Data Warehousing

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White paper – executive briefing

Data mining
An excerpt from Rob Mattison’s

Data Warehousing: Strategies, Technologies

and Techniques
Statistical Analysis
Data mining

Chapter 15: Statistical Analysis

Data mining is uncovering the hidden meaning and relationships in the massive amounts
of data stored in the data warehouse. In short, the value of the data warehouse lies in the
information that can be derived from its data through the mining process. Successful
mining of data relies on refining tools and techniques capable of rendering large quantities
of data understandable and meaningful. Since its creation in the 18th century, statistics
have served this purpose, providing the mathematical tools and analytic techniques for
dealing with large amounts of data. Today, as we are confronted with increasingly large
volumes of data, statistics are, more than ever, a critical component of the data mining
and refining toolkit that facilitates making effective business decisions.

What are statistics and why use them?

Way of thinking

Statistics is a general method of reasoning from data. It is a basic approach shared by

people in today’s society to draw conclusions and make decisions in business and in life.
It lets us communicate effectively about a wide range of topics from sales performance to
product quality to operational efficiency. Statistics is the way that we “reason effectively
about data and chance in everyday life.” The goal of statistical analysis is to gain insight
through numbers. We will consider four important aspects of statistics: developing good
data, strategies for exploring data and drawing conclusions from the data and presenting
your results.

Because data from different sources can vary, the conclusions we can draw from them
are uncertain. For example, as we measure sales, attitudes and characteristics, we will
get different measures because people and things vary – or sometimes the measurement
system itself introduces variation into the measures. Since we are making inferences from
variable data, our conclusions have some uncertainty. David Moore, in his book Statistics:
Concepts and Controversies says:

“Statistics faces the variability and uncertainty of the world directly. Statistical reasoning
can produce data whose usefulness is not destroyed by variation and uncertainty. It can
analyze data to separate systematic patterns from the ever-present variation. It can form
conclusions that, while not certain – nothing in the real world is certain – have only a lit-
tle uncertainty. More important, statistical reasoning allows us to say just how uncertain
our conclusions are.”

Producing data
You will have a wealth of data in the warehouse and available from outside sources. There
are important concepts to consider in selecting the data you actually use in your analysis.
These concepts are: sampling, experimentation and measurement. They are important
because the efficiency and accuracy of your analysis – and therefore your ability to draw
useful conclusions in a timely manner – are dependent on the quality of the data reflecting
the business situation.

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Sampling is based upon the idea that we can draw conclusions about an entire group of
people or objects by examining part of the group. It is used to gain information about the
group. With proper sampling, we do not need to look at every piece of information to draw
reasonable conclusions. In regards to the data in a data warehouse, you will find that with
certain types of analysis, you will prefer to obtain sample data rather than including every
case in storage. You can get an accurate picture of your order-to-shipment turnaround by
randomly selecting a subset of orders to analyze rather than pulling every order over the
time period from the warehouse. Similarly, we can conduct a quarterly survey of employee
satisfaction using sampling techniques and get good information with less time and expense
(and annoyance to the employees) than polling each person each quarter.

Experimentation is used to produce data when you are interested in cause and effect
relationships rather than just collecting information. Experiments require that we impose
change on the subject of the study, to see the impact of the change. We look at explanatory
and response variables (or fields) and try to isolate and understand the impact of a
change in an explanatory variable on a response variable. You might, for example, try
altering the machining speed used in manufacturing parts to see if there is an impact
on the number of defective parts or experiment with decreasing the time to preventive
maintenance to see if machine failures also decrease. With designed experiments, we
can test a variety of explanatory factors in a group of experiments to see which will have
the greatest impact on reaching the desired state of the response variables. For example,
two materials are not bonding properly in the assembly process. Is the answer a change
in one or both materials, the bonding agent, the bonding temperature or pressure or the
speed of the cool-down process. Since you need multiple measures to distinguish variability
in measurement vs. true change, testing one factor at a time could result in a very lengthy
and expensive experimentation process. Statistical design of experiments lets you test
multiple factors simultaneously and get the most informative results with the least number
of experiments.

