Compact Planar Multi-Standard MIMO

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

Compact Planar Multi-Standard MIMO

Antenna for IoT Applications
Kumud R. Jha, Senior Member IEEE, Bisma Bukhari Student Member IEEE, Chitra Singh Member IEEE,
Ghanshyam Mishra, Student Member IEEE, and Satish K. Sharma, Senior Member IEEE
 plane of such antennas to act as a sensing antenna, the
Abstract— A novel compact single-substrate planar multiband 5- frequency agile antenna may also find its application in CR
element multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna system and IoT operating environment [3]-[6]. In the recent years, it
is presented in this paper. The tunable 2-element folded has been proposed to use the LTE 700 MHz band in the
meandered MIMO antenna covers the long-term evolution (LTE)
cognitive radio or the software-defined radio applications
frequency bands below 1.0 GHz (687 MHz-813 MHz) and radio
frequency identification (RFID) bands centered around 2.4 GHz
environment [7]-[9] which can be met with the frequency agile
and 5.8 GHz. The other 2-element compact MIMO antennas and a sensing antenna designed in this band.
operate over 754 MHz - 971 MHz, 1.65 GHz -1.83 GHz, 2 GHz- Multiport antennas for MIMO applications without sensing element
3.66 GHz, and 5.1 GHz-5.6 GHz frequency bands. Furthermore, are reported in [10]-[15] where they cover various segments of the
the proposed antenna elements are integrated with a wideband wireless communication bands in 0.698 GHz-3 GHz range. The
sensing antenna for the spectrum sensing in 0.668 GHz-1.94 GHz cognitive radio is an effective method of the spectrum
and 3 GHz-4.6 GHz which also acts as the ground plane for the management [16] and antennas consisting of sensing and
MIMO elements in the cognitive radio (CR) application frequency agile communication elements operating above 2
environment. The antenna is fabricated on a 65 mm × 120 mm × GHz are reported in [17]-[25]. Most of the time,
1.56 mm low-cost FR-4 substrate. The antenna’s radiation approximately, a 90% of the spectrum remains underutilized
characteristics are experimentally verified and results are in
and thus, the dynamic spectrum allocation in CR environment
agreement with the full-wave simulation. The 3D radiation
pattern based envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) of the
is essential for the better spectrum management [26].
MIMO antennas are also experimentally verified which is below Most of the CR antennas [17]-[26] operate in a single input-
the desired value of 0.5. Finally, to show its utility at the internet single output (SISO) mode. However, to meet the growing
of things (IoT) platform, the antenna is tested in the realistic demand for the channel capacity, the CR with MIMO
application environment. configuration is desirable [27] and MIMO antenna for CR
INDEX TERMS— Cognitive Radio, MIMO, Long Term application with S11 = -6 dB impedance bandwidth are
Evolution, Truncated Cube. reported in [28]-[30]. These planar antennas operate in
discrete multiple bands spanned over 0.7 GHz - 4 GHz but fail
I. INTRODUCTION to cover many important bands below 6 GHz and their study is
confined only to the radiation characteristics of the antenna. It
S MARTER gadgets which enable larger wireless data
transfer and are capable of adapting to exponentially
growing traffic environment are currently in great demand.
is exceptionally challenging to cover all the preferred
frequency bands using an antenna system on a single substrate
Cognitive radio (CR) and multiple input multiple output with acceptable radiation characteristics and designing such
(MIMO) antenna implementation can increase the efficiency antennas suitable for MIMO, CR, and IoT applications,
of the spectrum usage [1] and [2]. Expanding wireless concurrently.
communication technologies and services require compact In view of the demand for cognitive radio in LTE 700 MHz
antennas operating over a wide frequency band [3]. Further, band, to enhance the throughput of the communication
with the paradigm shift in the antenna applications, in addition systems, to operate in tri-radio frequency identification
to CR and MIMO, the antennas need to support the internet of (RFID) bands, and to operate in various wireless
things (IoT) for sensing and onward transmission over the communication frequency bands needed for the IoT
wireless networks [4]. In the lower LTE band, the need of a applications [31], a 5-element antenna with the following
maximum 20 MHz channel bandwidth at a time may be met novel contributions is proposed.
with a frequency agile antenna [3]. By allowing the ground 1) 5-element antennas on an FR-4 substrate of dimension
120 mm × 65 mm × 1.56 mm, identical in size to a
Kumud Ranjan Jha, Bishma Bukhari, and Chitra Singh are with SECE,
handheld device.
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, J&K, 182320. India 2) Lower band frequency agile antennas #2 and #3 operating
Ghanshyam Mishra and Satish K. Sharma are with the Antenna and over 698 MHz - 813 MHz frequency. These antennas
Microwave Laboratory (AML), Department of Electrical and Computer have -6dB reflection coefficient magnitude criteria
Engineering, San Diego State University, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego
CA, 92182, USA.
matching bandwidth of at least 20 MHz corresponding to
(emails: [email protected], [email protected], each resonance frequency points in LTE - 700 MHz band
[email protected], [email protected], to meet the cognitive radio requirement.
[email protected])

