RBOW in Science 2019 202
RBOW in Science 2019 202
RBOW in Science 2019 202
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code Enabling / Bridging Skills Enrichment Skills Week Number
1.1. Identify issues and problems
needed in the scientific investigation
1. Scientific Investigations: Demonstrate an understanding Perform in groups in a guided 1.2. State the scientific problem based
Ways of Acquiring of scientific ways of acquiring investigation involving 1. Describe the components of a on the identified situation 1.5. Make conclusions based from the
S7MT-Ia-1 1
Knowledge and Solving knowledge and solving community-based problems scientific investigation 1.3. Formulate possible solution / given findings
Problems problems using locally available materials hypothesis to solve the problem
1.4. Describe the relationship between
2.3. Perform experimentations that
2.1. Discuss the general characteristics
Make a chart, poster, or show the characteristics of elements
Demonstrate an understanding of elements and compounds
multimedia presentation of 2. Recognize that substances are and compounds
2. Elements and Compounds of classifying substances as S7MT-Ig-h-5 2-3
common elements showing classified into elements and compounds 2.2. Describe the periodic table
elements or compounds 2.4. Name elements and compounds
their names and symbols according to group, period, family and
that are essential to life
3.1. Differentiate mixtures from
substances based from different
3.2. Examine differences between
3. Distinguish mixtures from substances
S7MT-Ie-f-4 homogeneous from heterogeneous 4-5
based on a set of properties
mixtures based on observable
3.3. Distinguish substances from
4.1. Differentiate solute from solvent
through a wide variety of examples
6.1. Describe heat transfer by 6.1.1. Give situations which show how
conduction heat is being transferred by conduction
6.6. Describe the conditions necessary 6.6.1. Trace the direction in which heat
for heat transfer to take place is transferred
Demonstrate an understanding
of the periodic table of elements
3. Periodic Table (PT) of 4. Use the periodic table to predict the 4.2. Count the numbers of valence 4.1. Draw and identify the energy levels
as an organizing tool to S8MT-IIIj-12 7-8
Elements chemical behavior of an element electrons of each element using the block system of elements
determine the chemical
properties of elements
Demonstrate an understanding
1.3. Name the organs of the respiratory
and circulatory systems that interact
with the digestive system
Demonstrate an understanding
of the digestive system and its 1.4. List the steps in the digestion of
1. Structure and Functions: Present an analysis of the data foods
interaction with the circulatory, 1. Explain ingestion, absorption,
Focus on the Digestive gathered on diseases resulting S8LT-IVa-13 1
respiratory, and excretory assimilation, and excretion 1.5. Explain what happens during each
System from nutrient deficiency
systems in providing the body step
with nutrients for energy 1.6. Trace the pathway of foods during
1.7. Explain what happens to the food
during ingestion
1.8. Explain how foods is absorbed in
the body
1.9. Explain how food is assimilated in
the body
2.1. Recognize the importance of cell
division cycle
2.2. Outline the stage processes in the
cell division cycle
2.3. Explain the four-stage process of
the cell division cycle
2.4. Describe mitosis and explain its
2. Compare mitosis and meiosis, and
S8LT-IVd-16 2.5. Define meiosis and explain its
their role in the cell-division cycle
2.6. Analyze the salient features of
mitosis and meiosis 2
2.7. Point out the similarities between
mitosis and meiosis
2.8. Describe the importance/role of
Demonstrate an understanding mitosis and meiosis during the cell
of (1) how cells divide to division cycle
produce new cells; (2) meiosis Report on the importance of 3.1. Define chromosome
2. Heredity: Inheritance and
as one of the processes variation in plant and animal
Variation of Traits 3.2. Discuss the importance of
producing genetic variations of breeding
the Menelian Pattern of 3. Explain the significance of meiosis chromosome number in organisms
Inheritance and their role in the cell-division cycle 3.3. Relate the importance of meiosis in
maintaining the chromosome number of
9. Analyze the roles of organisms in the 9.2. Discuss the roles of these
S8LT-IVi-23 microorganisms in the cycling of
cycling of materials