Understanding measurement is important for data analysis. You cannot draw valid conclu-
sions if the data does not accurately represent what you assumed. Sometimes we use
something we cannot measure as a proxy for what we are really interested in measuring
such as number of returns are equated to unhappy customers. It is possible that returns
are caused by multiple factors and not all of them indicate problems. Understanding the
measurement will improve your analysis. For example are monthly sales numbers in the
data warehouse gross shipments or net of returns? Does the organization measure and
store both numbers or only the net numbers? Are they coded in one field or two different

Measurement is how we produce data in either observation or experimentation. Statistics

deal with cases, variables and values which are the individual objects being measured, the
specific properties being measured and the assigned number measuring the property in
that object. We define a sales representative’s performance in terms of sales, returns,
pipeline value and number of calls made. Each variable has a different measure. All mea-
surement varies, however and one goal of analysis is to understand if the measurement
variation is random or biased in a specific direction.

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Since much of this book is related to producing and storing data, we will note that under-
standing the data is essential to effective data mining. That means understanding the
source of the data whether observation or experimentation as well as the meaning of the
variable and its measuring system. To draw meaningful conclusions from the data, it must
actually measure the characteristic that you are interested in understanding.

Exploring data
Exploring data is important for understanding the quality of the data in the warehouse
and to begin looking for areas to mine for information. Exploring data will tell you if most
of the observations are missing or will indicate if the measurements are suspect because
of extreme variability. In effect, exploratory data analysis gives you a “feel” for the data and
will help uncover possible directions the analysis can go. Just as the mining company explores
the terrain looking for the place to put a mine with the highest likelihood of success, so too
does the data miner need to gain a sense of where the key relationships are in the data.
Probably equally important, exploring data will serve to highlight any problems inherent
in the database in terms of inaccurate or missing data.

The first step in data analysis must be exploring it to see overall patterns and extreme ex-
ceptions to the patterns. This is best done by graphing the data and visually identifying the
patterns and the number of exceptions. In exploring data we typically look at each variable
separately starting with basic counts and percentages which tell us the number and propor-
tion of measures at each level. Then we look at the distributions of the data using charts
like histograms, dot plots, boxplots, line charts and others. We also look at some measure
of the data that describe various characteristics of the data in terms of average, variability
and distribution.

Descriptive statistics include the following measures:

■ Mean arithmetic average of the values
■ Median the midpoint of values
■ Mode the most frequent value
■ Percentiles breaking the numbers in to groups by percentage of values above and below
■ Variance average deviation of observations from the mean
■ Standard deviation the spread of values around the mean

Data exploration will also show you if there are a few extreme measures that are wildly
inflating or deflating the measures of the variable. In cases like this, you will get more
accurate information from your data by eliminating these extreme outliers before continuing
with the analysis. They are typically reflective of data entry errors or odd circumstances
and will not reflect the true situation that you are trying to understand. You may want to
investigate the source of the oddity, but for statistical analysis, you can eliminate the cases
from the sample without jeopardizing the quality of your analysis.

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In data mining applications, there is often a problem related to the sheer size of the data
set being used. In addition to computer resource limitations, you may find that the vast
number of inter-relationships between data items can obscure the relationships we are
truly interested in. Statistical tools can also sample or summarize data to make it easier
to work with. Random sampling allows us to create a smaller, more manageable, working
subset of the data from which statistically valid conclusions can still be drawn. Techniques
like principal components or factor analysis allow us to reduce a data set to its underlying
dimensions by grouping together fields that are very closely related into a single measure.

Exploring your data first will keep you from spending time and effort on unsupported
analyses and will help prevent drawing conclusions which are not supported by your data.
The goal of data exploration is to start you on a successful path towards full data mining
and refining – drawing actionable conclusions from your data.

Drawing conclusions from data

Statistics are concerned with finding relationships between variables. Once one has
mined to an area with an interesting relationship, statistics provide the additional tools to
“refine” the data into an understanding of the strength of the relationship and the factors
that cause the relationship. For example order values and sales lead sources are interesting
characteristics to measure and summarize. But order value and sales lead source for the
same order give us significantly more information than either measure alone. When we
have the source and the value of orders linked, we can look for associations between the
source and value which will lead us to evaluating higher promotion spending on the
sources which bring the most high value orders or possibly on the sources which bring
the highest total revenue even if it is booked as smaller transactions in higher volume.

