Southern Hemisphere Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Emerging As Future Marine Heatwave Hotspots Under Greenhouse Warming
Southern Hemisphere Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Emerging As Future Marine Heatwave Hotspots Under Greenhouse Warming
Southern Hemisphere Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems Emerging As Future Marine Heatwave Hotspots Under Greenhouse Warming
Received: 13 September 2022 Shengpeng Wang1,2, Zhao Jing 1,2 , Lixin Wu 1,2, Shantong Sun 3
Qihua Peng 4, Hong Wang 1,2, Yu Zhang 1,2 & Jian Shi1,5
Accepted: 16 December 2022
Most parts of the surface ocean have undergone substantial warming modified by local atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns12–17.
during the past several decades as a result of anthropogenic green- Global-scale analyses tend to overlook or mask the MHW changes in
house gas emissions1,2. Along with this mean-state warming, prolonged the coastal regions due to their small occupied area5–7.
extreme warm water events, known as marine heatwaves (MHWs)3, Located along the eastern boundaries of the Pacific and Atlantic
have increased significantly in their incidence, duration, and intensity basins, the eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs), including
on a global scale, as revealed by satellite observations4. MHWs often California (CalCS), Canary (CanCS), Humboldt (HCS), and Benguela
have more adverse ecological and socioeconomic consequences than current systems (BCS), are among the most biologically productive
the gradual increase in the mean-state sea surface temperature (SST) regions around the world8–11 (Fig. 1). Equatorward alongshore winds
due to the limited capacity of marine species in adjusting to the MHW- over the EBUSs drive intense upwelling and pump cold and nutrient-
triggered abrupt and substantial environmental changes5. Although rich subsurface water into the euphotic layer by pushing surface water
many efforts have been made to evaluate the response of the MHWs in offshore10, which plays a pivotal role in sustaining the primary pro-
the open ocean to greenhouse warming5–7, there is still limited duction and biological diversity18–20. In addition, the upwelled cold
knowledge of long-term MHW changes in the coastal regions where subsurface water is suggested to buffer the SST increase under
the ecosystems are richest8–11 and global drivers of SST changes are greenhouse warming12–17. This argument is supported by the slower
Frontiers Science Center for Deep Ocean Multispheres and Earth System and Key Laboratory of Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China,
Qingdao, China. 2Laoshan Laboratory, Qingdao, China. 3Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA. 5College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University
of China, Qingdao, China. e-mail: [email protected]
Fig. 1 | Changes of marine heatwave (MHW) stress and mean-state sea surface coastal and oceanic trend difference (COTD) of MHW stress. b, d, f, h, Same as a, c,
temperature (SST) in the eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) under e, g, but for the COTD of annual mean SST. Regions with the COTD insignificant at a
greenhouse warming projected by CESM-H. The linear trend of MHW stress 95% confidence level are masked by white. i, Geographical location of the four
during 2001–2100 in California current system (CalCS, a), Canary current system major EBUSs with the shading denoting the satellite-measured mean sea surface
(CanCS, c), Humboldt current system (HCS, e) and Benguela current system (BCS, chlorophyll-a concentration during 2002–2022.
g) minus its counterpart in the adjacent ocean (Supplementary Fig. 10), i.e., the
mean-state warming and MHW statistics increase in the EBUSs than in Project Phase 6 (CMIP6)34 causes a large warm bias in the mean-
the adjacent ocean, according to the satellite observations during the state SST that may be further biased into MHWs (Supplementary
past several decades, leading the community to hypothesize that the Table 1; Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2), degrading the fidelity of
EBUSs will serve as thermal refugia in a warming climate12–17,21,22. these CGCMs in projecting MHW changes in the EBUSs under
However, the limited length of observational records and greenhouse warming.
inherent bias of satellite SST products in the coastal upwelling In this study, we evaluate the future change of MHWs in the four
regions23,24 raise concerns on whether the observed slower major EBUSs under a high carbon emission scenario using an unpre-
increases of mean-state SST and MHW statistics in the EBUSs than cedented long-term high-resolution climate simulation35 based on the
in the adjacent ocean are the forced response to greenhouse Community Earth System Model (denoted as CESM-H for short; see
warming or natural multi-decadal variability. In fact, there is some “CESM-H” in “Methods”). CESM-H has an ocean resolution of 0.1°, fine
evidence25–28 that the anthropogenic change in upwelling, a key enough to resolve the prominent coastal upwelling in the EBUSs. It
process underpinning the thermal refugia of EBUSs, may not shows a much-improved representation of present-day mean-state SST
emerge until the second half of the twenty-first century. Alter- and MHW stress (See “Computation of MHW stress” in “Methods”)
natively, the long-term climate model simulations can provide an compared to the low-resolution CMIP6 CGCMs (Supplementary Figs. 1
opportunity to evaluate the response of MHWs in the EBUSs to and 2), giving us confidence in its reliability in projecting MHW chan-
greenhouse warming. However, the most recent generation of ges in the EBUSs. According to the CESM-H’s projection, the Southern
coupled global climate models (CGCMs) is generally too coarse to Hemisphere EBUSs will likely to become local hotspots of MHWs rather
resolve the essential atmospheric and oceanic dynamics in the than thermal refugia in the future, as the buffering effect of upwelling
EBUSs29–33. In particular, the poorly resolved coastal upwelling by is overwhelmed by the additional warming caused by the weakened
low-resolution CGCMs in the Coupled Model Intercomparison eastern boundary currents.
