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701 Test Kit User Guide-1101217

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Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit

Operation and Maintenance Made in the
United States of America

1. Main Selector Switch: The main function selector

switch allows the selection of desired test function.
2. TEST Button: This button engages the Tester and
activates the test function selected.
3. OHMS Scale: This scale is used in conjunction
with the SURFACE TEST functions to indicate the
amount of resistance measured.
4. CONTINUITY Scale: This scale indicates the total
resistance of the test setup (meter, leads, weights,
and calibration plate) in the CONTINUITY TEST
5. BATTERY Scale: This scale indicates the charge
level of the main battery of the Tester in the
BATTERY TEST function by verifying the open
circuit output test voltage.
6. Test Jacks: These jacks are used to connect the
Figure 1. SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance Tester to the test leads.
Megohmmeter Kit. 7. Mechanical Zero Adjust: This control is used to zero
the pointer.
The 701 Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit Operating Instructions
includes a hand-held megohmmeter and accessories. Warning:
The kit has been specifically designed for evaluating • Turn off the Tester before connecting or
the resistive characteristics of static control surface disconnecting test leads, or before moving test
materials and testing installed surfaces as specified in weights.
ESD Association Standards. • Do not use this Tester with any accessories not
specifically designed to be used with this product.
The Tester has four test functions which allow the user • Do not use this Tester to measure live circuits.
to measure the resistance of a static control surface
at either of two test voltages, verify proper Tester Caution: The test weights included in this kit are
performance, and check the electrical continuity of the heavy, exercise care in handling. Note: The following
test set-up. procedures should be followed each time the Tester is

Battery Test: Place the Tester on a table top or other

stable surface. Set the main selector switch to BATTERY
TEST. Press TEST and hold for 15 seconds. The pointer
should come to rest in the green area of the BATTERY
scale. If the pointer is in the red area to the left of
100V, replace the battery and retest. If the pointer is in
the red area to the right of 100V, the tester may need

Figure 2. SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance

Megohmmeter Kit, controls, connectors and indicators.

Controls, Connectors, & Indicators

Before attempting any operation of the Tester, become
familiar with each control. A thorough understanding of
how the Tester operates will help avoid mistakes and
prolong its useful life.
Figure 3. Analog Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit,
continuity test.

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Continuity Test: Place the Tester on a table top or This test involves measurement of the total resistance
other stable surface and attach the leads as shown in from the static control surface through the conductor or
Figure . Place the test weights on the calibration plate ground cord to the ESD GROUND (ESDG), verifying the
or other bare metal surface and plug in the test leads. static control system is functioning correctly.
Set the main selector switch to CONTINUITY TEST.
Press TEST. The pointer should come to rest in the Note: ESD-S4.1 suggests that a static control surface
green section of the CONTINUITY scale. If not, the that measures in the range of 1 x 106 ohms to 1 x 109
test leads may be defective or the weights may require ohms.
maintenance or cleaning.

Surface Test (Resistance Measurement): Refer

to the two following sections to determine which
measurement(s) should be used for your application.