We begin by describing the association of two variables, usually with a table or chart. We
can also indicate the strength of a straight-line relationship using a correlation coefficient.
Then we begin to look for an explanation of the relationship. Does one characteristic cause
the other – does lead source cause order size? Or does one measure predict another –
can we predict the average order size from the lead source? In some cases, a variable c
an predict another even though there is no cause-and-effect relationship between them.
Typical explanations for association between variables are causation, common response
or confounding. Causation means that changes in variable A cause changes in variable B
such as increased employment of temporary workers causes a change in salary expenses.
Common response means that changes in both A and B are caused by changes in a third
variable, C. For example, sales revenue generated and hours of customer contact are both
influenced by length of tenure as a sales rep. Confounding describes the association when
changes in B are caused both by changes in A and by changes in the third variable, C.
Sales revenue fluctuates from both changes in promotional spending and changes in the
number of sales representatives available to follow up on leads and take orders.

It is not a simple leap to go from association of variables to causation. Causation can only
be concluded with significant evidence. Without conducting properly designed experiments
to demonstrate the causal link and eliminating any other possible explanations, statistics
do not support concluding that associations are due to causation. But statistics can help
determine the likelihood that the relationship is coincidental. This is particularly useful
when we want to explain an unusual occurrence such as if we discovered that the sales

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for a product were generated by one salesperson. Are we missing the data on other sales?
Or does only one salesperson understand the product well enough to close orders? Or is
the market so small that the only customers are in one territory?

Strong relationships between variables are useful when we want to predict the value of
variable from others. If we can describe the relationship as a line or curve, then we have
a formula for predicting certain values when the data exist for the other predictive variables.
The basic technique used is regression which fits a line between the data points in such
a way that it minimizes the distance from the known data points to the line. Prediction
does not depend on having causal relationships between variables. A high college grade
point average does not cause high quality job performance in a new employee. But an
employer might predict that the study skills, work ethic and intelligence which resulted
in high grades will also be reflected in the applicant’s performance on the job once hired.

A special case of prediction is time series analysis where the same characteristics are
measured over time intervals. For instance, daily or monthly sales revenue could be
predicted from past measures of revenue along with corresponding measures of inventory
status, promotional dollars spent, sales reps available, etc. Similarly, past history of absen-
teeism does not cause an employee to miss work but an employer interested in projecting
a worker’s available days can reasonably start from the worker’s prior years’ days worked.
Another special case of prediction is called classification. This technique is used when we
want to predict membership in a group or category, rather than a specific number. In our
database marketing example which follows, the company was predicting whether the
account would respond or not respond to the new product offering based on attributes
of the company and its previous purchases.

There are more advanced statistical techniques available to draw stronger conclusions
or to tease out relationships which are not described by a straight-line. The fundamental
principles are the same. Statistics are the method by which we describe relationships,
draw conclusions and state the level of uncertainty associated with our conclusions.

Some practical applications of statistics in business

Applications of statistics in data mining

Statistical analysis is the secret weapon of many successful businesses today. It is the
essential tool for mining the data you have, refining the data into useful information and
for leading you to other data you might want to acquire. Businesses who effectively employ
statistical analysis can increase revenues, cut costs, improve operating efficiency and im-
prove customer satisfaction. They can more accurately identify problems and opportunities
and understand their causes so that they can more quickly act to eliminate threats or
capitalize on opportunities.

One particularly rich and easily accessible solution for statistics in the data mining area is
represented by the products of SPSS Inc. They have focused their business on developing
statistical product and service solutions to bring the power of statistics to bear on the
analytic problems emerging in today’s marketplace.

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Variety of examples in all fields

SPSS’s products have helped their clients solve problems in a variety of fields from customer
satisfaction and database marketing to credit risk analysis and sales force productivity. In
the remainder of this section, we will highlight cases in each of these areas. But first, let’s
look at additional applications of data mining using statistics:
■ Sales forecasting resulting in more efficient manufacturing planning
■ Sales territory evaluation resulting in better coverage of sales opportunities
■ Payable analysis resulting in more effective cash management
■ Product line performance resulting in rationalizing or expanding product offerings
■ Employee success analysis resulting in more effective recruiting of personnel
■ Employee satisfaction assessment resulting in reduced staff turnover
■ Benefits analysis resulting in the most attractive and cost effective plan offerings
■ Promotions analysis resulting in more effective spending to generate business
■ Customer service analysis resulting in elimination of sources of errors and complaints
■ Customer support analysis resulting in most effective staffing levels to meet demand
■ Customer attrition analysis resulting in more effective revenue planning
■ Customer value analysis resulting in increased repeat business at lower cost

Customer satisfaction
IBM was experiencing a steady three year decline in customer satisfaction. The company’s
management decided to focus on improving customer satisfaction and designated certain
people as “Customer Satisfaction Advocates.” Their job was to figure out what was wrong
and how to fix it. One of the advocates used statistical tools to refine data to identify the
key areas of opportunity and to measure improvement in customer satisfaction levels.