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

3) Independent sensing antenna #1 which acts as a ground

plane for other antennas as well as an independent
radiator in 0.668 GHz - 1.94 GHz and 3 GHz - 4.6 GHz
frequency bands.
4) Antennas #4 and #5 operate in various frequency bands
required for the wireless communication applications. The
antenna system is experimentally verified for its various
5) The antennas are experimentally verified in the realistic
environment to show its utility in IoT applications.

The manuscript is organized as follows. Section II describes

the antenna structure and Section III presents the operating
mechanism. Section IV discusses the experimental results of
the antenna characteristics while Section V discusses the
MIMO characteristics. In Section VI, the antenna is interfaced (a) (b)
to various heterogeneous networks to show its utility in IoT Fig.1. Proposed 5-element MIMO antenna system for IOT and CR, (a) top
view and (b) bottom view.
environment. A state-of-the-art comparison is given in Section
Microwave Studio is used to perform the full-wave analysis of
Para Size Para Size Para Size Para Size
the proposed antenna. (mm) meter (mm) meter (mm) meter (mm)
a 28.57 i 65 k1 12 q2 8.8
The front and back faces of the proposed antenna are shown b 2 j 120 m1 8 r2 4
in Fig. 1(a) and (b), respectively. The antenna is designed on a c 16 k 6 n1 25.31 u 28
low-cost FR-4 substrate ( .4 and tanδ = 0.02). The d 12.5 l 14 p1 8 v 14
complete antenna system is integrated on a single substrate of e 21.5 m 6 q1 42.8 w 4.8
dimensions 65 mm × 120 mm × 1.6 mm making it compact f 19 n 12.31 s1 37.8 x 23.5
and suitable for wireless handheld devices. Four antennas g 30 p 8 t1 6.5 y 6
(port #2-5) are placed on four corners of the front face of the h 17.65 q 7.15 x1 5.5 z 21
substrate. The other antenna (port #1) behaves as the sensing A 3 B 1.63 D 2.36 E 12.10
antenna and as well as the ground plane for the aforesaid four
antennas. The sensing antenna designed on the back face of the dielectric constant on the lower end frequency. The
the substrate has its own coplanar ground plane to control its monopole antenna is modified to tapered rectangular patch
operation. with a partial ground as shown in Fig. 2(a). The tapered patch
Antennas #2 and #3 are designed to cover LTE 700 MHz antenna offers sufficient space to accommodate multiple
band and the other antennas #4 and #5 cover high-frequency monopole antennas to meet the CR and MIMO
bands. Due to the independent ground plane, the sensing implementation requirements. The antenna has a -6 dB
antenna (#1) may also operate as a standalone in various impedance bandwidth from 0.8 GHz- 4.5 GHz. To obtain LTE
frequency bands to enable the proposed antenna system to 700 MHz band, the antenna structure and its associated ground
cover almost all of 0.668 GHz-6 GHz frequency bands. The plane are modified with slots as shown in Fig. 2(b). In the
design parameters of the antennas are shown in Table I. previous study, it was identified that elongated peripheral
current path in a coplanar waveguide (CPW) fed antenna leads
to the multi-band operation [4]. However, owing to the space
constraint, it is not feasible to increase the sensing antenna
A. Sensing Antenna dimension beyond the substrate size. To lower the operating
A coplanar waveguide fed monopole antenna is designed at frequency, slots are incorporated in the radiating patch and the
the bottom surface of the substrate. Since, the radiating patch ground plane which increases the surface current circulating
path with respect to the un-slotted antenna as shown in Fig.
and ground plane are on the same side of the substrate, the
3(a) and (b), respectively. The effect of the structural
initial design is governed by the equivalent area approach in
modification on the S11 parameter is shown in Fig. 4. In
[4] and (1) [32]. comparison to the un-slotted patch, in the slotted antenna, S11
fL  GHz (1) shifts downward to cover the lower operating bands. However,
{( L  r  p )  k} above 4 GHz, both antennas have the similar response.
In (1), L, r, and p are the length, radius, and the feed distance B. Lower LTE Band Antenna
from the ground, respectively, in cm. Also, k is the effect of
In LTE 700 MHz band, for the better spectrum management,
CR system is a possible solution [7]-[9]. In this band, it needs

