Baroque and Rococo Architecture Reviewer
Baroque and Rococo Architecture Reviewer
Baroque and Rococo Architecture Reviewer
The High Baroque(1625–1675) produced major works in He was more prominently the leading sculptor of his age,
Rome by Pietro da Cortona credited with creating the Baroque style of sculpture
Eliminating right angles. Sometimes an oval nave was Baroque architects sometimes employed mosaic work and
surrounded by radiating circular chapels. This was a distinctive decorative inlays in marble or other materials to create
feature of the Basilica of the Fourteen Holy Helpers of stunning floor and wall patterns. These intricate designs
Balthazar Neumann added to the opulence of Baroque interiors.
Baroque buildings frequently featured columns and pilasters Baroque architecture is famous for its painted ceilings, which
with elaborate capitals. Solomonic columns, characterized by often featured intricate frescoes depicting scenes from
twisting spirals, were a popular choice and added a sense of mythology, religion, or history. These ceiling paintings created
movement to the architecture. a sense of grandeur and illusion of height.
Baroque architecture is known for its majestic domes and Baroque architects sought to blur the lines between
cupolas, often adorned with intricate detailing and decorative architecture and sculpture, creating seamless and integrated
elements. designs where the two art forms complemented each other.
10. Cartouches
4. Netherlands
Dutch Baroque architecture, often termed "Dutch Classicism,"
combined Baroque elements with a restrained and more •Rococo takes its name from the French word 'rocaille', which
means “rock or broken shell” which are natural motifs that
symmetrical approach.
often formed part of the designs, along with fish and other
marine decorations and “Barocco”, which means “Baroque”
Example: Royal Palace of Amsterdam by Jacob Van •18th century Rococo architecture was a lighter, more
Campen graceful, yet also more elaborate version of Baroque
5. England
Rococo Architecture Grew in:
Baroque architecture in England is exemplified by the work of
Sir Christopher Wren. English Baroque is characterized by a France Italy
blend of classical elements and innovative designs.
Central Europe Southern Germany
Example: St. Paul Cathedral, London by Wren Britain Russia
6. Portugal
Portuguese Baroque architecture, also known as "Portuguese
Late Baroque," features ornate decoration, rich interiors, and •The Rococo first emerged in France during the 1720s and 30s
an emphasis on detail. as a style developed by craftspeople and designers rather than
architects, which explains why it is found primarily in
furniture, silver and ceramics.
Example: Palace of Queluz
Rococo architecture, art, and design were born in Paris not
long after the death of Louis XIV in a reaction to Baroque
Church of São Roque interior architecture such as the Palace of Versailles and the Sun
King’s preferred self-glorifying French classical art. In this
7. Central of Europe new era, Parisians returned to the city from Versailles and
started renovating their homes with a freer, more light-hearted
In Central Europe, including countries like Czechia, Hungary, spirit.
and Poland, Baroque architecture often featured a fusion of
local and Italian influences.
-Rococo style was especially popular when decorating salons
used to entertain guests, and became the height of fashion
Example: St. Nicholas Church, Prague
beginning in the 1720s. Playful and exuberant, Rococo is a
Buda Castle, Budapest (Hungary) wedding cake of a style, with a delicate, pastel-hued, and—
what has long been for better or worse thought of as—
8. Russia classically feminine allure in part to counterbalance the
testosterone-driven aesthetic dominance of the reign of Louis
Russian Baroque architecture emerged in the late 17th XIV.
century. It incorporated Baroque elements into traditional
Russian architecture. HISTORY
Example: The Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. ( SOCIAL & FAMILY STRUCTURE)
•The Rococo era is known for its focus on pleasure, frivolity
9. Colonial Latin America and escapism. Because royalty and the aristocracy held social,
political and economic power, this was the group that set the
Baroque architecture in the colonies of Latin America blended styles and manners of the day. Boredom came with the
European Baroque with indigenous and regional influences. excessive way of life at court, which led to a pursuit of pure
pleasure and escapism.
Example: The Cathedral of Mexico City
Church of San Francisco in Lima, Peru ( RELIGION)
•Baroque art usually depicts religious themes while the COLOR SCHEME
Rococo period is deeply rooted in secular culture. •Rococo architecture used a lot of pastels. This was unlike the
emphasis on light and dark lighting of the Baroque era upon
MATERIALS neutral colors.
•BRONZE •Rococo colour scheme is characterized by azure blue,soft
•GUILDINGS pink, white, ivory,cream and gold and they all complement
•CARVED WOOD each other, being soft, airy and feminine.
•Artists and architects deviated from the Baroque style
through a complex approach. This made structures look more
WALLS grandiose.
Minimize was the use of entablatures and the designs have DADO
become more abstract. Plastic covers replaced the angles in the •The dado or the lower part of the wall was dwarfed. During
corners connecting to the ceiling. the period, it was also used to a lesser extent.
•As Germans started partying like the French, the Rococo
became popular amongst German aristocrats and nobility. This
is the Amalienburg, a hunting lodge on the grounds of the
Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, built for Holy Roman
Emperor Charles VII and Maria Amalia of Austria, his wife. It
was designed by François de Cuvilliés with several interior
designs by Johann Baptist Zimmerman and constructed from
1734- 1739. In that 5-year period, Cuvilliés really brought the
Rococo into Germany.
•The Russian Empress Catherine the Great was another
admirer of the Rococo; The Golden Cabinet of the Chinese
Palace in the palace complex of Oranienbaum near Saint
Petersburg, designed by the Italian Antonio Rinaldi, is an
example of the Russian Rococo.
Sanssouci Palace
Hotel de Soubise
Branicki Palace
Linderhof Palace
Cuvilles Theatre
Catherine Palace