4060&6090 3.0

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23.6”x15.7”(60x40cm) /


233.7lb /
51.2”x31.4”x21.7”(60x40cm) /
BI-D+:Real-time Bi-direction standard.
If there is ghosting during printing, you BI-D-:Real-time Bi-direction
could adjust there. Push the button and
turn left to adjust the printing quality.
Check the printing is normal or not, if not,
push the BI-D-to adjust.

FEED+: Real-time Stepping standard.

If there is ghosting during printing, you
could adjust there. Push the button and
turn left to adjust the printing quality. FEED-: Real-time Stepping
Check the printing is normal or not,
if not, push the FEED- to adjust.

Cleaning: Push the cleaning button

will start auto cleaning.
Test: Push it once, printer head
will do a nozzle test and then it
back to the home position

Pause: Push this button, the

printing will be paused. Push Cancel: Cancel the printing job during printing.
it again, it will continue to
3.4.1 Menu column description
(1). Open: PrintMon supports. prn or. prt formats,
or Photoprint software Send task directly.
(2). Config Manager: supports export and import of files.
Used for configuration backup and recovery.
(3).Quit :Exit from software during software not used.

(1). Motor Reset: To reset cartridge. The cartridge is automatically
return to standby status.
(same function with Enter on the control panel)
(2). Clean PrintHeads : clean head during printing standby or finished.
(same function with Enter on the control panel)
(3). Print:Start printing.
(4). Stop : Stop the printing task and the cartridge will be returned to
(same function with Enter on the control panel)
(5). Pause:Pause printing and recover unfinished task by Resume.
(same function with Enter on the control panel)
(6). Resume : after press Pause, recover the printing task.
(same function with Enter on the control panel)
(7). Delete : Delete the printing task.
(8). Fedd+:Add the steps during printing. (Unit: DPI)
(9). Fedd-:Reduce the steps during printing.(Unit: DPI)

(1). Setting: Configure for network printing parameters. Used to set
port, buffer path, inks amount. If choose “Adjust ink am out and
printing area before printing”, the dialog box from PrintMon task
to choose inks amount.
(2).UV lamp setting : Used to set the UV lighting

(3).Spot Colors Setting: Used to set the white ink spraying

position, white ink printing model, white ink channels
and amount.
1> Spot mode: White in-line,choose spot mode and un
der colors;
2> White ink channel: choose 5,6,7and8;
3> Channel ink volume:
① print only white : no color;
② print only color : no white;
③ Chnl:if choose close to print ,this channel is close
down, if choose is 200% to print, this channel is
taking double ink(chnl 5678 is printing times of the
white ink).

(4).Ink Fill: Suck ink (same function with manual clean button)
Start: Start suck;
Finish: Finish suck;
Close: Close this window.

(5).Auto Clean Stack Setting:

1> Clean: choose clean mode, the clean model of each
machine is corresponded to the type of cleaning
structure, it cannot be modified.
This machine choose auto scraping piece&
push-and-pull stack;
2> Cleaner: Clean Movement settings are default
please do not change them.
(1). Scan Motor Test: The cartridge will automatically
execute test when test starts. If the machine
jumps is strictly and the head will hit the origin,
the test will be automatically stopped and the
cartridge will automatically return to origin.

(2). Total Length Test: Used to test the machine

length to avoid the head hit and also measure
the wheels contrast.
(3). Feed Adjust Test: The right figure is the steps
tests configuration page:
Rough Adjustment: Click to do test of vertical
motor movement 100mm to check the actual
position is correct. If incorrect, change Move
Distance and recalculate the wheels contrast.
Fine Adjustment: click Print vert adjust Picture,
if 0 position is not aligned, change Vert adjust
value and recalculate the wheels contrast.
3.4.2 Tools menu description

See previous description about the menu column.

Test: do printing test. If there is break lines, do adjustment;

H. Align; Print horizontal calibration figure. If the line is not straight and aligned,
readjust the head horizontal position.

SamClr, DiffClr: No need for adjustment;

Bi-D:Print bi-direction calibration figure to calibrate the alignment distance.

Feed: Print the vertical steps figure to calibrate

the vertical steps alignment.
Feed+、Feed-:Execute real-time
steps calibration. Do not change this value randomly.
Bi-D+、Bi-D-: Real-time bi-direction calibration.

3.4.3 Set the printing parameters

(1) Horz Begin :The horizon start printing position; 1 2
(2) Vert begin :The forward movement distance before
printing; 3
(3)X Speed Y speed: fast by default; 4
(4)You can choose uni-direcotion and bi-direction
option, eclosion model;(The printing speed of Bi mode is
one time faster than uni mode, but the quality of uni 6
printing will be better)
(5)Set whether the platform moves forward or backward
and movement distance after printing.
(6)Color Bar Setting :Whether add the color bars; 8
(7)Flash jet settings: off by default;
(8)Color: Used to choose the channel start, close and
please set white channel as LC*4,if a color channel
does not work, close the channel and select a good
white channel to replace it.
3.4.4 Software display
(1). Status column: in the below of main window to display the board working time limits, send pulse
amount, feedback pulse amount ,flash status, scan speed, inkjet frequency, USB types
(USB3.0 for this machine)

(2). Job column: including files name, status, printing speed(size),copies,Pass number and
remaining time.

(3). Preview

Print task display, preview figure, printing task size and printing precision and task preview.
(Please follow
the web page
to register)
Choke: Set inner
shrink to allow white
to shrink the inner
wall of the picture.
We select the white ink options in the Photoprint, but control the white channels in Print-Mon.
So before the printing, We need confirm the options.

For items that users want to cover the surface by the printing with full job size white base.
Choose Substrate and Underneath as the picture above shows.
Then in the Print-Mon,please select Under color in the Spot Color Select.
For items that users want to print white base only under CMYK area.
Choose Under color and Underneath as the picture above shows.
Then in the Print-Mon,please select Under color in the Spot Color Select.
For items that users want to print white only in specific area.
(Theat specific area should be create as spot_white channel previously
in Photoshop.)
Choose Spot color and Underneath as the picture above shows.
Then in the Print-Mon,please select Under color in the Spot Color Select.
For items that users want to print white only .(For example items with white base)
Please don’t choose None in Photoprint, Choose Substrate or Under color in Photoprint,
then select none in Print-Mon.
For items that users want to print white only
Choose Substrate, Spot color or Under color in Photoprint(If you choose Spot color,
please also select spot color in Print-Mon),Then select Under color and white only
in Print-Mon.
For items like glass, crystal and transparent acrylic, if user wants to print on the backside and
see from the front side, we need use mirror mode. For better quality, we need to print it two
times:1>Only color:2>Only white

1.If you send the job by Photoprint.

you can click here to use mirror Mode.

If you send the job by Print-Mon.

you can choose Mirror before the printing.

2.Select Under colors in Print-Mon.

then send the job, it will print mirror image.

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