Qubain Linking Plant 2018
Qubain Linking Plant 2018
Qubain Linking Plant 2018
Master of Science
Biological Sciences
July 2018
This work would not have been possible without the dedication and mentorship of
my advisor, Jia Hu, and my committee members, Yuriko Yano and Dave Roberts. Their
guidance and patience were invaluable throughout this process. Lab mates and
technicians were also instrumental in my work. Thank you to Justin Martin, Tim Clute,
Erik Anderson, Taylor Simpson, Chase Dart, Sara Nerby, and Corinne Moss. Jane
Klassen and Stefania Mambelli were incredibly helpful when performing chemical
analyses. Thank you to the Department of Ecology staff, Meghan Heim, Jim Barutha, and
This also would not have been possible without the support of friends and family.
Thank you to my mom, Pam, for recognizing the value of education and pushing me
through all my stages of learning, and to my dad, Phil, for instilling in me a love of
plants. Perry, my husband, deserves endless kudos for supporting me through my grad
school ups and downs, and my sister, Allison, will always be my support pillar. Thank
you to friends for all the encouragement. Nicole Hupp, Meryl Storb, Will Glenny, Cody
Deane, Kelli Roemer, Lindsey Fell, and Elise Otto gave invaluable support, in my
This work was supported by the Montana Institute on Ecosystems, the Critical
Zone Observatories and Science Across Virtual Institutes, the Montana Water Center,
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................1
Table Page
Figure Page
1.4 %N ..................................................................................................................35
nutrient use and soil nutrient availability (Chapin III et al. 2011). Nutrients enter
ecosystems through weathering of parent material (Walker and Syers 1976; Houlton et al.
2018), biological fixation of atmospheric nitrogen (N) (Houlton et al. 2008), and
deposition from rainfall and dust (Chadwick et al. 1999). Once nutrients enter a system, a
large portion cycle internally. Some nutrients, like phosphorus (P), can be tightly bound
to soil particles, and others, such as organic and inorganic N, can be immobilized and
metabolized by microbes in the soil or taken up by plants. Nutrients cycle back into the
soil through leaf abscission, and the litter is broken into its original components through
internal ecosystem cycling occurs, nutrients also exit the system through leaching and
erosion by wind and water, or through gaseous emissions. Nutrient cycling is not a
globally uniform process, however. Climate strongly controls the rate at which internal
nutrient cycling occurs, and nutrient cycling rates are much faster in wet and warm than
Nutrients limit plant productivity to some degree in all ecosystems (Vitousek and
uptake, or storing nutrients (Chapin et al. 2011). Most of our knowledge of long-lived
tree nutrition is based upon seedling trees grown under artificial conditions, upon
variation in soil nutrient pools that are then assumed to correlate with plant nutrient
uptake, or upon changes in foliar nutrient concentrations that are assumed to reflect
evergreens may differ from our general understanding of plan nutrition that was
suggests that evergreens growing in low nutrient ecosystems are not nitrogen (N) limited
because they have low photosynthetic rates per unit of leaf N (PNUE) (Field and Mooney
1986; Reich et al. 1998; Warren and Adams 2004). Evergreens potentially alter their
physiology and store N in excess (Warren and Adams 2004), and storage could permit
evergreen growth to be independent of N uptake and availability (Proe and Millard 1994).
However, little research has directly examined when evergreens take in the bulk of their
nutrient availability are virtually unknown (though see Chapin and Kedrowski 1983;
Socci and Templer 2011). While storage of nutrients within evergreenss has been
examined, we have yet to link spatial and temporal patterns of N availability in soils to N
While soil nutrient dynamics influence plant nutrient uptake, storage, and use,
plant functions also influence soil processes. This is especially noticeable in invaded
ecosystems, where non-native species trigger positive feedbacks in nutrient cycling (Liao
et al. 2008). For example, often times during plant invasion, total plant biomass increases,
positively influencing litter biomass, litter decomposition rates, and C and N stocks in
soil organic matter. Then, net N transformation rates increase, leading to higher
concentrations of ammonium and nitrate in the soil. The increase in soil N availability
enhances net primary productivity (NPP), initiating further increases in biomass and
driving the positive feedback between plant invasion and changes in soil nutrient
dynamics (Ehrenfeld 2010). While general patterns of ecosystem change under plant
invasion are established, some specific ecologically and culturally significant systems
experiencing invasion have not yet been examined (Percy et al. 2016). Invaders under
varying climate regimes may inflict unexpected changes in ecosystem dynamics, and
establishing how specific ecosystems respond to land use change is important to inform
explored basic physical and biological controls on nutrient dynamics. In chapter two, I
explore how soil N availability varies in conjunction with N storage and allocation in
I address how climate variability and plant invasion influence soil N and P dynamics in
change, land use change, and invasion are three of the major global change processes that
threaten temperate and tropical montane forests, understanding these basic process will
Manuscript in Chapter 2
Contributions: CAQ collected samples, performed chemical and statistical analyses, and
wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Co-Author: Jia Hu
Contributions: JH secured funding, developed the sampling protocol, helped with sample
collection, and provided feedback on the manuscript.
Manuscript Information
Ecology Department, Montana State University, 310 Lewis Hall, Bozeman, MT 59717,
School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, 1064 East
Lowell Street, Tucson, AZ 85712, USA
Email addresses:
[email protected] (C. Qubain)
[email protected] (Y. Yano)
[email protected] (J. Hu)
It is widely accepted that temperate ecosystems are nitrogen (N) limited; thus, the
magnitude of N available in the soil influences plant N uptake and assimilation. The main
objective of this study was to explore whole tree N uptake dynamics across a season and
to link N uptake with soil available N. We used a whole tree N mass balance approach to
infer seasonal changes of total N between multiple needle and stem cohorts and bole
tissue (referred to as growth fractions). Foliar nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) and net N
were drawing from storage versus uptake to support their new needle growth. We
detected that Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca (Mayr) Franco) trees
accumulated 51.09 ± 1.06 g N/ tree in 2016 and 89.40 ± 1.07 g N/ tree in 2017 in their
new needle growth. However, no significant drawdown of N from previous years’ growth
fractions coincided with the accumulation of N, suggesting that the N in new needles was
not reallocated from storage within the growth fractions tested. The depletion of foliar
δ15N before bud break suggested that mycorrhizae mediated uptake of N from the soil.
However, Douglas-fir did not synchronize N uptake with periods of high soil N
availability. Overall, our results demonstrated that mature Douglas-fir are drawing the
bulk of their N from the soil, which indicates efficient use of available N in the
It is widely accepted that temperate ecosystems are nitrogen (N) limited; thus, the
magnitude of N available in the soil influences plant N uptake and assimilation (Chapin
higher elevation western U.S. forests, snow is a dominant abiotic factor that drives N
cycling. Throughout the winter, snow insulates the soil and allows soil temperatures to
remain above freezing so that N ammonification and mineralization can occur (Maurer
and Bowling 2014). As a result, N accumulates in the soils over winter because plants are
not taking it up, and is subsequently released in a large pulse during snowmelt (Brooks et
al. 1998). Given that N is an important nutrient for photosynthesis and growth, plants
should take up this large pool of N as soon as it is readily available. However, conifers
may not be using this readily available pool to support new growth (Nasholm and
Ericsson 1990; Proe and Millard 1994). In one study, Picea sitchensis relied on N taken
up the previous autumn to support new growth before bud break, suggesting that an
asynchrony could develop between when N is available versus when trees actually take
up N to support new growth (Proe and Millard 1994). However, given that many of these
prevalent this asynchrony is under field settings where snow is the dominant form of
grasslands, and arctic and alpine tundra systems (Vitousek and Matson 1988; Davidson et
al. 1992; Turner et al. 1997; Jaeger et al. 1999; Schimel et al. 2004; Campbell et al.
