Tectonic Design of Elastic Timber Gridshells: Jorge G. Fernandes, Poul H. Kirkegaard, Jorge M. Branco
Tectonic Design of Elastic Timber Gridshells: Jorge G. Fernandes, Poul H. Kirkegaard, Jorge M. Branco
Tectonic Design of Elastic Timber Gridshells: Jorge G. Fernandes, Poul H. Kirkegaard, Jorge M. Branco
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to 'bridge the gap' between engineers and architects for a better understanding of the
design process of elastic timber gridshells. The purpose is to inspire architects to develop innovative timber structural
forms informed by engineering knowledge.
This paper is organised in two parts: the first part is a theoretical reflection on the concept of tectonic and on the
combined application of architectural and structural knowledge; the second part is dedicated to the review and definition
of the various decisions and consequences during the design and construction of elastic timber gridshells.
KEYWORDS: Timber design, Timber gridshell, Mesh design, structural approach, structural mesh.
1 INTRODUCTION 456 main reasons for this positioning from their part may be
due to the lack of information and tools that could help
Timber gridshells are a special type of structures that define this complex system, as well as some guidelines or
combines structural efficiency with an attractive directives [6].
appearance. As they are highly technical systems with Until now, gridshells have been designed on a case by
low-cost means, they have a very limited impact on case basis and have not been studied as a specific structure
natural resources [1]. However, the main feature is its type that can be used in many ways and in several
shape. The formal freedom that it allows and its structural different situations. The starting point of a project is the
behaviour make the gridshells a very desirable structure architect's sketch, purely as an architectural and aesthetic
in the eyes of any designer. These structures are able to ideas where the overall geometry is defined without
cover large spans and ensure a high spatial flexibility. As structural considerations.
such these timber structures are in vogue and its Traditionally, the structural information is only applied at
advantages for quality spatial design and the new creation the end of the design process to refine details of the
potential for designers have great advantages [2]. conceptual sketch drawn by the architect. However, it is
Furthermore, timber gridshells are versatile and can be felt that the structural approach should be included right
found in rehabilitated buildings as well in new buildings, from the beginning [7]. There is a need to evaluate the
roofs, as small additions in non-structural elements and structural performance of elastic timber gridshells during
even in partitions as merely an architectural object. the schematic design. This could provide design rules
The origin of gridshells goes back to the 19th century which would facilitate discussion among designers from
(1896) and they were created by Vladimir Shukhov, a different areas in order to improve the tectonic
Russian engineer. However, he only addressed steel characteristics of the projects.
structures and not timber structures. In 1975, the first large This paper aims to understand what engineering has to
scale timber gridshell was finished, the Multihalle, in offer to architecture as a methodology and support the
Mannheim, designed by Frei Otto [3]. design of the timber gridshells. Thus, the main question
Nowadays, the construction of elastic, or post-formed considered in this paper is how engineering and
timber gridshells [4] remains an issue to be taken into architectural knowledge can optimize and improve the
consideration. With this structural system, architects and design procedure. The methodology applied is based on a
engineers have moved towards a common goal the tectonic approach [8] to the design of the gridshells. It is
symbiosis between space and structure, the balance intended that this results in a docket of notions about the
between aesthetics, function and proper optimization of design of timber gridshells, to solve problems found
materials. Nevertheless, due to the complexity of the during the design process that can help to create structures
design and the idealization of its construction, designers with high spatial and structural quality. It is not the
are not very keen to use it as a possible solution [5]. The purpose to try and qualify what should or should not be
1 M. Jorge G. Fernandes. PhD student of the Department of Civil Engineering of Minho University, Campus de Azurém - 4800-058
Email: [email protected]
Jorge M. Branco. Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil Engineering of Minho University, Campus de Azurém - 4800-058
Guimarães, Portugal. Email: [email protected]
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done, what works or what does not work. Such structural systems determined the tectonic qualities of
conclusions can be applied to others areas of science, but modern architecture. A building should be understood as
not in architecture. Architecture is a human science which a set of systems that work as one. The group of
varies according to who experience it. It is also not professionals responsible for these systems are always a
intended to create rules or restrictions, since this is a multidisciplinary team that must fill the gap between the
system with yet a lot to explore. analytical knowledge of the structures and the wisdom of
To achieve the proposed ideas, the form-finding method architecture [8]. One of the fields in which this efficiency
will be explained and the elastic timber gridshells will be between the professionals is sought, is in the relation
divided in three approach concepts. Also, the erection between the form and the structural properties of the
methods of timber gridshell will be analysed. Afterwards, systems. This could lead towards an increasing interest in
the consequences of these decisions will be identified and lightweight structures. Within these type of structural
proposals to address gaps in this area will be presented. systems, gridshells are a variant that can be chosen for
With this knowledge, it is possible to minimise the use of free-form and architecturally expressive design.
