Ass 1 FEE
Ass 1 FEE
Ass 1 FEE
CpE – 2103
1. What is electricity?
Electricity is the movement of small particles known as electrons and protons. The movement of
electrical power or charge is referred to as electricity. Electricity is both a fundamental component of
nature and one of the most extensively used types of energy.. A bolt of lightning is an example of
electricity in nature. Lightning is just a big number of electrons moving through air at the same time,
releasing a massive quantity of energy. Scientists have also discovered ways to produce, or manufacture,
electricity. This is advantageous since the produced electricity can be managed and sent through cables. It
may then be used to power devices such as heaters, light bulbs, and computers. Today, electricity supplies
the majority of the energy required to power the contemporary world.
Diodes are semiconductor devices that enable current to flow in just one
kWh meters are small electronic monitoring devices that measure the
amount of energy spent as it flows through a circuit, such as a
normal 120V or 240V line, and serve as a kWh calculator. The meter is
connected to the circuit delivering the power, such as a
main panel or distribution sub panel, and accumulates a totalized
reading that accounts for the consumption passing through. The entire
power in kilowatts utilized over time is represented by the
cumulative number, which gives you the energy in kilowatt hour.