Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done
Getting Things Done
In 2019 I listened to Getting Things Done and it helped improve my productivity so much that I read it
again in 2020. David Allen says “The implicit purpose of this book is urging you to operate from a higher
level. To assist you in making your total life expression more fulfilling and better aligned with the big
My notes don’t do the book justice. If this resonates with you, I encourage you to purchase a copy and
read or listen for yourself. The author narrates the audible version himself and it enhances the delivery
of his material.
My Favorite Quotes
It is possible for a person to have an overwhelming number of things to do and still function productively
with a clear head and a positive sense of relaxed control
Thinking in more effective ways about projects and situations can make things happen sooner, better,
and more successfully.
The most savvy executives know the value of sacrificing the seemingly urgent for the truly important.
Building in quality time for review and regrouping is both critical and sorely lacking in most
Getting ultimately grounded and in control of the mundane aspects of life produces a rich field of
natural inspiration about our higher levels.
If you have systems and habits ready to leverage your ideas, your productivity can expand exponentially.
Anything held only in your head will take up more (or less) attention than it deserves. Write it down!
Meetings are wasteful when there is a lack of rigor relative to their purpose and desired outcomes.
Key Questions
How do you know that what you are doing is what you ought to be doing at any point in time?
What would need to happen for you to check this project off as done?
What is the next physical action I need to take to move this project toward completion?
Are you doing what you want or need to do from a deeper and longer-term perspective?
What would the ideal person for this job be able to do?
This book is not so much about getting things done as it is about championing appropriate engagement
with your world.
How do you know that what you are doing is what you ought to be doing at any point in time?
The core methodology of GTD is relatively simple, but it can be expressed and understood at many
different levels of depth and detail.
The methods presented in GTD are all based on three key objectives:
Capturing all the things that need to get done in an organized system
Directing yourself to make front-end decisions about all of the inputs in your life, so that you will always
have a workable inventory of next actions that you can implement or renegotiate
Knowledge workers today face new demands on their time and attention and we have insufficient
resources and training to properly deal with them.
Imagine what it might be like if your personal management were totally under control at all levels and at
all times.
What if you had completely clear mental space with nothing pulling or pushing on you unproductively?
What if you could dedicate 100% of your attention to whatever was at hand, at your own choosing, and
with no distraction?
Mind like water is a condition of working, doing, and being in which the mind is clear and constructive
things are happening.
When you throw a pebble into a pond, how does the water respond? Totally appropriately to the mass
and force of the input, and then it returns to calm. Water doesn’t overreact or under-react. Water does
not get frustrated.
Anything that causes you to overreact or under-react can control you, and often does.
An open loop is anything pulling at your attention that doesn’t belong where it is and the way it is.
Managing commitments well requires the implementation of some basic activities and behaviors:
If it is on your mind, your mind isn’t clear. Anything you consider unfinished in any way must be
captured in a trusted system outside of your mind.
You must clarify exactly what your commitment is and decide what you have to do, if anything, to make
progress toward fulfilling it.
Once you’ve decided on all of the actions you need to take, you must keep reminders of them organized
in a system you review regularly.
An important exercise to test the GTD model. Try this right now:
Write down the project or situation that is most on your mind at this moment. What most bugs you,
distracts you, or interests you?
Describe in a single written sentence, your intended successful outcome for this problem or situation.
What would need to happen for you to check this project off as done?
People think a lot, but most people think of a problem, not about it. Structure your thinking toward an
outcome and an action.
“In knowledge work the task is not given, it has to be determined.” -Peter Drucker
What are the expected results from this work? This is the key question that makes knowledge workers
A significant part of your psyche cannot help but keep track of your open loops. This is a detractor from
anything else you need or want to think about and diminishes your capacity to perform.
You can train yourself to be faster, more responsive, more proactive, and more focused in dealing with
all of the things you need to deal with. You can think more effectively.
You will need to get in the habit of keeping nothing on your mind. The way we do that is by managing
our actions.
You cannot do a project, you can only do an action related to it. Most actions only require a minute or
two to move a project forward.
