Protein Engineering Network of Centres of Excellence and Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta,
419 Medical Sciences Building, Edmonton, Alta., Canada T6G 2H7
The inductance of a radiofrequency coil determines its compatibility with a given NMR probe circuit. However, calculation (or esti-
mation) of inductance for radiofrequency coils of dimensions suitable for use in an NMR probe is not trivial, particularly for flat-coils. A
comparison of a number of formulae for calculation of inductance is presented through the use of a straightforward inductance mea-
surement circuit. This technique relies upon instrumentation available in many NMR laboratories rather than upon more expensive
and specialized instrumentation often utilized in the literature. Inductance estimation methods are suggested and validated for both
flat-coils and solenoids. These have proven very useful for fabrication of a number of new coils in our laboratory for use in static
solid-state NMR probes operating at 1H frequencies of 300 and 600 MHz. Solenoidal coils with very similar measured and estimated
inductances having inner diameters from 1 to 5 mm are directly compared as an example of the practical application of inductance esti-
mation for interchange of coils within an existing solid-state NMR probe.
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1090-7807/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
28 J.K. Rainey et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 187 (2007) 27–37
range of possible coil geometries which will function at the and the Excel spreadsheet we provide
H frequency for the probe. While a number of formulae (see Section 2.7) calculate this formula, allowing direct
are used for inductance calculation (e.g. [3,4]), these are comparison with the formulae derived herein. To make
typically optimized for coils of much larger dimensions inductance calculations easy to carry out for a wide variety
than those employed for NMR spectroscopy, especially of coil geometries and configurations, we use a fairly
in the case of rectangular cross-sectional coils. This paper fundamental level of electricity and magnetism theory [8].
presents formulae for a priori estimation of working coil Details of the derivation are given in Appendix B. For a
configurations for a given probe. flat-coil approximated as a series of parallel current-carry-
A typical protocol in an NMR laboratory is the testing ing rectangles with dimensions as illustrated in Fig. 1, the
of a new coil’s resonance characteristics directly in the estimate is:
NMR probe using the spectrometer tuning interface. An
alternate protocol allowing coil characterization without Lffi ðhw½N 1sÞ
relying on the use of an NMR spectrometer is the use of p22 0
a network analyzer or a sweep-generator and oscilloscope
6X B
with directional coupler. This allows direct observation of 4 @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
the resonant frequency response of the probe circuit over n¼lb ð4ðnsÞ þ h Þð4ðnsÞ2 þ w2 þ h2 Þ
2 2
Fig. 3. Calibration of inductance measurement circuit (shown in Fig. 2) using inductors of known inductance (error bar based on tolerance of inductor).
The illustrated regression lines are for the entire range of inductances. Known inductance is plotted against measured inductance. CB in the circuit was
varied between its extreme values (high and low ranges of measurements) for each inductor while CA and CC were left constant, providing two measured
tank circuit resonant frequencies for each inductor. Effective total circuit capacitance (Eq. (13)) combined with the resonant frequency was used to
determine measured inductance value (Eq. (1)). Linear regression (fit lines shown; performed on low or high effective total capacitance measurements
separately) then provides a calibrated measurement of inductance for an unknown inductor examined in the same manner.
