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Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

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Environmental Pollution
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Comprehensive chemical characterization of gaseous I/SVOC emissions

from heavy-duty diesel vehicles using two-dimensional gas
chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry☆
Xiao He a, Xuan Zheng a, *, Yan You b, Shaojun Zhang c, d, Bin Zhao c, Xuan Wang e,
Guanghan Huang c, Ting Chen a, Yihuan Cao c, Liqiang He c, Xing Chang c, d, Shuxiao Wang c, d,
Ye Wu c, f
College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
National Observation and Research Station of Coastal Ecological Environments in Macao, Macao Environmental Research Institute, Macau University of Science and
Technology, Macao SAR 999078, China
School of Environment, State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Sources and Control of Air Pollution Complex, Beijing 100084, China
School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Beijing Laboratory of Environmental Frontiers Technologies, Beijing 100084, China


Keywords: Intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds (I/SVOCs) are key precursors of secondary organic
GC × GC-ToF-MS aerosol (SOA). However, the comprehensive characterization of I/SVOCs has long been an analytical challenge.
I/SVOCs speciation Here, we develop a novel method of speciating and quantifying I/SVOCs using two-dimensional gas chroma­
tography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC-ToF-MS) by constructing class-screening programs based on
their characteristic fragments and mass spectrum patterns. Using this new approach, we then present a
SOA estimation
comprehensive analysis of gaseous I/SVOC emissions from heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs). Over three-
thousand compounds are identified and classified into twenty-one categories. The dominant compound groups
of I/SVCOs emitted by HDDVs are alkanes (including normal and branched alkanes, 37–66%), benzylic alcohols
(7–20%), alkenes (3–11%), cycloalkanes (3–9%), and benzylic ketones (1–4%). Oxygenated I/SVOCs (O–I/
SVOCs, e.g., benzylic alcohols and ketones) are first quantified and account for >20% of the total I/SVOC mass.
Advanced aftertreatment devices largely reduce the total I/SVOC emissions but increase the proportion of O–I/
SVOCs. With the speciation data, we successfully map the I/SVOCs into the two-dimensional volatility basis set
space, which facilitates a better estimation of SOA. As aging time goes by, approximate 45% difference between
the two scenarios after seven-day aging is observed, which confirms the significant impact of speciated I/SVOC
emission data on SOA prediction.

1. Introduction of which the effective saturation concentrations (C*) are in the range of
10− 1 to 106 μg m− 3, roughly corresponding to the volatility range of
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is a major component of atmo­ C10–C32 n-alkanes, have been reported to be significant precursors of
spheric fine particles, especially in urban environments (He et al., 2020; SOA (Jimenez et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2014). Chamber studies have
Huang et al., 2014; Mancilla, Herckes, Fraser, & Mendoza, 2015). observed high SOA yields for representative I/SVOC species, such as
Although great efforts have been made to better simulate SOA formation long chain alkanes, naphthalene, and alkyl-substituted naphthalenes,
in air quality models, there are still large discrepancies between model and for multiple sources, such as biomass burning, cooking, biogenic
results and field observations (Bloss et al., 2005; Jimenez et al., 2009). emissions, and mobile source emissions (Chan et al., 2009; Li et al.,
Intermediate-volatility and semi-volatile organic compounds (I/SVOCs), 2017; Liu, Wang, Huang, Wang, & Chan, 2018; Palm et al., 2017; Presto

This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Dr. Da Chen.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Zheng).

Received 14 December 2021; Received in revised form 10 March 2022; Accepted 7 April 2022
Available online 15 April 2022
0269-7491/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

