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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.


Filing System Procedure

Issue 4, 1st draft

page 1 of 9 Issue 4, 1st draft 18-7-2001

Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...................................................................................................... .............2

Configuration Management................................................................................................ ...3

1 Introduction........................................................................................................... ...............4

2 Filing System Structure............................................................................................... ........4

3 Creating a New Filing System................................................................................... ..........5

4 Folder Contents List.......................................................................................... ..................6

5 Creating a New File.................................................................................................. ............6

6 Configuration Management Information.............................................................. ..............7

6.1 Version Control...................................................................................................... ..........8
7 File Naming Convention........................................................................................ ..............8

8 File References and Labelling................................................................. ...........................8

9 Adding Items to the Filing System.......................................................... ...........................9

page 2 of 9 Issue 4, 1st draft 18-7-2001

Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

Configuration Management
Filing System Procedure
Author Hannah Maher
Issue and Date 3 , Approved - 01/05/2000
Filename 8902125.doc
Location of electronic copy $/Aediles/Documentation/DEV -
Development/Pro - Procedures/04
Location of paper copy Aediles Project File
Owner Hannah Maher
Change Authority Tom Skidmore
Distribution Aediles Project Team

Issue Author Date Details of Change

1, 1 draft Tom Skidmore 09-Nov-1998 Initial Version
2, 1st draft Hannah Maher 28-Mar-2000 Added: configuration
management section;
reference to style
document; made it
company neutral. Updated
Introduction and reference
2, Approved Hannah Maher 14-Apr-2000 Approved (after
incorporating TS
3, 1st draft Hannah Maher 28-Apr-2000 Incorporated PW’s
3, Approved Hannah Maher 01-May-2000 Approved (after
incorporating JH
4, 1st draft Mirjam van den 18-July-2001 3 digits for reference no. +
Berg additional info on folders

page 3 of 9 Issue 4, 1st draft 18-7-2001

Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

1 Introduction
This procedure describes how documentation should be filed. The purpose is to give a
recommended structure and organisation, so that in time, the structure will be common to
the majority of Projects. This will then give a common look and feel providing consistency
across projects, meaning that documentation will be easy to find for new and existing
project team members.

2 Filing System Structure

The filing system is divided into a paper version, stored in folders and an electronic version
stored in Visual Sourcesafe (VSS). The paper system should mirror the layout exactly of
the electronic version, but may have some more documents which are only available in
hard copies.
Below is a screen shot of the Aediles project skeleton and shows which folders will be
created as default when a new project is added to VSS.

As can be seen from above, the documentation is divided into three main folders, which
are further divided into subfolders which contain the actual documents.

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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

The main folders are:

• CON – Change Control : Containing items related to Change/Quality control of the
systems built, eg Change Requests.
• DEV - Development : Containing documentation about the actual systems we build
eg Specifications, Designs
• MNG – Management : Containing Project Management and control documentation,
eg Plans, Correspondence etc.
The subfolders contained in these are :-
CON – Change Control
CHR - Change Requests
TRP - Trouble Reports
DEV – Development
ARC - Architecture documents
BLD - Build Control area, can be used to hold details of system builds
DES - Designs
FEA - Feasibility Studies
INF - Infrastructure documents
MAN - Manuals, e.g Installation, System Management, Configuration, User
PRO - Procedures
REF - General Reference material (useful reference documents and faq’s)
REP - Reports (benchmarking reports, research, analysis)
REQ - Requirements
REV - Quality/Document Reviews (related to own products)
SPC - Specifications
TST - Test Specifications
MNG – Management
COR - Correspondence (memo’s and e-mails, also from customer)
DEL - Deliveries (all documents delivered to customer)
FIN - Financial
HLT - Project Highlight reports reporting on Project progress, issues, risks etc.
MEE - Meeting Minutes
PLN - Plans
PRP - Proposal (all contract & proposal related documents)
TEM - Templates

Another project can be created from the root if it is deemed appropriate by the project
3 Creating a New Filing System
1) Decide on the name of Project
2) Ask the VSS administrator to create a new VSS project. This will then contain all
the previously mentioned subfolders.
3) Create a paper file/folder with file dividers for all the separate folders to be used
on the project. Make paper copies of the folder contents lists and place in each
Add documents as required to VSS and/or the paper filing system.

