Neural Networks For Text Classification

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Effectiveness of Self Normalizing Neural

Networks for Text Classification

Avinash Madasu and Vijjini Anvesh Rao

Samsung R&D Institute, Bangalore

arXiv:1905.01338v1 [cs.CL] 3 May 2019

Abstract. Self Normalizing Neural Networks(SNN) proposed on Feed

Forward Neural Networks(FNN) outperform regular FNN architectures
in various machine learning tasks. Particularly in the domain of Com-
puter Vision, the activation function Scaled Exponential Linear Units
(SELU) proposed for SNNs, perform better than other non linear activa-
tions such as ReLU. The goal of SNN is to produce a normalized output
for a normalized input. Established neural network architectures like feed
forward networks and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) lack the in-
trinsic nature of normalizing outputs. Hence, requiring additional layers
such as Batch Normalization. Despite the success of SNNs, their charac-
teristic features on other network architectures like CNN haven’t been
explored, especially in the domain of Natural Language Processing. In
this paper we aim to show the effectiveness of proposed, Self Normal-
izing Convolutional Neural Networks(SCNN) on text classification. We
analyze their performance with the standard CNN architecture used on
several text classification datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that
SCNN achieves comparable results to standard CNN model with sig-
nificantly fewer parameters. Furthermore it also outperforms CNN with
equal number of parameters.

1 Introduction
The aim of Natural Language Processing(NLP) is to analyze and extract in-
formation from textual data in order to make computers understand language,
the way humans do. Unlike images which lack sequential patterns, texts involve
amplitude of such information which makes processing very distinctive.
The level of processing varies from paragraph level, sentence level, word level and
to the character level. Deep neural network architectures achieved state-of-art
results in many areas like Speech Recognition [1] and Computer Vison [2]. The
use of neural networks in Natural language processing can be traced back to [3]
where the backpropogation algorithm was used to make networks learn famil-
ial relations. The major advancement was when [4] applied neural networks to
represent words in a distributed compositional manner. [5] proposed two neural
network models CBoW and Skip-gram for an efficient distributed representation
of words. This was a major break-through in the field of NLP. From then, neural
network architectures achieved state-of-results in many NLP applications like
Machine Translation [6], Text Summarization [7] and Conversation Models [8] .
Convolutional Neural Networks [9] were devised primarily for dealing with
images and have shown remarkable results in the field of computer vision[10,11].
In addition to their contribution in Image processing, their effectiveness in Nat-
ural language processing has also been explored and shown to have strong per-
formance in Sentence[12] and Text Classification[13].
The intuition behind Self Normalizing Neural Networks(SNN) is to drive
neuron activations across all layers to emit a zero mean and unit variance out-
put. This is done with the help of the proposed activation in SNNs, SELU or
scaled exponential linear units. With the help of SELUs an effect alike to batch
normalization is replicated, hence slashing the number of parameters along with
a robust learning. Special Dropouts and Initialization also help in this learning,
which make SNNs remarkable to traditional Neural Networks. As Image based
inputs and Text based inputs differ from each other in form and characteristics,
in this paper we propose certain revisions to the SNN architecture to empower
them on texts efficiently.
In this paper, to explore effectiveness of self normalizing neural networks in
text classification, we propose an architecture, Self Normalizing Convolutional
Neural Network (SCNN) built upon convolutional neural networks. A thorough
study of SCNNs on various benchmark text datasets, is paramount to ascertain
importance of SNNs in Natural Language Processing.

2 Related Work

Prior to the success of deep learning, text classification heavily relied on good
feature engineering and various machine learning algorithms.
Convolutional Neural Networks [9] were devised primarily for dealing with
images and have shown remarkable results in the field of computer vision[10,11].
In addition to their contribution in Image processing, their effectiveness in Nat-
ural language processing has also been explored and shown to have strong per-
formance. Kim [12] represented an input sentence using word embeddings that
are stacked into a two dimensional structure where length corresponds to em-
bedding size and height with average sentence length. Processing this structure
using kernel filters of fixed window size and max pooling layer upon it to capture
the most important information has shown them promising results on text classi-
fication. Additionally, very deep CNN architectures [13] have shown state-of-the
art results in text classification, significantly reducing the error percentage. As
CNNs are limited to fixed window sizes, [14] have proposed a recurrent convolu-
tion architecture to exploit the advantages of recurrent structures that capture
distant contextual information in ways fixed windows may not be able to.
Klambauer [15] proposed Self Normalizing Neural Networks (SNN) upon feed
forward neural networks, significantly outperformed FNN architectures on vari-
ous machine learning tasks. Since then, the activation proposed in SNNs, SELU
have been widely studied in Image Processing[16,17,18], where they have been
applied on CNNs to achieve better results. SELU’s effectiveness have also been
explored in Text[19,20,21] processing tasks. However these applications are lim-
ited to applying just SELUs in their [16,17,18,19,20,21] respective architectures.