2014), N uptake by plants remains more difficult to measure. The in-situ depletion
method, where intact roots are immersed in a solution of known N concentration, can
offer a direct measure of the magnitude of N uptake across a season, but the method can
be time intensive and difficult to implement at a larger spatial scale. Alternatively, a mass
balance approach helps to track changes in foliar nutrient concentrations across an entire
year to assess if N accumulating in new tissues is translocated from parts of the plant or
directly taken up by the roots. By accounting for changes in biomass in the branches of
Picea mariana across a season, Chapin and Kedrowski (1983) found that by bud break,
the current season’s growth had already accumulated 70% of its maximum N
concentration. Applying the mass balance approach at the whole tree level might allow us
to determine if trees use newly acquired N or N from storage to support new growth.
controlled by water availability and temperature. (Chapin and Kedrowski 1983; Gessler
et al. 2002; Socci and Templer 2011). Nutrients move through the soil to the root
interface mainly via diffusion, and when soils dry down, nutrient transfer to roots slows
(Lambers et al. 1998; Matson et al. 2002). Similarly, low water availability constrains
transpiration, indirectly inhibiting N uptake (Gessler et al. 2002). N uptake can also be
inhibited by low soil temperatures and root damage in the spring (Millard and Grelet
early in the growing season and by low soil moisture later in the season, stored N may be
an important source supporting new growth. Furthermore, given that many plant storage
and uptake studies have focused on tundra ecosystems and eastern U.S. deciduous
storage and uptake may exist in ecosystems where mid-season moisture is limiting.
Plants may store N throughout different plant parts, including stems, branches, old
leaves, new leaves, buds or roots. In evergreen plants, the main N storage pool is likely in
old needles (Chapin 1980), in the form of protein, where it can represent up to 70% of
total N (Millard 1988; Näsholm and Ericsson 1990). Rubisco, which makes up 50% of
the total protein in C3 plants, is the main component of protein N storage (Chapin et al.
2011; Tegeder and Masclaux-Daubresse 2018). Along with protein storage, amino acids,
such as arginine, asparagine, and glutamine, as well as ribosomal proteins, play a role in
transient N storage across the season (Nasholm et al. 1994; Masclaux-Daubresse et al.
2017). However, it is still uncertain if these pools are always reallocated to support new
midsummer conditions. The mass balance approach has been applied to track net changes
in foliar N in order to detect storage mobilization within plants (Chapin 1980). If trees
primarily use stored N to support new needle growth, then total N content in the past
season needles, the branches, or the bole are expected to decline as new growth
accumulates N throughout the season (Fig. 1.1a). However, if trees are primarily using
newly acquired N from the soil, then N in the past season needles, the branches, or the
bole are not expected to decline as new growth accumulates N throughout the season
(Fig. 1.1b).
Given that N uptake, storage, and remobilization are important processes that
regulate tree growth, refining our knowledge of these patterns is essential for our basic
understanding of how mature trees use N. Thus, the main objective of this study was to
explore whole tree N uptake dynamics across a season and to link N uptake with soil
remobilized from storage in evergreen trees versus how much N is newly acquired from
the soil in order to support new growth? 2) Do these patterns of N remobilization versus
uptake differ across an elevation gradient? 3) If trees do rely heavily on newly acquired
different growth fractions within an entire tree (Hansen et al. 1991). While this approach
has been successfully demonstrated in shrubs (Chapin III et al. 1980; Gray and
Schlesinger 1983) and in trees grown on plantations (Nambiar and Fife 1991), this is one
of the first studies to use this approach on whole trees in the field.
Site Description
The study was conducted during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons in a mixed
conifer forest of the North Fork of Elk Creek (NFEC) watershed at Lubrecht
Experimental Forest in western Montana, USA. We sampled both trees and soils on
southeast facing hillslopes at both a high (c. 1700 m) and a low (c. 1400 m) elevation site.
The mean temperatures from 1981 to 2010 were 4.2 °C and 3.0 °C at the low and high
elevation sites, respectively. Since 1970, snowfall represents 24% and 41% of annual
precipitation at low and high elevations, respectively (NRCS SNOTEL, stations 604 and
657). The soil types ranged from extremely gravelly sandy loam and gravelly sandy loam
to gravelly ashy loam, depending on sampling site and soil depth (NRCS, 2017). To
record air temperature, relative humidity, and soil volumetric water content (VWC) at
both sites, we used VP3 and 5TE sensors connected to EM50 data loggers recording at
tipping bucket rain gauge (METER, Pullman, WA). The data logger at the high elevation
site malfunctioned between mid August and the end of September of 2017, so only low
(C:N), and δ15N among different plant parts, we collected different growth fractions,
including needles, buds, stems, litter, and bole tissue from 10 Douglas-fir throughout the
2016 and 2017 growing seasons. Five trees were located at the high elevation site and
five were located at the low elevation site. In 2016, we sampled 13 times, starting in mid-
April and ending in the beginning of November. In 2017, we sampled 12 times, starting
at the end of February and ending in mid-September. During the February sampling
period in 2017, only trees at the low elevation site were sampled because snow had not
melted at the high elevation site, and trees there were considered dormant. Litter samples
were collected using litter traps beginning in September 2016. During each sampling
period, we collected one approximately 3.4 cm long bole sample using a tree borer. We
also collected sun needles from three small branches in the middle canopy using a pole
pruner (Fig. 1.2-1). Directly after clipping, we divided needles and stems by cohort (Fig.
