Evaluación de Geografía

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Project evaluation geography

By Alejandro
Mesozoic era 250 to 66 Mya
The Mesozoic Era is known as
“the age of reptiles” because it
was the dominant group of
vertebrates on land and seas. The
Mesozoic lasted between 250 and
66 million years ago, and during
that time the large reptiles known
as dinosaurs had their peak.
1 that I have decided for the
geography work
For this work I chose the fauna
of the Mesozoic in its three
stages: Triassic, Jurassic and
Cretaceous because everything
that existed in the Mesozoic era
is impressive, the dinosaurs,
the plants of that era, etc
2 How am I going to do the work?
For my research I am going to
look for data on living beings
from each era of the Mesozoic
from the Triassic to the
3 For this work I am going to
separate it into three parts: Triassic,
Jurassic and Cretaceous

The Triassic age


The Triassic Period is the initial

The Triassic Fauna, the first period of the Mesozoic; a fascinating era due to the period of the Mesozoic era of the
enigmatic animals that inhabited our planet, and although almost everyone geological time scale (which began
associates the Triassic Fauna era with that of the dinosaurs, during the Mesozoic 252.2 million years ago and ended 66
and, specifically, in the Triassic period, some small creatures make their million years ago). Together with the
appearance ; They are mammals. later Jurassic and Cretaceous periods,
After the great Permian extinction, few species remained, among them some
cynodonts that, 215 million years ago, would give rise to mammals. Not much is
they constitute the reign of the
known about his physiology during that time. It seems that they were animals dinosaurs on Earth
similar to shrews that had to hunt at night. Another notable evolutionary
milestone is found among insects; During the Triassic Fauna the first species
would appear that would experience a complete metamorphosis.
The Triassic seas were notably crowded and inhabited by fascinating species,
such as the Notosaurus or the well-known Ichthyosaur, with a length of close to
15 meters.
During the Middle Triassic Fauna the first dinosaurs appear and towards the
end of this period they begin to rapidly colonize the planet. The most significant
group was archosaurs, which included thecodonts, pterosaurs and crocodiles.
Small flying reptiles appear that went from tree to tree. Apparently its wings still
lacked feathers. They were pterosaurs.
The Triassic Fauna period also ends with a mass extinction, although not as
much as that of the Permian or the one that would occur later in the Cretaceous.
In any case, this extinction wiped out all the mammalian reptiles, thecodonts and
rhynchosaurs, among others, leaving free rein for the rest of the dinosaurs that
would dominate the planet for the next 165 million years.
Jurassic age https://
www.mundoprehistorico.com/ The Jurassic period is subdivided into
During the Jurassic Fauna, the great expansion fauna-jurasico/
and dominance of three subperiods known as: Early
the dinosaurs on Earth developed. Both in the Triassic, Jurassic and Jurassic which took place from 200 to 176
Cretaceous periods, important climatic, tectonic and evolutionary million years BC. Middle Jurassic that
changes occurred. Regarding tectonic movements, the Mesozoic is occurred between 176 to 161 million years
BC. Late Jurassic that developed between
characterized by the fragmentation that the supercontinent Pangea
161 to 146 million years BC.
suffered, dividing into a large continent that would remain in the
north; Laurasia, and another that would be located in the south;
Gondwana. Towards the end of the Mesozoic, the composition of the
continents no longer differed greatly from what we know today.
Laurasia would give rise to North America and Eurasia while
Gondwana would divide into South America, Africa, Australia,
Antarctica and the Indian subcontinent.
The Jurassic Fauna period owes its name to the Jura mountains;
place located between Germany, France and Switzerland where
fossil deposits of marine origin were investigated. It is not surprising
since during the Jurassic period these lands were submerged,
forming tropical seas.
The breakup of Pangea that began in the Triassic led to climatic
consequences that were felt in the Jurassic. The global climate
became wetter and also warmer. Another consequence was the rise
in sea level with subsequent flooding of coastal lands and the

Cretáceous age www.mundoprehistorico.com/fauna-

The period of the geological time
Cretaceous Fauna where dinosaurs ruled the earth throughout the scale that culminates the Mesozoic
period, dominant groups changed and many new types evolved. Era (which began 252.2 million
Sauropods dominated the southern continents, but were rare in the years ago and ended 66 million
north. Ornithischians that went in packs like Iguanodon spread years ago) is known as the
everywhere except Antarctica. Towards the end of the Cretaceous Cretaceous Period or simply
Fauna, large herds of horned beasts such as Triceratops munched Cretaceous. It is the third after the
on cicadas and other low plants on the Nordic continents. The
Triassic (initial period) and Jurassic
carnivorous Tyrannosaurus rex dominated the Late Cretaceous
Fauna in the north, while monstrous meat-eaters such as
(intermediate period) periods.
Spinosaurus, which had a huge sail-shaped fin on its back, were
abundant in the south. The smaller carnivores probably fought
over scraps.
Other creatures, such as frogs, salamanders, turtles, crocodiles and
snakes, proliferated on the expanded coastlines. Mammals from the
shrew family scampered through the forests. The largest known
pterosaur soared overhead even as the species as a whole faced
increasingly stressful competition from other rapidly diversifying
birds: the ancestors of modern grebes, cormorants, pelicans, and
scolopacids all appeared during the Cretaceous Fauna. .
4 that could have improved at work
For my part, I think I could have improved the fauna of the sea,
but apart from that I don't know what could have improved
because I did everything possible.
5 bibliography




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