Small Press Expo SPX 98 Program
Small Press Expo SPX 98 Program
Small Press Expo SPX 98 Program
The International Comics
and Animation Festival
Welcomes You!
ICAF is an international summit for creators, scholars, and all those with a passion
for cQmks. Organized by Georgetown's Department of French and by the Cultural
Service of the FrencbEmbassy, ICAF has a distinctive European flavor which allows
American comics enthu~iasts to meet and interact with their counterparts from across
tile Atlantic, for the enjoyment and benefit of both. This year's schedule is our most
mdely international Yet!
Alth_oligh ICAF began yesterday, Friday and Saturday still offer great opportuni-
ties to learn about and discuss comics from around the world--including the work of
cartoonists who are right here at SPX! All events will be held in the Maryland Room
(Mezzanine Level) unless otherwise posted. Please consult the ICAF program booklet
available in the Maryland Room for more detailedJnformation, including any last-
minute schedule changes.
Schedule of Events
THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 24 Underground Comix". Libbie McQuillan cu. Glasgow, Scot-
9:00am to 9:30am Continental Breakfast. Welcome- land): "Tradition and Transgression: The Laughter of Claire
Guy Spielmann Bretecher''. Heather Sinclair (Pratt Institute): "Julie Doucet's
9:30am to 11:00am Difference and Stereotyping in Dirty Plotte"
Comics. Moderated by Charles Hatfield. Dorothy Betz 12:15pm to 1:30pm Lunch
(Georgetown U.): "Asterix on the Road: Why Foreigners are 1:30pm to 2:30pm Guest Artists: Strip Core (Slovenia)
Funny". William H. Foster (Naugatuck Valley C.C.) : "The Moderated by Gene Kannenberg. Igor Prassel & Jacob Kie-
Changing Image of Blacks in Comics 1890s - 1990s". Anne mencic.
N. Thalheimer, (U. Delaware): "What Does a White Dyke 2:45pm to 4:15pm Comics at the Margins Moderated by
Write Like?: Borders and Borderlands in Roberta Gregory's Gene Kannenberg. Jose Alaniz (U.C. Berkeley): "Towards a
Naughty Bits and Alison Bechdel's Dykes to Watch Out For." History of a Stalled Medium: Comics in Russia". Tom Furt-
11:lSam to 12:15pm Plenary Lecture. Moderated by wangler (U. Washington) "The Shadow Industry : Health
Mark Nevins. John Lent (Temple U.): "Comic Art of Asia: An Education Comics and Fotonovelas". Michael G. Rhode
Invisible Giant Awakened" (National Museum of Health and Medicine): "Hermann Faber:
12:15pm-1:30pm Lunch Civil War Medical Illustrator as One-Time Caricaturist"
2:00pm to 3:00pm Questions of Reading and Audience 4:30pm to 5:30pm Guest Artists: Amok (France) Mod-
Moderated by Gene Kannenberg. Jonathan Frome (U. erated by Mark Nevins and Guy Spielmann. Yvan Alagbe &
Florida): "Identification in Comics". John Olivier Marboeuf
Ronan (U. Florida): "Deleuze and Comics: ll 5:30pm to 6:30pm Break for supper.
Image, Repetition, Representation, Series" 6:30pm to 8:00pm Joint ICAF/SPX
3:15pm to 4:15pm Plenary Lecture Plenary lecture Moderated by Mark
Moderated by Gene Kannenberg. Rusty Nevins and Guy Spielmann. Jean-Pierre
Witek, author of Comic Books as History: Mercier (French National Museum of
"A Critique of Comics Criticism". Comics and Visual Arts (CNBDI). "French-
4:30pm to 5:30pm Roundtable: language comics from 1949 to the 80's"
Comics Museums. Moderated by Jeff 8:00pm to 9: 15pm A Dialogue between
Miller. With Mort Walker, Abby Brennan Will Eisner and Frank Miller Moderated
Roeloffs, Fiona Russell, and Jean-Pierre by Charles Hatfield.