Lack of time is not the major issue for most people. The real problem is a lack of clarity and definition
about what a project is, and what associated next action steps are required.
You need to control commitments, projects, and actions both horizontally and vertically. The goal of
managing horizontally and vertically is the same, to get things off your mind and get them done.
There is no way to achieve the kind of relaxed control David Allen is promising if you keep things only in
your head.
Your mind will keep working on anything that is in an undecided state. This has been proven to reduce
your capacity to think and perform.
Engage with
Most decisions for action and focus are driven by the latest and loudest inputs, and are based on hope
instead of trust.
Physical in tray
Every open loop must be in your capture system and out of your head
You must have as few capturing buckets as you can get by with
You must learn the item-by-item thinking required to get your collection containers empty. This is
perhaps the most critical improvement you can make.
What do you need to ask yourself and answer about each item in your capture system?
What is it?
Is it actionable?
You can’t organize what is incoming, you can only capture it and process it. Instead, you organize the
actions you will need to take based on the decisions you’ve made about what needs to be done.
Reference: the item is potentially useful info that might be needed later
Actionable Items
Two things need to be determined about each actionable item:
The next action is the next physical, visible activity that needs to be engaged in.
Call Fred
Draft thoughts
Do research online
Do it
Delegate it
Defer it
If an action will take less than two minutes, it should be done at the moment it is defined.
If the action will take longer than two minutes, ask yourself, “Am I the right person to do this?” If the
answer is no, delegate it to the appropriate entity.
If the action will take longer than two minutes, and you are the right person to do it, you will have to
defer acting on it until later and track it on one or more “Next Actions” lists.
Eight discrete categories of reminders and materials that will result from processing all of your stuff.
Non-actionable items:
Actionable items:
Projects list
Projects in this book are defined as: “Any desired result that can be accomplished in a year that requires
more than one action step.”
Everything on your projects list should be reviewed weekly to feel comfortable about its status.
Things that have to happen on a specific day or time (your calendar handles these)
Time-specific actions
Day-specific actions
Day-specific information
Next Actions List
Sub-divide your next actions lists into categories. Example: calls to make, computer action items, store
purchases, etc.
Non-Actionable Items
You need well-organized discreet systems to handle things that require no action.
Things that require no immediate action but that you want to keep.
Someday-Maybe Lists
A ticker system
Someday-Maybe Lists
An ongoing list of things you might want to do at some point, but not right now. This is the parking lot
for projects that are impossible to move on right now, but you don’t want to forget about.
You must review this list periodically if you are going to get the most value from it. Include a scan of this
list as part of your weekly review.
Your someday/maybe lists can include books to read, recipes to try, weekend trips to take, things your
kids might like to do, etc.
Tickler System
Things you don’t need to be reminded of until a designated time in the future.
Reference Material
Reflection is where you look at all of your outstanding projects and open loops, at horizon one level, on
a weekly basis.
Next Action Lists: if organized by context, they come into play only when those contexts are available
Projects, waiting for, and someday/maybe lists: review only as often as they need to be in order to stop
you from wondering about them
Everything that might require action must be reviewed on a frequent enough basis to keep your mind
from taking back the job of remembering and reminding.
All of your projects, active project plans, next action lists, agendas, waiting for, and someday/maybe lists
should be reviewed weekly.
The basic purpose of this workflow management process is to facilitate good choices about what you are
doing at any point in time.
When deciding what to do next, apply the following criteria in this order.
Time Available
Energy Available
When doing predefined work, you’re working from your next actions lists and calendar, completing tasks
that you have previously determined need to be done, or managing your workflow.
Defining your work includes clearing up your in-trays, etc, and breaking down new projects into
actionable steps.
Priorities should drive your choices. There are at least six different perspectives from which to define
your priorities and your work.
Looking out from a building you will notice different things from different floors.
Horizon 5: Purpose and Principles – the big picture view. Why does your company exist? Why do you
exist? What matters to you no matter what?
Horizon 3: Goals – what do you want to be experiencing in various areas of your life and work 1-2 years
from now?