Fig. 2 | Comparison of the projected marine heatwave (MHW) stress and mean- CGCMs. b Scatterplot of COTD of MHW stress vs. COTD of mean-state SST in the
state sea surface temperature (SST) changes in the eastern boundary upwel- individual CGCMs. The solid gray line represents the linear regression line, with the
ling systems (EBUSs) under greenhouse warming between CESM-H and high- blue dashed lines corresponding to its 95% confidence interval. All the COTD values
resolution coupled global climate models (CGCMs) in CMIP6. a Boxplots of are the spatial average over the regions delineated by the green boxes in Fig. 1a–h.
coastal and oceanic trend difference (COTD) of mean-state SST in the individual
Fig. 3 | Dynamical processes responsible for the different mean-state sea sur- advection by mean flows, Qme the temperature flux convergence by mesoscale
face temperature (SST) changes between the eastern boundary upwelling eddies, Qshf the contribution by the net sea surface heat flux and Qmix the para-
systems (EBUSs) and adjacent oceans under greenhouse warming. Climatolo- meterized subgrid-scale mixing. Regions used for spatial average are delineated by
gical mean (1950–2000) heat budget in the upper 50 m averaged over California the green boxes in Fig. 1a–h. The error bar denotes the 95% confidence level.
current system (CalCS, a), Canary current system (CanCS, b), Humboldt current e–h, Same as a–d, but for the coastal and oceanic trend difference (COTD) of
system (HCS, c) and Benguela current system (BCS, d) minus its oceanic counter- individual heat budget terms during 2001–2100.
part, where TD is the temperature tendency, Qvm (Qhm) the vertical (horizontal)
Fig. 4 | Effects of mean flow and mean-state temperature changes on mean- bars denote the coastal and oceanic trend difference (COTD) of mean-flow
flow advection changes in the eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) advection during 2001–2100 (the same as their counterparts in Fig. 3e–h). The blue
under greenhouse warming. Decomposition of Qvm and Qhm changes into com- and red bars denote the contribution by the mean flow change and mean-state
ponents associated with the mean flow changes and mean temperature gradient temperature change, respectively; the purple bar (the residue term) denotes their
changes in California current system (CalCS, a), Canary current system (CanCS, b), interaction effects. The errorbar is the 95% confidence level. See “Heat budget
Humboldt current system (HCS, c) and Benguela current system (BCS, d). The gray analysis” in “Methods” for more computational details.
whereas the Qhm change enlarges the mean-state SST increase in the The buffering effect of upwelling on the surface EBUS warming is
coastal region. In the Northern Hemisphere EBUSs, the enhanced generally thought to be caused by the intensified upwelling in a
cooling induced by the Qvm change is dominant and responsible for the warming climate suggested by Bakun’s hypothesis13–16,38,39. However, in
slower mean-state warming. On the contrary, the additional warming contrast to this view, we find that the Qvm change in the EBUSs is
induced by the Qhm change overwhelms the other processes in the generally dominated by the change in the thermal stratification (i.e.,
Southern Hemisphere EBUSs, causing the faster mean-state warming. vertical temperature gradient) rather than the upwelling strength
Fig. 5 | Natural multi-decadal variability of marine heatwave (MHW) stress in b), Humboldt current system (HCS, c) and Benguela current system (BCS, d) in
the eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUSs) simulated by high-resolution high-resolution CGCM simulations with the fixed greenhouse gas concentration.
coupled global climate models (CGCMs). The probability density function (PDF) The yellow dashed lines denote the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles. The green lines
of the 40-year rolling coastal and oceanic trend difference (COTD) of MHW stress denote the COTD of MHW stress during 1982–2021 in the observation. Regions
averaged over California current system (CalCS, a), Canary current system (CanCS, used for spatial average are delineated by the green boxes in Fig. 1a–h.