5:30pm to 8:00pm Break for supper. 9:30am to 10:00am Continental Breakfast
8:00pm to 10:00pm Special Evening Program: The 10:00am to 11:00am Joint ICAF/SPX: Guest Artists:
World of Arab Comics Plenary Lecture Moderated by Jeff Actus Tragicus Moderated by Charles Hatfield. (Israel) Rutu
Miller. Allen Douglas & Fedwa Malti-Douglas (Indiana U.), Modan and Yirmi Pinkus
auth?rs ~f Arab Comic Strips: "~~b ~omics: Betw~e~ C~il- 11:15am to 12:15pm Joint ICAF/SPX: Guest of Honor:
dren s Literature and Adult Politics · Guest artist. Shm Max (Spain) Moderated by Mark Nevins
(Algeria/France) 12:15pm to 6:45pm Lunch/ Break
FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 25 5:30pm to 6:45pm Joint ICAF/SPX: Roundtable: New
8:30am to 9:00am Continental Breakfast Voices in Comics Moderated by Mark Nevins. Featuring
9:00am to 10:30am Recovering History in Comics and Scott Gilbert, Tom Hart, Dylan Horrocks,Mcgan Kelso, and
Cartoons Moderated by Cecile Danehy. Bart Beaty (McGill James Kolchalka
U.): "Wertham on Hamlet". Randall Clark (Pfeiffer U.): "The 7:00pm to 8:00pm Joint ICAF/SPX: Guest Artist: Dy-
Mouse and the Movies". Ana Merino (U. of Pittsburgh): Ian Horrocks on New Zealand Comics Moderated by Gene
"Two Little Girls and their Ideological Perspectives, or: How
Comics Represent Childhood: Little Orphan Annie and Con- ~====-----,,..-------------------,
Kannenber .
servative Discourse vs. Little Lulu, the First Feminist" (Mezzanine LeJJeO Unless otherwise posted. Please
10:45am to 12:15pm Comics, Transgression and Cul- consult the ICAF programbooklet available in the
tural Argument Moderated by Charles Hatfield. Alvise Maryland Roo_mfor more detailed information,
Mattozzi (U. Sienna, Italy): "A Socio-Semiotic Approach to includir,g any /tlst-minute schedule changes.
~Schedule of Events
FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 25 their orders for comic books. Selling Independent
1:00pm to 8:00pm Exhibit halls open to the Comics How to market and sell small press comics as
public. well as ways to utilize.
With over 150 booths of artists and publishers present- 11 :OOam The Internet creators and
ing work of every conceivable stripe, this is a tradeshow
other webwizards discuss the uses of the Internet. In-
featuring some of the finest comics you're going to find
Store Appearances Different ways to create excite-
anywhere. Come see your favor artists, but be sure to
ment and schedule creator appearances in your store.
check out something new. Don't forget to cast your
11 :30am Friends of Lulu Board Meeting The
!gnat:: vote!
annual Friends of Lulu Board. Meeting is open to the
8:15pm Frank Miller/Will Eisner Conversation
Sponsored jointly by ICAF and SPX, cartoonists Frank
Miller and Will Eisner have a free flowing conversation 12:30pm to 2:00pm State of the Industry Ad-
about comics. To be broadcast on monitors around the dress Diamond Comic Distributors Vice President of
hotel. Opening reception to follow. Purchasing Bill Schanes will give a keynote address on
the state of the comic book industry.