et al., 2009). Model performance in simulating SOA has been remark­ speciate and quantify I/SVOCs comprehensively by a) calibrating with
edly enhanced by incorporating IVOC emission data, although complete authentic standards, b) constructing class-screening programs based on
interpretation has not achieved (Hodzic et al., 2010; Wu, Wang, Lu, their characteristic fragments and mass spectrum patterns, and c) for the
Shao, & Ling, 2019). remaining unidentified peaks, constructing a data processing program to
Nevertheless, the detailed characterization of I/SVOC emissions and iterate through all the known peaks and selecting the best surrogate for
SOA formation is far from adequate. I/SVOCs are found to be largely individual unknown peaks. Twenty-one categories of compounds are
categorized as unresolved complex mixtures (UCMs) of coeluting com­ classified, many of which, to the best of our knowledge, are reported for
pounds that can hardly be separated by one-dimensional gas the first time (e.g., oxygenated compounds). The updated speciation of
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) (Zhao et al., 2014). Coe­ gaseous I/SVOCs emitted by HDDVs would help provide a more accurate
luted compounds hinder the accurate quantification of I/SVOCs at the estimation of SOA by incorporating them into air quality models in
molecular level. The species-level emission profiles of I/SVOCs typically future work.
only report limited individual compounds such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs), n-alkanes, and other molecular markers (Baalbaki 2. Materials and methods
et al., 2018; Huang, Bohac, Chernyak, & Batterman, 2015; Liu et al.,
2010). More recently, the speciation of I/SVOCs has been extended to 2.1. Test vehicles, cycles, sampling, and fuels
i-alkanes, cyclic alkanes, and aromatics (Alam et al., 2018; Huo et al.,
2021; Lu, Zhao, & Robinson, 2018; Qi et al., 2019; Zhao et al., 2014; Measurements of I/SVOCs from HDDVs were conducted at the China
Zhao et al., 2015). Nevertheless, the speciation of I/SVOC is still crude, Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC) in Tianjin, a
considering of un-speciated UCMs. One widely adopted approach to national-level certified testing facility. Currently, the HDDVs complying
quantify un-speciated UCMs is to use n-alkane as the metric to bin IVOCs with China IV emission standard (equivalent to Euro IV standard) ac­
based on their volatility (or saturation concentration) and calculate the count for a major portion of the total HDDV fleet (China Mobile Source
concentration of I/SVOC mass in each bin (Zhao et al., 2014). Taking Environment Management, 2019), and the latest released China VI
n-alkanes as surrogates may induce large uncertainties because the standard promotes the retrofitting of DPF and DOC. Based on this, three
response factors of different compound categories vary dramatically and in-use HDDVs were recruited in the measurement experiments (see
replacing them with that of n-alkane would mask the real concentration. Table S1). One model year 2016 China IV HDDV (#1) was equipped
In addition, the SOA yields of diverse compounds differ significantly, with a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. Two model year 2020
and the semi-quantification method introduces aggregated uncertainty China VI HDDVs (#2 and #3) were equipped with SCR, DPF, and DOC
to the SOA model results (Chacon-Madrid & Donahue, 2011; Chiappini systems.
et al., 2019). The HDDVs were tested on a chassis dynamometer (AIP-ECDM 72H/
Multi-dimensional chromatographic technology has greatly 2AXLE) following two driving cycles in succession: the cold-start China
enhanced the separation capacity of complex mixtures. Comprehensive heavy-duty commercial vehicle test cycle for heavy trucks (CHTC-HT)
two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC) is noted for the and hot-start CHTC-HT test cycle. The exhausts were diluted in a con­
increased selectivity, peak capacity, and sensitivity due to the connec­ stant volume sampler (CVS, MEXA-7200DTR, Horiba) system with
tion of two capillary columns with complementary stationary phases in ambient air filtered by high-efficiency particulate air filters. The average
series (Tranchida, Franchina, Dugo, & Mondello, 2016). The combina­ temperature in the CVS system was 39.9 ± 0.9 ◦ C. Diluted diesel ex­
tion of GC × GC and high-resolution mass spectrometry (e.g., hausts in the CVS system were directed through a Teflon filter and into
time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ToF-MS)) provides a powerful tech­ two adsorbent tubes in series (Tenax TA, C1-AXXX-5003, Markes In­
nique that can help resolve the above challenges. Furthermore, in-depth ternational) where gaseous IVOCs and SVOCs were collected. Field
data processing of un-speciated UCMs distributed on the blank samples of background dilution air were collected with the same
two-dimensional chromatogram space screens out compound clusters of protocol as real samples for each driving cycle. The emission factors
I/SVOCs that possess similar chemical properties (Alam et al., 2018). (EFs) of I/SVOCs reported hereafter are the sum of emissions from the
Heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs) are one of the major sources of two Tenax TA tubes minus those from field blanks within respective
I/SVOCs, especially in urban environments (Dallmann et al., 2012; Li driving cycles. A more detailed description of dynamic sampling is
et al., 2020; May et al., 2014). Strong evidences regarding the abundant provided in the supporting information (S2). A systematic sampling
emissions of I/SVOCs and their subsequent high formation potentials of setup is shown in Fig. S1.
both SOA and ozone have been reported (Chen et al., 2019; Li et al., The CHTC-HT cycle was developed by the CATARC due to the good
2018). However, studies on the detailed speciation of I/SVOCs emitted representativeness of driving conditions for heavy-duty commercial
by HDDVs are rare and mostly conducted using GC-MS (Borillo et al., vehicles in China. All vehicles were preconditioned overnight prior to a
2018; May et al., 2013). Therefore, the detailed characterization of cold-start test. The speed trace and driving phase division for the CHTC-
I/SVOC emissions from HDDVs is inadequately reported. Further, HT cycle are plotted in Fig. S2. A full list of the experiments is sum­
advanced aftertreatment technologies have been widely adopted in marized in Table S2.
modern diesel vehicles to comply with stringent emission standards. The Market diesel fuels used for the chassis dynamometer experiments
impact of aftertreatment technologies on regulated pollutants has been complied with the China VI diesel fuel quality standard and were tested
reported by previous studies (Chirico et al., 2010; Gordon et al., 2014; separately. The total aromatic hydrocarbon content for HDDVs #1, #2,
Zhang, Lou, Tan, Hu, & Li, 2019); however, how these aftertreatment and #3 was 23.6%, 22.1%, and 24.3%, respectively. PAHs are minor
devices, especially diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) and diesel particulate constituents of diesel fuel, with a mass/mass ratio less than 3%. The
filter (DPF), affect I/SVOC emissions is not well understood. For overall carbon content of the diesel fuels for HDDVs #1, #2, and #3 was
example, the China VI emission standard (equivalent to Euro VI stan­ 85.2%, 85.2%, and 85.4%, respectively, and the oxygen content was less
dard) is scheduled to be fully implemented nationwide (Zhang et al., than 0.5%. The detailed fuel compositions are summarized in Table S3.
2020), requiring the usage of DOC and DPF for almost all segments of The carbon distribution of each diesel fuel is shown in Fig. S3.
HDDVs. An improved understanding of I/SVOC emissions for HDDVs
using advanced aftertreatment devices can provide timely data to esti­ 2.2. Instrument analysis and peak assignment in two-dimensional gas
mate the impact from newly registered vehicles on air quality. chromatography
In this study, we use a two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-
flight mass spectrometry (GC × GC ToF-MS) system to measure gaseous Before analysis, each adsorbent tube was spiked with 2 μL internal
I/SVOCs from HDDVs and establish a novel “three-step” approach to standard (IS) working solution to track the system matrix variation. The