comparisons between the inductance properties for flat- side remains the same. To compensate for the different
tened vs. round copper wire and of silver vs. copper wire performance of Eq. (2) with variations in the width to
were also performed. Measured inductances are shown in height ratio, we propose the following as the most useful
Table 1 for each of these 29 coils and measured vs. calcu- estimate of flat-coil inductance:
lated inductances are shown graphically in Fig. 4 (numeri- 8
> 3=7 Eq: ð2Þ if 8 > w=h P 3 and h < 2:5 mm
cal values provided in Supplementary Material). Although >
< 4=7 Eq: ð2Þ if w=h P 8 and h < 2:5 mm
major changes to wire diameter, shape and material will
definitely affect coil inductance, we did not notice any sys- >
> 11=14 Eq: ð2Þ if w=h P 3 and h P 2:5 mm
tematic perturbations in inductance for the direct compar- Eq: ð2Þ if w=h < 3
isons we performed. Our general finding to date has been
that the use of different wire materials or shapes does not
significantly impact inductance of the typical NMR coil; Note that we are assuming coil dimensions with h < w; if
note, though, that power handling or uniformity of B0 h > w, substitution of h for w and w for h in Eq. (11) should
within the coil may be affected by these types of changes. be carried out. As can be seen in Fig. 4, this estimate per-
With small-volume coils, for example, effects of using forms within 5% of measured inductance for 10/29 coils,
round vs. flattened wire become more pronounced, as dem- within 15% for 18/29 coils, with only 5/29 coils having er-
onstrated by Li et al. [13]. ror of magnitude >25%. Estimates by Eq. (11) that are off
Eq. (2) tends to overestimate flat-coil inductance, with a by >15% range between 11 and 51 nH in magnitude of
typical overshoot in the range of 20–30% and an extreme of error versus measured inductance, with only four cases
120 nH. As mentioned earlier, this general overestimation where this magnitude is >25 nH. (Recall that uncertainty
is most likely to be due to overestimation of the magnetic in our measurement method is estimated at 20–30 nH.) In
field in regions close to the windings of the coil. Eq. (6), a recent paper, Gor’kov et al. provide a measured induc-
in comparison, is seen to provide a much wider range of tance of 80 nH for a 4-turn 8 · 6 mm flat-coil 12 mm
results, where every estimate is an overestimate. Finally, long.[14] Eq. (11) provides an estimated inductance of
Eq. (A.1) provides reasonably good estimates in a number 62 nH, which is a reasonably good estimate well within
of cases, but tends to underestimate inductance by the uncertainty of our method. A scan of the literature pro-
5–30%. Examination of the performance of Eq. (2) vs. vides no further reported inductance values for flat-coils,
coil geometry provides an empirical manner to improve therefore further external validation of Eq. (11) is difficult.
its performance. There is a definite dependence of the area As discussed below, in practice, we find that a flat-coil
and proximity of the current sheets on each pair of sides having an estimated inductance using Eq. (11) on the same
(i.e. top and bottom vs. left and right sides) of the flat-coil order as the estimated inductance of a solenoidal coil
upon estimation accuracy. Note that this can be reduced to (recommended estimate given in Eq. (12)) provides a flat-
the ratio of coil width to height, since the length of each coil which will work in the probe circuit.
J.K. Rainey et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 187 (2007) 27–37 31
Table 1
Flat-coil dimensions, number of turns, and measured and estimated inductances used to determine suitability of flat-coil inductance estimation formulae
Coil label N w (mm) h (mm) l (mm) w/h Inductance (nH)a
F1-1 6 15.8 5.8 12.2 2.7 273 ± 4b
F1-2 5 16.2 5.6 12.2 2.9 196 ± 0.9b
F1-3 4 15.7 6.0 12.0 2.6 143 ± 3c