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

a maximum 20 MHz channel bandwidth and a narrow band covers LTE 700 MHz band. The antenna with its biasing
frequency agile antenna may meet this requirement [3]. arrangement is shown in Fig. 7(a) and its response in LTE 700
Further, five such channels may be aggregated to cover the MHz band and over 0.6 GHz - 6 GHz band are shown in Fig.
entire LTE 700 MHz band in the carrier aggregation mode 7(b) and 7(c), respectively. Due to the higher mode
[33] and to meet all these requirement, a meandered generation, the antenna also resonates around 3 GHz, 4 GHz
reconfigurable antenna mounted on the top corner of the and 5.5 GHz which are consistent w.r.t. frequency agility.
substrate with a minimum 20 MHz bandwidth corresponding
to each biasing voltage is proposed. During the initial design
of the antenna (port #2), the overall length of the meandered
line (k1+m1+n1+p1+q1+s1+t1+x1 in Fig. 1) is approximated
to λ/4 where λ is the free space wavelength at 700 MHz. The
meandered monopole antenna is shown in Fig. 5(a) as case #1
and its response in Fig. 5(b). In case #1, the antenna resonates
at 650 MHz but it has a poor impedance matching.

(a) (b)
Fig.3. The surface current density of sensing antenna (a) tapered rectangular
patch (un-slotted) and (b) modified slotted patch antennas at 700 MHz.

(a) (b)
Fig.2. Sensing antenna (a) tapered rectangular patch antenna (un-slotted) and
(b) modified slotted patch antenna.

In case #2, to improve the impedance matching and frequency

agility, SMV1281-011LF varactor diode having 13.3 pF
unbiased capacitances along with two DC blocking capacitors
of 15 pF each are added. Case #2 is also shown in Fig. 5(a) Fig.4. S11 parameter of the sensing antennas.
where diode position is parametrically tuned and its response
is shown in Fig. 5 (b). Finally, in case #3 of Fig. 5(a), to
improve the impedance matching level of the antenna at
higher frequencies, two open stubs are added and their effect
is also shown in Fig. 5 (b). In addition to the improvement in
the matching level, open stubs also contribute in lowering the
operating frequency near 4 GHz. Furthermore, above 4.9 GHz,
-6 dB impedance matching bandwidth is increased which
enables the proposed antenna to be used in various wireless
communication and detection systems.
The surface current density of two cases #2 and #3 of the (a)
antenna are plotted in Fig. 6. These plots are obtained at their
first resonance frequencies i.e. 0.71 GHz and 0.73 GHz for
cases #2 and #3, respectively. In case #3, due to the stub
loading, the current minimum is observed at the ground plane
and the open stubs which enables the antenna to improve its
impedance matching level in comparison to case #2. A similar
phenomenon may be observed at higher frequencies which
justify the design of the antenna.
The SMV1281-011LF varactor diodes used for frequency
agility in antenna #2 operates over 0-20 V but in the small
portable devices, the battery rating is low and due to this, in (b)
the proposed design, we operate the varactor diodes only in 0- Fig.5. Meandered monopole antenna (a) three design cases and (b) simulated
5.5 V range in which the antenna has a -6 dB impedance S22 responses for the cases.
matching bandwidth from 698 MHz - 813 MHz and entirely

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

for high symmetry as shown in Fig. 8(a) [34]. The proposed

structure’s S-parameter response (S44) is shown in Fig. 8(b).
Current The antenna resonates at two different frequencies 1.3 GHz
minima and 5.3 GHz but to support the multimode operation, the
antenna bandwidth needs to be increased.

(a) (b)
Fig. 6. Surface current density on (a) simple and (b) stub loaded monopole.



Fig.8. Antenna structure (a) truncated cube and (b) its reflection coeff.



Fig.7. Lower band frequency agile antenna (a) biasing arrangement (b) S22
over LTE 700 MHz band and (c) S22 response over 0.6-6GHz frequency band.