1.2-2). In 2016, the samples were divided between buds or current year (CY) needles,
(depending on the timing of bud break relative to sampling period), previous year (CY-1)
needles, CY-1 stems, and CY stems if present. In 2017, we divided samples into buds or
CY needles, CY-1 needles, two-year-old (CY-2) needles, CY-1 stems, CY-2 stems, and
CY stems if present. New stem growth did not suberize until August in both years, so
new stem growth was considered needle material until the August sampling date for both
years. We determined the beginning and end of each needle and stem cohort by the
annual bud-scale scars on the stems. If both buds and needles were present during a
collection period, both growth fractions were collected for that period. Bud break
occurred during the week of May 31 in 2016 and June 15 in 2017 at the low elevation
site, and during the week of June 15th in 2016 and June 25 in 2017 at the high elevation
After collection, all samples were transported back to the lab and dried at 60°C
for 48 hours. All growth fractions except for the bole tissue were homogenized and hand
ground using liquid nitrogen. Bole samples were ground in a cyclone sample mill (UDY
corporation, Colorado, USA) and then pulverized using a tissue lyser (Quiagen
TissueLyser II, Hilden, Germany) for 12 minutes. After all samples were ground and
weighed, the needles and buds were analyzed for total N, total C, δ15N, and δ13C content
using continuous flow dual isotope analysis with a CHNOS Elemental Analyzer
(Fig.1.2-3). Because woody tissues were typically too low in N for accurate isotope
analysis and because we did not think these fractions would be as dynamic across the
growing seasons, stem, bole, and needle litter samples were only analyzed for total N and
While most studies focus on using parameters such as percent N or C:N to infer
multiplying percent N by the total estimated mass of the different growth fractions. In
order to estimate total biomass of each growth fraction, at the end of July 2016, we
harvested six trees, ranging from 7.5-15.8 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) (Fig 1.2-
4). We divided subsets of six branches from each tree (three each from the upper and
lower canopy) into separate growth fractions (bole, branches, CY needles, CY-1 needles,
CY stems, CY-1 stems, buds, all other needles, and all other stems) and reserved a subset
of the bole. We weighed the entire cut tree in the field and then brought samples back to
the lab to dry at 60 °C. The needles and stems were dried for one week and the boles
Because we could not sample the entire tree, we estimated the mass of each
growth fraction in a whole tree from a subset of branches, three upper canopy branches
and three lower canopy branches) (Fig 1.2-4). From these six branches, we estimated the
total dry mass of each growth fraction for an entire tree. We then developed an allometric
relationship between DBH and each growth fraction’s dry mass (Fig 1.2-5). We applied
this allometric relationship to the 10 trees that we continuously sampled from (hereafter
referred to as N-collection trees) to estimate the dry mass of CY needles, CY-1 needles,
CY-1 stems, and bole tissue (Fig. 1.2-6). Because we only collected bole samples from
the outer 3.4 cm, we divided the total predicted bole dry mass by the tissue sampled
relative to the entire DBH of the tree. In order to calculate whole tree N content, we
multiplied the estimated biomass of each growth fraction by the N concentration of each
growth fraction from each sampling period. Dry mass estimates of CY-1 stems were
applied to CY-1 stems in 2016 as well as CY-1 and CY-2 stems in 2017. Dry mass
needles in 2017. Dry mass estimates of CY-1 needles were applied to CY-1 needles in
We harvested trees in late July to ensure that new needles were fully elongated
needles flushed. We used published data to estimate the percent of maximum elongation
in new growth as a function of the number of days after bud break (Emmingham 1977),
making the assumption that the trees in our environment followed similar patterns of bud
break phenology as those in a central Cascades environment. To estimate bud dry mass,
in March 2017, we collected one branch from the middle canopy of three separate trees at
the same site where trees were harvested in July 2016. We divided the branches between
CY buds, CY-1 needles, CY-1 stems, CY-2 needles, and CY-2 stems to record the wet
mass of each fraction. After drying, we estimated the mean ratio of bud dry mass to CY-
21 needle dry mass as 0.0757. We then calculated bud biomass estimates for the N-
collection trees by multiplying the CY-1 biomass predicted from the allometric
Lastly, to scale litter N to the whole tree level, we estimated how many litter
traps, which were approximately 0.13 m2, could fit under each tree canopy and multiplied
that area times the total dry biomass of each litter sample after each collection. The crown
area of each tree was estimated using relationships developed between crown diameter
Soil N Sampling
well as the buried bag approach (Eno 1960). At both high and low elevation sites, every
month, from April until August 2016, eight soil IER probes (4 cation and 4 anion probes)
CY-2 needles sampled in 2017 and CY-1 needles sampled in 2016 are the same needle cohort
that flushed in 2015.
were inserted at six locations on the same hillslopes where sampled trees were growing.
Additionally, monthly from April through October 2017, we inserted four IER probes (2
cation and 2 anion probes) and one buried bag of soil under the canopy of each N-
collection tree. After removal, the probes were kept cool and cleaned with distilled water
within 48 hours, refrigerated until the end of the season, and then analyzed for NH4-N
To carry out the buried bag approach, we collected pairs of soil samples to a 15
cm depth from under each N-collection tree from May until October 2017. One of the
samples was buried in a plastic bag under the canopy for a one-month incubation period,
and the other was cooled and transported back to the lab for processing. After the month
long incubation period was over, we removed the buried samples. To process both sets of
samples, we extracted the samples using 1M KCl within 48 hours of sampling. Extracts
were gravity filtered through p8 coarse paper filters then syringe filtered through 0.7 um
glass filter tips. After filtration, the samples were analyzed for ammonium (NH4+) and
nitrate (NO3-) using flow injection analysis (Lachat Quik-Chem Series 2400, Colorado).
Statistical Analysis
For the biomass scaling, we fit linear models to each separate growth fraction in R
(R Core Team 2017). We tested how dry mass in CY needles, CY-1 needles, CY-1 stems,
and boles varied as a function of DBH. In these models, and all following models,
normal-QQ plots and residual plots were used to visually assess how each model met the
assumptions of normality and constant variance, and both CY needle dry mass and CY-1
needle dry mass were log transformed to meet those assumptions. One outlier was
removed from the CY-1 stem model because it had a Cook’s distance value greater than
For the %N, total N, C:N, and δ15N response variables, we fit linear mixed effects
models using the lme function in R (Pinheiro et al. 2014; R Core Team 2017). To select
each model, we started with full models of three way interactions between fixed effects
of a second order polynomial of days after flush (where negative values were before bud
break and positive values were after bud break each growing season), growth fraction,
and elevation, and a random effect of individual tree. A parameter or interaction was not
included in the model if it had a p-value > 0.05. After using this stepwise model selection
process, we presented models testing how each response variable (%N, C:N, total N, and
after flush and growth fraction, after controlling for the random effect of individual trees.
All response variables except δ15N were log transformed to meet the assumption of
constant variance. In 19 bole samples, %N was too low to measure using the elemental
analyzer, so those samples were treated as not available (NAs) in the model. To report
contrasts in the response for each growth fractions across time, we used the predict.lme
We used linear mixed effects models to separately examine NH4+ and NO3- net
transformation rates collected using both the buried bag and IER probe methods. In each
model, we tested how the log transformation of both NH4+ and NO3- varied as a function
of time and elevation, after accounting for the random effect of sampling location. The N
transformation rates using the IER probe method were modeled separately for 2016 and
2017 because the probes were collected from two different locations, and the net N
transformation rates using the buried bag approach were only collected and analyzed for
Growth fraction %N and C:N
The timing of snowmelt between the high and the low elevation sites can differ by
almost one month (Yano et al., Under Review), leading to differences in the timing of
bud break. Therefore, in order to compare the %N and C:N ratios of the different growth
fractions, we normalized time on the x-axis to reflect before and after bud-break. We first
examined differences in %N between the two different elevations using the following
Each year was modeled separately to better meet the assumptions of normality and
constant variance. We found that median %N in all the growth fractions was 1.13%
higher at the high elevation than at the low elevation site in both 2016 (χ2 (1, 8 D.F.) =
35.48, p-value < 0.001) and 2017 (χ2 (1, 8 D.F.) = 23.17, p < 0.0001). Furthermore,
median %N in each growth fraction was dependent on the number of days after bud break
(χ2 (12, 518 D.F.) = 27.38, p-value < 0.0001 in 2016 and χ2 (14, 737 D.F.) = 19.37, p-
value < 0.0001 in 2017). Among the different growth fractions, %N was highest in buds
and CY needles during the bud break period, followed by CY-1 needles and CY-2
needles, and CY-1 stems (Fig. 1.4). Lowest %N was found in bole tissue, litter, and CY-2
As trees increase biomass in the spring while also acquiring N to support new
growth, stoichiometric variability (e.g. C:N) among different growth fractions may
provide insight into the controls of biomass on N concentrations. We used the following
Each year was modeled separately to better meet the assumptions of normality and
constant variance. We first examined differences in C:N between the high and the low
elevation and found that the absolute C:N ratio was 0.89 greater at the high elevation than
at the low elevation in 2016 (95% C.I. of 0.85 to 0.93) and 0.91 greater (95% CI of 0.87
to 0.95) in 2017 after accounting for growth fraction and time. We also examined C:N
among the different growth fractions and found that similar to %N, the C:N ratio in each
growth fraction was dependent on the number of days after bud break (χ2 (12, 534 D.F.) =
22.80, p-value < 0.0001 in 2016 and χ2 (14, 746 D.F.) = 22.02, p-value < 0.0001 in 2017).