Horizon 2: Areas of Focus and Account-abilities – the key areas of your life and work within which you
want to achieve results and maintain standards. Examples: health, finances, spirituality, etc. List and
review these responsibilities.
Horizon 1: Current Projects – the relatively short-term outcomes you want to achieve.
Ground: Current Actions – the accumulated list of all the actions you need to take.
Clearly defined outcomes (projects) and the next actions required to move them toward closure
Your mind goes through the following five steps to accomplish virtually any task:
Outcome visioning
The unnatural or reactive planning model works in the opposite direction. Reactive planning jumps
directly to action, then tries to organize, then brainstorms, then tries to envision the outcome, and lastly
asks about purpose and principles.
Thinking in more effective ways about projects and situations can make things happen sooner, better,
and more successfully.
Defining Purpose and Principles
It defines success
It aligns resources
It motivates
It clarifies focus
It expands options
Many of us hold ourselves back from imagining a desired outcome unless someone can show us how to
get there. Unfortunately, that is backward in terms of how our minds work to generate and recognize
solutions and methods.
Clarifying Outcomes
One of the most powerful life skills is creating clear outcomes. We need to constantly define, and
redefine, what we are trying to accomplish on many different levels.
You won’t see how to do it until you see yourself doing it.
Much of the value people get from this material is “good tricks.”
Random non-actionable, but potentially relevant material, when unprocessed and unorganized
produces a debilitating psychological noise. It also produces a block in the “flow” part of workflow.
Consider scheduling a full “purge day” at your office for all employees. Scheduling a personal purge day
is also a good idea.
Chapter 5: Capturing
The objective of the capturing process is to get everything into your inbox as quickly as possible so that
you are appropriately retrenched.
It is helpful to have a sense of the volume of stuff you have to deal with
When you are clarifying and organizing, you don’t want to be distracted by an amorphous mass of stuff
that might still be somewhere
Once you have all the things that require your attention gathered in one place, you will automatically be
operating from a state of enhanced focus and control.
Steps to capturing:
Physical gathering: search your environment for anything that doesn’t permanently belong where it is,
the way it is.
Mental space: what has your attention that isn’t represented by something already in the in-tray?
Physical Gathering
Inside cabinets
Bulletin boards
Four categories of things that can remain where they are, the way they are, with no action tied to them.
Reference material
Do not try to decide during the capture phase. Clarifying requires a very different mindset from
capturing, it is best to do them separately.
Mental Gathering
The end of this chapter has a list of dozens of trigger ideas for the mental gathering process.
Chapter 6: Clarifying
Getting “in” to empty means identifying each item and deciding what it is, what it means, and what
you’re going to do with it.
At computer
Processing Guidelines
Chapter 7: Organizing
Projects List
Reference Material
A list is just a way to keep track of the total inventory of active things to which you have made a
commitment, and to have that inventory available for review.
The best way to be reminded of an “as soon as I can” action is by the particular context required by that
action. That means the tool, location, or situation.
At computer
At office
At home
Agendas (for people in meetings)
Getting “in” empty doesn’t mean you’ve handled everything. It means you’ve deleted what you could,
filed what you wanted to keep, done the less than two minute actions, and moved into reminder folders
all things you’re waiting on and all actionable emails.
The projects list is not meant to hold plans or details about your projects. Nor should you try to keep it
arranged by priority, size, or urgency. It is just a comprehensive index of your open loops. You won’t be
working off the project list during your moment-to-moment activities.
For the most part, your calendar, action lists, and any unexpected tasks will constitute your tactical and
immediate focus.
Being aware of the horizon represented by your projects is critical for extending your comfort of your
control and focus over longer reaches of time.
The real value of the projects list lies in the complete review it can provide at least once a week.
Ensuring that you have action steps defined for all of your projects.
Reviewing the projects list weekly will enhance your underlying sense of control.
It is impossible to be truly relaxed and in your productive state, when things you’ve told yourself you
need to handle pull at your mind.
