Hal 00895375
Hal 00895375
Hal 00895375
example of application
Jean-Jacques Bimbenet, Pierre Schuck, Michel Roignant, Gérard Brulé, Serge
Original article
Abstract – The authors present the principles of isenthalpic air drying, the use in drying of the
enthalpic diagram of air and mass and enthalpy balances. As an application of these principles, a pilot
multistage spray-dryer, operating on skim milk, was experimentally studied. Air flow rates were
measured by a hot wire anemometer at different positions of the air pipes. It was checked that the mass
flow rate of air delivered by a fan was independent of air temperature. A thermohygrometer was used
to measure the temperature and relative humidity of the air. The mass flow rate of concentrated
skimmilk was estimated from the characteristics of the spraying nozzle. Introduction of air into the in-
ternal and external fluid beds was taken into account. From these data, the heat balance showed a dif-
ference between inputs and outputs of 2.9% which may be interpreted as heat losses and probable
errors. The specific heat consumption was close to 4 900 kJ·kg–1 of evaporated water. This overall
value includes the rather low energetic efficiency of the small flow rates of air used in both fluid beds.
This specific heat consumption corresponds to 2.1 times the latent heat of vaporisation of water at
70 oC, i.e. a thermal efficiency of 48.8%. These figures represent a use of energy less efficient than in
industrial dryers, which may be explained by the small size of the plant, operating at only 122 kg of
concentrate and 70 kg of evaporated water per hour.
Résumé – Bilan énergétique d’une tour de séchage multiple effet. Les auteurs présentent les prin-
cipes du séchage isenthalpique par l’air chaud, de l’utilisation du diagramme enthalpique de l’air hu-
mide et des bilans de chaleur et de matière en séchage à l’air chaud. Ces principes sont appliqués à
l’étude expérimentale d’un séchoir pilote par pulvérisation, à lits fluidisés interne et externe, traitant
du lait écrémé. Les mesures ont été effectuées en régime établi. Les débits d’air ont été mesurés par
Communication at the 1st International Symposium on Spray Drying of Milk Products, Rennes,
France, October 16–18, 2001.
* Correspondence and reprints
Tel.: 33 (0)2 23 48 53 22; fax: 33 (0)2 23 48 53 50; e-mail: [email protected]
542 J.-J. Bimbenet et al.
des anémomètres à fil chaud, les teneurs en eau de l’air par des hygromètres et le débit de produit esti-
mé à partir des caractéristiques de la buse. À partir de ces données, le bilan thermique donne un écart
de 2,9 % entre les entrées et les sorties, explicable par des pertes de chaleur et les erreurs probables.
La consommation énergétique massique calculée est de 4 910 kJ·kg–1 d’eau évaporée, ce qui repré-
sente 2,1 fois la chaleur latente d’évaporation de l’eau à 70 oC. La faible efficacité énergétique des lits
fluidisés est incluse dans ces valeurs globales. Ces chiffres correspondent à une efficacité moindre
que celle des séchoirs industriels, ce qui peut s’expliquer par la faible température moyenne des airs
de séchage et la petite taille (70 kg d’eau évaporée par heure) de l’installation étudiée.
Séchoir par pulvérisation / séchage par atomisation / lait écrémé / bilan masse et énergie
volume flow rate. Three replications were flow rate was not modified when air was
performed, with a standard deviation of heated up to 200 oC. This was due to oppo-
2%. These measurements were done at am- site effects of temperature on pressure
bient temperature. It was checked that up- losses in the equipment, through decreased
stream (i.e. before the heaters) the mass air density and viscosity and increased
544 J.-J. Bimbenet et al.
[air 14]
[air 9] •
• (m=3436)
(m =2822) (Y=0.0285)
(Y=0.033) (H=151)
3 7 9 10 14
m =81 (Y=0.008) •
θ =25°C (H =46) m =2567
[air 15]
(θ=88 °C) •
(Y=0.035) m =3404
1 (H=181) θ=69 °C (75 °C)
• (H=151)
m =1718 (Y=0.008)
θ=200 °C (H=225) TOWER
14 bis
adjustment 3 bis adjustment
• =96)
(m θ=25°C
(Y=0.008) (H=46)
(m• =32)
m =672 (Y=0.008) θ=69°C (75°C)
θ=70 °C (H=92) (Y=0.0285)
m =255 (Y=0.008)
θ=25 °C (H=46)
m =0
m =225 (Y=0.008)
θ=50 °C (H=71) FLUID 11
m =614 (Y=0.009)
• θ=42 °C (H=67)
m =237 (Y=0.008)
θ=35 °C (H=56)
• •
m =136 (Y=0.008) m=16 (Y=0.008)
θ=25 °C (H=46) adjustment θ=25 °C (H=76)
of considering drying in the spray zone and Y = 0.008 + (0.7/614) = 0.008 + 0.001 =
in the internal fluid bed separately. 0.009 kg water·kg–1 dry air.