The presentation ceremony for the second annual Ignatz
Awards honors some of our very finest. Then comes the
Special Thanks to
serious business of merrymaking. It's a catered reception Diamond Comic Distributors, Quebecor
with a cash bar, and the party goes on to I :OOam. (Ronalds) Printing, Brenner Printing, Cartoon
SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 27 Books, Will Eisner, Frank Miller, John Gal-
9:00am to 2:00pm Small Press Summit and lagher, Jeff Mason, Rich Henn, Chris Wal-
Retailer Workshops An opportunity for dron, Manatt Phelps Phillips Attorneys at
artists,publishers, distributors and retailers to discuss Law, Beyond Comics, Big Planet Comics,
issues of mutual concern. Distributor presentations, Million Year Picnic, Phoenix Enterprises, St.
publisher-retailer symposia, and breakout panels on top- Mark's Comics, Cmcial Comics, Turley Pub-
ics of professional interest to comic book artists. lications, the Comic Book Legal Defense
9:00am Business Issues For Self Publishing Fund, and our many volunteers.
Should you incorporate, insurance coverage, tax issues,
contracts, rights, and the like. Dealing With the Press SPX98 Steering Committee
How to utilize the press to promote comics, events and Michael Zarlenga, Mark Wheatley, Joel Pol-
customer interest in comics. lack, Chris Oarr, Greg McElhatton, Lou
10:00am Marketing Your Comic Book From Danoff, Jon Cohen, Greg Bennett, Jeff
grass roots to professional marketing techniques. Re- Alexander.
tailer Reality What, why, and how retailers determine '------------------------_J
The CBLDF fights ~or your right to create, distribute, and read what you like. While you're
attending the SPX, please show your appreciation and help support their efforts.
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SPX98--Directory of Exhibitors
Gallery Room Name Room Table tt.,_ Name Room Table tt.,_
Montgomery Room Cleavenger, Dorian V 47-49 Galambos, Tom M 7B
Versailles Ballroom Clell, Madison w 27 Galbraith, Cliff V 32-33A
Washington Room Clopper, Brian w 24 Gallagher, John w 28
Coale, Mark w 34 .Garcia, Leo V 39A
Room Table!. Cohen, Michael V 10 Garza, Cayetano V 15
CBLDF V 50-53 Geldhof, Jay V 67A
V 7 Comicon Int'l. V 69 Gertler, Nat w 37A
M 10-12 Conley, Steven V 11 Gilbert, Scott V 58
o, Narumi V 81 Consiglio, Tony M 14A Gilbert, Steven V 57
sala, Jason V 6 Cooney, Dan V 30 Giles, Pat V 86
ureliani, Franco V 41 Cosley, Jamie w 25 Gownley, Jimmy V 9
agato, Jeff V 28 Countess Vladimira V 47-49 Green, John V 16
arr, Donna w 26 Crane, Jordan M 7 Grogan, Geoff w 18
attaglia, Mike M 5 Crane, Walt V 25A Groth, Gary V 59
auman, Susanne V 2A Crucial Comics V 32-33A Guest, Matthew V 60A
eettam, Greg V 5 Dally, Lyman w 22 Hamlin, Eric w 39
elmore, David G 6 Darnall, Steve V 67A Hansen, Lance V 79
enka,Jen V 83 Daydreamer, Jennifer M 13A Harris, Manda G 4
Bennett, Anina V 34 Devlin, Tom M 9 Harris, Shelly V 32-33A