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

list of IS is provided in the supporting information (S1). The IS working comprehensive analysis of the classification of chromatographic peaks,
solution was blown into adsorbent tubes through a mild nitrogen flow regardless of hydrocarbons or oxygenated chemical species. Taking
(CSLR, Markes International). Adsorbent tubes were then loaded onto a alkane as an example, the criteria are that the base mass fragments at 70
thermal desorption autosampler (TD100-xr, Markes International), eV are m/z 43, 57, or 71 and that the ensuing fragment (of which the
where the tubes were heated to 315 ◦ C for 20 min (trap was held at intensity seconds to the prior one) is m/z 41, in conjunction with the 2nd
25 ◦ C). After tube desorption, the trap was heated to 330 ◦ C for 5 min retention time longer than 0.5 s. The syntax for each category identifi­
and purged onto the column in a split ratio of 8.7:1. During the injection, cation is provided in the supporting information (S4). Basically, over
the gas chromatography (GC, Agilent 7890B, Agilent Technologies) one-thousand compounds were filtered and classified into twenty-one
oven temperature was maintained at 50 ◦ C, and the column flow was categories, accounting for over 40% of all the peaks eluted. A polygon
1.3 mL min− 1. An Rxi-5ms capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 selection tool within ChromaTOF software was utilized to colorize and
μm, Restek) was used to separate the analytes as the first separation locate the twenty-one categories, as shown in Fig. 1.
column and an Rxi-17Sil MS (0.75 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm, Restek) It is worth noting that half of the peaks still remained unidentified
capillary column as the secondary column. (peak X). For peak X of which no authentic standards are available and
An initial GC oven temperature of 50 ◦ C was held for 5 min and then no mass spectrum patterns are extractable, we develop a data processing
increased at 5 ◦ C•min− 1 to 300 ◦ C and held for 5 min. The temperature program to iterate through all the known peaks and select the best
of the secondary oven and modulator was offset by +5 ◦ C and +30 ◦ C, surrogate by minimizing the physical distance between X and the
respectively, relative to the GC oven temperature. The modulation coupled surrogate in the GC × GC chromatogram. We use surrogates to
period was 4 s. The complete run time was approximately 3900 s. All semi-identify peak X assuming that they share similar chemical prop­
data collected were processed using LECO ChromaTOF software (LECO erties, regardless of the true structure layout. In effect, the assumption
Corporation). stands from the perspective of atmospheric fate considering the adjacent
For speciation and quantification of I/SVOCs, a “three-step” positions in the GC × GC chromatogram: they would undergo similar
approach was constructed. First, individual peaks were identified based aging processes once emitted into the atmosphere due to their compa­
on the injection of authentic standards, elution sequences for homolog rable volatility and polarity. The peak X is then empirically classified as
series, built-in ToF-MS spectral libraries (mainlib and replib), and the surrogate category. Given the complex nature of I/SVOCs, we pro­
representative functional group rearrangements. The uncertainty of pose to use surrogates to semi-identify UCMs instead of simply binning
peak identification was proved to be low for peaks with a match possi­ them on the basis of the 1st retention time (Zhao et al., 2014; Zhao et al.,
bility threshold (forward match statistic) of 700 with respect to MS li­ 2015).
braries; thus, the threshold for data processing was set to 650 (Worton
et al., 2017). The primary logics of selecting authentic standards are to 2.3. Emission factor calculation
be well interspersed within the entire GC × GC chromatogram and to
comprise as many chemical categories as possible. The list of authentic The gaseous I/SVOC data are reported as fuel-based emission factors
standards with the corresponding internal standards and retention times (mg kg•fuel− 1) derived using the carbon mass balance approach:
is shown in Table S4. The calibration curves for all the authentic stan­ ( / )
ΔI SVOCs × 106
dards were well established (R2 ranging from 0.97 to 0.99), demon­ EF = × wC
strating the robustness of this method. Δ[CO2 ] × MC /MCO2 + Δ[CO] × MC /MCO
Next, we tried to identify more peaks, for which no authentic stan­
where EF is the emission factor of gaseous I/SVOCs emitted by diesel
dard was available, based on the fragmentation patterns and represen­
vehicles (mg kg•fuel− 1); ΔI/SVOCs is the mass concentration of I/SVOCs
tative functional group rearrangements at 70 eV. To facilitate the
measured in the CVS system (mg), which is corrected for the background
handling of excessive spectral data, scripting functions embedded in
contamination measured on the field blanks and column bleedings;
ChromaTOF software are implemented, with the merit of only knowing
Δ[CO2 ] and Δ[CO] are the background-corrected CO2 and CO concen­
the formalities required. Programming expressions characterizing mass
trations, respectively, expressed in units of carbon mass (mg); MCO2 ,
spectral properties were defined for classification purposes. Computer
MCO , and MC are the molar weight of CO2, CO, and C atom; wC is the
language for filtering target peaks in GC × GC chromatograms has been
mass fraction of carbon in the diesel fuel. We use EFs to describe the
discussed previously (Mohammed S. Alam et al., 2018; Alam,
averaged value of EF from the three duplicate tests for each vehicle
Zeraati-Rezaei, Xu, & Harrison, 2019; Reichenbach, Kottapalli, Ni, &
under each test cycle.
Visvanathan, 2005), but the focuses were centered on hydrocarbons,
while oxygenated species were either not accounted for or lumped
together. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide a

