. All of the above
2. b. W. Blake
3. c. J. Milton Answer: a
4. d. Alexander Pope Question: Which one of the following does not
mean 'a road'?
Answer: d
1. a. Alley
Question: 'The Canterbury Tales' are told by ---? 2. b. Boulevard
3. c. Track
1. a. Geofray Chaucer 4. d. Lagoon
2. b. John Wyclif
3. c. Boccaccio Answer: d
4. d. Thomas Barth Question: The novel 'Roots' was written by -

Answer: a 1. a. Hsnry miller

Question: Who is called the poet of poets ? 2. b.H.G Wells
3. c.Alex Haley
1. a. Geoffrey Chaucer 4. d. P.B. Shelley
2. b. Edmund Spenser
3. c. Thomas Kyd Answer: c
4. d. William Shakespeare Question: Who said "An unexamined life is
wrong living"?
Answer: b
Question: Who described 'Moana lisa as' older 1. a. Socrates
the rocks among which she sit's ? 2. b. Plato
3. c. Artistotle
1. a. Jane Austen 4. d. Zeno
2. b. Shakespeare
3. c. Walter Pater Answer: a
4. d. Bertrand Russel প্রশ্নঃ Shakespeare composed much of his plays in
what sort of verse?
Answer: c
Question: In what year did Shakespeare died ? 1. ক. Alliterative verse
2. খ. Sonnet form
1. a. 1570 AD 3. গ. Iambic pemtameter
2. b. 1580 AD
4. ঘ.Daetylic Haxameter
3. c. 1630 AD
4. d. 1616 AD
উত্তরঃ গ
Answer: d
Question: Who is the modern philosopher who
Question: Which poetry is written by sir Walter was awarded Nobel Prize for literature ?
Scott ?
1. a. James Baker 4. d. Leo Tolstoy
2. b. Dr. Kissinger
3. c. Bertrand Russel Answer: a
4. d.Lenin
Question: 'Protagonist' indicates -
Answer: c
1. a. the villain in a play
Question: 'Silent Women' written by - 2. b. the leading character of actor in a play
3. c. the clown in a play
1. a. John Ruskin 4. d. the stage-director of a play
2. b. Ben Jonson
3. c. Kalidas Answer: b
4. d.Munshi Prem Chand প্রশ্নঃ P.B. Shelley’s “Adonais’ is an elegy on the
death of –
Answer: b
Question: A work which has a meaning behind 1. ক. John Milton
the surface meaning is-- 2. খ. S.T. Coleridge
3. গ. John Keats
1. a. an epic
4. ঘ. Lord Byron
2. b. an allegory
3. c. a metaphor
4. d. personification উত্তরঃ গ
Question: Shylock যে নাটকের চরিত্র, সে নাটকটির
Answer: a নাম -
Question: William Worrdsworth is per-
eminently- 1. a. Doctor Faustus
2. b. The Merchant of Venice
1. a. a poet of nature 3. c. The way of the world
2. b. a poet of love 4. d. Arms and the Man
3. c. a poet of human nature
4. d. a poet of liberty Answer: b
Question: Which one of the following is the first
Answer: a long poem in English ?
Question: Allegorical means--
1. a. The Wanderer
1. a. poetry 2. b. Beowulf
2. b. written in verse 3. c. The Seafarer
3. c. having symbolic meaning 4. d. Dream of the Road
4. d. with timely significant
Answer: b
Answer: c
Question: Who wrote the book 'Cancer Word' ? Question: "That's one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind".
1. a. Alexander Solshenitsin
2. b. Alexander Pope 1. a. এডউন অলড্রিন
3. c. Boris Pastemak 2. b. আলফ্রেড নোবেল
3. c. মাইকেল কলিন্স Answer: d
4. d. নীল আর্মস্ট্রং uestion: Wordsworth is a ---- poet. ?

Answer: d 1. a. classical
প্রশ্নঃ What is a funny poem of five lines called? 2. b. modern
3. c. romantic
4. d. greek
1. ক. Quartet
2. খ. Limerick
Answer: c
3. গ. Sixtet
Question: Where is expressed the view that
4. ঘ. haiku
'There is a divinity that shapes our ends?
উত্তরঃ খ
1. a. In King Lear
Question: Which one is not a literary ornament? 2. b. In Hamlet
3. c. In The Tempest
1. a. Simile 4. d. In Merry Wives of Windsor
2. b. Similar
3. c. Similitude Answer: b
4. d. Sarcasm
Question: Water, water, every where, not a drop
to drink'. লাইনটি কোন কবির লেখা ?
Answer: b
Question: What is "Linguistics"? 1. a. Wordsworth
2. b. Gray
1. a. The study of history 3. c. Coleridge
2. b. The study of literature 4. d. Scott
3. c. The study of porse
4. d. The Scientific study of language Answer: c
Question: "মৃত্যু হচ্ছে নিছক" A short sleep . -এই
Answer: d
উক্তটি কার ?
Question: 'Renaissance' means--
1. a. বায়রন
1. a. the revival of learning
2. b. কিটস
2. b. the revival of hard work
3. c. the revival of life 3. c. মাইকেল মধুসূদন দত্ত
4. d. the revival of new country 4. d. সুইটম্যান

Answer: a Answer: b

Question: Which word seems out of place ?

1. a. rose
2. b. lily
3. c. cauliflower
4. d. daffodil
(8)Who is considered to be the father of English

- Henry Fieldings

(9)’Sweets are the uses of adversity’ was stated


- Shakespeare

(10)Who is the author of ‘India wins freedom’?

- Abul Kalam Azad

(1)Who is the author of the drama ‘you never (11) Who wrote the famous poetic line ‘To err is
can tell’? human, to forgive is divine?
– Christopher Marlowe - Pope
(2)Who is the author of ‘To The Lighthouse’? (12) Lady chatterley’s lover is a novel written
- Virginia Woolf by- D.H. Lawrence

(3)’Childhood shows the man, as morning (13) The Victorian age is named after -
shows the day’ a quotation froms -Queen Victoria
- John Milton (14) Who is the father of modern English
(4)‘Some are born great, some achieve poetry?
greatness and some have greatness thrust upon - Jeoffrey Chaucer
them’-a quotation from Shakespear’s-
(15) Elizabethan Tragedy is centred on
- Twelfth Night
- revenge
(5)Who was the first recipient of the Noble Prize
for literature? (16) What is ‘Sonnet’?

- R F A Sully Prudhomme - A poem of fourteen lines

(6)A writer who steals ideas from others- (17) Who is called epic poet in English?

- Plagiarist - John Milton

(7)Which of the following school of literary (18) What is the first epic in English literature?
writings is connected with a medical theory?
- Beowulf
- Comedy of Humours
(19) The central idea of ‘Ozymandias’ is that-
- All things, both great and small, will perish

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