envenuto, Darrell w 11 Diller, Marshell M G 9 Hart, Tom M 10-12
ertozzi, Nick M 5 Doherty, Mike w 31 Hartman, Rachel V 3B
erwanger, Scott V 17A Donald, Darrell C.L. V 46 Haspiel, Dean M 1-3
ieri, Sean V 2B Donaldson, Jeffrey V 73 Hauk, Steve w 28
lack Eye Prod. M 18 Doran, Colleen w 14 Hayes, Michael w 38
Bliss, Pam V 25A Doria, Ann M. G 3 Hempel, Marc w 4
lue, Stephen w 13 Dorkin, Evan V 18-21, 31 Henderson, Sam M 10-12
Bolling, Ruben V 60B-62 Drawn & Quarterly V 63-64 Henn, Rich V 45
oyd, Robert V 65,84 Dresen, Kris V 83 Hetherington, Janet L. V 55
Boyle, Shane Patrick W 17 Dyer, Sarah V 18-20,31 Hines, Gareth w 12
Brandt, FC M 7A Eisner, Will V 22-23 Hodge, Marc V 47-49
raucher, Tim V 78 Ellingson, Josh w 37A Holcomb, G. Allan V 29
raum, Dan V 40 Ellis, Steve w 23 Holgersen, Holgie G 4
roderick, George, Jr. W 21 Ernst, Dave V 78 Hopkins, Harry G 1-2
rownstein, Charles w 15 Estrada, Jackie V 88 Horrocks, Dylan M 18
rubaker, Ed M 10-12 Fantagraphics Books V 59 Huizenga, Kevin w 29
runetti, Ivan M 19 Feazell, Matt V 3A Huja, Tim V 32-33A
uccholz, Harrold V 15 Fifth Panel Comics V 73 Hyland, Greg V 66
urg, Bill V 68 Fingerman, Bob V 59 ICAF w 2
Campbell, Robert w 10 Flippo, Terry w 20 Inui, Haruka V 81
Cannon, Zander w 16 Fortran, Hank G 5 lppong, Bang V 81
Capozzi, Ben Patrick w 23 Friedman, Mira V 65,84 Ito, Shinpei V 81
Chapman, Bob V 21 Friends of Lulu V 54 Izumi, Garret M 6
Chiapetta, Joe V 1 Furtwangler, Tom V 58 Jackson, Mark AW. V 47-49
Cho, Frank w 5 Jenkins, Tara V 4
Name Room Tabl~tL Name RQQ-11! TagJ~ #..,_ Name .!3,.QOm Table#..,_
Kakinoudi, Narwni V 81 Novak, Emil w 36 Slack, Doug V 18-20, 31
Kathman, Bob V 22-23 Ogline, Tim w 28 SLG/Amaze Ink V 18-20, 31
Kauzaki, Masaomi V 81 Oliveros, Chris V 63-64 Sneed, Vincent V 43
Kelso, Megan M 9 Oneal, Travis V 18-20, 31 Sorensen, Jen M 10-12
Kerschbaum, John w 12 Oni Press V 21 Speranza, Mike V 37
Keye, David V 56 Ottaviani, Jim V 77 Stall, Vincent w 16
Kihei, Ryu V 81 PACER w 1 Stanislawski, Mark V 72
Kirkland, Jim V 47-49 Parker, Leslee T. w 4 Staros, Chris M 1-3
Kitchen Sink Press V 22-23 Parsons, Dan V 47-49 Staton, John w 8
Klemencic, Jakob V 65,84 Pascale, Mike V 74 Stem, Oscar V 12
Knapp, Bill w 7 Patterson, Neal V 43 Stevens, Karl G 8
Knight, Keith V 87 Peregrine Ent. V 47-49 Strachota, Dan M 17A
Kochalka, James M 10-12 Perry, Rochon V 54 Stump, Greg M 10-12
Kolton, Batia V 65,84 Peters, John V 43 Sturm, James V 63-64
Koslowski, Rich V 6 Peters, Steven V 13B-14 Sullivan, Rick V 78
Krause, Levi w 25 Peters, Thomas M. V 42 Taillefer, Craig A. V 26
Kuhn, Shawn V 78 Pinkus, Yinni V 65, 84 Tallan, David V 4
Kuper, Peter V 60B-62 Piotrowski, Tim V 83 Top ShelfComix M 1-3
Kuster, Steve V 29 Poisson, Angel V 32-33A Torres, J. V 15
Langsdale, Daniel w 8 Polyn, Sean V 75B Torrey, Tom w 31
Lapham, David V 17 Prassel, Igor V 65,84 Tucker, Kevin V 47-49
Lapham, Maria V 17 Quigley, Kevin V 35 Tucker, Ted w 24