Fig. 1. A scatter plot of the chromatographic peaks of

diesel exhaust derived from the test ID 20201216-1
sample shown in the form of compound classifica­
tion. Over three-thousand peaks are identified in this
sample and labeled markers indicate compounds that
are classified into twenty-one categories. Bleedings
(green triangle) underneath alkane peaks are the
thermal breakdown products of the column stationary
phase, and they are not included in the following
discussion. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
Web version of this article.)

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

3. Results and discussion Oxygenated compounds are also detected at observable abundance,
especially for benzylic alcohols (7–20%), aliphatic alcohols (3–14%),
3.1. Chemical speciation and emission factors of diesel I/SVOCs and benzylic ketones (1–4%). Acids are difficult to detect by GC-MS
without prior derivatization and may therefore be underestimated.
Over three-thousand compounds are identified, quantified, and Less than 1% of acids are detected in the diesel exhaust samples. A more
aggregated into twenty-one groups after three-step data treatment pro­ detailed discussion of oxygenated I/SVOCs (O–I/SVOCs) is presented in
cesses. The few top relative contributors to the total identified EFs, from the section after next.
high to low, are alkanes (including normal (n-) and branched (i-) al­ Alkenes account for 3–11% of the total identified I/SVOC mass,
kanes, 37–66%), benzylic alcohols (7–20%), aliphatic alcohols (3–14%), whereas cycloalkanes account for 3–9%. Alkenes and cycloalkanes are
alkenes (3–11%), cycloalkanes (3–9%), benzylic ketones (1–4%), and C3 nonnegligible constituents of HDDVs-emitted hydrocarbons, although
alkyl-substituted benzenes (0–12%). They amount to over 85% of the their proportions are much lower than those of alkanes. The EFs of al­
total I/SVOC emissions. kenes are 0.60 ± 0.02, 0.39 ± 0.001, and 0.24 ± 0.001 g kg•fuel− 1 for
The most abundant class is alkanes (including n-/i-alkanes), ac­ HDDVs #1, #2, and #3, respectively, whereas those EFs for cyclo­
counting for 44–66% for CHTC-HT cold-start and 37–57% for CHTC-HT alkanes are 0.48 ± 0.03, 0.32, and 0.23 g kg•fuel− 1. C3 alkyl-substituted
hot-start driving cycles. Alkanes are mostly detected in the volatility benzenes contribute 1–12% to the total I/SVOCs, followed by C2 alkyl-
range of log10C* = 1 to 2 and 4 to 5 μg m− 3, as highlighted in light gray substituted benzenes (0–2%).
shades in Fig. 2. The EFs of alkanes are 12.4 ± 0.7, 3.7 ± 0.04, and 1.4 ± PAHs are minor fractions of the identified I/SVOCs, dominated by 3-
0.02 g kg•fuel− 1 for HDDVs #1, #2, and #3, respectively, with the ring PAHs (2–8%) with and without alkyl substitutions. Other cate­
dominant few bins (e.g., log10C* = 5, 1, 2, and − 2 μg m− 3) contributing gories, including mono-aromatic compounds (benzene with C2–C6 alkyl
over 50% of the aggregated alkanes. The results are comparable to the substitutions), 2-ring and 4-ring PAHs, and hopanes, account for less
mass concentration of alkanes (n-/i-alkanes) identified in diesel fuel than 1% of the total identified I/SVOCs. At current stage, this study
reported by Alam et al. (2018). Branched alkanes, which are estimated focuses on more abundant species. A detailed mass distribution of the
by the total alkane mass subtracting the mass of n-alkanes, account for twenty-one categories is listed in Table S5.
approximately 90% of all the detected alkanes, while n-alkanes account The volatility distribution of I/SVOCs differs greatly among the
for only 10%. Based on previous reported data, a dimethyl branched twenty-one chemical groups. For example, peak alkane concentrations
isomer belonging to the Cn+1 alkane could have the same volatility range are observed between the range of log10C* = 1 to 2 μg m− 3, while
as a normal Cn alkane. The dimethyl structure can be shifted by ~100 benzylic alcohols are mostly detected in relatively more volatile ranges:
delta-Kovats (~1 carbon number), whereas the trimethyl and log10C* = 4 to 5 μg m− 3 in this case. The number of compound groups
tetra-methyl structures can be shifted by ~150 and ~200 delta-Kovats, decreases substantially as the volatility decreases. Alkanes and aliphatic
respectively (Alam, Stark, & Harrison, 2016; Isaacman et al., 2012). This alcohols and ethers are routinely measured, and aliphatic ketones and
may lead to an overestimation of n-alkanes with traditional esters are occasionally measured in volatility bins with log10C* ≤ 1.
one-dimensional GC-MS but is not a concern for GC × GC because Cn
n-alkanes have different 2nd retention time in comparison with their
Cn+1 dimethyl-alkane homologs.