F2-1d 6 19.4 4.6 17.0 4.2 237 ± 5b
F2-2d 5 20.2 5.0 16.4 4.0 169 ± 0.2b
F2-3d 4 20.2 5.1 16.4 4.0 144 ± 0.7c
F3-1 6 15.8 3.9 11.8 4.1 197 ± 0.1b
F3-2 5 15.5 3.5 12.25 4.4 141 ± 5c
F3-3 4 15.4 3.9 11.8 3.9 94 ± 0.8c
F4-1 6 15.4 1.9 11.8 8.1 134 ± 2c
F4-2d 6 15.4 1.9 12.2 8.1 111 ± 2c
F4-3 6 15.0 2.2 15.4 6.8 107 ± 2c
F4-4e 5 15.6 1.9 11.7 8.2 95 ± 0.9c
F4-5 5 15.2 2.0 12.0 7.6 88 ± 0.03c
F4-6 4 15.4 1.9 12.5 8.1 60 ± 5c
F5-1d 6 10.9 3.6 12.2 3.0 134 ± 1c
F5-2d 5 11.0 3.5 12.1 3.1 89 ± 0.3c
F5-3d 4 10.8 3.6 12 3.0 53 ± 2c
F6-1 6 9.2 1.8 17.0 5.1 42 ± 0.4c
F6-2 5 9.2 1.8 17.7 5.1 31 ± 2c
F6-3 4 9.2 1.8 15.1 5.1 18 ± 1c
F7-1 6 13.8 1.8 13.7 7.7 83 ± 0.1c
F7-2 5 13.2 1.7 16.4 7.8 54 ± 0.1c
F8-1 6 13.0 6.0 12.6 2.2 246 ± 2b
F8-2d 5 12.4 5.5 12.6 2.3 165 ± 3b
F9-1d 6 11.8 4.6 11.5 2.6 195 ± 0.5b
F9-2d 6 12.3 4.4 13.6 2.8 157 ± 3b
F10 6 20.3 3.8 16.5 5.3 200 ± 2b
F11d 4 12.8 2.8 12 4.6 55 ± 3c
All dimensions (see Fig. 1) are for the interior of the coil except length which is leg-to-leg distance. Unless otherwise indicated, all coils were fabricated with
20 AWG copper wire.
Errors are given based upon the paired measurements made at high and low total capacitance for the measurement circuit. Uncertainty in inductance
measurement is 20–30 nH.
Inductance calibrated by linear regression over 0–1.0 lH range of inductors (Fig. 3).
Inductance calibrated by linear regression over 0–150 nH range of inductors (Fig. 3).
Flattened 20 AWG copper wire.
19 AWG silver wire.
2.4. Solenoidal coil inductance results Based upon these results, we suggest that Eqs. (7) and
(9) be directly compared at coil diameters of [5 mm,
A total of 24 solenoidal coils with a variety of id’s, with the inductance estimate given by the following
lengths, and numbers of turns were fabricated and induc- expression:
tances were measured using the circuit illustrated in
Fig. 2, as described in Section 4.1. Coil parameters along Lsolenoid
with measured inductances are given in Table 2. Fig. 5 8
shows measured vs. calculated inductance for: (1) the for- < Eq: ð7Þ if 3=4 Eq: ð7Þ > Eq: ð9Þ
Eq: ð9Þ if Eq: ð9Þ > 4=3 Eq: ð7Þ
mula derived in the same manner as for the flat-coil (Eq. >
: Eq: ð7ÞþEq: ½9
(7)); (2) the long-inductor formula (Eq. (8)); (3) Wheeler’s 2
if 3=4 Eq: ð7Þ < Eq: ð9Þ < 4=3 Eq: ð7Þ
inductor of finite length (Eq. (9)); and, (4) Doty’s induc- ð12Þ
tance estimation formula (Eq. (10)). Generally, Eq. (9) pro-
vides an excellent estimate for coils of any id over the range
measured of 1–10 mm. Eq. (7) tends to severely underesti- Note that Eq. (12) will almost always result in Eq. (9) for
mate inductance for diameters of 5 mm and greater, but larger diameters where Eq. (7) provides an underestimate.
performs about equally well to Eq. (9) for the smaller diam- To be certain of the better estimate at diameters of 5 mm
eters. Eq. (10) performs similarly to Eq. (9), but Eq. (9) and above, however, Eq. (9) should be used without refer-
tends to be more consistent with our measurements of coil ence to Eq. (12). Following this estimation procedure, the
inductance. Finally, Eq. (8), which is notably a frequently results shown in Fig. 5 demonstrate that a good estimation
encountered formula for inductance calculation, does not of inductance was provided for all coils tested. Of the 24
provide a consistent inductance estimate in the regime of coils tested, 11/24 were predicted at <5% error and 19/24
NMR solenoidal coils. at 15% error or better, with the remaining 5 coils at
32 J.K. Rainey et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 187 (2007) 27–37
Fig. 4. Measured vs. calculated inductance for a series of 29 flat-coils (Table 1). Measurements were carried out using the circuit shown in Fig. 2 as
calibrated in Fig. 3; calculations were carried out using the indicated inductance estimation formulae. The solid line indicates the exact agreement between
calculation and measurement.
