This document contains the scores, names, and classes of 76 students. It lists each student's name, score out of 100, and class (all are class IX). The scores range from 10 to 89. Most students are in class IX.A, IX.B or IX.C.
This document contains the scores, names, and classes of 76 students. It lists each student's name, score out of 100, and class (all are class IX). The scores range from 10 to 89. Most students are in class IX.A, IX.B or IX.C.
This document contains the scores, names, and classes of 76 students. It lists each student's name, score out of 100, and class (all are class IX). The scores range from 10 to 89. Most students are in class IX.A, IX.B or IX.C.
This document contains the scores, names, and classes of 76 students. It lists each student's name, score out of 100, and class (all are class IX). The scores range from 10 to 89. Most students are in class IX.A, IX.B or IX.C.