Fig. 2. EFs of I/SVOCs under the CHTC-

HT cold-start driving cycle. #1 refers to
the China IV HDDV equipped with a
SCR system and #2 and #3 denote the
two China VI HDDVs equipped with
SCR, DPF, and DOC systems. Different
colored bars represent different com­
pound categories, as illustrated in the
above figure. Two emission peaks are
observed in the volatility range of
log10C* = 1 to 2 and 4 to 5 μg m− 3, as
highlighted in gray shades. O–I/SVOCs
are placed at the top position of each
column and highlighted with framed
color bars (cf. frameless color bars for
non-oxygenated species) and orange
background in the legend. Two distinct
compound categories before and after
log10C* = 3 μg m− 3 may manifest two
forms of oxygenated compounds. Circes
represent the mass fractions of O–I/
SVOCs, which are divided into two
major groups: high-volatility O–I/
SVOCs in the volatility range of log10C*
= 4 to 8 μg m− 3 (Group A, red circle)
and low-volatility O–I/SVOCs in the
volatility range of log10C* = − 2 to 3 μg
m− 3 (Group B, blue circle). The size of
each circle is proportional to the mass
fraction (scaling factor = 30) to intui­
tively show the mass distribution of O–I/SVOCs. The corresponding results for the hot-start driving cycle are shown in Fig. S4. The fraction of data that are
analytically resolved are 1.8–4% for step 1 and 53.9–65.8% for step 2 and fraction of mathematically reconstructed chromatographic peaks is 32.3–42.0%. (For
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