Place the Tester on a table top or other stable surface

and attach the leads as shown in the appropriate sketch
figures 5-1 through 5-5. Set the Main Selector Switch
to the desired SURFACE TEST voltage. Place the test
weight(s) on the surface to be tested and connect the
test leads. Press TEST for 15 seconds and then read the
resistance from the OHMS scale. After all readings have
been completed, return the Main Selector Switch to the
OFF position. Figure 4. Periodic Preformace Tests of Installed
Resistance Measurement of Static The following procedures should be followed when
Control Work Surfaces testing installed static control surfaces:
This section provides a summary of the types of surface
measurements specified and described by ESD-S4.1. B. Set the SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance
Megohmmeter Kit on a table top or other stable
Measurements are performed for three reasons: surface and place a test weight at the desired test
1. Periodic performance testing of installed static point as shown in Figure 5. Connect the test leads
control work surfaces. to the meter using the right angle banana plugs at
2. Qualification of installed static control work surfaces. the meter. Then connect one of the test leads to the
3. Evaluation of static control work surface materials. test weight and the other to the ESD GROUND using
one of the supplied clips.
Note: The following paragraphs are offered as C. Test the static control surface using the 100 volts
a condensed summary of the test methods and SURFACE TEST. Press the TEST button for 15
procedures outlined in the EOS/ESD standard. For seconds, allowing the pointer to stabilize; record the
complete details, refer to the standard. readings for each test point. If the reading is below
1 x 106 ohms, check the static control surface for an
Test Description alternate path to ground; correct and retest. If some or
1. Periodic Performance Testing Of Installed Static all the readings are above 1x109 ohms, the static
Control Surfaces: (Measurement of resistance from control surface may be dirty. Clean the surface using
the top of an installed surface to ESD GROUND the manufacturer’s recommended cleaning procedure.
(RTS-ESDG) at ambient temperature and humidity). If the resistance reading is “infinite,” there is an
interruption (open) in the ground connection; repair
Note: ESD GROUND is the point at which the ground and retest.
cord or other grounding conductor from the static
control surface is connected. The ground point may be
an electrical ground, building ground, or other suitable
ground. If you have questions concerning the correct
ground, refer to ANSI/ESD STANDARD S6.1 and/or
contact a qualified electrician.

This Resistance-to-Ground test verifies the surface

is working correctly and will drain a static charge in a
reasonable time.

Figure 5. Qualification Tests of Installed Surfaces.

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2. Qualification of Installed Static Control Surfaces
[Measurement of resistance of the top surface to
the groundable point of the static control surface
(RTS-GP)]. GROUNDABLE POINT is the point
at which the grounding conductor is connected
to the static control surface; the GROUNDABLE
POINT is most commonly a snap (mats), a bolt
(laminate), or a strip of conductive foil tape (flooring).
This QUALIFICATION measurement is similar
to those described in the test description section
and is used to verify the correct installation of the Figure 6. Material Evaluation Sample Configuration.
GROUNDABLE POINT by the manufacturer or by
the user. While the test procedure is the same, the
test setup is slightly different; see Figure 5.

3. Evaluation of Static Control Materials:

[Measurement of the resistance between two points
on top of a static control surface (RTS-TS), and the
resistance between a point on the surface and the
groundable point (RTS-GP)] Material measurements
are done to determine the intrinsic electrical
properties of static control work surface materials.

Note: Values obtained by these tests may not reflect Figure 7. Material Evaluation Surface to Groundable
how a material will perform when installed as a static Point Test.
control surface.
Procedure: Place the SCS 701 Analog Surface Resis-
Material evaluations are typically done at two tance Megohmmeter Kit on a table top or other stable
humidities (12% RH and 50% RH) to determine surface. Connect the test leads to the Tester by means
whether the electrical properties of the material of the right angle banana plugs. Connect the other end
are humidity-dependent. If the low humidity test of one of the leads to one of the test weights and place
results are borderline or not within the expected the weight on the surface to be tested. Use one of the
ranges, caution should be exercised when using supplied clips to connect the other lead to the ground-
such materials in winter months or in dry conditions. able point on the static control surface. Depress TEST
To assure test accuracy, a minimum of six samples button for 15 seconds and then record the reading.
should be tested.
E. Surface-to-surface Test: Test samples as shown in
The test procedure is as follows: Figure 8 use both test weights and repeat the same
A. Prepare a minimum of six samples of each material test procedure used to determine (RTS-GP).
to be tested as shown in Figure 6. F. Repeat A through E after conditioning samples at
B. Clean samples per manufacturers recommended 73°F (23°C) and 12% RH. Use the same test points
cleaning procedures. Condition samples at 73°F and record the values.
(23° C) and 50% RH for 48-72 hours.
Note: Samples must be maintained at the appropriate
humidity level throughout the test procedures.


D. Surface-to-Groundable Point Test: Test samples
per Figure 7, using both the 100 volts and 10 volts
SURFACE TEST ranges at 50% RH and record the
values as (RTS-GP).
8 10
9 10

10 5
10 0
100M 10M
1G 1M


100M 10M
10G 100K 100K
100G 10K 0
SS 0





Figure 8. Material Evaluation Surface to Surface Test.