3 Self-Normalizing Neural Networks

Self-Normalizing Neural Networks(SNN) are introduced by Gnter Klambauer

[15] to learn higher level abstractions. Regular neural network architectures
like Feed forward Neural Networks(FNN), Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)
lack the property of normalizing outputs and require additional layers like Batch
Normalization[22] for normalizing hidden layer outputs. SNN are specialized neu-
ral networks in which the neuron activations automatically converge to a fixed
mean and variance. Training of deep CNNs can be efficiently stabilized by using
batch normalization and by using Dropouts [23]. However FNN suffer from high
variance when trained with these normalization techniques. In contrast, SNN are
very robust to high variance thereby inducing variance stabilization and over-
coming problems like exploding gradients[15]. SNN differs from naive FNN by
the following:

3.1 Input Normalization

To get a normalized output in SNN without requiring layers like batch normal-
ization, the inputs are normalized.

3.2 Intialization

Weights initialization is an important step in training neural networks.Several

initialization methods like glorot uniform[24] and lecun normal[25] have been
proposed. FNN and CNN are generally initialized using glorot uniform whereas
SNN are initialized using lecun normal. Glorot uniform initialization draws sam-
ples centered around 0 and with standard deviation as:
stddev = (1)
(in + out)

Lecun normal initialization draws samples centered around 0 and with standard
deviation as:
stddev = (2)
where in and out represent dimensions of weight matrix corresponding to number
of nodes in previous and current layer respectively.
3.3 SELU activations

Scaled exponential linear units (SELU) is the activation function proposed in

SNNs. In general, FNN and CNN use rectified linear units(ReLU) as activa-
tion. ReLU activation clips negative values to 0 and hence suffers from dying
ReLU problem∗ . As explained by [15] an activation function should contain both
positive and negative values for controlling mean, saturation regions for reduc-
ing high variance and slope greater than one to increase variance if its value is
too small. Hence SELU activation is introduced to preserve the aforementioned
properties. SELU activation function is defined as :
x if x > 0
selu(x) = λ x
αe − α if x 6 0

where x denotes input, α (α = 1.6733), λ (λ = 1.0507) are hyper parameters,

and e stands for exponent

3.4 Alpha Dropout

Standard dropout[23] drops neurons randomly by setting their weights to 0

with a probability 1 − p . This prevents the network to set mean and variance
to a desired value. Standard dropout works very well with ReLUs because in
them, zero falls under the low variance region and is the default value. For
SELU, standard dropout does not fit well because the default low variance is
limx→∞ selu(x) = - λα = α [15]. Hence alpha dropout is proposed which sets
input values randomly to α . Alpha dropout restores the original values of mean
and variance thereby preserving the self-normalizing property [15]. Hence, alpha
dropout suits SELU by making activations into negative saturation values at

4 Model

We propose Self-normalizing Convolutional Neural Network (SCNN) for text

classification as shown in the figure 1. To show the effectiveness of our proposed
model, we adapted the standard CNN architecture used for text classification to
SCNN with the following changes:

4.1 Word Embeddings are not normalized

Self-Normalizing Neural Networks require inputs to be normalized for the out-

puts to be normalized[15]. Normalization of inputs work very well in computer
vision because images are represented as pixel values which are independent of
the neighbourhood pixels. In contrast, word embedding for a particular word is

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created based on its co-occurrence with context. Words exhibit strong depen-
dency with their neighbourhood words. Similar words contain similar context
and are hence close to each other in their embedding space. If word embeddings
are normalized, the dependencies are disturbed and their normalized values will
not represent the semantics behind the word correctly.

4.2 ELU activation as an alternative to SELU

SELU activation originally proposed for SNN[15] preserve the properties of SNN
if the inputs are normalized. When inputs are normalized, applying SELU on
the activations does not shift the mean. However if inputs weren’t normalized,
due to the parameter λ in SELU activation, the neuron outputs will be scaled
by a factor λ thereby shifting the mean and variance to a value away from the
desired mean and variance. These values are further propagated to other layers
thereby shifting mean and variance more and more. Since input word embeddings
cannot be normalized as explained in section 4.1, we use ELU activation [26] in
the proposed SCNN model instead. ELU activation function is defined as :
x if x > 0
elu(x) = x
αe − α if x 6 0

where α is a hyper parameter, and e stands for exponent. The absence of pa-
rameter λ in ELU prevents greater scaling of neuron outputs. ELU activation
pushes the mean of the activations closer to zero even if inputs are not normal-
ized which enable faster learning [26]. We compare the performance of SCNN
with both SELU and ELU activations and the results presented in table 3 and
figure 2.