3.2. Comparison with previous studies Consequently, further discussion on O–I/SVOCs and its implication on
SOA prediction are based on the CHTC-HT cold-start driving cycle unless
Very few studies have reported I/SVOCs emitted from diesel exhaust, otherwise stated.
and we find two relevant papers reporting IVOC EFs although the Fig. 3 compares the EFs of I/SVOCs derived from (DOC + DPF) ve­
driving cycles, vehicle engines, and aftertreatment differed (Alam et al., hicles (#2 and #3) and non-(DOC + DPF) vehicle (#1) and from CHTC-
2019; Zhao et al., 2015). Generally, the EFs of I/SVOCs computed in this HT cold and hot starts. As expected, the installation of DOC and DPF
work exhibit commensurate magnitude with the referred ones except results in remarkable emission reduction, regardless of the driving cycles
one test that was conducted under CHTC-HT cold-start driving cycle or engine working conditions. Although there is vehicle-to-vehicle
without DPF and DOC devices. The EFs reported in this study spread variability within a given emission standard (e.g., vehicles #2 and
over a wider range (0.038–18.9 g kg•fuel− 1) than those reported by #3), a distinct amelioration trend is observed, with I/SVOC mass
Zhao et al. (2015) (0.017–5.3 g kg•fuel− 1), with various driving cycles reduction ratios of 55–83% and 65–98% for CHTC-HT cold-start and
and aftertreatment devices. The EFs reported by Alam et al. (2019) were CHTC-HT hot-start driving cycles, respectively. In terms of the mass
derived from a light-duty diesel engine under steady-state conditions; contribution of different categories, that of alkanes drops from 66% for
thus, a much lower value is expected (0.027–0.16 g kg•fuel− 1). non-(DOC + DPF) vehicles to 44% for (DOC + DPF) vehicles. The shift in
Utilizing the new approach, we have successfully resolved bulk I/ the relative amounts of alkanes versus oxygenated I/SVOCs confirms the
SVOCs into different compound categories with extractable rules. No effectiveness of DOC, which oxidizes certain constituents of the vehicle
previous studies have speciated gaseous I/SVOC emissions at this exhaust. In contrast, the mass contributions of monoaromatic com­
detailed and we clearly demonstrate the advancement of this innovative pounds plus PAHs and the oxygenated species increased from 4.4% to
approach for comprehensive analysis of I/SVOCs, from two significant 20% and 23% to 27%, respectively (Fig. 3).
perspectives. First and the most important of all, the dominant fraction
of I/SVOCs, UCMs, is characterized explicitly and represented by 3.4. Oxygenated I/SVOCs (O–I/SVOCs)
different compound categories, e.g., alkanes, monoaromatic com­
pounds, PAHs, and oxygenated compound groups, etc. Alkane accounts The oxygenated compounds, which are the combustion products of
for a major part of the total I/SVOC mass, which is consistent with diesel fuels (Alam et al., 2019), are resolved and quantified systemati­
previous findings. However, the diversity of compound categories in­ cally for the first time in this work. The mass contributions of O–I/SVOCs
dicates the intrinsic chemical complexity. In comparison, the UCMs over the entire volatility range are shown in Fig. 2, and the overall
were sketchily split into speciated IVOCs, un-speciated branched alkane, contribution of O–I/SVOCs to the total mass is shown in Fig. 3. The EFs
and un-speciated cyclic compounds in Zhao et al. (2015), leaving the of O–I/SVOCs are 4.4, 2.3, and 0.67 g kg•fuel− 1 for HDDVs #1, #2, and
dominant fraction un-speciated (Alam et al., 2019). The diversity of the #3, respectively. O–I/SVOCs account for less than 1%–51% of the total
compound category implies numerous evolution pathways of I/SVOCs I/SVOCs depending on volatility bins and high loadings of O–I/SVOCs
once emitted into the atmosphere and the speciated emission data is of distribute in the volatility range of log10C* = 4 to 6 μg m− 3, as shown in
great benefits for better portray of atmospheric chemistry and SOA Fig. 2. O–I/SVOCs overall present 23%, 27%, and 20% of the total
estimation. I/SVOCs for vehicles #1, #2, and #3, respectively.
An in-depth discussion on SOA prediction using speciated emission We observe two distinct patterns and divide the identified oxygen­
data is given in the final section and a significant SOA concentration ated compounds into two main groups: high-volatility O–I/SVOCs
discrepancy is observed with and without speciation data. Second, O–I/ (indicated as red circles in Fig. 2) are mostly detected in the compara­
SVOCs are explored comprehensively. Alam et al. (2019) made an tively volatile range of log10C* = 4 to 8 μg m− 3; low-volatility O–I/
attempt at speciating I/SVOCs and reported the EFs of several hydro­ SVOCs (indicated as blue circles in Fig. 2) are mostly detected in the
carbon species. Oxygenated compounds were not included. Neverthe­ comparatively less volatile range of log10C* = − 2 to 3 μg m− 3. In terms
less, speciated O–I/SVOCs (e.g., acids, aliphatic alcohols and ethers, of speciation, the former group comprises aliphatic ketones/esters,
aliphatic ketones and esters, benzylic ketones and esters, and phenols benzylic ketones, and phenols/benzylic alcohols; the latter group is
and benzylic alcohols) are resolved and account for a significant portion predominantly composed of aliphatic alcohols and ethers. Considering
of the total I/SVOC mass. Vehicle emission has long been regarded as the volatility distribution, high-volatility O–I/SVOCs are prone to
non-oxidized ( Li et al., 2019). However, the finding that over 20% of partition to the gas phase and exhibit higher chemical reactivity. For
diesel emitted organic mass contains oxygen content suggests diesel example, the representative phenol benzylic alcohols are phenols con­
emitted organic aerosol (OA) is not restricted to hydrocarbons. The nected with multiple functional groups, which contribute to SOA for­
discrepancy between our emission data and Alam et al. (2019) is mation significantly in both gas-phase and aqueous-phase (George et al.,
explainable, and the overall high comparability of EF data in this work 2015; Yee et al., 2013). Low-volatility O–S/IVOCs are prone to partition
with the referred studies suggests the robustness of the analytical to the particle phase and may be a significant portion of primary aerosol
protocol. once further condensed. Combining the classification and volatility, we
may assume that low-volatility O–S/IVOCs include aliphatic alcohols
3.3. The comparison between cold and hot starts and the effectiveness of with long-chain carbon skeleton or polymers of short-chain aliphatic
aftertreatment technologies on I/SVOC emissions alcohols. Few studies have focused on the O–I/SVOCs either due to the
deficiency of separation technologies or the crude classification of
Fig. 2 and Fig. S4 illustrate the volatility aggregated EF of I/SVOCs organic compounds. By using a state-of-the-art GC × GC-ToF-MS tech­
from the three HDDVs under CHTC-HT cold and hot starts. The overall nique and constructing two sets of compound-screening functions, we
EFs of I/SVOCs under CHTC-HT cold-start (CHTC-HT hot-start) driving successfully resolved O–I/SVOCs.
cycle are 18.9 (1.9), 8.4 (0.66), and 3.3 (0.04) g kg•fuel− 1 for HDDVs Compared with non-functionalized hydrocarbons, oxidized com­
#1, #2, and #3, respectively. Dramatic emission drops from cold-start to pounds with the same vapor pressure tend to have lower SOA yields
hot-start are observed: the ratios are 90.0% for vehicle #1, 92.2% for the (Chacon-Madrid & Donahue, 2011; Donahue, Epstein, Pandis, & Rob­
vehicle #2, and 98.8% for vehicle #3. However, we found that the inson, 2011; Ziemann, 2011). However, the evolution of specific groups
volatility distributions of I/SVOCs between cold-start and hot-start do in the atmosphere is complex and dynamic. On the one hand, func­
not vary much. For example, the emission distribution of cold-start and tionalization adds oxygen atoms to the carbon backbone (thus
hot-start cycles both peak in log10C* = 1 to 2 and 4 to 5 μg m− 3 bins. The increasing the O:C ratio), reduces the molecule’s vapor pressure, and
transition of dominant O–I/SVOCs (high-volatility versus low-volatility) promotes molecule partitioning into the particle phase (Chacon-Madrid
in the two driving cycles lies in log10C* = 3 and log10C* = 4. & Donahue, 2011). On the other hand, the oxidized molecules are