SCS - 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332 • (919) 718-0000 • Website: StaticControl.com

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Resistance Measurement of Static Control Flooring I. Perform a minimum of five tests per contiguous floor
This section provides a summary of installed or applied surface material or a minimum of five tests per 5,000
floor material measurements specified and described by square feet (464.5 m2) of floor material, whichever is
ESD-S7.1. greater. A minimum of three of the five tests should
be conducted in those areas that are subject to wear
Note: The following paragraphs are offered as a co or have chemical or water spillage or are visibly dirty.
densed summary of the test methods and procedures
outlined in the EOS/ESD standard. For complete details, Test Procedure for Resistance Point to Point
refer to the standard. A. Complete BATTERY TEST and CONTINUITY TEST.
If required clean electrodes as described in Test
OR APPLIED FLOORING MATERIALS B. Before testing new floor mats or newly installed
(Measurement of resistance from the surface of an floors, clean mats/floors per manufacturer’s recom-
installed floor to GROUNDABLE POINT at ambient mendations. For testing of floor finishes or monitor-
temperature and humidity). ing of existing floor materials, test in an as-is condi-
Note: GROUNDABLE POINT is a point on the floor C. Perform tests at ambient humidity.
material that is intended to accommodate an electrical D. Place the Tester and test weight at the desired test
connection from the floor material to an appropriate location.
electrical ground. The ground point may be an electrical E. Connect test leads of the meter to the test weights.
ground, building ground, or other suitable ground. If you F. Set meter to 100V. Place test weights three feet
have questions concerning the correct ground, refer to apart on the surface of the material being tested.
EOS/ESD Standard 6.0 and/or contact a qualified G. Push test button and record the resistance after the
electrician. measurement has stabilized or after 15 seconds.
Release test button.
The Resistance-to-Ground test verifies the surface is H. Repeat the procedure placing the test weights three
working correctly and will drain a static charge in a feet apart on the surface at different locations.
reasonable time. This test involves measurement of I. Perform a minimum of five tests per contiguous floor
the total resistance from the static control surface surface material or a minimum of five tests per 5,000
through the conductor or ground cord to the ESD square feet (464.5 m2) of floor material, whichever is
GROUND (ESDG), verifying the static control system is greater. A minimum of three of the five tests should
functioning correctly. Note: ESD 7.1 is designed to be conducted in those areas that are subject to wear
measure floor materials with resistances of 2.5 x 104 to or have chemical or water spillage or are visibly dirty.
1.0 x 1011 ohms.
The following procedures should be followed when Caution: Batteries are intended for use in applications
testing installed static control floor mats or flooring subject to replacement only by a trained service
surfaces. technician. Use only non-rechargeable batteries.
Test Procedure for Resistance to Ground Battery Replacement
B. Before testing new floor mats or newly installed
floors, clean mats/floors per manufacturer’s
recommendations. For testing of floor finishes or
monitoring of existing floor materials, test in an as-is
C. Perform tests at ambient humidity.
D. Place the SCS 701 Analog Surface Resistance
Megohmmeter Kit and test weight at the desired test
E. Connect one lead of the meter to ground with
supplied clip and the other lead to the test weight.
F. Set meter to 100V. Place test weight on the surface
of the material being tested.
G. Push test button and record the resistance after the
measurement has stabilized or after 15 seconds. Figure 9. Battery Replacement.
Release test button.
H. Repeat the procedure placing the test weight on the
surface at different locations.