Look into current problems, issues, and opportunities for potential projects.
Three categories of projects in this area:
Process improvements
When you assess something as a problem instead of something to be accepted as the way things are,
you are assuming a potential resolution exists.
Two sources for your someday maybe list, your creative imagination and your list of current projects.
Make an inventory of your creative imaginings. What are the things you might want to do someday if
you have the time and money?
Typical Categories
Skills to learn
Trips to take
Organizations to join
Now is a good time to review your projects list from a more elevated perspective. Consider moving
some projects to your someday-maybe list.
Special categories of someday-maybe:
Books to read
Music to download
Movies to see
Gift ideas
Websites to explore
The value of someday-maybe disappears if you don’t review it with some level of consistency.
In essence, any of the lists or categories of reminders we’ve already discussed are checklists.
Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without
thinking about them.
It is a good idea to create checklists for each horizon level (see notes from the end of chapter 2 for the
list of five horizon levels).
Higher Horizons
Career goals
Financial Resources
Creative Expression
Staff Morale
Staff Issues
Exercise regimens
Travel checklist
Weekly review
Key clients
Personal development
Get comfortable with checklists! Be ready to create and eliminate them as required. Have an easy place
to put a new list that is attractive and fun to engage with.
When appropriately used, checklists are great at relieving mental pressure and enhancing productivity.
Chapter 8: Reflecting
What do you need to do, and how often, to ensure all of it works as a consistent system. Freeing you to
think and manage at a higher level.
A real review process will lead to enhanced a proactive new thinking in key areas of your life and work.
I recommend using this free weekly review checklist available in PDF format from David Allen.
The weekly review is the magic key to the sustainability of this process.
You will have to learn to say “no” faster and to more things, in order to stay afloat and comfortable.
You must set aside dedicated time at the project level of thinking.
The weekly review is: whatever you need to do to get your head empty again and get oriented for the
next couple of weeks. Going through the steps for workflow management: capturing, clarifying,
organizing, and reviewing.
Get Clear
Get Current
Get Creative
We are naturally creative beings. The challenge is to eliminate the barriers to the natural flow of our
creative energies.
Try to block out two hours in the early afternoon of your last work day for the weekly review.
The most savvy executives know the value of sacrificing the seemingly urgent for the truly important.
Building in quality time for review and regrouping is both critical and sorely lacking in most
Are you doing what you want or need to do from a deeper and longer-term perspective?
The implicit purpose of this book is urging you to operate from a higher level. To assist you in making
your total life expression more fulfilling and better aligned with the big picture.
You need to assess your life and work at the appropriate horizons, making the appropriate decisions, at
the appropriate intervals in order to really come clean. This is a lifelong obligation.
Getting ultimately grounded and in control of the mundane aspects of life produces a rich field of
natural inspiration about our higher levels.
Chapter 9: Engaging
When the in-tray and action lists get ignored for too long, random things lying in them tend to surface as
emergencies later.
The Six-level Model for Reviewing Your Own Work
Horizon 5: Life
Here is an example review of why you should make a phone call from the bottom up.
Action: the phone call is about the deal (project) you are working on
Accountability: this particular sale may earn you a promotion (job goal)
Goal: this deal will allow your company to penetrate a new market (organizational vision)
Vision: executing this vision will get you closer to where you want to be financially and professionally
Here is the same review of your work in the reverse horizon order.
Accountabilities: the objectives give you critical roles you need to fulfill
Actions: on each of the projects you will have things you need to do
The healthiest approach for relaxed control is to manage all of the levels in a balanced fashion.
Create productive alignment in your life by clarifying from the top down.
Decide why you are on the planet
What kind of life, work, and lifestyle would be allow you to fulfill that?
What kind of job and personal relationships would support that direction?
What key things would you put in place and make happen right now?
The most important thing to deal with is the thing that is most on your mind.
Horizon 2: define all of your roles and areas of accountability. Make and keep a list called “areas of
focus,” you might like to separate this into professional and personal lists. You probably have 4-7 key
areas each in your personal and professional roles.