C. High Frequency Wideband Antenna

1) Proposed topology
The proposed topology is a modified planar projection of a
truncated cube, an Archimedean solid which is distinguished (b)
Fig.9. Proposed wideband antenna (a) structure and (b) its response.

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

2) Bandwidth enhancement
To enhance the bandwidth, the proposed topology in Fig.
8(a) is stub-loaded as shown in Fig. 9 (a). The effect of
Section I of Fig. 9 (a) is already discussed in Fig. 8 and the
effect of Sections II-IV are shown in Fig. 9(b) where it is
observed that the antenna is capable of operating over 0.728
GHz-1.08 GHz, 1.64 GHz-1.84 GHz, 2.1 GHz- 3.69 GHz, and
5.01 GHz- 5.55 GHz frequency bands with ≤-6 dB impedance
matching criterion.
D. MIMO Implementation
Small footprint of two antennas (antenna #2 and #4) enable
implementation of 2-element antenna system to operate in (a)
SISO/MIMO configuration for the homogeneous/
heterogeneous networks on IoT platform. The MIMO
implementation of the antennas is already shown in Fig. 1 and
its S-parameter response is plotted in Fig. 10(a). When all
these antennas are mounted on the board, due to the ground
plane coupling, there is a minor shift in the S-parameter
response. In Fig. 10(a), the response of the individual antennas
is shown. It demonstrates a wide impedance matching
bandwidth of the sensing antenna #1 extending from 0.67
GHz-1.95 GHz and 2.93 GHz-5.28 GHz. Antennas #2 and #3
in MIMO implementation operate over 698 MHz–813 MHz
with ≥ 20 MHz bandwidth criterion at each resonance
frequency. In addition, it has consistent bandwidths over 2.8
GHz-3.2 GHz, 3.9 GHz-4.1 GHz, 4.8 GHz-5.5 GHz, and 5.82
GHz-5.93 GHz. Similarly, antenna #4 and #5 operate in 0.75
GHz -1 GHz, 1.66 GHz -1.84 GHz, 2.1 GHz-3.66 GHz, 4.5
GHz-4.7 GHz, 5.0 GHz-5.57 GHz frequency ranges. The
isolation of adjacent antennas is shown in Fig. 10(b). Isolation
of frequency agile antenna #2 and #3 (S23) is above 10 dB at
frequencies below 1 GHz. Antennas #4 and #5 have wide
bandwidth below 1 GHz but isolation (S45) is relatively poor
due to the space constraint. The space between ports #4 and #5
is only 0.0225 λL where λL is the wavelength at 750 MHz.
Consequently, the frequency agile antennas (#2 and #3) are
preferred for application at 698MHz - 813 MHz in comparison (c)
to antennas #4 and #5. Antennas #2 to #5 exhibit isolation Fig.10. Antenna’s (a) reflection coefficient, and (b) transmission to adjacent
better than 10 dB at all frequencies above 1 GHz, Finally, it is antennas, and (c) envelope reflection coefficient.
shown that all these antennas #2 - #5 maintain a reasonably
good isolation with respect to the sensing antenna #1 (S 12, S13, IV. EXPERIMENTAL ANTENNA CHARACTERISTICS
S14, and S15) which acts as their ground plane. Hence, all
A. Antenna Prototype
these antennas may also be used independently to operate over
0.698 GHz - 6GHz frequency bands. The collective response The proposed antenna is fabricated in Project Lab. at Shri
of reflection coefficient is referred as the envelope reflection Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra, India and the prototype
coefficient (Env. Refl. Coeff.) which has been obtained by is shown in Fig.11. The S-parameters and the radiation
combining the reflection coefficients of all antennas and is characteristics of the proposed antenna were measured using
shown in Fig. 10(c). Anritsu vector network analyzer (VNA) Model #37269D in an
anechoic chamber at Antenna and Microwave Laboratory
(AML), San Diego State University (SDSU), San Diego, CA,
B. Measured S-parameters
Measured and simulated reflection coefficient (S11) of the
sensing antenna (port#1) is shown in Fig. 12. The response of
the frequency agile antennas #2 and #3 are shown in Fig 13.