(Fig. 4). In CalCS and BCS, the enhanced thermal stratification under interactions between changes in the horizontal mean flows and
greenhouse warming makes the upwelling more efficient to cool the temperature gradient, highlighting the complication in the
sea surface, despite an unchanged or weakened upwelling. Both the response of coastal dynamics to greenhouse warming.
enhanced thermal stratification and upwelling in CanCS contribute to
the stronger surface cooling, but the former contribution is dominant. Discussion
In HCS, the weakened thermal stratification counteracts the enhanced This study provides insight into the response of MHWs in the EBUSs to
upwelling, so that Qvm remains nearly unchanged. Therefore, the greenhouse warming and its underlying dynamics, suggesting that the
efficacy of upwelling in buffering the surface EBUS warming is largely Southern Hemisphere EBUSs would become local hotspots of MHWs in
determined by the change of thermal stratification rather than the the future and challenging the prevailing hypothesis12–17,21,22 that the
upwelling strength in a warming climate. EBUSs serve as thermal refugia in a warming climate. So far, anthro-
The response of Qhm in the Southern Hemisphere EBUSs to pogenic eastern boundary current changes have received less atten-
greenhouse warming is mainly attributed to the weakened eastern tion compared to their western boundary counterparts48,49. Yet our
boundary currents (Fig. 4c, d; Supplementary Fig. 6a, b). Such findings suggest that the weakened eastern boundary currents in the
eastern boundary current changes are largely geostrophic (Sup- Southern Hemisphere EBUSs play a dominant role in the formation of
plementary Fig. 6c, d) and robust across the high-resolution MHW hotspots in these regions under greenhouse warming. It is thus
CGCM simulations in CMIP6 (Supplementary Fig. 7). The weak- of great importance to have an in-depth knowledge of the response of
ening of the eastern boundary current in the BCS is likely asso- eastern boundary currents to greenhouse warming and its underlying
ciated with a decline of the Atlantic meridional overturning dynamics in future studies.
circulation (AMOC)40–42. In addition, we find that the anthro- In the Southern Hemisphere EBUSs, the projected COTD of
pogenic change of wind stress forcing could also contribute to MHW stress by high-resolution CGCMs is opposite to the observed
the weakening of the eastern boundary currents in the Southern one during the past four decades (Figs. 2 and 5). This raises con-
Hemisphere EBUSs under greenhouse warming43, but the under- cerns on whether the observed multi-decadal COTD of MHW stress
lying dynamics differ between HCS and BCS. The effect of wind reflects the natural variability or whether the high-resolution
stress forcing change on the weakened eastern boundary current CGCMs suffer from the common bias. The former seems likely as
in HCS seems largely attributed to the poleward shift of the the observed multi-decadal COTD of MHW stress in all the four
subtropical high in the Southern Hemisphere Pacific (Supple- EBUSs lies within the range of natural variability simulated by the
mentary Figs. 8a–d and 9)44,45. In contrast, the wind-induced high-resolution CGCMs (Fig. 5). It thus implies that the forced
weakening of the eastern boundary current in BCS originates in response of MHWs in the Southern Hemisphere EBUSs to green-
the tropical Atlantic (Supplementary Fig. 8e–h) and is likely to be house warming has not emerged out of natural variability by now.
related to the relaxation of trade winds associated with an This may be partially due to the fact that the anthropogenic decline
Atlantic Niño-like mean-state change (Supplementary Fig. 9)46,47. of AMOC has not been underway50–54, especially for MHWs in BCS.
For the Northern Hemisphere EBUSs where Qhm plays a secondary The emergence time of anthropogenic MHW changes under dif-
role in the COTD of mean-state SST, its change is dominated by ferent carbon emission scenarios remains unclear. Yet such
knowledge would be critical for risk assessment of marine ecosys- where h = 50 m is the lower bound for the vertical integration, the
tems and fisheries in the EBUSs as well as adaptation planning. angle brackets are the horizontal average over some domain (deli-
neated by green boxes in Fig. 1a–h), T is the sea water temperature,
Methods u = ðu,v,wÞ is the three-dimensional ocean velocity vector, and
CESM-H ∇ = ð∂=∂x,∂=∂y,∂=∂zÞ. The overbar and prime represent the mean
A global high-resolution climate simulation based on the Community flows defined as the monthly mean values and mesoscale eddies
Earth System Model (CESM-H)35 is used to analyze the future responses defined as the perturbations from the monthly mean values,
of MHWs to greenhouse warming in the four major EBUSs. The CESM- respectively.