In both years, the bole had the highest C:N ratio, followed by litter, CY-2 stems, CY-1
stems, CY-2 needles, and CY-1 needles (Fig. 1.5). Across the year, bud C:N declined
prior to bud break, reaching the lowest point just prior to bud break, but then increased
following bud break; this suggests that the addition of new biomass following bud break
diluted the N signal. The C:N ratio in bole tissue also declined before and after bud break,
and C:N in CY-1, and to a lesser degree in CY-2 stems, increased (Table 1.1).
DBH and mass of the different growth fractions (Fig. 1.5). Strong evidence suggested
that the dry mass of CY needles, CY-1 stems, and bole tissue varied as a function of
DBH, but weak evidence suggested that the dry mass of CY-1 needles varied according
to DBH (Table 1.1). For every 1 cm increase in DBH, dry biomass was predicted to
increase by 1.40 Kg in CY needles (95% CIs of 1.09 – 1.79), 1.35 Kg in CY-1 needles
(95% CIs of 90.09 to 1.98), 0.12 Kg in CY-1 stems (95% CIs of 0.02 to 0.22), and 4.0
fractions within an entire tree throughout two growing seasons. We used the following
Each year was modeled separately to better meet the assumptions of normality and
constant variance. Overall, after accounting for an interaction between days after bud
break and growth fraction, and a random effect of individual tree, we did not find a
difference in total N between elevations (p-value > 0.05) as we did for %N and C:N.
However, similar to the %N results, we found that differences in total N in each growth
fraction were dependent on the day after bud break (χ2 (12, 516 D.F.) = 187.97, p-value <
0.0001 in 2016 and χ2 (14, 737 D.F.) = 73.89, p-value < 0.0001 in 2017). Before bud
break in 2016, CY-1 needles maintained the largest N pool, but after bud break, the CY
needles accumulated the most N out of all the growth fractions (Fig. 1.6). In 2017, most
N was in CY-1 needles prior to bud break. However, unlike in 2016, total N in CY
needles post bud break never surpassed that in CY-1 needles, even after CY needles in
2017 had accumulated 100% of their N. For the other growth fractions, total N did not
significantly change before and after bud break, although there were differences in total
followed by CY-1 and CY-2 needles, bole tissue, CY-1 stems, CY-2, and buds. We
calculated that post bud break, CY needles accumulated a median of 51.09 ± 1.06 g N/
estimations of uptake versus reallocation of N by analyzing the δ15N of buds and needles.
We did not detect a difference in mean δ15N between elevations (χ2 (1, 8 D.F.) = 4.36, p-
value = 0.07). However, significant differences in δ15N in each growth fraction were
dependent on the day after bud break (χ2 (6, 601 D.F.) = 14.16, p-value < 0.0001). For
both CY and CY-1 needles, δ15N began to decline prior to bud break, but then increased
sharply around the period of bud break and new needle flush. We did not find differences
in mean δ15N between needle cohorts, except at the low elevation in 2017, where buds
were more depleted than CY-1 and CY-2 needles (Fig. 1.7).
Using a linear mixed model, we tested how transformations of NO3- and NH4+
responded as a function of burial period and site, after accounting for a random effect of
the sampling location. From the IER probes, we found a difference in NO3-N across the
seasons in 2016 (χ2 (1, 11 D.F.) = 11.2, p-value = 0.006) and in 2017 (χ2 (1, 49 D.F.) =
6.70, p = 0.01); we found a difference between elevations in 2017 (χ2 (1,8 D.F.) = 8.30,
p-value = 0.02 in 2017), but not in 2016 (p-value = 0.8 in 2016). After every additional
burial period, the rate of NO3-N nitrification increased by 1.02 mg/m2/month in 2016 and
1.0 mg/m2/month in 2017 (95% C.I. of 1.01 to 1.04 mg/m2/month in 2016 and 1.01 to
1.15 mg/m2/month in 2017). In 2017, NO3-N was 2.01 mg/m2/month higher at the high
elevation site compared to the low elevation site (95% CI of 1.15 to 3.66 mg/m2/month).
From the IER probes, we detected a difference in NH4-N across time in 2017 (χ2
(1,49) = 10.42, p-value = 0.002 in 2017), but not in 2016 (χ2 (2, 10) = 0.8, p-value = 0.4
in 2016), and no differences between elevations in 2016 or 2017 (χ2 (1,4) = 0.81, p-value
= 0.4 in 2016, χ2 (1,8) = 4.09, p-value = 0.07 in 2017). For every additional burial period,
the median NH4-N increased by 2.05 mg/m2/month in 2017 (95% CI 1.15 to 3.65
mg/m2/month), and it was 2.34 mg/m2/month greater at the high elevation compared to
the low elevation site in 2017 only (95% CI of 0.88 to 6.16 mg/m2/month).
From the buried bag method implemented in 2017, net NO3-N and NH4-N
transformations were not different across time or between elevations (p-value = 0.2 and
0.6, respectively, for NO3-N, and p-values = 0.95 and 0.73, respectively, for NH4-N).
N is a limiting nutrient for many temperate plants, and evergreens can potentially
availability (Warren and Adams 2004; Du et al. 2018). However, in our study, we found
that Douglas-fir used N acquired from belowground during the present growing seasons,
not from storage in older growth fractions, to support new needles. Tissue N
concentrations and C:N ratios in separate growth fractions were lower in trees growing at
a lower elevation, but scaling nutrient content to the whole tree level removed any
elevation difference found in foliar N concentrations, which was just a function biomass
in whole trees. Patterns of seasonal N uptake seemed to synchronize with periods of high
N availability in the soil, as determined by observing foliar δ15N and soil N availability
Biomass accumulation, resulting from needle expansion during the growing season,
was the most important factor controlling changes in foliar %N and C:N ratios. Biomass
accumulation is important because new needles become a carbon source for the rest of
the tree for the remainder of the growing season. In buds, %N increased until bud break,
when buds became CY needles and %N decreased, likely due to dilution by the addition
of biomass across the seasons (Chapin and Kedrowski 1983; Fife and Nambiar 1984)
(Fig. 1.4). C:N decreased in buds until bud break and then increased in CY needles until
the end of the season, further demonstrating that the addition of C diluted the foliar N
Our findings are in line with reported N concentrations in studies of other evergreens.
Percent N in needles from Pinus radiata seedlings decreased from 2.6% at bud break to
0.8% when they were three years old (Fife and Nambiar 1982). Though minimum %N in
our study was around 1%, we still observed maximum values near those in the Pinus
radiata study directly after bud break. Our findings of %N in all the remaining needle
cohorts were about 0.5% greater than Pseudotsuga menziesii saplings raised in growth
chambers (Hobbie et al. 2001). Compared with Ledum palustre, an evergreen shrub
observed in taiga field settings, %N in our observations was 1.5% lower in CY needles
directly after bud break, but that cohort maintained similar dilution by C across the
growing season (Chapin et al. 1980). In the same study, %N in CY-1 needles and CY-1
stems were 0.5% and 1.0% higher, respectively, across the season than presented here. In
general, foliar nutrient concentrations fell within the range of 10 mg g-1 to 25 mg g-1
found for evergreens summarized from 92 studies (Aerts and Chapin 1999).
some studies have found that evergreen species depend less on stored N and instead rely
on N reabsorbed from litter or newly acquired N from the soil (Chapin 1980; Aerts and
Chapin1999). Because total N did not decline in older needle and stem cohorts or in bole
tissue, we determined that most of the N supporting new growth in Douglas-fir was not
drawn from N stored in those growth fractions. Instead, our results suggest that the trees
were using newly acquired N from the soil to support new growth.
