Science 6 Q1 W1
Science 6 Q1 W1
Science 6 Q1 W1
II. CONTENT/TOPIC HOLIDAY The Tree of Life Feelings Circle Diagnostic Test in Describing Mixtures
a. References
d. Textbook pages PSSMH Support Activity PSSMH Support Activity Science Beyond
Pack Pack Borders p. 2-3
e. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
E. Pre-test
INTRODUCTION Check the statement
that describes a
__1. It is made of 1
component only.
__2. It is a combination
of 2 or more
__3. Mixtures can have
uniform or non-uniform
__4. A solid combined
with a liquid can form a
__5. Salt and sugar
when combined can
form a mixture.
TEACHING/ MODELLING Review the guidelines for Ask learners if they A. Motivation
your PSS session: have ever felt more Show a piece of
be curious, be respectful, than one feeling at bread. How do
listen, take turns, avoid
once. Share with them bakers prepare
judgement, everything
shared is confidential. that this is normal, bread?
especially after an
The teacher begins the experience of a B. Presentation
activity by giving disaster and/or The teacher will
preliminary instructions. emergency present a video
“Today, we will draw our about bread
own Tree of Life. As you making.
draw each part of your
tree, starting with the C. Discussion
roots. I will read 1. What are the
something to you that ingredients in making
might give you ideas bread?
about what you want to 2. How did the maker
include in your drawing. combine these
Feel free to add words as ingredients?
well as images to your 3. What do you call the
Tree of Life. combined ingredients
that was formed?
4. Can you still see the
different ingredients
5. Why do you think
the baker needs to
knead the dough?
6. Can you name
other products that are
made from different