– Dry air flow rates: It shows that the external fluid bed has a
Total inlet = points 1 + 2 + 3: m = 1718 + very limited drying action: only 1 g of evap-
672 + 81 = 2471 kg dry air·h–1. orated water per kg of dry air.
Outlet = point 7, measured: m = 2567 kg 3.2.3. On the cyclone section
dry air·h–1.
– Dry air flow rates:
A difference of 96 kg dry air·h–1 appears .
(i.e. 4%), originating from measurement er- Points 9 or 10 = points 7 + 8: m = 2567 +
rors, but also from a possible uncontrolled 255 = 2822 kg dry air·h–1.
air inlet, since the whole equipment is in de- .
Point 13 = points 11 + 12: m = 614 + 0 =
pression. To adjust the balance, we add a –1
614 kg dry air·h .
fictitious (and/or possibly physical) inlet of .
Points 14 and 15 = points 10 +13: m = 2822
fresh air (3bis). + 614 = 3436 kg dry air·h .–1
– Water mass flow rates (calculated figures
are rounded up to a reasonable number of . Compared to the measured flow rate
(m = 3404 kg dry air·h–1), there appears to
significant digits): be an excess of 32 kg dry air·h–1 (less than
In inlet air: mW = 2567 × 0.008 = 20.5 kg 1%). We then add an adjustment outlet flow
water·h–1. (14bis).
Water in air outlet (point 7): mw = 20.5 + – Water flow rates:
70.0 = 90.5 kg water·h–1. .
Points 9 or 10 = points 7 + 8: mw = 90.5 +
Water content in air outlet: (255 × 0.008) = 92.5 kg water·h–1.
Y = 0.008 + (70.0 / 2567) = 0.008 + 0.027 = Water content in air 9 or 10: Y = 92.5 / 2822
0.035 kg water·kg–1 dry air, also equal to = 0.033 kg water·kg–1 dry air.
90.5: 2567. .
Point 14 = points 10 + 13: m w = 92.5 + 5.5 =
We notice that every kg of dry air carries 98 kg water·h–1.
27 g of water extracted from the product. Water content in air 14 or 14bis or 15: Y =
98/3436 = 0.0285 kg water·kg–1 dry air.
Point 15 = points 14 – 14bis: m. w = 98 –
3.2.2. On the external fluid bed
– Dry air flow rates: (32 × 0.0285) = 97 kg water·h–1.
Total inlet = points 4 + 5 + 6: m = 225 +
237 + 136 = 598 kg dry air·h–1. 3.3. Enthalpy balances
Outlet = point 7 mp = 614 kg dry air·h–1.
3.3.1. On the tower itself
Similarly as above, we add an adjust- .
ment flow rate (6bis) of fresh air: 16 kg dry – Air inlet: the enthalpy flow rate H (in
air·h–1 (about 2.5% of the total inlet). kJ·h–1), is the sum of inlet enthalpies (points
1 + 2 + 3 + 3bis):
– Water flow rates: .
. H = (1718 × 225) + (672 × 92) + (81 × 46)
In air inlet: mw = 614 × 0.008 = 5.0 kg wa- + (96 × 46) = 457 × 103 kJ·h–1.
. The fictitious mixture of these inlets
Water in air outlet (point 11): mw = 5.0 + 0.7 would have a specific enthalpy of H = 457 ×
rounded to 5.5 kg water·h–1. 103/ 2567 = 178 kJ·kg–1 dry air. According
Water content in air outlet (point 11): to the enthalpic diagram (Fig. 4), taking
548 J.-J. Bimbenet et al.
A’ .
9..7 .7’
C .15
11 .
into account the value of Y, this mixture which adds 3.5 × 103 kJ·h–1 to the inlet flux
would be represented by the point A, where of enthalpy.
we read a temperature of 153 oC (which is – Air outlet (point 11):
rather low for this type of dryer).
. .