Evergreens do not always draw down N storage from old leaves to support new
growth (Chapin et al. 1990; Aerts and Chapin1999). In a tundra ecosystem, while 27 –
41% of the total N in new leaves of deciduous shrubs was drawn from storage, none of
the total N in the new growth of an evergreen shrub, Ledum palustre, was drawn from
storage in past season needles (Chapin et al. 1980), but no speculation as to where N was
provided from was presented. In a similar study, even after old leaves were manually
accumulation in new leaves still continued (Jonasson 1989), further demonstrating that N
to support new growth in evergreens was not derived from N stored in old leaves.
On the other hand, some studies have shown that evergreenss allocate N from storage
to support the current season’s growth, indicating an uncoupling of foliar N from soil
shrub, used stored N to avoid nutrient limitation during soil dry down or when soil
nutrients were not readily available (Gray 1983; Gray and Schlesinger 1983). Ceanothus
even stored more N than deciduous species (Chapin III and Shaver 1989), which is
uncommon, though this could be due to the species’ N-fixation strategy (Gray 1983).
From a greenhouse study using an isotope tracer method, Picea sitchensis seedlings used
N from the previous season to support current season needles (Proe and Millard 1994).
Lastly, using a mass balance approach, Chapin and Kedrowski (1983) observed that old
needle N in Picea mariana decreased throughout the summer and increased again by
winter, indicating that those trees were using and then replenishing stored N, 70% of
which had already accumulated before bud break (Chapin and Kedrowski 1983).
Differences in storage versus uptake patterns between this study and others are mostly
The mass balance approach has limitations (Nambiar and Fife 1991; Proe and Millard
1994). The method only allows for accounting net nutrient transfer within the plant, not
detection of a draw down in N storage (Proe and Millard 1994). Secondly, if stored
instead of newly acquired N is supporting growth, the time when the stored N was taken
up can not be detected. This study also has specific limitations. We assumed that roots
and needles older than three years provided minimal N to support new growth because
total N in Pinus radiata roots did not fluctuate seasonally (Nambiar 1987), and because
nutrient pools in older needles are relatively inert (Aerts and Chapin III 1999). Some N,
however, could have been reallocated from roots or needles and stems older than three
years that we did not detect. Secondly, there were uncertainties surrounding our whole
tree biomass estimates. Because we only estimated biomass at one point in time, we had
to assume that the same amount of new biomass was added in 2017 as it was in 2016,
including bud biomass, and that new needle elongation occurred at the same rate as
published values from tree populations from the central Cascade Mountains. Because
Douglas-fir needles live for six to eight years (Balster and Marshall 2000), we also
assumed no needle abscission occurred in CY-1 and CY-2 needles, likely leading to some
overestimation of total N in those fractions. Despite the assumptions made, the mass
balance approach still allowed us to estimate how much N mature trees growing under
occidentalis) outbreak occurred across forests in the state of Montana, and a large
percentage of the CY-1 needles in 2016 were defoliated (Qubain, C., personal
observation). Spruce budworm can defoliate between 8% and 17% of a tree’s gross
volume in a given outbreak (Alfaro et al. 1985), and outbreaks are most severe in
drought-stressed trees with relatively low foliar N concentrations (Cates et al. 1983;
Redak and Cates 1984). During the season prior to our first year of sampling (2015),
defoliation from spruce budworm was severe, and during our two sampling seasons
(2016 and 2017), defoliation was present but minimal. The outbreak could have affected
our conclusions regarding tree N origins across growing seasons. We predicted that if
trees were drawing stored N to support new growth from the previous season’s needles,
then we would detect little draw down in total N in CY-1 needles after severe defoliation
(2016) but significant draw down in the same needle cohort after mild defoliation (2017).
This pattern would suggest that the trees were not accessing N storage because that
cohort was nearly gone after the severe outbreak, not because the trees do not use stored
CY-1 needles following the severe or the mild defoliation events, and knowing that
artificial defoliation did not affect the use of stored N in Pinus radiata (Jonasson 1989),
we concluded that budworm defoliation did not influence whether the trees studied here
were using stored N or not. However, because total N in CY-1 needles during 2016 was
so much lower than in 2017 (Fig. 1.7), we did determine that the outbreak affected the
total size of the N pool in that needle cohort and could have affected the trees’ ability to
fix C.
Douglas-fir trees, we found further support that trees were using newly acquired N from
the soil to support new growth. We observed that foliar δ15N became more negative
between the beginning of the season and bud break, and then became more positive
between bud break and the end of the growing season (Fig. 1.8). Though naturally
abundant 15N is notoriously difficult to interpret (Hogberg 1997), the consistent temporal
pattern in foliar δ15N fractionation between needle cohorts, elevations, and seasons we
detected indicates a clear pattern of N uptake. The temporal patterns in foliar δ15N
fractionation likely reflect mycorrhizal mediation of N from the soil, where mycorrhizae
were readily transferring N to the trees before bud break and then slowed the transfer
between bud break and the end of the season After uptake from the soil, mycorrhizae
incorporate the lighter isotope into proteins and amino acids because it is kinetically
easier to use a lighter molecule. The N transferred to the plant from the mycorrhizae is
relatively depelted in 15N, which is expressed in the foliar N (Hobbie and Högberg 2012).
community in western Montana, where ectomycorrhizal root tips were most abundant in
May and June (around the timing of the depletion event in this study) and least abundant
in July and August (which correlates with the enrichment event after bud break here)
(Harvey et al. 1978). Fractionation does not occur during plant uptake from bulk soil
when N concentrations are low, as they were here, or when mycorrhizae are not present
or active, so we would not have detected uptake without mycorrhizal mediation (Handley
and Raven 1992; E. Dawson et al. 2002; Hobbie and Högberg 2012). While reallocation
of stored N from old to new leaves in deciduous species did cause fractionation (E.
Dawson et al. 2002; Kolb and Evans 2002), we did not detect a movement of stored N in
this study, so we assumed that no fractionation occurred within the tree once the N was
foliar δ15N in this study (E. Dawson et al. 2002). However, these processes are unlikely to
have occurred. Douglas-fir trees at this site use water from the upper meter of the soil
profile (Martin, J.T., Personal Communication), and because nutrient uptake is so closely
linked to water use, the trees studied are likely drawing nutrients from the upper meter or
higher of the soil. Secondly, because plants take up the form of N that is most readily
available in the soil (Lambers et al. 1998), and NH4+ is an order of magnitude more
concentrated than NO3 – at this site (Yano et. al. Under Review), NH4+ is likely the main
N form used across the season. So, variation in rooting depth and the form of N used
from the soil likely had little influence on the temporal variation in the δ15N patterns we
their estimated annual N budget. The buried bag approach indicated that microbial
immobilization of N was more dominant than mineralization in this ecosystem (Fig. 1.9).
Further, the rate of NH4+ and NO3 – adsorption to ion exchange resins increased across the
growing season, indicating that mineralization rates were highest towards the end of the
growing season and lowest during the beginning of the season (Binkley and Matson
1983; Krause and Ramalal 1987). Thus, soil N availability and Douglas-fir N
accumulation did not synchronize. Nevertheless, they were still able to accumulate most
dominated ecosystems rely upon N taken up from the soil during the present growing
season to support new needle growth. While soil N was adequate to support the trees’
accumulation of N in new growth, they did not synchronize soil N availability with N
uptake. By accessing N from the soils, trees preclude the loss of nutrients from the
system they grow in, maintaining relatively closed cycling of N within the watershed.
Thank you to technicians E. Anderson, T. Simpson, C. Dart and C. Moss for their
hard work collecting and processing samples. Thank you to J. Klassen for her guidance
Table 1.1 – Output from linear models used to predict the biomass of each growth
fraction in the N-collection trees. CY stands for current year and DBH stands for
diameter at breast height.