The advocate used two surveys to collect his data. One was a national blind survey while
the other was specific to his region and was developed in conjunction with other members
of the IBM team. The advocate used statistics to identify patterns in the data – or to refine
the data into nuggets of useful information. Using correlations, F-tests, regression and
other statistical techniques, he identified five specific traits of Technical Service that IBM
customers in his region really cared about:
■ Continuity of their relationship with IBM – customers wanted to be able to count on
their IBM team
■ Value of their investment – customers wanted to know they were getting the most value
out of their hardware, software, manuals, training, support lines, etc.

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■ Technical support – customers wanted reliable technical support that was there when
needed and that provided useful, accurate information.
■ Hardware service – customers wanted to know that there hardware was the best,
guaranteed and with a warranty. And, if it needed to be fixed, IBM would fix it properly.
■ Good company to do business with – customers wanted to feel like IBM was taking care
of them

Based on this understanding of what was important to their customers, IBM was able to
“manage by fact” and develop specific programs and initiatives that enhanced the five key
areas of interest. They developed a custom application which was effectively a specialized
customer database. The system, called QUEST, was installed in each IBM store or office in
the region. Using the QUEST system, IBM managers could more easily tailor their service
to key customer issues. They can look up a specific customer’s service records or they can
look at how other reps in similar situations in other regions are solving customer prob-
lems. The system gives each business segment owner a unique customer satisfaction
model. Each model provides:
■ Unique predictors of customer satisfaction for the business segment
■ Expected improvement
■ Focused actions and
■ Forecasting methodology

In other words, it lets the business unit manager identify factors which indicate whether
a customer will be satisfied. Then it lets her identify what improvement is expected by the
customers, set plans to focus on solving that problem and finally measuring results of the
program and forecasting the satisfaction of the customers based on their experiences
with the company.

For example, “Red” customers in the territory with a “stripes” installed less than 12 months,
showed a statistically significantly lower customer satisfaction index when compared to
other “Red” customers. The IBM business unit responsible for “red” customers decided to
focus on the delivery of technical support as the best, most targeted, most impact-potential
opportunity. The result of the QUEST system and its ability to identify and focus attention
on specific problems, is that customer satisfaction has increased over three consecutive
quarters. This was based on a logical, structured process using statistical analysis to high-
light requirements for a highly targeted program.

Database marketing
Industrial components supplier RS Components of Corby England planned to attack a
new sector of its target market but needed to ensure that telesales effort was not wasted
on no-hope prospects. RS Components main business is the supply of electrical components.
An opportunity was identified in mechanical parts and tools, for which it was expected
many potential customers would be found within the existing user base.

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In order to determine where the best prospects lay, the business development manager,
Nigel Thompson set the sales force a four month task to approach the top 75 percent of
their customer base. This exercise yielded a success rate of 11 percent – one solid
prospect for each nine sites approached.

The remaining 25 percent of their customers were to be addressed with a telemarketing

campaign. Since it was known that the previous exercise had probably creamed off the
best prospects, some way had to be found to ensure that the telemarketing campaign
targeted those remaining sites offering the best chance of live prospects.

During the initial exercise the sales force had recorded a lot of information about those
sites that had and had not, yielded prospects and these attributes were added to the cus-
tomer database. Thompson decided to review this information to see if the characteristics
of those sites which yielded prospects differed from those sites which did not. If they did
then the groups could be meaningfully segmented.
■ The attributes added to the customer database were:
– Industrial classification
– Size of company
– Geographical location
– Status of sales force assessment
– Transaction history
– Recency of last order
– Order value
– Product(s) purchased

The database was queried using SPSS statistical analysis software. The first step was to
run some simple summary statistics to determine measures such as averages and ranges
for each attribute. The process itself revealed some interesting facts about the customers
that had not previously been measured. Of more interest, however, was determining which
attributes were related to prospect yield. Did companies of a particular size yield more
prospects than others, for example. Identifying such relationships would enable RS Com-
ponents to predict which companies in the remaining 25 percent were likely to yield
prospects. They began exporting the data with crosstabulations (crosstabulations are
counts of one variable against another) to get a feel for how different attributes interacted.
However, it quickly became clear that while this approach was useful in identifying the
most significant attributes, that they would miss something because there were potentially
five million crosstabulations cells to examine.