applied forces. With fewer forces being applied to the Still in most cases, structural considerations only come at
lattice, the risk of breakages on this kind of projects will the end to refine the details of the previously selected
be lower than on previous gridshell projects [9]. shape, when it is imperative to include the structural
This work is carried out from the point of view of an approach from the beginning. There is a need to evaluate
architect, accompanied and aided by civil engineers. It is the structural performance of timber gridshells during the
supposed to be an integrated research as it is crucial to schematic design, in order to provide some design
find new methods to design these structures, in a faster, strategies to ease the discussion between the designers in
practical and more efficient way. different areas as to improve the tectonic characteristics
of the projects [7].
2 ENGINEERING INFORMING It is important to realise that there are already such
ARCHITECTURE shortcuts/notions in architecture. Architectural design as
a creative artistic act, sometimes requires defiance of the
Tectonics is a seminal concept that defines the nature established or accepted principles in order to achieve the
of the relationship between architecture and its desired result. These elements and principles are
structural and material properties. The changing guidelines which, when used properly, may provide a
definition of the symbiotic relationship between structural satisfying result but, they are neither flawless nor
engineering and architectural design can be considered as complete. At the centre of this process, there is a conflict
one of the formative influences on the conceptual between form and function. In the timber gridshells this
evolution of tectonics in different historical periods [10]. distinction does not exist, the structure designs the space.
Both of these areas have traditionally been characterized So, here the skill of the architect is found in the manner
by the development of a sequential reasoning of shape, by which they apply aspects of design combined with
structure and material [11]. The sequence begins firstly artistic sensibility, his vision and the physical
with the formation of the concept by the architect which characteristics of the building and the environment. This
is then transmitted to engineers who develop the project is supposed to clarify and explain some of the guidelines
structurally and materially wise, in collaboration with the that can be applied as an appropriated and useful design
first [7]. Collaborative relations developed between tool for elastic timber gridshells. The most important
architects and engineers contributed to the production of purposes of this design tool are to define the geometry,
some of the most iconic buildings. Although the process how it can actually be built and to predict the forces that
of structural engineering already has been developed, will be present in the gridshell. As far as timber gridshells
there is still a possibility to increase the structural are concerned, and unlike most other structures, the
knowledge and create the technical possibilities, which construction phase is the most critical stage of its life.
will result in a tendency to design structures more Since the shape is closely linked to the forces that are
efficiently [12]. present in timber and the support reactions, these aspects
The importance of working as a team is not something must always be known when the final geometry is
new. As Mies Van der Rohe once said, when a type of achieved. Thus, the chosen structural typology will
building gained importance, in the historical period it is certainly have an impact in the architectural image. All the
inserted, its structure has always been the vehicle of their design decisions focuses on the possible choices. When
spatial form, as shown in the Romanesque and Gothic the material is chosen, it has particular characteristics,
styles. The renewal of architecture has to focus on the there is a budget, its own laws, which limit options. As
structure and not on the ornaments that are placed on it. such these design approaches will help to clarify the
The building and its rationale are together and the options available when it comes to making the decision
structure is the form and space [13]. Further, as Corbusier about which timber gridshell to choose. The designers
said, architecture should be the expression of the materials must look at this as a good shortcut, as something that
and methods of our times, as engineers provide the tools does not rules out creative options. Quite the contrary, it
of their time and their technical knowledge [14]. The gives them time to go ahead and take on new issues.