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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

4 Folder Contents List

Each folder has a Contents file that lists the files contained in the folder, with each item
being given a unique number, see following example :
File Reference Webpage.MNG.COR
Project R&D Webpage
Project Manager Paolo Baiardi

Reference No Description Date

001 Jims Acknowledgement 01-01-1998
about the dividing in
002 The Briefing about the 02-01-1998
needed SubSystems

In the folder Webpage.MNG.COR the following files reside: 001JimsAcknowledgeSub.doc

and 002BriefingSubSystems.doc.
The Contents file should be named “Folder ref”Contents so that it is easily found in
in each folder, eg CORContents.doc, PLNContents.doc. Note these will be copied for
all the folders contained in the Project skeleton, but will have to be created if new folders
are created.

5 Creating a New File

To create a new file you can use existing Word (97) templates. The templates are filed in
$\Aediles\Documentation\MNG   ­  Management\TEM   ­Templates and contain
contents tables, configuration management information, and as well as outlining
what should be included in the document.

1) Create a new file within word using the template required.

2) Update the document properties (refer section 6).

3) Add the file to the filing system (refer section 9).

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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

6 Configuration Management Information

In the table below the properties are mentioned with a description and where it will be used.
Of course you can use the properties in any other (con)text as well.

Property Description Usage

CM Document Reference Document reference (refer In the header of each page.
section 8)
CM Document Issue Number of issue or version On the title page.
e.g. 3 In the footer of each page.
In CM overview.
CM Document Status Status of document, e.g. 1 On the title page.
draft, 2nd draft, Approved
In the footer of each page.
In CM overview.
CM Distribution List Distribution list for this In CM overview.
CM Owner Person who is responsible for In CM overview.
the document.
CM Title The title of the document. On the title page.
In the header of each page.
In CM overview.
CM VSS Location The (exact) location of the file In CM overview.
in Visual Source Safe,
starting with $/ as the root.
Don’t include the filename.
CM Paper Location The location of the paper In CM overview.
CM Release Date Date of release of the On the title page.
In the footer of each page.
In CM overview.
CM Change Authority Person who has the authority In CM Overview.
to authorise modifications to
the document, e.g. technical
authority or project manager.

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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

6.1 Version Control

The following rules should be applied when modifying a document:

1) For major modifications (e.g. changed functionality of application), update the

document status and include a description of the changes.

2) If the document is modified after it has been approved, then update the document
issue number.

3) Update the change control table located below the configuration management table.

For example,

Issue Author Date Details of Change

1, 1st Draft Tom Skidmore 01-04-1999 Intial creation

1, 2nd Draft Hannah Maher 23-06-1999 Added section about

configuration management

1, 3rd Draft Hannah Maher 1-07-1999 Document review, included


1, Approved Hannah Maher 5-07-1999 Document approved

2, 1st Draft Paul Wagland 12-09-1999 File format of pay file


4) If the document has been approved, place a copy of it in the project file.

5) Notify everybody that is on the distribution list that the document has been updated.

7 File Naming Convention

All files, other than contents files (refer section 4), stored in Sourcesafe should be named
using the convention “nnn”XXXXXX.doc, where nnn =   reference   no.   of 
document. This eliminates the infuriating process of searching a list of files trying to find
the correct document.

8 File References and Labelling

Each item stored in the filing system should be physically labelled with its filing reference
using the format.
“Project Name”.”Folder”.”Folder”.”Reference no”
e.g. Webpage.MNG.COR.002
For electronic documents this should be as a header on the top right hand side of each
page, and for paper only items on the top right hand side of the front page.

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Filing System Procedure AEDILES.DEV.PRO.004

9 Adding Items to the Filing System

For electronic items
1) Decide which folder the item should be contained in.
2) Update the File contents file for that folder in VSS, taking the next free Reference
No. The date entered should be, in the case of a document its creation or
approval date, otherwise the date that the item is entered into SourceSafe.
3) Add the file to the relevant VSS folder using the naming convention above.
4) Print out the File Contents file and replace the old paper copy, or update by hand
the paper File Contents list.
5) If required print out the file and place in the paper filing system.

For paper items

Follow steps above but missing out step 3, and for step 5 place the paper copy into the
filing system.

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