SCHOTT Datasheet N SSK5

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Data Sheet

N-SSK5 nd = 1.65844 nd = 50.88 nF - nC = 0.012940

658509.371 ne = 1.66152 ne = 50.59 nF' - nC' = 0.013075

Refractive Indices Internal Transmittance τi Relative Partial Dispersion

l [nm] l [nm] ti [10mm] ti [25mm] Ps,t 0.2592
n2325.4 2325.4 1.62581 2500 0.730 0.450 PC,s 0.5181
n1970.1 1970.1 1.63128 2325 0.850 0.660 Pd,C 0.3003
n1529.6 1529.6 1.63720 1970 0.963 0.910 Pe,d 0.2380
n1060.0 1060.0 1.64371 1530 0.992 0.980 Pg,F 0.5575
nt 1014.0 1.64450 1060 0.996 0.990 Pi,h 0.8192
ns 852.1 1.64785 700 0.997 0.993
nr 706.5 1.65237 660 0.997 0.992 P's,t 0.2566

nC 656.3 1.65455 620 0.997 0.992 P'C',s 0.5598

nC' 643.8 1.65517 580 0.997 0.993 P'd,C' 0.2502

n632.8 632.8 1.65574 546 0.996 0.990 P'e,d 0.2355
nD 589.3 1.65833 500 0.993 0.982 P'g,F' 0.4944
nd 587.6 1.65844 460 0.987 0.968 P'i,h 0.8108
ne 546.1 1.66152 436 0.982 0.956

nF 486.1 1.66749 420 0.976 0.940 Deviation of Relative Partial Dispersion

nF' 480.0 1.66824 405 0.963 0.910 ΔP from the normal line
ng 435.8 1.67471 400 0.959 0.900 DPC,t -0.0090
nh 404.7 1.68079 390 0.940 0.860 DPC,s -0.0034

ni 365.0 1.69139 380 0.900 0.760 DPF,e 0.0001

n334.1 334.1 370 0.800 0.580 DPg,F -0.0007

n312.6 312.6 365 0.730 0.450 DPi,g -0.0081

n296.7 296.7 350 0.340 0.060

n280.4 280.4 334 0.020 Other Properties
n248.3 248.3 320 a-30/+70°C [10-6/K] 6.8

310 a+20/+300°C [10-6/K] 8.0

Constants of Dispersion Formula 300 Tg [°C] 645

B1 1.59222659 290 T1013 [°C] 637

B2 0.103520774 280 T10 [°C] 751
B3 1.051740160 270 cp [J/(g*K)] 0.574

C1 0.00920284626 260 l [W/(m•K)]

C2 0.0423530072 250

C3 106.9273740 r [g/cm3] 3.71

3 2
E [10 N/mm ] 88

Constants of Formula for dn/dT Color Code µ 0.278

D0 7.29E-07 l80 / l5 38/34 K [10 mm /N]

-6 2

D1 1.17E-08 (*= λ70/λ5) HK0.1/20 590

D2 -1.50E-11 Remarks HG 5
E0 6.08E-07

E1 7.66E-10

lTK [µm] 0.189

CR 2

Temperature Coefficients of the Refractive Index FR 3

Dnrel/DT [10 /K]

Dnabs/DT [10 /K]
SR 52.2

[°C] 1060.0 e g 1060.0 e g AR 2.2

-40/-20 2.2 3.0 3.9 0.0 0.8 1.6 PR 3.2

+20/+40 2.2 3.2 4.2 0.8 1.8 2.7

+60/+80 2.4 3.5 4.5 1.2 2.3 3.4

As of 01-Feb-2014 , subject to change

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