Crosstabulations were limiting for two reasons. First, if there are numerous attributes,
the number of crosstabulations required to investigate every possible relationship can be
unmanageable. Secondly, crosstabulations do not take into account how attributes may
interact. For example, it may be that geographical location is a significant predictor –
sites in the South East yield more prospects than sites in other locations. It could also be

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that size of company is an important predictor – companies with over 100 employees yield
more prospects than other sites. But what about sites with 100+ employees in the North
West? Which is the most important predictor – geographic location or size of company?
Or is it the combination of the two that is important? SPSS CHAID analysis solves these
problems by analyzing and ordering every possible combination of attributes. It then
identifies which attribute is the most important predictor, which attributes have no pre-
dictive value and how attributes combine or interact together to help in prediction.

SPSS CHAID segments a database into groups according to their prospect yield or what-
ever attribute you are trying to predict. Each group can be identified by a combination
of attributes and ranked from best (e.g. the best group yielded 50 percent prospects and
was made up of companies with the following characteristics...) to worst (0 percent
prospect yield in companies with these characteristics...).

By applying this information back into the remaining 25 percent of the database, half the
sites were identified as not being worth a telemarketing call. This in itself produced a cost
saving of $80,000. Those that were called produced a success rate very close to the antici-
pated 15 percent – a better rate than had been achieved by the blanket approach to calling
the top 75 percent of accounts who were supposedly the best targets. The company was
highly encouraged by the results. They continue to use these techniques for further profiling
and segmentation of the customer base and with similar success. SPSS and SPSS CHAID
are now vital elements of RS Components’ database marketing analysis.

Credit risk analysis

Our example of the application of data mining techniques to credit risk analysis comes
from the UK. The banking industry has used statistical models widely for many years.
Banks would like to make consistent, accurate and efficient decisions about whether or
not to extend credit to customers. Initially, the data were quite limited. But since the industry
practice is to justify and document credit decisions, there has grown a vast wealth of data
and the problem has been how to store and harness it effectively for use in modeling and
decision-making. Estimates are that a bank may have roughly 1500 pieces of information
per month for each customer. Since in the UK they are required to keep information for
six years they could reasonably have 108,000 pieces of information per customer. If a large
bank has 9 million customers, they will have roughly 1 billion pieces of customer information.
Unfortunately, in most banks there are no links between different accounts such as credit
card vs. checking vs. savings accounts for the same customer. Banks are beginning to as-
semble customer information in data warehouse form because they are recognizing the
importance of understanding and managing the complete relationship with the customer
as a whole.

One bank has worked extensively with a statistical modeling firm using SPSS to pull together
the relevant information and develop a model for making credit decisions – consistently,
accurately and efficiently. A collections model was developed with a goal of understanding
which customers are likely to go into default and when an effort should be made to collect
against them.

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Initially the collections model looked at all accounts that had reached a trigger point, usually
the due date of an installment payment. The accounts were divided into good and bad and
a cutoff score was established, similar to the approach banks use in scoring credit appli-
cations in the first place. This approach is probably the most widely used in the banking
industry today. But if we reflect on the situation further, we may begin to believe that this
simple categorization of customers into “good” and “bad” is not accurate or useful enough,
particularly when the measure of good and bad is a given level of delinquency.

There are many different patterns of behavior which can be expressed as levels of delinquency
or movements between levels. Some customers will consistently fail to pay the credit card
outstanding balance if the amount is small, so they may miss one or two months payments
and then pay off the entire debt. An examination of past payment patterns revealed that
there was no significant risk attached to customers in this group. Other customers may be
consistently 30 days past due on their accounts. In this group are often customers using
their card for business purposes and facing a built-in administrative delay in payment as
a result of claiming the expense for reimbursement before paying off the card debt. Use
of cluster analysis led to the identification of different customer groups based on their
behavior patterns. Once the behavioral groups are defined, then the decision models were
built to effectively separate the groups.

This analysis was based on the data set which described the customer’s behavior only in
terms of the amount owed at each time of billing. The question then arises whether we
can identify when a customer will leave the group, i.e. change behavior. The state of the
bank’s data made it infeasible to analyze delinquent balances but it was possible to con-
struct a model for payment patterns. When the data on payment dates and amounts was
incorporated into the data set, analysis showed a very strong and consistent pattern of
payment behavior for customers. Once the pattern was breached, it appeared that the
customer was much more likely to default. This was true whether or not the account was
overdue before the behavior change.