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

Fig. 3. The relative contributions of each compound category to the total I/SVOC EFs derived from vehicles #1 (non-(DOC + DPF), inner circle), #2 (DOC + DPF,
middle circle), and #3 (DOC + DPF, outer circle) under (a) CHTC-HT cold-start and (b) CHTC-HT hot-start driving cycles.

susceptible to fragmentation (carbon-carbon bond cleavage) at the The absolute value of I/SVOC EFs distributed in each volatility and O:C
functionalized position, which makes the products more volatile and range is summarized in Table 1 and visualized in Fig. 4a, and the mass
likely to partition to the gas phase, resulting in a lower SOA yield. For fractions are shown in Table S7. Fragmentations that add functionalities
example, the ozonolysis of β-caryophyllene in the intra-annular car­ to the precursors would contribute to SOA formation. It has been
bon-carbon double bond results in two aldehyde groups with sufficiently confirmed that the fragmentation ratios for lumped species increase
low vapor pressure and facilitates the product to partition to the particle dramatically with increasing O:C (Donahue et al., 2012; Kroll et al.,
phase (Nguyen et al., 2009; Winterhalter et al., 2009). In contrast, 2009). An empirical estimation of the fragmentation ratio can be
ozonolysis of the alkene double bond breaks the molecular bond and described as (O:C)1/4, generating a fragmentation ratio of 56.2% for O:C
forms two carboxyl groups (Chiappini et al., 2019). To summarize, = 0.1 and 79.5% for O:C = 0.4 (Zhao et al., 2017).
oxidized compounds are still considerable SOA sources, although they The speciated I/SVOC emission data are incorporated into the 2D-
are less effective than alkanes with similar vapor pressures. With regard VBS framework according to the volatility and O:C of individual spe­
to the formation of SOA, vapor pressure alone is not enough to predict cies in comparison with the un-speciated emission data (assuming O:C
the formation potential preciously. What matters is the functionality of = 0 for all the peaks). The modeled OA concentration between the two
the moiety: n-alkanes tend to have the highest yields, followed by approaches is shown in Fig. 4b. The parameterization of the 2D-VBS
n-ketones, and n-aldehydes have the lowest SOA yield (Chacon-Madrid follows Donahue et al. (2012). Basically, the OH radical concentration
& Donahue, 2011). was estimated to be 3 × 10− 11 cm3 molec− 1 s− 1 and the heterogenous
reaction with OH radical was five times slower than the gas-phase OH
3.5. Implication of speciated I/SVOCs on SOA prediction uptake. In general, OA concentration incorporating speciated emission
data is systematically lower than that using un-speciated data. The result
The contribution of diesel vehicle emissions to SOA formation is is consistent with previous findings that the SOA yields of alkane group
complex. Previous studies reporting SOA formation from diesel exhaust are higher than those of oxidized components (Chacon-Madrid &
were primarily based on laboratory experiments (Chirico et al., 2010; Donahue, 2011; Donahue et al., 2011; Ziemann, 2011). The introduction
Eluri, Cappa, Friedman, Farmer, & Jathar, 2018; Tkacik et al., 2014; of O:C dimension corrects the biased OA concentration originated from
Woody et al., 2016). Undoubtedly, the incorporation of greater details the lack of oxygenation information. As aging time goes by, the differ­
on emission profiles would likely better predict SOA formation from ence gradually increases to approximate 45% after seven-day aging,
diesel vehicles. In this work, over three-thousand organic compounds which confirms the significant impact of speciated I/SVOC emission
are identified within one test cycle in gaseous I/SVOCs. The number of data on SOA prediction. Over 20% (mass fraction) of I/SVOCs charac­
compounds would be even higher if we include those detected in the terized in this study are distributed into bins with O:C ≥ 0, and addi­
VOC range and in the particle phase (i.e., after analyzing the samples tional high O:C (≥ 1.2) compound clusters are occasionally found in
collected by Summa canisters and quartz filters). Tracking the evolution more volatile ranges (i.e., carbon number of n-alkane ≤ 10). In addition,
of individual compounds in the atmosphere is impractical. The great the overall oxidation state of diesel-emitted I/SVOCs is relatively low
complexity of I/SVOCs could be simplified by masking individual, (over 90% (mass fraction) of I/SVOCs having an O:C ratio smaller than
unique molecular properties and replacing them with bulk average 0.4) in comparison with other sources, e.g., domestic fuel (Stewart et al.,
properties. Previous models were based on volatility bins to describe the 2021). This means that diesel emitted I/SVOCs are mostly in the early
SOA formation potential, and mapping the emission factors of organics oxidation stage. As previously stated, the SOA yield of alkanes exceeds
from gasoline and diesel vehicles into the one-dimensional volatility that of all the other species with the same volatility, and the SOA yields
basis set (VBS) was already discussed in Lu et al. (2018) and Woody for alkanes and alkenes are at commensurate magnitudes. The func­
et al., 2016. The next generation of models calls for more comprehensive tionality of carbon backbones adds chemical reactivity and facilitates
emission data, including speciation information and volatility distribu­ molecule fragmentation. From these two perspectives, it is deduced that
tion, as provided in this work. The two-dimensional VBS (2D-VBS) is a the SOA formation from HDDVs is crucial.
case in point.
The 2D-VBS, which lumps organics based on saturation mass con­ 4. Conclusions
centration (C0, in μg m− 3) and the O:C ratio, was developed by Donahue
et al. (2011) to address the volatility, mixing thermodynamics, and In this study, we have conducted a chassis dynamometer test and
chemical evolution of organic aerosol. The calculation of saturation collected the gaseous I/SVOCs from three in-use HDDVs with/without
mass concentration is presented in the supporting information (S5). We aftertreatment devices. We establish a laboratory-based analytical
attempt to map the EFs of I/SVOCs from HDDVs into the 2D-VBS space. approach using GC × GC-ToF-MS to measure the gaseous I/SVOCs and

