Task VI
Task VI
Task VI
The aim of the task is experimental determination of parachors for chosen liq-
uids and their comparison with those determined by summing of atom and bond para-
II. Introduction
1. J. Ościk, Adsorption, PWN Warszawa, 1982.
2. D. J. Shaw, Introduction to Colloid and Surface Chemistry, Butterworth-
Heinemann, London 1992.
3. J. Lyklema, Fundamentals of Interface and Colloid Science, vol.III: Liquid-Fluid Inter-
faces, Academic Press, 2000.
4. E. T. Dutkiewicz, Fizykochemia powierzchni, WNT Warszawa, 1998, pp. 70–72.
5. Task VIII.
6. J. Demichowicz-Pigoniowa, Obliczenia fizykochemiczne, PWN Warszawa, 1984,
pp. 259–260.
7. A. Danek, Chemia fizyczna, PZWL Warszawa, 1972, pp. 444–445.
Task VI — Parachor
III. Theory
Surface molecules of the liquid are therefore drawn into the liquid phase, whose
surface area tends to diminish. As a consequence of interactions among liquid mole-
cules, the force directed normal to the surface into the liquid is accompanied by another
force directed tangentially to the surface and preventing its area from increasing. This
latter force per unit length (the cross section of the surface is a line) is a measure of the
surface tension (denoted by γ or σ).
Since the liquid tends to diminish its surface area, increase of that area requires
work against the surface tension. Fig. 2 shows a hypothetical system consisting of a
liquid filling a container having a sliding cover. It is assumed that the nature of the lid is
such that there is no surface tension between it and the liquid. We shift the lid to uncov-
er a part of the liquid surface of area equal to dA.
Task VI — Parachor
Task VI — Parachor
γ=( ) V ,T ,n (4)
γ=( ) p ,T , n (5)
where n in an abbreviation for the set of amounts n1, n2, …, that define the composition
of the system. The dimensions of γ are [energy/area]; we shall express them in mJ/m2.
As F and G are in principle measurable, so is γ.
Mechanically, the interfacial tension is the contractive force per unit length, acting in
the interface and parallel to it. The dimensions are [force/length], and our usual unit is
mN/m = mJ/m2. Interfacial tensions are mechanically measurable as the forces required
to enlarge an interface by an infinitesimal amount. For isotropic interfaces this force is
the same in each direction. Since mechanical systems try to find a state of minimum
potential energy, a free droplet of liquid naturally assumes a spherical shape, which has
the minimum surface area for a given volume.
At equilibrium the thermodynamical and mechanical interpretations should be
Dependence of the surface tension on temperature was given by Eötvös. This re-
lationship can be written in the following form:
where: Vm – the molar volume of liquid; Vm2 / 3 – the sphere surface of 1 mole liquid; TC
– the critical temperature (at this temperature meniscus between the liquid and its va-
pour disappears); k – the constant of proportionality, which is nearly constant for most
not associating liquids and equals 2.1⋅10–7 J/K (dimension: energy per temperature,
In the case of associating liquids, e.g. water, alcohols, organic acids, and amides
the constant k is significantly lower. Comparison of these values gives possibility to
evaluate the degree of association.
Dependence of the surface tension γ on temperature is a linear function with a
negative coefficient, i.e. the surface tension of most liquids decreases with the increas-
ing temperature. The surface tension depends on the energy of intermolecular attraction.
The kinetic energy of liquid molecules increases with the increasing temperature, that
is, more molecules are brought from the interior of the phase into the surface region
(from the bulk phase to its surface). It causes an increase of the liquid surface corre-
sponding to a decrease of the surface tension.
Task VI — Parachor
Ramsay and Shields claimed that the surface tension disappears near the critical
temperature and they modified the Eötvös equation which can be given by:
γ = c (d c − d p ) 4 (8)
where: c – the constant; dc – the liquid density, and dp – the vapour density.
III. 4. Parachor
M ⋅ γ1 / 4
P= (9)
dc − dp
P = γ1 / 4 (10)
= Vm (11)
where: Vm – the molar volume of liquid, equation (10) can be given by:
P = γ1 / 4 ⋅ Vm (12)
The parachor can be considered to be a molar volume corrected for the compres-
sive effects of intermolecular forces.
Task VI — Parachor
in which: Pa, Pw i Pp denote the parachors of atoms, bonds and rings in a molecule of a
given compound, respectively, and n their quantity.
This fact can be used, in some cases, to fix a structure of organic compounds by
determination of their parachor from equation (10) or (12) and comparison of the ob-
tained value with that found by summing parachors occurring in the proposed structural
formulas for a given compound. The most probable is the structure for which the para-
chor value calculated from equation (10) is close to that found experimentally from the
surface tension measurement, density and molar mass, e.g. the total formula C2H6O can
be attributed to the formulas: CH3CH2OH i CH3OCH3, i.e. ethyl alcohol or dimethyl
ether. As the parachors PCH 3 , PCH 2 , POH and PO are different, one can attribute the com-
pound to the correct formula by comparing the parachor determined experimentally
with that calculated (parachor values are tabularized).
a) H2C CH2 b) O O
Calculating the parachor from the experimental data included in equation (10)
you obtain:
1/ 4
100 − 4 kg ⋅ m3
P= (0.0433)
1/ 4
⋅ = 411. 2 ⋅ 10
1.1094 ⋅ 10 3 kmol ⋅ s1 / 2
Task VI — Parachor
Applying the additivity rule and equation (13) one can obtain the parachor in the
following way:
As follows from the comparison of the theoretical and experimental parachor values
the correct structure is the structure a).
