Flight Guidance System

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Flight Guidance System

User Manual
Flight Guidance Panel
Navigation button
Vertical Speed
7 Autopilot Master
Flight level Heading
Altitude hold Yaw Damper button 5
Flight Director Change button buttons
VS/Pitch wheel button
Button 1 9
6 Flight Director
Button 1

2 3
Course Vertical Speed Heading Altitude selector knob
Navigation Half Bank
selector selector selector
knob knob button knob

1 FD: switch activates or deactivates the command bars.

2 Course Selector Knob (CRS): When the active navigation source is VOR or LOC the pilot may manually change
the navigation course by rotating the CRS knob. If VOR is active you can select the course to the station by pressing PUSH
DIRECT on the CRS knob

3 VNAV: The VNAV button selects/deselects the VNAV mode. When VNAV is active The FMS (or the pilot) is able to
command various vertical modes (VALT, VFLC, VVS) based on the current FMS flight plan (or pilot input).
VALT: When climbing or descending or by pressing the ALT button in the FGS, the system will captured either the altitude
written on the flight plan (VALTV) or the altitude commanded by the altitude preselector (VALTS) or the altitude that you had
when the ALT button was pushed (VALT).
VFLC: When the FLC button is pushed or when the FMS commands a change in vertical mode to the FLC mode the airplane
maintains the indicated airspeed at the time the mode is selected. It can be modify by the pilot by rotating the speed knob
(this is how most pilots do it). Selected speed is annunciated over the airspeed ribbon.
VVS: When the VS button is pushed while in VNAV.
VVS becomes the active vertical mode. The pilot can modify the current VS by using the VS/Pitch wheel.

4 YD/AP DISC: Selection the YD/AP DISC switch will disengage both the autopilot and the yaw damper,

5 AP Switch: The autopilot can be engage by pressing the push-on/push-off button.

6 YD Switch: Yaw Damper is selected by the YD push-on/ push-off switch. Autopilot selection will also activate the YD if
not already on.

7 VS: The VS button selects the vertical speed mode (VS). The vertical speed reference is set to the current VS at the time of
mode selection. Rotation of the VS/Pitch wheel slews the VS reference in the direction of the knob rotation. Note: This mode
will not stop at a desired altitude unless the altitude was preselected using the altitude selector knob.

8 VS/PITCH WHEEL: The VS/PITCH wheel slews the pitch reference or vertical speed in the direction of knob rotation.

9 FLC: The FLC button selects the flight level change mode (FLC). Maintains the indicated airspeed at the time the mode is
selected. Airspeed can be adjusted with the Speed selector knob. Selected speed is annunciated over the airspeed ribbon.
Note: This aircraft does not have auto throttle, the aircraft will catch the selected airspeed changing the pitch. It is recom-
mended to adjust the throttle to get an airspeed near the desired one before using this mode.

Flight Guidance annunciators elements

Flight Guidance Altitude preselect


Airspeed Bug

Active modes are displayed in green and armed modes are displayed just below in white.


Flight Guidance System Display Annunciator and modes



Heading Hold HDG Holds the heading as selected by the

HDG heading bug.

FMS Lateral Navigation FMS FMS Tracks the active course generated
NAV by the FMS.

VOR Lateral Navigation VOR1, VOR1, Tracks the selected VOR course from the
NAV VOR2 VOR2 selected NAV radio with a navigation VOR
frequency tuned.

Localizer Lateral LOC1, LOC1, Tracks the selected localizer course from
Navigation LOC2 LOC2 the selected NAV radio with a navigation
NAV localizer frequency tuned.

FMS Approach APPR APPR Tracks the active course generated

APPR FMS FMS by the selected FMS.

Localizer Approach APPR APPR Tracks the selected localizer course from
the selected NAV radio with localizer
APPR LOC LOC frequency tuned and enables GS mode.


Pitch Hold PTCH Maintains the pitch present at the time the mode is
selected. Default mode for the flight director if no other
FD modes are selected, or if current vertical mode is
deselected. Can be adjusted with the VS/Pitch wheel.

Vertical Speed Hold VS Maintains the vertical speed present at the time the
mode is selected. Can be adjusted with the VS/Pitch
VS wheel.

Flight Level Change FLC 250 Maintains the indicated airspeed at the time the
mode is selected.
FLC Can be adjusted with the Speed selector knob.
As this aircraft does not have auto throttle, the
aircraft will catch the selected airspeed changing the
pitch. It is recommended to adjust the throttle to get
an airspeed near the desired one before using this


Altitude Hold ALT Maintaining an altitude other than the preselected or

VNAV altitude.
ALT Maintains the altitude present at the time the mode
is selected. Can be adjusted with the altitude
selector knob.

Preselect Altitude ALTS ALTS Preselected altitude will be maintained (if armed).
Hold Can be adjusted with the altitude selector knob.

Glide Slope GS GS The APPR LOC mode has been selected and the
flight director will, or has, intercepted the localizer
APPR glide slope. This mode will not recognize preselec-
ted or FMS generated altitudes.


VNAV Pitch
– Hold VPTCH Pitch Hold Mode has been selected with VNAV
enabled. Can be adjusted with the pitch selector.

VNAV-Vertical VVS 500 Vertical Speed Hold Mode has been selected with
Speed Hold VNAV enabled. Selected vertical speed is annuncia-
VS + VNAV ted adjacent to VVS. Can be adjusted with the
vertical speed selector.

VNAV – Flight Level FLC VFLC 250 Flight Level Change Mode has been selected with
Change VNAV enabled. Selected speed is annunciated
FLC + VNAV adjacent to VFLC. Can be adjusted with the Speed
selector knob.

VNAV – Altitude Hold VALT Maintaining an altitude other than the Preselected or
ALT + VNAV VNAV altitude.
Maintains the altitude present at the time the mode
is selected. Can be adjusted with the altitude
selector knob.

VNAV – Preselected ALTS VALTS Preselected altitude will be maintained with VNAV
Altitude Hold enabled.
VNAV This mode keeps or turn on NAV mode (lateral

VNAV – FMS VNAV ALTV VALTV FMS VNAV altitude is being maintained with the
Altitude Hold altitude preselector set at a different altitude.

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