26% error or better (magnitudes of error for these 5 coils would be completely ineffective in this estimation, since
were 5–25 nH). the inductance ranges it estimates are 3· the real values.
Therefore, we have found Eq. (11) to be extremely useful
for selection of the number of turns and fine-tuning of coil
2.5. Practical testing of flat-coils dimensions without the need for building and testing of
numerous coils.
For a Chemagnetics Apex DRNS Wideline static probe
(Varian Associates, Fort Collins, CO) operating at
300 MHz for the 1H channel, the two solenoidal coils pro- 2.6. Examining solenoids with similar inductance but
vided by the manufacturer were a 5 mm coil (5-2, Table 2; different inner diameter
estimated inductance (Lest) 113 nH) and a 10 mm coil
(10-1, Table 2; Lest 170 nH). Coils F9-2 (Lest 208 nH), Use of NMR coils with different diameters is common
F4-2 (Lest 135 nH), and F4-4 (Lest 99 nH) were for solution-state as well as solid-state NMR. In cases
designed for, and work with, this probe. (Note that values where sample is limited, going to smaller coil diameter
of Lest are given for the required lead-to-lead length of assists by increasing concentration through the decreased
11.75 mm for the probe, as opposed to the lengths volume required to fill the coil (see e.g. [15] for extensive
reported in Tables 1 and 2.) In general, each of these discussion). Using a Varian T3 PISEMA static solid-state
three flat-coils tunes and matches very satisfactorily in NMR probe operating on an INOVA 600 MHz spectrom-
the probe circuit with the same capacitor ranges for vary- eter (Varian Associates, Palo Alto, CA), we have compared
ing heteronuclei as the corresponding solenoidal coil. As performance of four coils shown in Fig. 6: 5-4 (6-turn,
might be anticipated, coil F-8 has a slightly different 5.0 mm id, Lobs 55 nH, Lestimate 62 nH), 3-1
tuning range than the 10 mm solenoid provided by the (9-turn, 3.2 mm id, Lobs 56 nH, Lestimate 56 nH), 2-1
manufacturer, but has still performed well with all (14-turn, 1.9 mm id, Lobs 66 nH, Lestimate 49 nH), and
solid-supported oriented lipid bilayer samples we have 1-2 (23-turn, 1.1 mm id, Lobs 56 nH, Lestimate 49 nH).
examined to date. Each coil has similar measured and estimated inductance,
In the case of a Varian/Chemagnetics T3 narrowbore but different diameter and number of turns, allowing direct
HX PISEMA probe (Varian Associates) operating at a comparison of performance in the NMR probe of coils
H-frequency of 600 MHz, the two coils provided by the with different diameter. Using neat water as a sample in a
manufacturer were a 5 mm solenoid (5-4, Table 2; tube of the maximum possible diameter, we compared
Lest 62 nH) and a 4-turn flat-coil (F5-3; Lest 57 nH). applied RF-field strength (90 pulse width; cB1) and inte-
In order to increase the allowable sample width with a grated signal area per millimol of water. Note that peak
flat-coil, we estimated dimensions that would provide a area for identically acquired and processed spectra pro-
similar inductance (F11; Lest 68 nH); this coil indeed vides a direct, linewidth independent measure of sensitivity,
provides very similar tuning and matching performance since we observed identical noise amplitude for all four
in comparison to coils F5-3 and 5-4. Note that Eq. (6) coils. Since tube wall thickness becomes increasingly
J.K. Rainey et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 187 (2007) 27–37 33
Fig. 5. Measured vs. calculated inductance for a series of 24 solenoidal coils (Table 2). Measurements were carried out using the circuit shown in Fig. 2 as
calibrated in Fig. 3; calculations were carried out using the indicated inductance estimation formulae. The solid line indicates the exact agreement between
calculation and measurement.