4.3 Model Architecture

The SCNN architecture is shown in the figure 1. Let V be the vocabulary size
considered for each dataset and X ∈ RV ×d represent the word embedding matrix
where each word Xi is a d dimensional word vector. Words present in the pre-
trained word embedding† are assigned their corresponding word vectors. Word
that are not present are initialized to 0s. Based on our experiments, SCNN
showed better performance when absent words are initialized to 0s than ran-
domly initialization. A maximum sentence length of N is considered per sentence
or paragraph. If the sentence or paragraph length is less than N , zero padding is
done. Therefore, I ∈ RN ×d dimensional vector per each sentence or paragraph
is provided as input to the SCNN model.
Convolution operation is applied on I with kernel K ∈ Rh×d (h ∈ {3,4,5})
is applied to input vectors with a window size of h. The weight initialization of
these kernels is done using lecun normal [25] and bias is initialized to 0. A new
Fig. 1: Architecture of proposed SCNN model

feature vector is C ∈ R(N −h+1)×1 is obtained after the convolution operation for
each filter.
C = f (I ~ K) (5)
where f represents the activation function (ELU). Number of convolution filters
vary depending on the dataset, table 2 summarizes the number of parameters
for all of our experiments. Maxpooling operation is applied across each filter C
to get the maximum value. The outputs from the maxpooling layer across all
filters are concatenated. Alpha dropout [15] with a dropout value 0.5 is applied
on the concatenated layer. The concatenated layer is densely connected to the
output layer with activation as sigmoid if task is binary classification and softmax

5 Experiments and Datasets

Table 1: Summary statistics of all datasets

Datasets No. of classes Dataset Size Test

MR 2 10662 10 fold Cross Validation
SO 2 10000 10 fold Cross Validation
IMDB 2 50000 25000
TREC 6 5952 500
CR 2 3773 10 fold Cross Validation
MPQA 2 10604 10 fold Cross Validation
Table 2: Parameters of examined models on all datasets

No of Conv.Filters No of Parameters
Datasets SCNN and SCNN and
Static CNN[12] Static CNN[12]
Short-CNN Short-CNN
MR 210 300 ≈ 254k ≈ 362k
SO 210 300 ≈ 254k ≈ 362k
IMDB 210 300 ≈ 254k ≈ 362k
TREC 210 300 ≈ 254k ≈ 362k
CR 90 300 ≈ 108k ≈ 362k
MPQA 90 300 ≈ 108k ≈ 362k

5.1 Datasets
We performed experiments on various benchmark data sets of text classification.
The summary statistics for the datasets are shown in table 1

Movie Reviews(MR) It consists of 10662 movie reviews with 5331 positive

and 5331 negative reviews[27]. Task involves classifying reviews into positive or
negative sentiment.

Subjectivity Objectivity(SO) The dataset consists of 10000 sentences with

5000 subjective sentences and 5000 objective [28]. It is a binary classification
task of classifying sentences as subjective or objective.

IMDB Movie Reviews(IMDB) The dataset consists of 50000 movie reviews

of which 25000 are positive and 25000 are negative [29].

TREC TREC dataset contains questions of 6 categories based on the type of

question: 95 questions for Abbreviation,1344 questions for Entity, 1300 questions
for Description, 1288 questions for Human, 916 questions for Location and 1009
questions for Numeric Value [30].

Customer Reviews(CR) The dataset consists of 2406 positive reviews and

1367 negative reviews. It is a binary classification task of predicting positive or
negative sentiment [31].

MPAQ The dataset consists of 3311 positive reviews and 7293 negative reviews.
Binary classification task of predicting positive and negative opinion [32].

5.2 Baseline Models

We compare our proposed model SCNN with the following models:
Static CNN model We compare SCNN with the static model, one of the
standard CNN models proposed for text classification [12].

SCNN with SELU activation SNN was originally proposed with SELU ac-
tivation. We performed experiments on SCNN using SELU as the activation
function in place of ELU.

Short CNN Our model SCNN is proposed with fewer parameters compared
to Static CNN model[12]. To show the effectiveness of SCNN, we perform ex-
periments on Static CNN model with same number of parameters as SCNN, we
refer this model as Short CNN.