materiality defines the experiences and gives shape to the
intentions in architecture.[15] As such, the developments
in civil and structural engineering profoundly affected
architecture. The use of new structural materials and new
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3 DESIGN APPROACH TO THE which is under pure tension, thus obtaining a pure
ELASTIC TIMBER GRIDSHELLS compression structure under its own weight. This has
been applied by Gaudi in the Colonia Guell and its
The following section outlines what has been done in the historical roots can be traced back to Robert Hooke’s [18]
development of the design and erection processes of the catenary experiments. This process gives the designers
timber gridshells. The order in which the different phases information about node coordinates. A different way to
of these processes will be presented are not necessarily in define a gridshell structure is analytically, by explicitly
a chronological order. This paper is concerned with elastic specifying a surface and then describing a grid of nodes
gridshells only, not just in its construction phase but also and lines on that surface. There are different geometric
in the preparation of this moment. It is extremely methods that could be applied to describe a grid on a
important to understand which aspects are taken into surface. For practical and economic reasons this tool has
account before the construction to identify from the start been more frequently applied. The software is constantly
the existing information gaps in the process. The improved due to the amount and accuracy of information
economic advantages that arise from using elastic timber that engineers are able to introduce in these reality
gridshells (low material quantities, cost effective simulation tools. A third option is a mixture between the
transportation, large spans and low-tech assembly of two methodologies and it was applied in the Weald and
linear elements) are undermined by the cost and Downland gridshell [19]. This project confirms that there
complexity of the labour which is necessary for their is still reason to debate the use of physical models in
erection [5]. contemporary design as a complementary tool. Lastly,
Although there is a shortage of works in this area, the contrasting with the above-mentioned gridshells, the
theoretical field has developed some research material approach where the form-finding is based on the proposed
around this structures. Since the last century the evolution construction process. This implies starting with a flat grid
of elastic gridshells has significantly progressed in the and pushing the support nodes towards a desired support
fields of computational form-finding and structural configuration, while also pushing the grid upwards. It is
analysis, generally, fuelled by academic curiosity and a possible to simulate the proposed construction by
few number of innovators (Frei Otto, Shigeru Ban). These modelling the forces applied to a grid made of springs
are people that believe that this kind of structure offers a [20].
way to facilitate the construction of large scale, low-cost Architects should dominate the drawing tools, scale and
elastic timber gridshell buildings in the modern built proportions, the full and empty volumetries and the
environment such as have not been seen since the likes of atmosphere that they idealize, even because it is possible
the Multihalle Mannheim [16]. to understand that all the approaches presented need
Academically and in the field of practice, recognition another (engineer) support knowledge. It is still necessary
should be given to some researchers who have highlighted to know the properties of the material, know the buckling
the important of developing the design process and required to transfer forces, recognise the elements that
construction of elastic timber gridshells. Chris Williams, will be more required in the structure and mediate the
Richard Harris, Alberto Pugnale and Frank Jensen, are mismatches between the model and reality.
some of the most prominent researchers in the field. In the
field of erection methods, but not exactly on the timber 3.2 CONCEPTUAL APPROACH
area, it is important to mention Quinn and Gengnagel who Another way to help architects to realize what is possible
describe the main categories for consolidated construction or to define the options, in the mentioned design process,
techniques: the “pull-up” / “push-up”, the “ease down” is to understand which key elements that could define
and a further category based on inflatable membrane different assemblies of timber gridshells. It is necessary to
technology is outlined but not consistently illustrated [16]. understand the structural capabilities of timber gridshells
such as: the proportionality between span and height; the
3.1 FORM FINDING balanced distribution of forces in the edges and supports;
From the literature, it is possible to create a compendium the ratio and buckling necessary to unload the weight and
with a logical approach path to timber gridshells, since the other forces; the metric of the grid and finally the
shape approach until the phase of analyses of the geometry. Should the elastic timber gridshells always
behaviour of the built buildings, starting with the previous work like a dome? What potential can be exploited? Does
process of form finding, term frequently used to describe the design process depends on the size or the complexity
the method of defining the shape of a structure [17]. This of the shape? To understand the questions raised, three
process is often influenced by factors such as the type of concepts will be analysed with the purpose of representing
structure, properties of the material, boundary conditions the general and the particular cases. The division by
and construction requirements, in this case timber different approaches was made based on the gridshells
gridshells. It also has a great potential in the optimization geometry shape, the structural behaviour [8] and the
of the geometric, material and in reduction of the differences in the design and construction process. It
structural section. should be noted that it is a segmentation of an already
According to the work of Richard Harris and Chris particular system. These three varieties are in side of the
Williams [17] it is easy to summarise the following elastic timber gridshells, which in turn are in the group of
approaches to the geometric design of gridshells: timber gridshells and these in the shells structures.