The models used have evolved over a five year period. The issues were a combination
of data assembly and analysis. Data comes into play when better decision-making is re-
quired. And often, useful and powerful pieces of information are already available to be
retrieved from storage and used to understand the underlying situation. In this case a
huge amount of data on each customer, probably 95 percent was of no interest. Creating
an all-encompassing historical database from which to develop perfect decision models
for customer management is unrealistic and unnecessary. Applying the techniques of
exploration, mining and refining with statistical tools allows good conclusions with known
levels of uncertainty from a much smaller, simpler data solution.

Sales and marketing productivity

A software company uses statistical analysis for data mining in sales force productivity
analysis. They combine data from their customer database order entry system and tele-
phone system to measure their effectiveness in generating prospects and closing orders.
This approach grew out of a basic exploration of their customer database system and
analysis of leads generated through promotional activities such as advertising, direct mail
and public relations programs. They quickly realized that they could generate leads much
more easily than they could close them – leads piling up waiting for sales reps seemed to
indicate a capacity problem in the sales group.

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Further analysis found that there were two distinct patterns in the time to close an order.
For a large number of orders, the time between the initial inquiry call and the order was
one week or less and the number of contacts with the prospect was small. For another
group, the duration was substantially longer – three to six months in many cases – and
there were many contacts with the prospect over time. This led them to conclude that the
first group of prospects required little “selling” by sales reps; they basically called to order
or for some specific information required before placing an order. Their calls could be
handled through a group of more junior sales representatives who had access to price
sheets, product specifications and delivery information. Thus the data mining led to estab-
lishment of an “order taking” group within the sales department which provided excellent
customer service at lower cost to the company than processing simple orders through ex-
perienced sales representatives.

Regular analysis of measures across sales groups has led to more effective allocation of
sales resources and identification of personnel development opportunities. Call volumes
were tracked by sales representatives. Measuring the hours each rep spent on the phone
indicated two opportunities for improvement. The sales systems required significant time
by the rep to record information on their sales calls and even longer to actually enter an
order in the system. Since reps were required to spend so much time off the phone on
paperwork, it was difficult to evaluate when they were on essential but non-selling tasks
and when they were not. Improvements in the sales information and order taking processes
and regular measurement – with known standards – of phone time at the individual rep
level, led to a significant increase in actual selling time available. Patterns became identified
in the ramp-up for a new sales representative to reach average phone time levels and
representatives who have difficulty achieving expected call volumes can be identified
easily without waiting for them to miss their sales quota further down the road. The early
intervention with additional coaching and skills training has resulted in decreased sales
rep turnover and in new reps reaching full productivity sooner and more consistently.

In addition, business units within the sales organization can now be compared on a
quarterly basis. Each unit reports standard statistics on rep call volume and phone time,
pipelines in expected revenue and number of active sales opportunities and sources of
leads. Sales management can quickly see if certain business units are still severely capacity-
constrained and are losing business because of their inability to contact prospects quickly.
Business units with lower lead to rep ratios and close rates could shift resources either
temporarily or permanently to units where the incremental revenue of an additional sales
rep is significantly higher. Similarly, promotion dollars can be shifted to markets where
the incremental return is highest and out of markets which are producing revenue for
the company at a slower rate. This ability to capture opportunities by shifting resources
to the highest performing areas is a significant advantage in today’s competitive business

Who does the data mining and when?

End users are the best data miners

With flexible, easy-to-use statistical tools, the subject matter experts become the best
data miners and refiners. In effect, who is better to explore customer characteristics than
the marketing and sales personnel in the company. Who will spot trends appearing across

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the industry in the employee satisfaction levels of the company, if not the human resources
professionals? The best data miners are those who have an understanding of interesting
places to look for problems and opportunities, typically those people who love their pro-
fessional area and have a vision of making the company more profitable, more nimble,
more competitive.

SPSS software takes statistics beyond the realm of the statisticians and puts them in the
hands of people who are interested in exploring, refining, understanding and drawing con-
clusions. The result is that these professionals are no longer locked into turning spread-
sheets inside out and upside down to subset and analyze data. They can pursue interesting
ideas immediately. As long as they have access to the data – and to an accurate description
of the source and measurement system used to collect or generate the data – they can
mine for the new and interesting information that will change the organization.