– Concentrate inlet: H = m.cp.θ = 121.8 ×
H =(36× 103) +(3.5× 103) =39.5× 103 kJ·h–1
3.0 × 40 = 14.5 × 103 kJ·h–1. with a specific enthalpy of: H = 39.5 × 103 /
614 = 64 kJ·kg–1 dry air. This value, as well
– Powder outlet. We suppose here that
as the water content (Y = 0.009) allows us
all the powder leaves the tower towards the
to position the point 11 on the diagram and
external fluid bed (we neglect powder out-
read a temperature of 43 oC.
lets of cyclons) and we suppose it to be at
80 oC (a mis-evaluation of this temperature The shortness of the path from point B to
has only a slight effect on the enthalpy bal- this point 11 shows that the cooling and
ance) and containing the 0.7 kg·h–1 of water drying effects of this external fluid bed on
to be evaporated in the external fluid bed: the product have a very small influence
. . on the global water and enthalpy balances
H = m.cp.θ = (51.1 + 0.7)× 1.5 × 80 = 6 ×
of the whole system.
103 kJ·h–1.
– The enthalpy balance of the tower 3.3.3. On the cyclons section
. We have neglected the flows of powder
(457 × 103) + (14.5 × 103) = (Houtlet air) +
in this part.
(6 × 103) kJ·h–1.
– Air 9 or 10 = points 7 + 8:
. then have for the outlet air 7: .
H = 465.5 kJ·h–1. H = (465.5 × 103) + (255 × 46) = 477.5 ×
corresponding to a specific enthalpy of 103 kJ·h–1.
H = 465.5 × 103 / 2567 = 181 kJ·kg–1 dry air – Air 14 = points 10 + 13:
and (with Y = 0.035 kg water·kg–1 dry air), .
H = (477.5 × 103) + (614 × 64) = 517 ×
a temperature of 88 oC was read on the dia- 103 kJ·h–1,
with H = (517 × 103) / 3436 = 150 kJ·kg–1
3.3.2. On the external fluid bed dry air.
Similarly, we write: – Air 15 = points 14 – 14bis:
– Air inlet (point 4 + 5 + 6 + 6bis): H = 517 × 103 ( (32 × 150) = 512 kJ·h–1.
. Therefore, this air outlet (H = 150 kJ·kg–1
H = (225 × 71) + (237 × 56) + (136 × 46) +
(16 × 46) = 36 × 103 kJ·h–1. dry air, Y = 0.0285) has a calculated temper-
ature of 74 oC (point C), to be compared with
The specific enthalpy of this fictitious a measured one of 69 oC (corresponding to
mixture would be: H = 146 point 15).
H = 36 × 103 / 614 = 59 kJ·kg–1 dry air. It appears therefore that there are
We could therefore (using Y = 0.008) enthalpy losses + / – errors of:
position it in B on the enthalpic diagram, .
H = 3436 (151 – 146) = 17 × 103 kJ·h–1.
and read a temperature of 39 oC.
– Powder, entering at 80 oC and leaving 3.3.4. Global enthalpy balance
at 30 oC:
. . Table II shows that the enthalpy balance
inlet H =m.cp.θ =52× 1.5× 80=6×103 kJ·h–1 for the whole system (tower and fluidised
outlet H = 51.1 × 1.5 × 30 = 2.5 ×10 3 kJ·h–1 bed) is equilibrated.
550 J.J. Bimbenet et al.
Inlets Outlets
Air to tower 457 × 103 Air outlet (69 oC)
3436 × 146 = 501 × 103
Air to external fluid bed 37 × 103 Powder 2.5 × 103
Air 8 12 × 103 Loss 17 × 103
Concentrate 14.5 × 103
Total inlets 520.5 × 103 Total outlets 520.5 × 103
Heat balance of a multistage spray-dryer 551
for this tower would become: 285 × 103 / easy to show similarly the influence of exit
70.0 = 4071 kJ·kg–1 water, instead of 4810. air temperature, of air recycling, etc.
In fact, the comparison of the slopes of the
lines FA-7 and FA-7’ gives an idea of the Symbols
expectable improvement in this change of
parameter (Bimbenet [1]). cp specific heat kJ·kg–1·oC–1
H specific enthalpy
4. CONCLUSION . of air kJ·kg–1 dry air
H enthalpy flow rate kJ·h–1
m mass flow rate kg·h–1
This study shows how to establish mass
and heat balances on drying equipment and Y water content of air kg water·kg–1 dry air
what conclusions may be drawn from that. θ temperature oC