Food SAMSA Project Launch Invitation
Food SAMSA Project Launch Invitation
Food SAMSA Project Launch Invitation
11 March 2022
Dear Colleague,
We would like to invite you to the launch of a new international project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture:
Food environments in Africa: Addressing malnutrition using a syndemics approach (Food-SAMSA), which will take place at the University
of Cape Town on 29 March 2022. The project is implemented by a consortium of three academic partners and one science council: The
School of Public Health, University of the Western Cape; the Chronic Disease Initiative for Africa (CDIA), University of Cape Town; the
Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research, LMU Munich, Germany; and the Non-Communicable Diseases Research Unit, South
African Medical Research Council.
This project aims to address malnutrition in all its forms, including over- and undernutrition, by assessing its determinants and by
exploring interventions at the macro (policy), the meso (community) and the micro (interpersonal) level. As part of the project, we will (i)
refine and adapt existing methodological approaches for assessing and improving food environments to circumstances that are typical
of countries facing a double burden of over- and undernutrition, (ii) apply these approaches in South Africa to identify levers for change
and implementation barriers on a policy, community and interpersonal level, and (iii) strengthen capacities and expand existing regional
networks to support food environment and food systems research and action across Sub-Saharan Africa. We will also conduct participatory
research to develop models of different parts of the South-African food system and pilot and evaluate interventions to improve local
food environments. Furthermore, we will use integrated knowledge translation methods to liaise with a range of stakeholders, including
policymakers, the private sector and civil society actors, thus maximizing our research’s practical and policy impact.
We would be pleased if you could attend the launch of this new research partnership in the presence of local and regional stakeholders
and delegates from the respective participating institutions.