Task VI — Parachor
(a) (b)
At equilibrium this force is equal to the weight of the liquid column f2 increased or de-
creased in the capillary till the height h:
f 2 = πr 2 hρg (15)
Task VI — Parachor
This is a fairly accurate method and perhaps the most convenient laboratory one
for measuring the surface tension. This method is based on determining the weight of a
drop (or its volume) flowing out from a capillary of a stalagmometer ended with a flat
or a conical tip (Fig.4).
The method is based on the Tate's formula associating the drop weight W with
the liquid surface tension γ:
W = 2πrγ (19)
Simultaneously, W' = m⋅g (m – the drop weight, g – acceleration of free fall), and then:
γ= (21)
2πr ⋅ f
Task VI — Parachor
Because m = v⋅d, and k = 2πr⋅f (constant for a given stalagmometer), this equa-
tion can be written in the form:
v⋅d ⋅g
γ= (22)
If V cm3 liquid leaks out from the stalagmometer giving n drops of liquid, the
mass of one drop equals m = , or:
V⋅d ⋅g
γ= (23)
The surface tension measurements are often performed as relative ones, taking
water as a reference liquid, because its surface tension was measured in a wide range of
Thus, the surface tension of water is:
V ⋅ dw ⋅ g
γw = (24)
nw ⋅ k
γ d ⋅ nw
= n⋅k = (25)
γw V ⋅ dw ⋅ g n ⋅ dw
nw ⋅ k
d ⋅ nw
γ = γw ⋅ (26)
dw ⋅ n
where: nw, dw and γw denote the number of drops, the density and the surface tension of
the standard liquid – water, respectively, n, d and γ are the number of drops, the density
and the surface tension of the studied liquid, respectively.
This method is very attractive because it attempts to measure the capillary pres-
sure directly. So, if the radii of curvature are known in one point of the interface, the
interfacial tension can be computed. By applying an internal pressure, the meniscus can
be pushed down till at p = pmax the bubble starts to grow spontaneously. The principle is
sketched in Fig. 5. The gas bubbles are produced and enter the liquid through a capillary
whose radius is known. During this process the pressure passes through a maximum
(Fig. 5). The bubble finally escapes from the capillary and rises. The cycle begins again
with the formation of the next bubble.
Task VI — Parachor
There is a relationship between the liquid surface tension and the minimum pressure
needed to pick the bubble from the capillary dipped in the liquid. According to the Can-
tor equation:
γ= (27)
where r denotes the capillary radius and p is the minimum pressure (in mN/m2), at
which the bubble is released.
This technique is often applied to liquid-liquid interfaces if the density of the liquid to
be measured is lower than that of the external one.
This method is based on directly measuring the force needed to keep an object (a
ring) at an interface and pull it upward from a liquid (Fig. 6). The force has a gravity
and a capillary contribution, the latter depending on surface tension and contact angle.
So, if the former is accounted for, the product of surface tension and contact angle can
be obtained. When the object is completely wetted by the liquid, the surface tension is
accessible. Instruments by which such forces are measured are called tensiometers. The
ring method got its name through the work of Du Noüy, who described a convenient
apparatus for the surface tension measurement.
Task VI — Parachor
The force required to detach the ring from the liquid can be expressed by the equation:
f = 2lγ (28)
Task VI — Parachor
IV Experimental
B. Program
1. Determination of the surface tension of the studied organic liquids by means of
the comparative stalagmometric method.
2. Calculation of experimental parachor values of the studied liquids on the basis
of the measured values of the surface tension.
3. Calculation of theoretical parachor values for given liquids by summing of the
atom and bond parachors in molecules of these liquids.
4. Establishing the correct structure of the compound on the basis of the measured
surface tensions.
C. Methods
The surface tension should be measured by the stalagmometric method for
the following liquids: acetone, octane, C6H12, ethyl acetate, C4H8O2, methanol,
isobuthylmethylketone and water.
For this case it is needed to:
– dip a tip of the stalagmometer in liquid and fill the stalagmometer with liq-
uid 1 cm above the bulb vessel,
– put a vessel under the tip of the stalagmometer,
– determine three times the number of drops released from the stalagmome-
ter for the same volume of liquid.
Task VI — Parachor
kg1 / 4 ⋅ m3
Table II. Atom parachors and bond parachors, [P] – in 10–4
kmol ⋅ s1 / 2
Atom P Atom P Atom P Bond P
C 8.5 P 67.0 Se 111.1 single 0
H 30.4 F 45.7 Si 44.5 double 41.3
H in OH 20.1 Cl 96.5 As 89.1 triple 82.9
ring 29.7
O 35.6 Br 120.9 Sb 117.3
N 22.2 I 161.8 Sn 102.9 4-membered 20.6
S 85.7 B 29.2 Hg 122.2 5-membered 15.1
6-membered 10.8
O2 in esters 106.7
and acids
Task VI — Parachor
a) CH3 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH CH2 b)
a) O b) O