Fig. 6. Coil sensitivity in form of observed peak area for water samples in shown solenoidal coils of given nominal inner diameter. All coils demonstrated
identical noise amplitude. Solid line is linear fit to uncorrected area per mmol while dashed line is for area per mmol corrected for coil filling factor.
sweep generator (Texscan Corporation, Indianapolis, inductance coils used linear regression results from the
IN, USA) was used to provide a frequency scan over the entire data set.
range 1 MHz–1.2 GHz and the circuit response (tuning/
matching/Q performance) was measured through a Acknowledgments
ZFDC-10-2 directional coupler (Mini-Circuits, Brooklyn,
NY, USA) using a model 475A oscilloscope (Tektronix, Thanks to Nic Shaw for helpful discussions. This work
Beaverton, OR, USA). An alternative configuration made was funded by the Canadian Protein Engineering Network
use of a 1–400 MHz sweep generator (Model 1061, Wave- of Centres of Excellence. J.K.R. is grateful for postdoctoral
tek, Indianapolis, IN, USA). Upon insertion of a new coil fellowships from the Alberta Heritage Foundation for
into the circuit, the capacitance of CB was set to both min- Medical Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering
imum and maximum values. Capacitors CA and CC could Research Council of Canada, and the Canadian Institutes
be varied at each value of CB to achieve a well resolved of Health Research Strategic Training Program in Mem-
and matched maximum in the frequency scan, which pro- brane Proteins and Cardiovascular Disease; B.D.S. is sup-
vides the resonant frequency of the circuit. In practice, ported as a Canada Research Chair in Structural Biology.
we found that keeping CA and CC at their maximum capac-
itance provided a good match. The range of each capacitor Appendix A. Niwa formula for flat-coil inductance
and its rate of variation over that range was calibrated indi-
vidually using a model 820 BK capacitance meter (B&K Niwa’s formula for a solenoid of N equally spaced turns
Precision Corporation, Yorba Linda, CA, USA) prior to wound over a length of l on a rectangular former of height
assembly of the circuit. Approximate, total effective capac- h and width w is given by Grover [4] as:
itance (Ceff) of the circuit is given by
wh 1 l w 1 l h 1
CACB þ CBCC þ CACC L ¼ 0:008N 2 sinh1 þ sinh1
C eff ð13Þ l 2h l 2w l 2
CA þ CC 2
h l 1 w 1 w2
1 2 sinh qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 2 sinh1
as developed in Appendix C. Coil inductance can then be l h 2 2 2 l
l 1 þ h =l
determined approximately given an observed resonance
frequency using Eq. (1). To compensate for systematic er- h 1h w 1w h
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sinh1 sinh1
rors between measured and actual inductance, the circuit 2 2 l h 2 l w
l 1 þ w2 =l
was calibrated using a range of 27 inductors of differing 0 1
specifications with overlapping inductance ranges (6 IM-2
Bp wh C
series molded inductors in the range 150 nH–1 lH 10% tol- þ @ tan1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA
erance, Vishay Intertechnology, Malvern, PA, USA; 8 2 2 2
l 1 þ g2 =l
CM252016 series chip inductors in the range 10–150 nH sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
10% tolerance and a 1 lH inductor 10% tolerance, 11 1 l2 g2 1 g2 1 l2 1 l 2 w2
þ 1þ 2 1 þ 1 þ
CI201210 series chip inductors in the range 12–220 nH 3 wh l 2 l2 3 wh 3 wh l2
5% tolerance, and one CM160808 chip inductor at 47 nH sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
5% tolerance, Bourns, Riverside, CA, USA). All inductors 1 w2 1 l2 h2 1 h2
1 1þ 2 1
were chosen such that their self-resonant frequencies were 2 l2 3 wh l 2 l2
well above the resonant frequencies being measured.