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

(a) (b)
Fig.11. Fabricated antennas (a) top and (b) bottom faces. (a)

Fig. 13 (a) shows its response over entire 0.6GHz - 6GHz

frequency band. Antennas show multimode operation and due
to higher modes, multiple VSWR ≤ 3:1 operating bands are
The response of the frequency agile antennas is plotted for
two extreme biasing voltages 0V and 5.5V, respectively.
Although, the diode may tolerate beyond 5.5V, but above this
biasing voltage, impedance matching level of the antenna rises
above -6 dB and thus we use the agile antennas to operate only
in LTE 700 MHz band. The S23/S32 is lower than -10 dB
over the entire band of operation. Secondly, the higher order
modes above 2.5 GHz are almost all consistent with the (b)
change in the biasing voltage. The frequency agility of Fig. 13. Simulated and measured results of frequency agile antennas #2 and #3
antennas #2 and #3 in 0.7 GHz - 0.84 GHz range is re-plotted (a) over 0.6 GHz - 6 GHz and (b) LTE 700 MHz bands.
in Fig. 13 (b). At every biasing voltage in this range, it has a
minimum 20 MHz bandwidth which enables its application in
the modern wireless communications [3]. In Fig. 14, the
response of antennas #4 and #5 operating in lower as well as
higher bands are plotted. These antennas also have multiple
VSWR ≤ 3:1 bandwidths and S45 is lesser than -12 dB above
0.8 GHz. Due to the low isolation with respect to the pair of
antenna #2 and #3 below 0.8 GHz, antennas #4 and #5 would
be appropriately used above 0.8 GHz. The fabrication
tolerances cause inductive impedance at the ports and the
simulated operating frequency band of antennas #4 and #5
shifts downward to 2.4 GHz-3.5 GHz range. Finally, in Fig. 15
the envelope of all reflection parameters is presented
indicating these antennas may simultaneously and Fig.14. Simulated and measured results of antennas #4 and #5 over 0.6 GHz -
independently operate over almost all 0.69 GHz - 6.0 GHz 6 GHz band.
frequency bands.

Fig.12. Reflection coefficient of sensing antenna #1.

Fig.15.The envelope of the reflection coefficient of all antennas.

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

C. Radiation Characteristics
Antenna#2 Antenna#3
1) Peak Realised Gain
For the electrically small antenna, in place of depending on
the realized gain in principal planes, we have measured the 3-
D radiation pattern with an increment of 22.50 in ϕ-plane of
the antenna. The simulated and measured peak realized gain of
the antennas #1, #2 and #4 at various frequencies over their
respective operating bands are shown in Table II. The
measured and simulated results are in good agreement.


Peak Realized Gain (dBi)
Antenna #1 Antenna #2 Antenna #4

Freq. Simul. Meas. Freq. Simul. Meas. Freq. Simul. Meas.

(a) (b)
(GHz) (GHz)
GHz) Fig.17. 2-D Radiation pattern of antenna (a) #2 and (b) #3 at 800 MHz.
Antenna#4 Antenna#5
1.0 -5.26 -5.16 0.8 - 4.0 -3.68 0.9 0.53 -0.20
1.2 1.36 0.93 2.8 0.87 0.69 1.0 -0.96 -0.94
1.8 1.37 0.90 3.0 1.78 1.26 1.72 1.97 1.55
2.5 2.87 2.85 4.8 1.29 1.50 2.18 3.75 3.90
4.0 1.47 1.39 5.6 1.68 1.99 5.0 2.46 2.50
5.2 3.12 3.09 5.5 4.90 5.20

2) Radiation Pattern
Since, the comparison between the measured and simulated
peak realized gain for the electrically small antennas over
various operating bands is shown in Table II, for the sake of (a) (b)
brevity, only the measured normalized 2-D radiation patterns Fig.18. 2-D Radiation pattern of antenna (a) #4 and (b) #5 at 2.4 GHz.
in the principal planes are presented here. The radiation
pattern of the sensing antenna #1 at two different frequencies
700 MHz and 4500 MHz are shown in Fig. 16 (a) and (b), In the antenna under the investigation, the antennas #2 and
respectively. The antenna shows wide beamwidth allowing the #3 and the antennas #4 and #5 form two sets of MIMO
omnidirectional coverage. The high cross-polarization level antennas operating in various frequency bands. To explore the
indicates impure linearly polarization wave which may be feasibility of using these antennas in MIMO configuration, the
used against the need of the circularly polarized antenna in a envelope correlation coefficients (ECC) have been calculated
RFID reader. The radiation pattern of antennas #2 and #3 from the measured 3-D radiation pattern using (2) where
operating in MIMO implementation at 800 MHz is shown in ̇( , ̇ j(  are the field radiation pattern of the
Fig. 17. Fig. 18 shows the radiation pattern of the antennas #4 antenna #i and #j, and Hermitian multiplication, respectively
and #5 at 2.4 GHz. [3]. The 3-D view of the radiation-pattern obtained from the
measured S21 parameters between the reference and the
antenna under test which indicates the interaction between two
MIMO antennas, measured at the interval of 22.5 in ϕ-plane
is plotted in Fig. 19. When the radiated field from one antenna
towards other is strong, antennas interact strongly which
increases the ECC and the MIMO performance is reduces and
to maintain the ECC below the prescribed limit of 0.5 [3], the
radiation pattern of two antennas should have minimum
overlapping region in any plane.
 