Past season
needle, bole, or
Current season
50 300
Day of Year
Figure 1.1 – Conceptual figure of potential expected outcomes, where a) represents a drawdown of stored N from the past season
growth and b) represents that the tree bypasses storage and instead uses newly acquired N from the soil.
N-Collection trees Harvest Trees
n = 10 n=6
1. 4.
x3 x3
3. Analyze for
%C and %N
Dry Mass (Kg)
%N x Estimated growth fraction dry mass
= Total N in whole tree growth fraction
DBH (cm)
Figure 1.2 – Biomass harvesting methods used to calculate whole tree total N.
Figure 1.3 – 5-day moving averages of temperature (˚C) and relative humidity (%) are shown in the top two panels, and daily
cumulative precipitation (mm) and the daily volumetric water content (VWC) averaged by 10 cm, 30 cm, and 50 cm soil depths are
shown in the bottom two panel. The broken x-axis between years represents the overwinter period.
Figure 1.4 - Tissue %N is represented across time relative to bud break (n = 5) with standard errors. The top panel presents the
changes of %N in separate growth fractions at the low elevation site, and the bottom panel presents the changes of %N at the high
elevation site. Day 0 represents the day of bud break.
Figure 1.5 – C:N at the low elevation site (top panel) and at the high elevation site (bottom panel) show that dilution of N from an
increase in biomass, C, occurs as new needles grow. Points are mean of 5 ratios, and error bars represent the standard errors. Note the
split y-axis and different y-axis scales between the bole tissue and all other growth fractions.
Figure 1.6 – Predicted biomass of each growth fraction in the trees that N was sampled. Values were extracted from the allometric
relationships developed from growth fraction biomass as a function of diameter at breast height. Note: total biomass for the bole only
represents the outer 3.4 cm).
Figure 1.7 - New needles at both the low elevation site (top panel) at and at the high elevation site (bottom panel) accumulated N
without drawing down N from older growth fractions. Points are means of 5 samples, and error bars represent the standard errors.
Figure 1.8 - δ15N in all growth fractions sampled became more depleted around bud break and then more enriched following the
depletion event. Points are means of 5 samples, and error bars represent the standard errors.
Figure 1.9 – Exchangeable N from the IER probes at the low elevation (top panel) and at the high elevation (bottom panel) was
generally low during the early growing season and then increased towards the end of the season. Points represent the means of five
samples buried for a month long period, and error bars represent the standard errors.
Figure 1.10 – Net transformation rates from the buried bags at the low elevation (left panel) and the high elevation (right panel)
showed no statistical differences across the 2017 season. Each point represents the mean of five samples buried for a month long
period, and error bars represent the standard errors.
Manuscript in Chapter 3
Co-Author: Jia Hu
Manuscript Information
Status of Manuscript:
X Prepared for submission to a peer-reviewed journal
____ Officially submitted to a peer-reviewed journal
____ Accepted by a peer-reviewed journal
____ Published in a peer-reviewed journal
We examined how climate and plant invasion influence soil nitrogen (N) and
collected soils at the end of the warm and wet season and at the end of the cool and dry
season along an elevational gradient and under native and non-native plant canopies. The
humidity, and volumetric water content on San Cristóbal. We also analyzed plant tissues
for foliar N concentrations to compare native and non-native plant nutrient use.
Ammonium (NH4+) and phosphate (PO43-) increased along the elevational gradient while
nitrate (NO3-) was most concentrated at the high elevation. Compared to under non-native
plant canopies, NH4+ was 32% more concentrated under native canopies while NO3- was
43% more concentrated under native canopies. We did not detect any differences in PO43-
pools under native versus non-native plant canopies. Leaching and denitrification likely
caused export of NO3- during the wet season and at wetter elevations, while rapid
turnover rates and plant uptake induced seasonal and elevational differences in PO43-. We
hypothesized that NH4+ was not as variable seasonally because it is not as strongly
controlled by leaching as are NO3- and PO43-. Overall, understanding nutrient dynamics
in the archipelago will allow land managers to decide how to control non-native plants as
in the future.
The processes of soil formation and biogeochemical cycling are driven by five
state factors: topography, parent material, time, climate, and potential biota (Jenny 1941).
Topography influences nutrient dynamics through leaching and erosion (Weintraub et al.
2014), while different parent materials alter the nutrient composition of overlying soils
(Yavitt 2000). Phosphorus is most abundant in young soils, while nitrogen (N)
influences nutrient dynamics both directly and indirectly through weathering, leaching
and erosion as well as through influencing microbial activity and nitrogen transformation
(Richardson et al. 2004; Chapin et al. 2011). In addition to the influence of climate, plant
canopies (Zinke 1962; Sturm et al. 2005). Island ecosystems have served as natural
more easily isolated. Islands present strong elevation gradients that drive climate
variability across a small area, develop along chronosequences within archipelagos, and
host different microbial and vegetation communities across space. While the Hawaiian
Islands have served as a central site for many studies of soil formation, other
archipelagos, such as the Galápagos, have similar characteristics but have received less
attention. On San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos Archipelago, climate and biota are
Climate patterns in the Galápagos are quite variable. The archipelago experiences
two seasons, the cool season (June –December), and the warm season (January – May),
and precipitation vary along the elevation gradient and between the leeward and
windward sides of the islands (Snell and Rea 1999). The climo-sequence is divided
between the very arid to arid zone at low elevations, the transition zone, and the humid to
very humid zone at high elevations (Percy et al. 2016). Higher elevations are cooler and
receive more precipitation in the form of fog (Violette et al. 2014), while lower elevations
are dryer and typically only receive rainfall. However, the climate regime in the
Oscillation (ENSO) (Trueman and d’Ozouville 2010). The Galápagos will experience
more intense drought in La Niña years followed by prolonged rainfall events during El
Niño years. Longer droughts and prolific rainstorms will likely alter rates of parent
material weathering and soil development (White and Blum 1995), but we lack thorough
establishing basic knowledge of soil N and P chemistry on the islands will become more
rates, and litter decomposition rates (Ehrenfeld 2003). Invasive plants not only directly
affect nutrient cycling, but they also trigger indirect positive feedbacks in soil nutrient
species increase the abundance of additional non-natives (Ostertag and Verville 2002).
While most research suggests that invasive plants increase soil nutrient availability and
decomposition rates, not all areas respond following these patterns; some studies find
declines or no change in soil nutrient availability after plant invasion (Ehrenfeld and
Scott 2001). Therefore, examining invasion on an individual species or location basis will
allow for the detection of potentially unpredictable effects of plant invasion on ecosystem
processes. Furthermore, studying these basic nutrient dynamics could influence how land
the older islands, San Cristóbal, 70% of the island is impacted by land use change and
plant invasion, and since 1987, 77% of the native vegetation across the islands has been
converted to non-native (Villa and Segarra 2010). Many farmers have abandoned their
crops to work in the more lucrative tourism industry, and as a result, agricultural species,
like guava (Psidium guajava) and blackberry (Rubus niveus), grow uncontrolled. The
non-native vegetation may be influencing nutrient dynamics on San Cristóbal, but their
biogeochemical impact has not been thoroughly examined. To date, only a handful of
(Kitayama and Itow 1999; Chacón 2010; de la Torre 2013; Jäger et al. 2013). To our
knowledge, no studies have examined soil N and P availability across the strong elevation
gradient on San Cristóbal. These observations leave many avenues for discovery of
concentrations through the influence of temperature, precipitation and soil moisture, and
concentrations across the island’s elevation gradient. Few studies have examined these
Site Description
The Galápagos Archipelago is located 1000 km off the coast of Ecuador and is comprised
of 13 main islands. They formed when the Nazca Plate passed over a hot spot in the
Pacific Ocean, causing volcanic eruptions, and eventually islands (Geist et al. 2014). Of
the islands in the archipelago, this study was performed on San Cristóbal Island, one of
the oldest, dated to 2.35 ma (Geist et al. 2014). On the leeward, drier side of the island,
we sampled soils along an elevation gradient at low (300 m above sea level (a.s.l.)), mid
(500 m a.s.l.) and high (650 m a.s.l.) elevation sites under both native and invasive plant
Miconia robinsoniana (miconia) are dominant native plant species at the low, mid, and
(guava) and Rubus niveus (blackberry), are dominant at all elevations sampled.