1 l g 3 w3 h3
We found different performance of the circuit at each þ ðA:1Þ
6 wh l2
extreme of capacitor CB. In each case, the measured induc-
tance arising from Eqs. (1) and (13) was greater than the where g2 = h2 + w2. Note that based on similarity of terms,
real inductance. As shown in Fig. 3, each circuit resonance it is possible that the fourth term should have a l/w multi-
measurement made at the high-frequency end (low capaci- plier, however we were unable to obtain the original Niwa
tance value of CB) vs. the low-frequency end provided a paper from 1918 [17] to verify this; comparing calculated
significantly greater difference between measured and real inductances for the two forms of the formula, addition of
inductance. Therefore, we calibrated the inductance mea- this l/w multiplier reduces inductance estimates by
surements for each frequency extreme of the resonance cir- 0.1–1.1 nH.
cuit separately. Specifically, linear regression of measured
vs. actual inductance values was used to provide an expres- Appendix B. Derivation of inductance estimates
sion for corrected value of inductance. As this will be
dependent upon the circuit in question, this is not discussed As mentioned in the main text, we use a fairly funda-
in detail. It is the average of these two corrected values that mental level of electricity and magnetism theory [8]. To
is reported as the ‘‘measured inductance’’ for all coils begin with, we consider the magnetic field at an arbitrary
examined. For all coils measured with inductance below point in space, P, caused by a conductor. This is defined
150 nH, linear regression results from the calibration by the law of Biot and Savart. For an infinitesimally short
over the range of 0–150 nH were employed; all higher segment of conductor of length dl, a vector can be defined
36 J.K. Rainey et al. / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 187 (2007) 27–37
in the direction of the current, dl. The field at point P where y varies between 1/2h and 1/2h. Integrating Eq.
induced by a given conductor segment is dependent on (A.3) with Eqs. (A.7) and (A.8) substituted in over
the distance from segment dl to P, r, and the direction of y = 1/2h to 1/2h gives:
the vector between the conductor and P, ^r. The contribu- 0 1
tions of each conductor segment to the total magnetic field l0 I B h C
at P, BP, are: Bleft ¼ Bright ¼ @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiA ðA:9Þ
ð4z2 þ w2 Þð4z2 þ w2 þ h2 Þ
l0 Idl ^r
dBP ¼ ðA:2Þ
4p r2 where reversal of the sign of I applies for the left versus
right side, giving identical values for each side. The total
with magnitude given by: value of the magnetic field arising from the contributions
l0 Idl sin / of a given rectangular turn of the coil separated from point
jdBP j ¼ ðA:3Þ P by distance z along the coil centre-line is then given by
4p r2
the summation of Eqs. (A.6) and (A.9) multiplied by 2 to
where l0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current in give contributions for each of the four sides of the
the conductor, and / is the angle between dl and ^r. rectangle:
For clarity, the terminology used to refer to features of a 0
flat-coil in the following derivation is illustrated in Fig. 1. 2l0 I B w
To allow the integration to be independent of the number Bturn ðzÞ ¼ @qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
of turns in the coil, we simplify the geometry of the coil ð4z2 þ h Þð4z2 þ w2 þ h2 Þ
of the rectangular coil, which can be equated to Eq. (A.12) following expression for the total effective capacitance
giving: of the circuit:
B2 ðhw½N 1sÞ CACB þ CBCC þ CACC
1=2LI 2 ðA:14Þ C eff ð13Þ
2l0 CA þ CC
6X B
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