Funicular methodology, where the gridshells are
produced by inverting the shape of a hanging chain model,
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This division is complementary because it can distinguish Figure 2- Regular in Compression examples
the shell from its structural behaviour and its geometric
complexity. Here the respective contribution of architects One of these cases is the Downland Gridshell (Figure 3).
and engineers becomes clearer. The architects have some This is a well-documented and described project, a very
ease in handling the shape as if it was a piece of complete constructive guide. Despite being in this
handicraft, even if it is a case of simple geometry or category this building has a complex geometric
something more amorphous. The engineer, on the other composition and it is easy to understand the volume and
hand almost intuitively understands the path of the forces read the structure.
and the areas most required in the structure. The choice of
the structural concept is not just a formal decision framed
in the environment in which it operates, it is also the result
of an informed discussion, pro-active between the idea
and its materialisation. The parts have to work as one. For
it is not enough to limit the space or choose the material,
the structure has to be the backbone of the architectural
Figure 3- Downland Gridshell [21]
The Regular in Compression (Figure 2) represents all
timber gridshells with: at least one axis of symmetry in a
A recent example, ZA Pavilion depicted in Figure 4, was
section and a plan; one or more lines of SF (symmetrical
presented as a temporary cultural venue and was designed
forces applied on opposite sides in order to apply force
during a student workshop in Cluj, Romania. It is a simple
homogeneously); work only in compression and with a solution with a great result. The ZA Pavilion was based
uniform discharge of forces. This kind of elastic timber
on the construction process and it is now possible to find
gridshell takes the shape of a single shell and can
the shape of a timber gridshell by simulating its real
represent the majority of the gridshells. It can be said that
construction process. A simple square grid is easy to
it is the simplest of them all.
imagine, but connecting multiple “trunks” with an
That is probably why it is possible to find more examples
intricate topology of beams criss-crossed between them
of its application. requires some serious thinking[20].
things/ http://dataphys.org/list/gaudis-hanging-chain-models/
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3.3.2 PUSH UP
Originally, the Multihalle Mannheim was planned to be
erected using four 200t cranes but finally a system of
jacking towers was devised by the contractors and
engineers in order to cut costs. 3.5m by 2.5m H-shaped
spreader beams were connected via ball joints to the 1m
square scaffolding towers which were up to 17m tall.
These towers were jacked up vertically using fork lift
trucks which were able to accommodate the necessary
lateral translations of the lifting points. A key feature of
the erection process (Figure 12) was that “the lattice was
anchored with cables, at certain key points, to prevent
collapse”. The spacing between the towers was 9m and
the laths deflected by 200mm under bending from self-
weight. This deflection had to be gradually reduced to
around 50mm by progressive stiffening of “strips” along Figure 13-Erection process scheme
the grid shell followed by the height adjustment of grid
zones [16]. 3.3.4 PNEUMATIC FORMWORK
This method has not yet been applied to Timber
gridshells. Therefore, it is only possible to conjecture
some conclusions from its application to other
systems/materials and from the empiric knowledge
notions. It is possible to understand that the flatter zones
of a pneumatic cushion are better able to resist vertical
external loading with low static pressures than “steep”
surfaces and small horizontal contact areas. And yet,
small curvatures while beneficial for erection are
undesirable for the final shell geometry due to the
resultant low shell stiffness. Therefore, the shape of the
pneumatic formwork and the final grid shell must be
developed in unison. The most critical challenges for the
erection of elastic gridshells, by means of pneumatic
formwork are concerned with the following major issues:
stability and restraint of the grid shell mechanism during
erection and ensuring that the target surface geometry is
Figure 12-Erection process scheme achieved despite sagging of the cushion. It is proposed
that regardless the cushion type, the gridshell should be
3.3.3 EASE DOWN raised to a height higher than its final destination such that
The three most recent timber elastic gridshells built by the beam ends can be lowered to their supports via
Buro Happold (Japan Pavilion, Weald and Downland deflation in a controlled manner [16].