H includes an oceanic component of the Parallel Ocean Program ver- The term on the left-hand side of Eq. (1) is the temperature
sion2 (POP2), which has a nominal horizontal resolution of 0.1° and 62 tendency (denoted as TD). The first and second terms on the
vertical levels with increasing grid space from 10 m near the surface to right-hand side are the horizontal advection (Qhm ) and vertical
250 m near 6000 m, and an atmospheric component of the Commu- advection (Qvm ) by the mean flows, respectively. The third term
nity Atmosphere Model version 5 (CAM5), which has a nominal hor- represents the temperature flux convergence by mesoscale
izontal resolution of 0.25° and 30 vertical levels with a model top at 3 eddies (Qme ). The fourth term (Qshf = ρF Cneth) measures the con-
0 p
hPa. Besides, it includes the Community Ice Code version 4 (CICE4) tribution from the sea surface heat flux with F net the net sea
and the Community Land Model version 4 (CLM4) as its sea-ice and surface heat flux defined positive into the ocean, ρ0 the ocean
land components, respectively. CESM-H consists of a 500-year pre- reference density, and C p the ocean specific heat capacity. The
industry control simulation (PI-CTRL) run for the 1850 condition and a last term (Qmix ) denotes the parameterized subgrid-scale vertical
250-year historical and future transient climate run for 1850–2100 and horizontal mixing. All the terms in Eq. (1) are computed
branched out from the 250th year of PI-CTRL, following the design explicitly based on the CESM-H’s model output except Qmix that is
protocol of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 computed as a residue.
experiments55. Readers can refer to ref. 35 for a detailed description of The effects of mean flow and mean temperature gradient changes
model configurations. on Qhm and Qvm changes under greenhouse warming can be quantified
Computation of MHW stress *Z +
In this study, MHWs are identified based on the approach proposed by 1 0
ΔQhm = c
u c
+v dz
ref. 3, i.e., a discrete period of at least 5 consecutive days when SST is h h ∂x ∂y
higher than a seasonally varying threshold θ. The value of θ at each grid *Z + ð2Þ
cell is computed as the 90th percentile of SST during a prescribed 1 0
∂T c ∂T
Δu + Δ
v c dz + Res:
baseline period. The baseline period is chosen as 1950-2000 when h h ∂x ∂y
computing the trend of MHWs during 2001–2100 under greenhouse
warming but as 1982-2021 when comparing the CGCM simulated *Z + *Z +
1 0
∂ΔT 1 0
∂T c
MHWs with the observations. The former period is chosen to avoid the ΔQvm = c
w dz
Δw dz + Res: ð3Þ
artificial trend of MHWs due to the inhomogeneity in percentile-based h h ∂z h h ∂z
indices56, while the latter period is chosen to be consistent with the
period of observations. Once individual MHWs are identified, the MHW where the subscript c represents the time mean seasonal cycle during
stress (annual cumulative intensity) is computed as the integral of 2001-2100 and Δ represents the difference from this time mean
MHW intensity over all the MHW days in each year4,6,7. To exclude the seasonal cycle. The first terms on the right-hand side of Eqs. (2) and (3)
effect of long-term mean-state SST change on MHW change, we (ΔQΔT ΔT
hm and ΔQvm ) are caused by the change of mean temperature
recompute MHWs by using a partial moving baseline combined with a gradient, whereas the second terms (ΔQΔu Δu
hm and ΔQvm ) are caused by
local linear detrending following ref. 36. the change of mean flows. The last terms, computed as a residue, are
related to the cross-product of mean flow and mean temperature
Definition of coastal and oceanic difference gradient changes.
The coastal and oceanic difference is defined as the value in the coastal
region minus its oceanic counterpart at the same latitude. For CESM-H, Data availability
the coastal region is defined as the domain within 20 model grids (~2°) The CESM-H data used in this study are available from http://ihesp.
from the coastline, including the coastal upwelling driven by the and
alongshore wind stress and a large fraction of offshore wind stress curl- Sunway_Runs.html. The CMIP6 model data used in this study can be
driven upwelling10,57,58. The oceanic reference value is computed as the downloaded from The
zonal mean value within 20-30 model grids (~2°−3°) from the coastline, OISSTv2 data used in this study are provided by the NOAA (www.esrl.
where the effect of upwelling on SST becomes relatively negligible16. As The chlorophyll-a concentration data used in this
to the CMIP6 CGCMs, their simulation data are first bilinearly inter- study are obtained from
polated onto the oceanic grids of CESM-H. The coastal and oceanic
difference is then defined in the same way as in CESM-H. Code availability
The CESM-H code is available at ZENODO via
Heat budget analysis zenodo.3637771. The code for the computation of MHWs using a par-
The heat budget for the upper 50-m water column is tial moving baseline combined with a local linear detrending is avail-
able at The MatlabR2016b is
*Z + *Z + *Z + used for plotting. Codes to reproduce the figures are available from the
1 0
∂T 1 0
∂T ∂T 1 0
∂T corresponding author upon request.
dz =
u +
v dz w dz
h h ∂t h h ∂x ∂y h h ∂z
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Author contributions
S.W. conducted the analysis under Z.J.’s instruction. S.W. and Z.J. wrote
the manuscript. Z.J. proposed the central idea. L.W. led the research and