Horizon 4: three year vision for career and personal net worth.
Horizon 5: intuiting your life purpose and how to maximize its expression.
Important Questions
What new things are my children going to be doing in the next couple of years, and what do I need to do
differently because of that?
What longer terms goals and objectives have I set for myself? What projects do I need to have in place
to make them happen?
What other significant things are happening that could affect my options about what I am doing?
We need to spend more time capturing and utilizing our proactive creative thinking.
If you have systems and habits ready to leverage your ideas, your productivity can expand exponentially.
What projects should you be planning?
Setting up meetings
Gathering information
Don’t lose any ideas about projects that could potentially be useful.
Writing instruments
Support Structures
Outlining program
When people with whom you interact notice that, without fail, you receive, process, and organize in an
airtight manner the exchanges and agreements they have with you, they begin to trust you in a unique
More significantly, you incorporate a level of self-confidence in your engagement with your world that
money cannot buy.
This is the power of capturing placeholders for anything that is incomplete or unprocessed in your life. It
noticeably enhances your mental wellbeing and improves the quality of your communications and
When organizations expect and reinforce this best practice of allowing nothing to fall through the
cracks, it can significantly increase a culture’s productivity and reduce its stress.
The price people pay when they break an agreement in the world is the disintegration of trust in the
Your negative feelings about unfinish word come from breaking agreements with yourself and
disintegrating trust in yourself.
Anything held only in your head will take up more (or less) attention than it deserves. Write it down!
You will have to decide on next actions at some point. You can do it when it shows up, or when it blows
Which do you think is the more efficient way to move through life?
Deciding next actions on your projects as soon as they appear. Grouping them into categories of actions
that you get done in uniform contexts. Or…
Avoid thinking about what needs to be done until it has to be done. Then sputtering through your next
actions as you try to catch up and put out the fires?
Asking yourself “what’s the next action?” undermines the victim mentality. The next time someone
complains about something, try asking “So what’s the next action?” This question forces the issue. If it
can be changed, there is some action that will change it. Complaining is a sign that someone isn’t willing
to risk moving on a changeable situation.
You can’t define the right action until you know the outcome you seek.
You know what you want and you don’t know how to get it
Make it happen
What is the desired outcome? Everything you experience as incomplete must have a reference point for
being complete.
Challenging the purpose of anything you may be doing is healthy and mature.
Being comfortable making up visions of success before the methods are clear is a phenomenal trait to
Even the slightest increase in the use of natural planning can bring significant improvement.
What would the ideal person for this job be able to do?
Unfocused meetings lead to unnecessary emails. Producing the need for clarifying meetings. Producing
more email, and the cycle continues.
Meetings are wasteful when there is a lack of rigor relative to their purpose and desired outcomes.
To function in a knowledge economy, most organizations need people who read. The culture can
provide training and support to ensure that occurs.
References the benefits of building an external brain as referenced in The Organized Mind by Daniel
Levitin. When you use your memory as your organizing system, your mind will become overwhelmed
and incompetent.
Uncompleted tasks take up room in the mind, which then limits clarity and focus. Writing them down
and scheduling them frees up this room in the mind.
Leveraging skills to create clear space and get things done for an ever expansive expression and
As you improve, you shift your focus from the mechanics of the system to the results it produces.
It can easily take as much as two years to master the basics of capturing everything and deciding on next
A working map of ones roles, accountabilities, and interest both personally and professionally
An integrated total life management system. Custom tailored to ones current needs and direction, and
utilized to dynamically steer out beyond the day-to-day
Challenges and surprises trigger your utilization of this methodology instead of throwing you out of it
Assess and update your projects list based on your areas of focus.
Utilizing your freed up focus to explore the more elevated aspects of your commitments and values
The power to produce produces powerful possibilities. The better you get, the better you’d better get.
The more confidence
When freed from the remembering function, your mind functions incredibly at problem solving and
creative thinking.
Creating the habit of asking myself “what does done look like?”
Focus on capturing everything and getting it out of my head. This has led to tremendously increased
focus and productivity.