Study sites are managed to varying degrees. The low and high elevation sites are
managed to maintain native species, while the mid elevation site is relatively unmanaged.
The low elevation site is a managed farm where in the last 3-4 years, in one plot, non-
native species were removed and native species were replanted, and in another plot, non-
native species were not removed. In the restored plot at the low elevation, non-native
crop plants were planted and manure was applied as fertilizer on the crop plants. At both
the mid elevation and high elevation, native and non-native plants are interspersed, but at
the high elevation, non-native eradication efforts are taking place and Miconia ribsoniana
Typical of many tropical islands, the Galápagos experience a warm and wet
season (January–May) and a cool and dry season (June–December). From 1977 to 1983
on San Cristóbal at c. 6 m.a.s.l, the mean annual temperature was 24.8°C, and the mean
temperature during the cool season was 23.5°C and was 26.5°C during the warm season
(Violette et al. 2014). The estimated mean annual rainfall on San Cristóbal was 2961
mm/year above 650 m.a.s.l., and the measured mean annual rainfall at c. 6m a.s.l was 368
mm/year (Pryet 2011; Violette et al. 2014). Based on evidence from Santa Cruz island, an
additional 26% of the median annual rainfall in the highlands occurs in the form of occult
precipitation (fog), but fog is rarely present at the low elevations (Pryet et al. 2012).
Meteorological Data
EM50 data loggers recorded air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, and
volumetric water content (VWC) at 15-minute intervals at each of the three sites
(METER Group, Pullman, WA). To measure VWC, EC-5 sensors were buried at 10, 20,
and 50 cm at the mid and high elevation sites and at 10, 20, and 30 cm at the low
elevation site. Due to sensor malfunctions at the high elevation site, air temperature and
relative humidity were not recorded in 2017. However, temperature inside the data logger
was recorded. In order to estimate the air temperature at the high elevation site, I modeled
outside air temperature as a function the temperature inside the data loggers from both the
low and mid elevation sites. I then used that model to predict air temperature at the high
elevation site. Further, at the low elevation site, two of the three VWC probes
malfunctioned, so only values from the 30 cm depth were reported. The average VWC
from all three depths was presented for the mid and high elevation sites.
Soil Sampling
At each of the three sites, we collected 15 samples at a depth of 15cm from under
native plant canopies and 15 samples from under non-native plant canopies, for a total of
30 samples per site. Samples were collected in May 2017 at the end of the wet
season/start of dry season and in December 2017 at the end of the dry season/start of wet
season. Within 24 hours of sample collection, ammonium (NH4+) and nitrate (NO3-) were
extracted from the soil samples in a solution of 2M KCl for one hour. All live plant
material and rocks were manually removed from the soil cores. Samples were inverted by
hand every 15 minutes across the one-hour extraction period, and then they were gravity
filtered with p8 coarse paper filters and syringe filtered through 0.7 µm glass tips. After
extraction, samples were stored frozen until analysis. Remaining soil was reserved,
transported, and then air-dried for one month. We extracted phosphate (PO43-) in a
extraction procedure. Soil solutions were shaken by hand for five minutes and then
filtered in the same manner as the N extracts. All extracts were frozen for storage and
then analyzed using flow injection analysis (Lachat Quik-Chem Series 2400, Colorado).
Plant Sampling
During each sampling period, we collected leaf samples from the vegetation we
sampled soils under. All samples were transported back to the lab and dried at 60°C for
48 hours. Leaves were hand ground using liquid nitrogen and then weighed into tin
capsules. Then the samples were analyzed for %N and %C using a CHNOS Elemental
Analyzer. Due to small sample size, statistical analyses were not conducted. However,
Statistical Analysis
In order to examine spatial and temporal patterns of NH4+, and NO3, and PO43-
concentrations, we fit linear mixed effect models using the lme function in R (Pinheiro et
al. 2014; R Core Team 2017). To select each model, we used a stepwise AIC process
(Table 2). We started with a full model testing a three-way interaction between elevation,
plant canopy type, and season, after accounting for the random effect of sampling
location. We removed variables or interactions one at a time and selected the model with
the lowest AIC score. After visually assessing if each model distribution met the
assumptions of normality and constant variance using residual and normal-QQ plots, the
Soil Sampling
We examined differences in NH4+, NO3-, and PO43- across three elevations (300m,
500m, and 650 m), between the wet and the dry season, and under native and non-native
plant canopies. For each analysis, we first fit a full linear mixed effects model including a
three-way interaction between elevation, season, and plant type (native or non-native),
after accounting for a random effect of sampling location. We then used a stepwise AIC
process to select each model (Table 2). For NH4+, we selected the following model:
where 300m, 500m, and 650m refer to the site elevation expressed in meters; w and d
refer to wet or dry season; n and in refer to native or invasive vegetation, εij = residual
variability of the jth occasion for the ith subject, and N(0, σ2) denotes that errors are
normally distributed with a mean of 0 and a variance of σ2.
At the mid and high elevation sites, median NH4+ was higher during the dry
season, but at the low elevation site, median NH4+ was higher during the wet season. In
the dry season, NH4+ increased along the elevation gradient from 5.47 mg Kg-1 (95%
confidence interval (CI) of 4.48 to 6.68 mg Kg-1) at the low elevation to 11.59 mg Kg-1 at
the high elevation (95% CI of 9.02 to 14.15 mg Kg-1, respectively). However, during the
wet season, NH4+ did not vary across the elevations. During the dry season, there was no
during the wet season, NH4+ concentrations were 2.69 mg Kg-1 greater under native
versus non-native plant canopies (95% CI of 2.54 to 3.28). We also found an interaction
between elevation and season (χ2 (2,81 df) =3.70, p-value = 0.03), suggesting that
vegetation type (χ2 (1,81 df) = 4.86, p-value = 0.03), suggesting differences in soil
median NH4+ concentrations between plant types also depended on the season sampled.
During the dry season, NO3- did not vary across elevations and ranged from 4.9
mg Kg-1 at the low elevation (95% CI of 4.05 to 6.04 mg Kg-1) to 6.0 mg Kg-1 at the high
elevation (95% CI 4.95 to 8.17 mg Kg-1). However, during the wet season, the median
NO3- concentration at the low elevation was 6.04 mg Kg-1 (95% CI of 4.95 to 7.39 mg
Kg-1), which was 17 times greater than at the high elevation and 35 times greater than
that at the mid-elevation. The median NO3- concentration under native plant canopies was
0.59 mg Kg-1 greater than under non-native plant canopies (χ2 (1,86 df) =32.10, p-value <
For PO43-, we found that plant type did not influence PO43- concentrations (p-
value > 0.05), so it was not included in the final model. We still detected that the
(χ2 (2, 87 df) = 4.57, p-value= 0.01). During both seasons, PO43- was most concentrated at
the high elevation site but did not differ between the low and mid-elevations. The median
PO43- concentration at the high elevation during the wet season was 51.93 mg Kg-1 (95%
CI of 40.44 to 66.69 mg Kg-1) and was 134.30 mg Kg-1 during the dry season (95% CI of
99.48 to 148.41 mg Kg-1). The seasonal differences at the low and mid-elevations each
to non-native species at two of the three elevations sampled (Table 1). At the low
elevation, the mean foliar %N of three native species, Bursera graveolens, Chiocacca
alba, and Leocarpus darwinii, was 0.35% greater than that of the non-native species
Psidium guayaba. At the mid elevation, the foliar %N in the native species Zanthoxylum
fagara was 1.0% greater than in the mean %N of two non-native individuals, Psidium
guayaba and Pennisetum purpureum. At the high elevation, when five samples from the
dominant native species, Miconia ribsoniana, and the dominant non-native species,
Psidium guayaba, were compared, the mean %N was 0.55% greater in the non-native.