(a) Accuracy Score comparison on (b) F1-Score comparison on CR,

MR, SO, IMDB, TREC Datasets MPQA Datasets

(c) Performance comparison of SELU (d) Performance comparison of SELU

and ELU on MR, SO, IMDB, TREC and ELU on CR, MPQA Datasets
Datasets Length

Fig. 2: Figures to demonstrate performance of all models

5.3 Model parameters

Table 2 shows the parameter statistics for all the models. SCNN and Short
CNN models are experimented using same number of parameters. We used 70
convolution filters for each kernel in case of MR, SO, IMDB and TREC datasets.
For datasets CR and MPQA we considered 30 filters for each kernel. In MPQA
dataset, the average sentence length is 3. Hence, we reduced the convolution
filters from 70 to 30.

5.4 Training
We process the dataset as follows: Each sentence or paragraph is converted
to lower case. Stop words are not removed from the sentences. We consider
a vocabulary size V for each dataset based on the word counts. The datasets
IMDB, TREC have predefined test data and for other datasets we used 10-fold
Cross Validation. The parameters chosen vary depending on the dataset size.
Table 2 shows the parameters of SCNN model for all datasets. We used Adam
[33] as the optimizer for training SCNN.

6 Results and Discussion

6.1 Results
The performance of the models for all datasets is shown in table 3. For all the
balanced datasets MR, SO, IMDB and TREC, accuracy is used as the metric
for comparison. The performance comparison on imbalanced datasets like CR
and MPQA cannot be justified using accuracy because imbalance can induce
bias in the models’ prediction. Hence we use F1-Score as the metric for per-
formance analysis for CR and MPQA. The datasets IMDB and TREC have
preexisting train, test sets. Therefore, we report our results on the provided
test sets for them. For remaining datasets, we report results using 10-fold cross

6.2 Discussion
SCNN models against Short-CNN:
When we compare SCNN with SELU and SCNN to Short CNN, both the mod-
els of SCNN outperform Short CNN for all the datasets. This shows that SCNN
models perform better than CNN models (Short CNN) with same number of
parameters indicating a better generalization of training. There is a significant
improvement in accuracy and F1-Score when SCNN models are used in place
of CNN. We believe that the use of activation functions ELU and SELU in the
SCNN models as opposed to ReLU is the leading factor behind this performance
difference between SCNN and CNN. In particular, ReLU activation suffers from
dying ReLU problem‡ . In ReLU, the negative values are cancelled to 0. There-
fore negative values in the pretrained word vectors are ignored thereby loosing
information about negative values. This problem is solved in ELU and SELU
by having activation even for the negative values. In comparison to ReLU, ELU
and SELU have faster and accurate training convergence leading to better gen-
eralization performance.

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Table 3: Performance of the models on different datasets

Accuracy F1-Score
Short CNN 77.762 89.63 78.84 85.2 76.246 80.906
SCNN w/SELU 80.266 91.99 80.664 89.6 77.166 84.062
SCNN 80.308 91.759 82.708 90.4 77.666 84.068
CNN-static[12] 81 93 78.692 92.8 76.852 82.584

ELU against SELU in SCNN:

We proposed SCNN using ELU as activation function opposed to SELU, the
activation function introduced originally for SNN. We found that if ELU is used
as activation, the performance of SCNN is better for a majority of the datasets.
Our results from table 3 substantiate the claim about the effectiveness of ELU
activation. The characteristic difference between SELU and ELU activations is
the parameter λ (λ > 1) in SELU activation which scales the neuron outputs.
SELU is effective for maintaining normalized mean and variance when the inputs
are normalized. Since, pretrained word vectors are not normalized, the parameter
λ adversely scales the outputs. This results in a shifted mean and variance from
the desired values. On propagation through subsequent layers the difference only
gets further magnified. On the other hand, ELU pushes the activations to unit
mean even if the inputs are not normalized. Hence, ELU achieved better results
compared to SELU activation in SCNN.

SCNN against static CNN:

Our results from table 3 indicate that SCNN achieves comparable results to
Static CNN. As shown in table 2, the stark difference in the parameter counts
between SCNN and static CNN is more than a million. For datasets IMDB, CR
and MPQA, SCNN outperforms static CNN. In case of MR dataset, performance
difference between SCNN and static CNN is very minimal.

7 Conclusion
We propose SCNN for performing text classification. Our observations indicate
that SCNN has comparable performance to CNN (Static-CNN [12]) model with
substantially lesser parameters. Moreover SCNN performs significantly better
than CNN with equal number of parameters. The experimental results demon-
strate the effectiveness of self normalizing neural networks in text classification.
Currently, SCNN is proposed with relatively simple architectures. Our work can
be further extended by experimenting SCNN on deep architectures. In addition
to this, SNN can also be applied on recurrent neural networks(RNN) and its
performance can be analyzed.

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