Application developers deploy statistical tools in the organization

Application developers have an opportunity to build statistics into their programs in order
to capitalize on the full potential of the stored data. SPSS provides a developer’s kit which
enables IT professionals or others to quickly link the SPSS data management, statistics
and graphing routines into their custom application. This means that when the organization
wants to look at the same relationships regularly and in consistent form, that the most ef-
fective approach is building the application. The SPSS Developer’s Kit provides the option
of including SPSS functionality in three ways: completely hidden to the end user but per-
forming statistical analysis in the background; partially exposed where the user sees the
SPSS dialog boxes, probably with the language of the organization or application substi-
tuted in for the standard statistical terms but allowing the user to make selections which
define exactly how the data is analyzed and presented or fully exposed where the application
provides SPSS access for ad hoc analysis or more sophisticated users. The advantage of
incorporating SPSS into your data mining applications is that you save massive programming
and testing time by plugging in known routines rather than coding your own from scratch.
You have the proven algorithms and usability of the leading end-user statistical tool right
at your end users’ fingertips. And you have a powerful tool for prototyping reports, analyzing
data, assessing the status of the data warehouse, etc.

Start mining immediately for your best payback

Your statistical tool should be one of the first things you acquire when you begin your data
warehouse. If you begin to work with the data immediately and have users mining for gold
right from the start, you are likely to avoid some overbuilding and to substitute in data
that has more value. You cannot predict what you will find to explore once you start delving
into the data. The techniques described are designed to look for interesting patterns and
associations and then dig down into them to draw conclusions or make predictions. As in
the case of the bank developing the credit scoring application, there was a lot of data
available, but the cost of bringing it all together was exorbitant and not justified. Instead,
they began by building a simple model for predicting defaults and then making it more so-
phisticated over time. They could use it from the beginning and they could identify areas

Executive briefing 13
Data mining

of potential gold to dig into before making the investment in bringing together disparate
data. Often the data which is easily available can approximate another measure of the
same characteristic which is more costly to acquire or integrate. Keeping an eye on the
payback is not completely at odds with developing good analyses and drawing actionable

Ad hoc and periodic analysis are both important

You have seen examples of both ad hoc and periodic analysis in our data mining applications.
In many cases, ad hoc analysis leads to periodic reporting as it did with SPSS’s investigation
of sales rep productivity or the automotive company’s customer satisfaction, loyalty and
profitability measures. Both approaches have value in the data mining context. You cannot
find the new exciting nuggets of information without some data exploration, asking questions,
examining relationships and so forth. But to continuously improve the profitability and
operations of the organization, the maxim “you get what you measure” always holds. If
you don’t put systems in place to measure and evaluate the associations that are important
to your success, how will you know if you are succeeding? SPSS tools give you the flexibility
and flow-of-consciousness operation to make ad hoc analysis both fun and productive. And
they provide the features required to repeat the analysis every year, quarter, month, day
or hour – and to compare the results over time. Once you know what you are looking for
SPSS tools let you easily measure that the relationship still holds and/or how it is changing
as a result of changes in other factors.

Statistics are essential for effective use of a data warehouse

Powerful, flexible, usable statistical tools are must-haves in a data warehousing environment.
There is no purpose to saving and storing data beyond using it to make more informed
business decisions. Statistics let you begin to explore the data and discover interesting
hypotheses to test further. They let you test whether the data is truly reflecting what you
think it measures or not. And most importantly, good statistical tools make it easy to add
new data to the analysis with facilities for aggregating data from multiple sources, adding
new data (either new variables or additional cases in the same fields) and determining
which piece of data provides the most useful information. Statistical analysis fits comfortably
with the approach of getting started with your warehouse rather than spending years
specifying the ever-changing data requirements before you begin bringing data elements

Executive briefing 14
Data mining

Data mining makes the difference

SPSS Inc. enables organizations to develop more profitable customer relationships by

providing analytical solutions that discover what customers want and predict what they
will do. The company delivers analytical solutions at the intersection of customer relationship
management and business intelligence. SPSS analytical solutions integrate and analyze
market, customer and operational data and deliver results in key vertical markets worldwide
including: telecommunications, health care, banking, finance, insurance, manufacturing,
retail, consumer packaged goods, market research and the public sector. For more infor-
mation, visit

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Executive briefing 15

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