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

Table 1
The distribution of I/SVOC emissions (μg) separated by volatility and the O:C ratio.
log10C* (μg m− 3) O:C ratio

0–0.2 0.2–0.4 0.4–0.6 0.6–0.8 0.8–1.0 1–1.2 ≥ 1.2

− 4 0.003 0.135 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

− 3 0.109 0.066 0.006 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000
− 2 0.190 0.054 0.167 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
− 1 0.165 0.187 0.055 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000
0 0.715 0.251 0.079 0.015 0.000 0.000 0.000
1 0.369 0.039 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
2 0.339 0.148 0.003 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
3 0.296 0.025 0.002 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
4 0.090 0.027 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
5 0.064 0.064 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
6 0.127 0.059 0.005 0.009 0.000 0.001 0.000
7 0.263 0.023 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.000
8 0.399 0.020 0.061 0.012 0.000 0.089 0.000
9 0.399 0.016 0.013 0.008 0.000 0.071 0.000

I/SVOC compounds by their characteristic mass spectra. Rare studies

have speciated gaseous I/SVOC emissions at this detailed level as we did.
The combination of GC × GC-ToF-MS and self-constructed data pro­
cessing programs enables the mapping of speciated I/SVOCs into the 2D-
VBS space. With the improved data (although not resolved at the mo­
lecular level) being incorporated into models, approximate 45% differ­
ence of SOA concentration is observed.
We want to emphasize that the limited number of HDDVs, fuel types,
driving cycles, and operating conditions may introduce fortuitous re­
sults. Nevertheless, the uncertainties of the novel method are well
considered and fully addressed. It is of great help to carry out follow-up
tests, e.g., extensive samplings of in-use vehicles (complying with
different emission standards, with/without bio-fuels, with/without
aftertreatment devices, etc.) to further validate our results.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

Author contribution

Xiao He (First Author): Conceptualization, Methodology, Validation,

Investigation, Formal Analysis, Writing-Original Draft, Data Curation,
Visualization, Funding Acquisition; Xuan Zheng (Corresponding
Author): Project Management, Validation, Writing-Review & Editing,
Funding Acquisition; Yan You: Validation, Writing-Review & Editing;
Shaojun Zhang: Validation, Writing-Review & Editing; Bin Zhao: Vali­
dation, Writing-Review & Editing, Software; Xuan Wang: Validation,
Writing-Review & Editing; Guanghan Huang: Methodology, Investiga­
tion; Ting Chen: Investigation; Yihuan Cao: Investigation; Liqiang He:
Investigation; Xing Chang: Software; Shuxiao Wang: Resources, Writing-
Fig. 4. (a) Emission distribution of I/SVOCs on a 2D-VBS space (sample ID:
Review & Editing, Funding Acquisition; Ye Wu: Resources, Supervision,
20201223-1, CHTC-HT cold-start, vehicle #2). Different colors indicate
Funding Acquisition.
different O:C ratios segmented into seven bins: 0–0.2, 0.2–0.4, 0.4–0.6, 0.6–0.8,
0.8–1.0, 1.0–1.2, and ≥ 1.2; (b) The modeled OA concentration by 2D-VBS
framework using speciated (orange line) and un-speciated (gray line) emis­ Declaration of competing interest
sion data respectively and the relative difference. The blue line, which is scaled
by the right axis, denotes the difference between two sets of modeled OA The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
concentration. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) the work reported in this paper.

establish a novel “three-step” approach to speciate and quantify them Acknowledgement

comprehensively. Over three-thousand compounds are identified and
classified into twenty-one categories, many of which, to the best of our The authors acknowledge the financial support of the National
knowledge, have been reported for the first time. Oxygenated I/SVOCs Natural Science Foundation of China (51978404, 42105100, and
are resolved systematically and over 20% of diesel emitted organic mass 41977180), the Basic Research of Shenzhen Science and Technology
contains oxygen content, suggesting that diesel emitted OA is actually Innovation Commission (JCYJ20190808145218827), the Guangdong
not “hydrocarbon-like”. This is an innovative way of (semi) quantifying Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund Committee
(2020B1515130003), the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology,

X. He et al. Environmental Pollution 305 (2022) 119284

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