Centre, Savill Garden), were erected by means of
scaffolding support underneath the entire grid shell area
coupled with incremental and controlled displacement of
the laths. The unique aspects of this method, seen in
Figure 13, are the high layout level for the flat grid, from
which gravity is harnessed and the laths that are gradually
displaced downwards (allowing also for lateral
movements). Scaled physical models played a crucial role
in planning, predicting and checking of the erection
process. Detailed labelling and measuring of the
structures during deformation was carried out to monitor
and control the process. Additional straps and ratchets
were required to initiate further “scissoring” in order to
successfully form the crowns and valleys of the Weald
and Downland Centre [16].
Figure 14-Erection process scheme
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· The shell shape should be defined geometrically or
digitally for the purpose of making their construction
· The architect has at her/his disposal tools that allow
her/his to control the volumes even if they are irregular
and amorphous;
· The architect must be able to master the mesh geometry
as well as to be able to explain it to engineers;
· If the first design approach is the work of the architect
the structural approach should be introduced at the same
time by the hand of engineers;
Figure 18- Timber gridshells node details · If the best optimal form is used the thickness of the
structure can have a substantial reduction;
The goal of this paper has been to outline what APPROACH CONCEPT:
engineering has to offer to architecture as a design · The span must be proportional to the height;
methodology, as well as to know how the engineering and · A gridshell can work in tension or compression or both
architectural knowledge can optimize and improve the depending on the approach concept;
design procedure of elastic timber gridshells. Thus, in this
· Curvature and height of the timber gridshell should be
work, the concept of tectonic and the advantages of
sufficient to work as a compression or tension structure;
combining the architectural and engineering knowledge
were discussed. Moreover, it has been presented a review · Horizontal forces at the edges and supports should be
of the form-finding process, the structural approach balanced
concepts and the erection methods. Also comments were · Buckling of the surface should be avoided
addressed with benefits and caveats of the consequences · The fact that there are no beams and pillars give it
of all the decisions made during the entire project. Finally, always unique tectonic characteristics;
some results will be presented in a docket of notions about · Each work must be understood as a single case but the
the design of elastic timber gridshells. Approach Concept should be perceived as a tool
Since the lack of design notions was previously identified, applicable to various circumstances.
now it is necessary to make clear that engineering has to
offer an integrated approach. A methodology that should ERECTION PROCESS:
not be complicated but rather complex, as it is possible to · The surface should be bendable;
see in Figure 19. Neither the architect nor the engineer can · Must be avoided the application of localized forces;
do this alone, it takes both to create delicated and
· Besides the obligatory projects, an erection project
informed gridshells.
should always be prepared;
· Costs and work time will always be directly related to
the adequacy of several decisions in relation to the
context and available means;
· The irregular mesh can be mounted with more than one
erection process combined;
· Can be thin or thick. This will have an impact on the
resistance of the mesh but also in its ability to flex and
on its weight;
· The erection should be based in view of the timber
adapting properties;
· Joins and the locking elements should allow rotation of
Figure 19- Design Process for elastic timber gridshells members before fixing.
· The links should be chosen taking into account the
The more skilful and informed the architect is the bolder
and innovative may the result be and engineers should be erection process, the behaviour after that and the
pro-active in all phases of the project. This way Architectural image;
engineering and architectural knowledge can optimize
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [16] G. Quinn and C. Gengnagel, “A review of elastic
This work is financed by FEDER funds through the grid shells , their erection methods and the
Competitively Factors Operational Programme - potential use of pneumatic formwork,” vol. 136,
COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – pp. 129–143.
Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope [17] D. I. R. Wehdorn, roithmayr, “Formfinder,”
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Technology (FCT) through doctoral fellowship [18] S. Newton and S. Law, “Hooke ’ s Law and a Few
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financial support for participation in this conference. Dickson, “Innovative Design in Timber for the
Downland Gridshell.”
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