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Before attempting to replace battery, place main selector Technical Data
switch in the OFF position.
The following electrical specifications are valid for
The circuitry enclosed in the SCS 701 Analog Surface operating temperatures of 65°F (18°C) to 82°F (28°C), at
Resistance Megohmmeter Kit produces high voltages. relative humidity up to 90% for altitudes up to 2000 m,
Make sure that the main selector switch is in the OFF unless otherwise noted. Pollution degree 2, class 3.
position before removing the back cover.
Test Measurement Open Internal
A. To open the back cover, remove the screw located in Function Range Circuit Resistance
the center of the back cover. (±5% ±2° of arc.) Voltage
B. The batteries are held in place by a metal bracket at
the top of the Tester. To release this bracket, turn the Continuity 0 to 10 10V ± .7V 500 ohms
screw located in the center of the bracket counter megohms
clockwise until the bracket swings free. The batteries
will now slide out.
C. Install new batteries as shown in Figure 9. 10V 105 ohms to 1011 10V ± .7V 2 ohms
Note: Improper battery installation will damage this
Tester. 100V 105 ohms to 1011 100V ± 7V 2 ohms
D. Replace bracket and tighten bracket screw. Replace
back cover and cover screw. Physical Data
Test Weight Cleaning Tester Size
Caution: The test probes included in this kit are heavy.
4.6"(H) x 3.3"(W) x 1.7"(D) Weight: 5 lbs. (2.27 Kg)
Exercise care in handling. After a period of use, the
conductive rubber pads on the test weights may become each
soiled, causing the weight to fail the CONTINUITY TEST.
To clean the surface of the conductive pad, use a 70% (11.7 x 8.4 x 4.3 cm) Diameter: 2.7” (6.8 cm)
Isopropyl alcohol/water mixture on a clean low-linting
cloth. Allow surface to “air dry” 15 minutes before use. Weight: 11 oz (5.9 kg) Height: 5.1" (13.0 cm)
(w/ handle and pad)
Zero Adjustment
On occasion, due to handling, vibration, or other causes, Safety Information
the pointer on the Tester may need adjustment. To zero Warning:
the pointer, turn the main selector switch to the OFF • Turn off the Tester before connecting or
position. Place the Tester on a level stable surface and disconnecting test leads, or before moving test
turn the mechanical zero adjust screw until the pointer is weights.
over the left most mark on the OHMS scale. • Do not use this Tester with any accessories not
specifically designed to be used with this product.
Replacement Parts • Do not use this Tester to measure live circuits.
The following parts are user-replaceable parts: • The circuitry enclosed in the SCS 701 Analog
Surface Resistance Megohmmeter Kit produces high
Description Part Number voltages. Make sure that the main selector switch is
Megohmmeter 701 701-M in the OFF position before removing the back cover.
Test Weight (each) 701-W
Test Leads (pair) 701-L
• The test weights included in this kit are heavy.
Insulated “Bulldog” Clip 3037 Exercise care in handling.
Non-insulated Alligator Clip 3038 • Improper battery installation will damage this Tester.
User Guide • Tester to be used indoors only.
Batteries (2) 1.5 volt AA Cell, To reduce the risks associated with environmental
3.6 volt AA Ceel Lithium contamination from the device along with the Lithium
and Akaline battery:
*Recommended Batteries: Model TL-5903 TADIRAN, • At the end of service life, dispose of the charge
ER6 Maxell, Saft LS 14500, Zeus ER14505 analyzer and batteries in accordance with federal,
state and local requirements.

SCS - 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332 • (919) 718-0000 • Website: StaticControl.com

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Regulatory Information Limited Warranty, Warranty Exclusions, Limit of
WEEE Statement Liability and RMA Request Instructions
The following information is only for EU-members States:
The mark shown to the right is in compliance with Waste See the SCS Warranty -
Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/ http://staticcontrol.descoindustries.com/warranty.aspx
EC (WEEE). The mark indicates the requirement NOT to
dispose the equipment as unsorted municipal waste, but
use the return and collection systems according to local

Intertek Statement
Intertek Listed to US and Canada Safety Standards
Mark of Conformity to European Directives (Conformité

Certified by Intertek Testing Services and meets US and

Canada safety requirements.

CE Statement
Meets CE (European Conformity) requirements.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired

• This equipment has been tested and found to
comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide a reasonable protection
against harmful interference when the equipment
is operated in a commercial environment. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instruction manual, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications.
Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be required to correct the interference at
their own expense.
• Modifications to this device shall not be made
without the written consent of SCS. Unauthorized
modifications may void the authority granted under
Federal Communication Rules and Industry Canada
Rules permitting the operation of this device.
• Per the European Battery Directive, Alkaline
Batteries are not provided with the equipment and
must be locally sourced.

ICES Statement
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian

Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la

NMB-003 du Canada.

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