9.3. Justify the role of these organisms
Demonstrate an understanding in the cycling of materials
Make a poster comparing food
of the one-way flow of energy 10.1. Display the proper use of water at
4. Ecosystem choices based on the trophic
and the cycling of materials in home
an ecosystem 10.2. Determine the different cycling of
materials in an ecosystem
10.3. Illustrate water cycle
10. Explain how materials cycle in an 10.4. Cite the importance of water cycle
10.5. Create a diagram showing the
oxygen-carbon cycle
10.6. Discuss the oxygen-carbon cycle
based on the diagram
10.7. State the nitrogen cycle
10.8. Discuss the nitrogen cycle
11.1. List the activities that humans do
11. Suggest ways to minimize human to the environment
S8LT-IVj-25 7
impact on the environment 11.2. Explain how these activities will
make an impact to the environment
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code Enabling / Bridging Skills Enrichment Skills Week Number
FIRST QUARTER - Living Things and their Environment
1.1. Name, describe, and give the
function of the parts of the respiratory
1.2. Explain how the organs of the
respiratory system work together to
transport nutrients, gases, and other
molecules to and from the different
parts of the body
1. Demonstrate an
understanding of how different 1. Explain how the respiratory and 1.3. Explain how the organs of the
structures of the circulatory and circulatory systems work together to circulatory system work together to
respiratory systems work transport nutrients, gases, and other S9LT-Ia-b-26 transport nutrients, gases, and other 1-2
together to transport oxygen- molecules to and from the different molecules to and from the different
rich blood and nutrients to the parts of the body parts of the body
different parts of the body
1.4. Illustrate how the respiratory
system and circulatory system work
together to transport nutrients, gases,
Conduct an information
and other molecules to and from the
dissemination activity on
different parts of the body
1. Respiratory and effective ways of taking care of
Circulatory Systems Working the respiratory and circulatory 1.5. Discuss the coordinated function of
with the other Organ Systems systems based on data the respiratory and the circulatory
gathered from the school or systems
local health workers
2.1. Collect data on the diseases
recorded from school or local health
2.2. Name the common diseases
related to respiratory and circulatory
2. Demonstrate an
understanding of the 2.3. Explain how to detect and treat 2.1.1. Conduct an interview to school or
2. Infer how one's lifestyle can affect the these diseases
prevention, detection, and local health workers about diseases
functioning of respiratory and circulatory S9LT-Ic-27 2
treatment of diseases affecting 2.4. Suggest ways on how to prevent related to respiratory and circulatory
the respiratory and circulatory the respiratory and circulatory diseases systems
systems through healthy lifestyle
2.5. Conduct an information
dissemination activity on effective ways
of taking care of the respiratory and
circulatory systems through healthy
3.1. Compare Mendelian from Non-
1. Demonstrate an Mendelian genetics
understanding of how genetic
3.2. Give examples of plant or animal
information is organized in
that shows incomplete dominance
genes on chromosomes
3.3. Explain incomplete dominance
3.4. Give examples of traits in humans
2. Heredity: Inheritance and 3. Explain the different patterns of Non- that are sex-linked
S9LT-Id-29 3-4
Variation Mendelian inheritance
3.5. Explain sex-linked traits
2. Demonstrate an
understanding of the different 3.6. Give examples of traits in humans
patterns of inheritance that are inherited through multiple
3.7. Explain the concept of inheritance
through multiple allelism
4.1. Give examples of animals that lived
millions of years ago but do no exist
4.2. Define extinction and cite possible
reasons why these animals become
Demonstrate an understanding Make a multimedia presentation 4. Relate species extinction to the 4.3. Discuss theories related to
of how changes in the of a timeline of extinction of failure of populations of organisms to extinction
3. Biodiversity and Evolution S9LT-Ie-f-30 5
environment may affect species representative microorganisms, adapt to abrupt changes in the
extinction plants, and animals environment 4.4.Trace the timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms, plants,
