Caps Focus
History and current affairs
Lesson object
-Learner are required to understand terms, phrases and historical dates
-Learners need to understand the significance of historical events
Introduction to lesson
-The educator greets students and hands out text books to get started with
the lesson
Teaching / Learning Phase
-During the teaching phase, the teacher allows the student teacher to read
the case study that the lesson is based on
-once completed and discussed in an open discussion, the student teacher
hands out worksheets with a spot test with regards to the passage
Closure phase
The lesson ended with Learners handing in their test papers
No assessments.
Key Take away
The students seemed engaged when the case study was being read since
the student teacher did a good job of using real world examples to keep the
students attentive
Caps Focus
English literature and comprehension
Lesson object
-Learners need to understand the rules & structures that come with the
-Learners need to be able to use prior knowledge from previous lessons
and apply it in the current & future lessons.
Learners need to analyze and translate terms
Introduction to lesson
The educator will begin by explaining the section that is going to be
focused on. Once complete, Learners will have an opportunity ask
questions with regards to what was explained.
Teaching / Learning Phase
Learners are asked questions to identify if they understand what's been
Constant interaction between between classmates and the educator
Examples are giving to students to have a practical understanding of the
Closure phase
Activities are giving to complete.
Learners books are swapped and marked together as a class while
answers are being explained
Learners are given assessments to complete at home.
Caps Focus
Multiples, addition & subtraction, division
Lesson object
-Learner are required to understand the rules and methods to arrive at the
-Learners need to apply what's been taught to tasks given to them
Introduction to lesson
-The educator explains the lesson objective for that period and what is
required from the students
-The educator asks the students to take out they work books and turn to
the specific page
Once the class is settled, the Maths educator introduced the student
teacher to the class and handed over the lesson to be taught
Teaching / Learning Phase
Teaching phase was a brief explanation of the section, an example on the
board and tasks to complete
Closure phase
Lesson ended with students still completing their work
whilst homework had been given to complete at home
Key Take away
Some Learners seemed well equipped whilst other Learners required
individual help from the student teacher which lead me go believe that the
explanation wasn't being done in a way which all students could
-The learners who did understand became a distraction to other students
who needed additional help and time
Caps Focus
Natural Science & Technology
Lesson object
-Learner are required to understand terms and order of processes
-Learners need to understand the process that go into the manufacturing of
Introduction to lesson
-The educator explains the lesson objective for that period and what is
required from the students
Teaching / Learning Phase
-During the teaching phase, Learners are put into groups and are given
specific aspects of processing of materials
-each group had to create a poster showing the stages of production
Closure phase
Lesson carried over to following lesson
Learners were expected to find 3 household items and list the process that
allows you to use them.
Key Take away
The students seemed very eager to work together in a group. They were
also very attentive since the educator used fun exciting ways to teach the
Caps Focus
First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
Lesson object
-Learners need to understand the rules & structures that come with the
-Learners need to apply their knowledge of understanding to answer
-Analyze rules for Taal
Introduction to lesson
-The educator will begin by reading a passage while the students follow
through with worksheets that are handed out
Teaching / Learning Phase
During the teaching phase, the educator goes through the passage in
english to explain the work and what needs to be done
Closure phase
Revision worksheets were given to take home.
Revision worksheets as mentioned above.
Key Take away
More of the lesson was done in English for the Learners to understand the
lesson being taught before work had been given