 F ( ,  )  F ( ,  ) 
i j

(a) (b) ECC  4

2 2
 
 F ( ,  )   F j ( ,  ) 
Fig.16. 2-D Radiation pattern of antenna #1 at (a) MHz and (b) 4500 MHz.
4 4

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

the application may be extended to the Wireless sensing

network (WSN) which is along with RFID are two main
constituent of the IoT platform.



Fig. 19. Measured radiation pattern of (a) antennas #4 and #5 at 900 MHz and
(b) antennas #2 and #3 at 2400 MHz (b)
Fig.20. Antenna integrated (a) to various communication modules and (b) and
its connectivity.
Furthermore, ECC of these antennas at various frequencies
are summarized in Table III. The measured and simulated VII. STATE OF ART COMPARISON
ECC are below the 0.5 indicating the suitability of closely
To support the contribution made by this work, we present
spaced antennas in the MIMO implementation. The
the state-of-the-art comparison with respect to some recently
discrepancy between the measured and simulated results is
published literature in Table IV. It is found that the proposed
mainly attributed to the measurement limitations where the
antenna offers a wide range solution for the various wireless
pattern is measured at the interval of 22.5 in the ϕ- plane. The standards in the class of electrically small antennas.
error can be reduced by decreasing the step size at the cost of
the measurement complexity. TABLE IV. STATE- OF- ART COMPARISON

ns Frequency Frequency ntation
ECC between Antenna 2 & 3 ECC between Antenna 4 & 5 (mm3) Range Range (GHz)
Frequency Measured Simulated Frequency Measured Simulated (GHz)
(GHz) (HFSS) (GHz) (HFSS) [17] 21×9×0.8 2.8-10.4 3.2-4.5, 4.3-7.8, 7.9-11.2 SISO
0.7 0.0198 0.02399 0.9 0.0035 0.170 [18] 63×63×1.52 3.4 -8.0 4.7-5.4 SISO
0.8 0.1960 0.002 2.4 0.0124 0.052 [19] 68×51×1.6 2.63-3.7 2.63-3.7 SISO
2.4 0.0872 0.0511 5.4 0.0003 0.080 [20] 40 × 40 × 1.6 2–10.92 2.24–2.72, 3.32–3.79, SISO
5.15–5.9, 2.11–2.8, 5.14–5.9
2.7 0.0020 0.00041
[21] 11.5×8.4× 2.0–3.0 2.39–2.62, 2.69–3.0 SISO
3.0 0.0382 0.0039 1.6
[23] 40× 36 × 1.66 3.0–11.0 5.0–6.0 SISO

VI. HETEROGENEOUS DEVICE CONNECTIVITY FOR IOT [24] 45 × 45 × 0.8 1.52–2.75 1.54–2.28, 2.28–2.85 SISO

For the IOT applications, antenna was tested in a realistic [25] 27 × 21 ×1.6 3.1–10.6 8.2–9.4 SISO
environment where port #2 to port #4 were connected to [26] 80 × 65 × 1.5 2–5.5 2.6–2.7 SISO
XBee, Wireless local network (WLAN), global system for
[30] 65×120× 1.56 0.7–3 0.78–1.2, 1.49–1.76, MIMO
mobile (GSM) and UHF RFID modules, as shown in Fig. 0.61–0.92,1.21–1.43,
20(a), respectively. The antenna supports all these four 0.94–1.35
modules in establishing the connection which is shown in Fig. Prop 120× 65× 1.6 0.67–1.9, 0.686–0.813, 0.755–0.971 MIMO
20(b). Since, the antenna is able to connect to XBee module; osed 3–4.6 1.65–1.83, 2–3.66, 3.9-4.1
4.8-5.5, 5.82-5.93

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TAP.2018.2829533, IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

0018-926X (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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