and animals
4.5. Make a multimedia presentation or
any creative presentation of the timeline
of extinction of representative
5.1. Identify which part of the plant cell
where photosynthesis takes place
Demonstrate an understanding
Discuss whether or not popular
of the relationship between the 6. Show which constellations may be 6.1. Identify which constellations may 6.2. Locate in the constellary map the
beliefs and practices with
3. Constellations visible constellations in the sky observed at different times of the year S9ES-IIIj-35 be observed at different times of the constellations at different times of the 8-9
regard to constellations and
and Earth's position along its using models year using models year
astrology have scientific basis
4. Infer that the total momentum before 4.2. Determine that the total momentum 4.4. Solve problems on conservation of
and after collision is equal before and after collision is equal linear momentum
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Learning Competencies Code Enabling / Bridging Skills Enrichment Skills Week Number
FIRST QUARTER - Earth and Space
1.1.1. Locate the position of certain
1.1. Locate the distribution of active
vulnerable localities using the
volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and
PHIVOLCS's seismic map and other
major mountain belts
national database system
3.4. Infer how two oceanic plates 3.4.1. Illustrate the process and result of
3. Explain the different processes that converge the collision between two oceanic plates
10ES-Ia-j-36.3 5-6
occur along the plate boundaries
3. Explain the different processes that
10ES-Ia-j-36.3 5-6
occur along the plate boundaries
3.5. Explain the processes that occur 3.5.1. Illustrate the process and result of
between the collision of two continental the collision between two continental
plates plates
Demonstrate an understanding
of the relationship among the
1. Plate Tectonics locations of volcanoes,
earthquake epicenters, and
mountain ranges
3.6. Explain the processes that occur
along divergent boundaries
Demonstrate an understanding
of the relationship among the 3.7. Describe the results of plates that 3.7.1. Illustrate the process and result of
1. Plate Tectonics locations of volcanoes, are moving apart plate that are moving apart
earthquake epicenters, and 3.8. Describe the effect of transform
mountain ranges fault boundaries on the Earth's crust
3.9. Describe a transform fault
3.10.1. Identify areas which are prone
3.10. Express the relationship between
to earthquakes so that necessary
an earthquake and a transform fault
precautions could be done if ever you're
living in one of those places
4.1. Explain the movement of the types
of boundaries
4.2. Differentiate and explain the three
types of plate boundaries
4.3. Explain the movement of the types
of boundaries using a model
4.4. Describe the mechanism of the
tectonic plate movements with the
different forces driving it
4.5. Relate hot spots with plate
4.6. Identify the different forces that
4. Describe the possible causes of plate cause plates to move
S10ES-Ia-j-36.5 7
movement 4.7. Develop awareness on the effects
of plate movements
4.8. Explain how the surface
characteristics of the Earth changes
through time
3.3. Identify chemical symbols used in 3.1. Write chemical formulas of seleced
writing chemical equations chemicals
3.4. Identify and differentiate between 3.2. Name the chemical formulas of
reactants and products selected chemicals
3.5. Write a chemical equation
3.6. Familiarize with the Law of 3.6.1. Illustrate the Law of Conservation
Conservation of Mass of Mass
3. Apply the principle of conservation of
S10MT-IVe-g-23 3.7. Apply the concept of the Law of 5-6
mass to chemical reactions
Conservation of Mass in balancing
chemical equations
3.8. Balance chemical equations using 3.8.1. Balance chemical equations
inspection method using algebraic method
3.9. Identify the types of chemical
3.10. Describe the mass of reactant
Demonstrate an understanding Using any form of media, before the reaction to the mass of the
of the chemical reactions present chemical reactions product after the reaction
3. Chemical Reactions associated with biological and involved in biological and 3.11. Determine the number of atoms of
industrial processes affecting industrial processes affecting each element of reactants and products
life and the environment life and the environment in a chemical reaction