Geograohy Classnotes Lesson 4.3, 5.1 & 5.2

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International Hope School Bangladesh

AY 2023.- 2024
Subject: Geography
Class notes
Topic: Lesson 4.3: Exploring the Temperate Climates
Lesson 5.1: Earth’s Natural Vegetation
Lesson 5.2: Tropical Forest (Sub-topic: Tropical Rainforest)

Lesson 4.3: Exploring the Temperate Climates

The locations: The temperate climates of Earth occur in the middle latitudes,
which span between the tropics and the polar regions of Earth. Norway,
Canada, Portugal. Spain, China, Japan & etc. All of the countries experience
this climate.
How can we recognize The temperate Climate Zones?
• In a range of latitudes between 25°C and 60/70°C.
• Not as hot as the tropical climate and milder than the polar climate
• In warm temperate climate, there is dry summer & wet winter. In cool
temperate climate, there is wet summer and snowy winter
• the four seasons are well marked

Characteristics of Temperate Climates

 Trees are associated by leafy tree forests and meadows.
 It has two sub types: The warm and cool temperate climate.
 It alternates relatively fresh summers with mild and wet winters.
 There are frequent storms and the transition of seasons is short.
 It has wider temperature and wider precipitation ranges.

Types of Temperate climate

1. The Warm temperate climate: This climatic group is sub-divided into the
Mediterranean, China and West European climatic types.
2. The Cool temperate climate: This climatic group is sub-divided into the
cool temperate western margin. Eastern and continental climatic types.
Unit 5.1: Natural Vegetation
Definition of natural vegetation: The plants which grow by themselves are
called natural vegetation.
Types of natural vegetation: Precipitation influences the major types of
natural vegetation:
1. Forest 2. Grassland 3. Desert
 Temperature influences the distribution of the sub types.\
 For example: The subtypes of Tropical forest are;
1. Tropical rainforest
2. Mangrove forest
3. Tropical monsoon forest.
Lesson 5.2: Tropical Forest (Tropical Rainforest)
Distribution of tropical rainforest
 Tropical rainforests are mainly located between the latitudes of 23.5°N
and 23.5°S—the tropics.
 Tropical rainforests are found in, Central and South America, western
and central Africa, western India, Southeast Asia, the island of New
Guinea, and Australia.
Characteristics of tropical rainforests
1. Very wet with over 2,000 mm of rainfall per year.
2. Very warm with an average daily temperature of 28°C.
3. The atmosphere is hot and humid and consistent all year round. There
are no seasons.
I. Most of the soil is not very fertile, found at the surface where the dead
leaves decompose.
II. It is red in color because it is rich in iron.
III. Due to heavy rainfall the nutrients are quickly washed out of the soil.
More characteristics
 It is a type of forest found in areas with high regular rainfall.
 2. The forest has a completely closed canopy of trees that prevents the
sunlight from reaching the ground and discourages ground-cover
 Tropical forests are extensive, making up just under half the world's
 The tropical domain has the largest proportion of the world’s forests (45
percent), followed by the boreal, temperate and subtropical domains.
Importance of Tropical Climate
 Unparalleled in terms of their biological diversity.
 They are an important habitat for migratory animals and sustain as
much as 50 percent of the species on Earth.
 Tropical rainforests play an elemental role in regulating global weather
in addition to maintaining regular rainfall, while buffering against
floods, droughts, and erosion.
 They store vast quantities of carbon, while producing a significant
amount of the world's oxygen.
Structure of a tropical rainforest
A tropical rainforest is made up of the following layers:
1. Emergent layer
2. Canopy layer
3. Understory layer
4. shrub layer
5. ground layer/ forest floor
Note: Study the text book and the class note to take a complete

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