Actup Elg

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# Phase: ACT_UPG

# Find the detailed information in log 'SAPA750EAS.MES':

1EEDO519X"DDL Source" "DATABASETABLEALERTQUERY_CDS" could not be activated

1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATABASETABLEALERT_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATABASETABLEQUERYUNION_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATABASETABLEQUERY_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSMEMORYAGGREGATION1_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSMEMORYAGGREGATION2_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSMEMORYSOURCE1" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSMEMORYSOURCE3" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSMEMORY_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTALMEMORYSIZE2_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTALMEMORYSIZES_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTALMEMORYSIZE_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTALMEMSIZEAGGR1_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTALMEMSIZEAGGR2_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "DATASETSTOTAL_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "STATCURRENTALERT_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "STATCURRENTALERT_TABFUNC" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "STATHOSTCOLMNTABSIZE_TABFUN" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "STATHOSTCOLMTABSIZE_CDS" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SYSTEMTABLEDESCRIPTION" could not be activated
1EEDO519 "DDL Source" "SYSTEMTABLEDESCRIPTION_TABFUNC" could not be activated
1EEDO516 "Index" "/SAPSRM/D_WF_003" "HSF" could not be activated

3 EDO802XActivation of table type "/BIC/WB0000103000"

1EEDO845 Row type "/BIC/B0000103000" is not active or does not exist

3 EDO804 Table type "/BIC/WB0000103000" was not activated

1EEDO519 "Table Type" "/BIC/WB0000103000" could not be activated

3 EDO802XActivation of table type "/BIC/WB0000104000"

1EEDO845 Row type "/BIC/B0000104000" is not active or does not exist

3 EDO804 Table type "/BIC/WB0000104000" was not activated

1EEDO519 "Table Type" "/BIC/WB0000104000" could not be activated

3 EDO802XActivation of table type "/BIC/WB0000105000"

1EEDO845 Row type "/BIC/B0000105000" is not active or does not exist

3 EDO804 Table type "/BIC/WB0000105000" was not activated

1EEDO519 "Table Type" "/BIC/WB0000105000" could not be activated

1 ETP111 exit code : "8"

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