LaRocque, Greg V 47-49 Rall, Ted V 60B-62 Ullman, Robert K. V 68
Lash, Batton V 88 Reklaw, Jesse M l7B Vado, Dan V 18-20,31
Lasky, David M 138 Rennert, llzik V 65,84 Van Lente, Fred w 23
Levins, Tim V 15 Reynolds, Eric V 59 Vigil,Tim V 46
Lewis, Jon M 10-12 Richards, Todd V 73 Walker, Kay V 36
Liskov, Moses V 80 Roberts, Scott w 19 Wallenta, Adam w 32
Lillie. Jason 1\1 ·IA Robinson, Alex M 15 Wan-en, Roz G 7
l .o, Michelle V 71 Rodman, Larry V 28 Watson, Rich V 39A
l\lanley, l\li"-e \' 8:'i Roman, Dave V 16 Weeks, John w 35
Marder. I.arr: \\ I5 Root, Budd w 6 Weier, T. V 75A
l\laso11, Jell ;\I I 0-12 Ryan, Matt C. V 29 Wessler, Seth w 33
McCloud, Scutt V 24 Sassaman, Gary V 36 Wheatley, Mark w 3
McNeil, Carla Speed V 44 Schaad, James E V 13A Wheeler, Shannon M 16
McNeil, Michael V 44 Schrag, Ariel V 18-20, 31 White, Mack M 4B
Medley, Linda V 27 Schreck, Bob V 21 Williams, Bebe V 28
Metaphrog V 82 Scigliano, Myke V 71 Wolfgang, Kurt V 76A
Miller, Frank V 50-53 Shadoiian, Chris V 70 Wood, Brian V 71
Modan, Rutu V 65,84 Shea, Timothy w 36 Xavier, Philip V 47-49
Mojica, Yvonne M 148 Sholtis, Jason w 30 Yambar, Clu"is w 25
Morris, Keith Alan w 9 Showman, Galen V 68 Yurkovich, David V 79
M01ion, William w 41 Shultz, Mark V 22-23 Zabel, Joe V 8
Napoliello, David V 47-49 Simpkins, Bob V 18-20, 31 Zaben, Andrew V 76B
NBM Publishing V OB-62 Simpson, Don V 38
Nicholas, Jamar w 40 Sirius Entertainment V 7
Bethesda has
200 restau-
rants of every
ethnic per-
suasion and
for every bud-
get. Here are
a few sugges- ,, ·
tions within
three blocks
of the SPX.
SPX98 cooked in wood-fired ovens. mont Ave. No food, just great
~ Holiday Inn Select 5. Rock Bottom Brewery, 7900 comics.
1. Ricky's Rice Bowl, 4865 Cordell Norfolk Ave. Moderate. Good food, 10. Capital City Brewing Co.,
Ave. Inexpensive. A big bowl of good beer, and lots ofit. 7735 Old Georgetown Rd. Moder-
rice, with grilled meats and veggies 6. Thai Place, 4828 Cordell Ave. ate. Beer in a friendly environment.
and assorted sauces. This is Chris Moderate. The best Pad Thai 11. Tastee Diner, 7731 Woodmont
Oarr's favorite. you've ever had. Ave. Inexpensive. If you've never
2. California Torilla, 4862 Cordell 7. Foong Lin, 7710 Norfolk Ave. sampled a great diner breakfast, this
Ave. Inexpensive. Best burritos in Moderate. The best Chinese restau- is the place for you. Open 24-hours.
town, great hot sauces. rant in Bethesda. 12. Guapo's, 8117 Woodmont Ave.
3. Oodles Noodles, 4907 Cordell 8. Rio Grande Cafe, 4919 Fairmont Moderate. Good Mexican right next
Ave. Moderate. Don't let the name Ave. Moderate. Great Tex-Mex, door to the con hotel.
stop you-fantastic Pan-Asian food. specializing in grilled meats and fab- 13. O'Donnell's. 8301 Wisconsin
4. II Forno, 4926 Cordell Ave. In- ulous ribs. Long wait at dinner hour. Ave. Expensive. One of the best
expensive. Best pizza in Bethesda, 9. Big Planet Comics, 4908 Fair- seafood restaurants in the DC area.