Seasonal and elevational changes in climate and the presence of non-native plants
influenced soil N and P pools in the tropical montane forests on San Cristóbal Island,
Galápagos. Soil N and P varied between elevations but typically depended on the season
sampled, with precipitation, temperature, and soil moisture influencing soil nutrient
dynamics (Jenny 1941; Vitousek and Chadwick 2013). On the other hand, the influence
of non-native plants on soil N and P pools in this study did not agree with the general
consensus that nutrient pools increase under non-native canopies (Liao et al. 2008).
Instead, we discovered that soil N pools decreased under non-native canopies while
Nitrogen Pools
Climate controlled nutrient dynamics on San Cristóbal Island, but the effect sizes
depended on the season sampled. This result is expected, since rainfall and temperature
al.; Chadwick et al. 2003; Vitousek and Chadwick 2013). Here, NH4+ increased with
elevation in the dry season but did not vary with elevation during the wet season. NO3-
concentrations decreased with elevation during the dry season. During the wet season,
NO3- was most concentrated at the low elevation and least concentrated at the mid
elevation. Leaching and denitrification likely caused export of NO3-, a highly mobile ion,
out of the system during the wet season and at wetter elevations (Chapin III et al. 2011;
Weintraub et al. 2014), but NH4+ was less variable across the elevation gradient and
NO3-. Interestingly, Chacón (2010) observed that both NH4+ and NO3-, not just NH4+,
increased along the elevation gradient on neighboring Santa Cruz Island. However, N
concentrations in our study still fell within the N concentration ranges observed in other
soils in the Galápagos (Kitayama and Itow 1999; Chacón 2010; Jäger et al. 2013). The
differences in N pools across elevation found between this study and others could have
been due to the age of the islands where observations were made, to the sampling season,
or to varying levels of disturbance or land use where sampling took place. Some of the
studies focused their sampling on one island zone or on one season. Further, sampling
could have occurred in sites with greater or lesser disturbance or land use change, but
there is little way to compare between studies without knowing specific sites.
We detected that NH4+ and NO3- were more concentrated under native than under
non-native canopies. However, most studies examining how invasion influences nutrient
dynamics find that soil nutrient pools are more concentrated under non-native canopies
(Vitousek et al. 1987; Scott et al. 2001; Ehrenfeld 2003, 2010; Liao et al. 2008; Vilà et al.
2011). Because the magnitude and direction of changes in nutrient pools in invaded
systems varies greatly depending on plant functional traits, ecosystem types, and N-
NH4+ and NO3- pools under non-native plant canopies were 30% and 17% greater,
respectively, compared to under native plant canopies (Liao et al. 2008). In this study,
however, NH4+ and NO3- concentrations were 33% and 42% lower, respectively, under
soil N pools. In the arid zone on San Cristóbal Island, percent N (%N) in bulk soil was
highest in a pasture restored with native species and lowest in actively managed
agricultural lands containing non-natives (de la Torre 2013). In the humid zone on Santa
Cruz, NH4+ was more concentrated under non-native canopies, but they detected no
differences in NO3- under different canopy types (Jäger et al. 2013). Whereas we
examined numerous non-native and native species growing in all climate zones on San
Cristóbal, other studies carried out on the Galápagos either followed the influence of a
single non-native species or of plant communities in single climatic zones, which may
soil N pools after invasion are far from universal, however, and decreases or no
differences, as we saw in this study, were also observed (Ehrenfeld and Scott 2001;
Svejcar and Sheley 2001; Martin et al. 2009; Scharfy et al. 2009; Ehrenfeld 2010).
Phosphorus Pools
Climate was the strongest control of PO43- dynamics in the Galápagos. PO43-
concentrations were significantly higher at the high elevation site, suggesting that greater
soil moisture at the high elevation could have increased the organic P turnover rates, in
turn elevating the P pool (Turner et al. 2011). However, this is opposite the result that
Chacón (2010) observed on Santa Cruz, where PO43- concentrations decreased with
increasing elevation. PO43- varied seasonally as well, suggesting that plant uptake
controlled P pools along shorter time intervals. After the cool, dry season, PO43- was
almost double the concentration of PO43- after the warm, wet season. Under drier
conditions, diffusion of PO43- from the soil matrix to root depletion shells slow (Gahoonia
et al. 1994), and this process could have caused the build up of PO43- during the cooler,
drier season. Further, cooler temperatures may have caused plant activity, including
nutrient uptake, to decrease, leaving more P available in the soil pool (Lambers et al.
We did not observe differences in PO43- concentrations in soils under native and
non-native plant canopies. Kueffer et al. found a similar result in the Seychelles Islands,
where three non-native trees did not induce changes in total soil P under their canopies
(Kueffer et al. 2008). However, even though soil nutrient pools may not change, non-
natives may still impact litter concentrations or decomposition rates. For example, total P
increased in litter mass from Hieracium pilosella, a non-native forb growing in New
Zealand (Scott 2001), and litter P and litter decomposition rates increased in invaded
plots in Hawaii (Allison and Vitousek 2004). Though we did not detect changes in soil P
pools, changes in plant litter or alteration of decomposition rates may still be apparent if
Even though non-native species do not benefit from increasing soil nutrient pools
on the island, they are still more successful than native plants. Both soil and plant
processes observed here suggest that escaping physiological constraints is not what
allows non-natives to succeed in this ecosystem. Instead, non-native plants have escaped
dispersal limitations (Belyea and Lancaster 1999). In the 1980s, the feral goat population
on the islands grew to around 100,000 individuals, and as a result, rapid plant community
changes took place (Coblentz 1978). Goats acted as seed vectors after eating guava and
blackberry fruits, and the plants were widely dispersed. Non-native do not escape nutrient
limitation in this system, yet they are ubiquitous and abundant because they have escaped
dispersal limitations.
executed under a shifted baseline because the islands are so heavily influenced by
invasion (Villa and Segarra 2010; Bush et al. 2014). The Galápagos National Park and
some private landowners have made strong efforts to restore native plant species in the
last 10 years. While the separate entities are managing land for different practices, such
as agriculture or tourism, they have the same goal of mitigating non-natives’ impact. This
may have influenced the results we found here through legacy effects. At two of our three
field sites, land managers and owners had been trying to eradicate non-native species, and
restoration efforts are succeeding to varying degrees. Non-native plants could have
legacy effects in the soil even after they are eradicated (Jäger et al. 2013; Abraha et al.
2018), or the presence of non-native understory species that had not been controlled may
have influenced our findings. Instead of testing soils under native and non-native plants
that are sometimes interspersed, native and non-native treatment plots could be more
heavily maintained for longer periods to test the influence of non-native plants on soil
Nonetheless, these findings, along with the work of Chacón (2010), present the
most complete synopsis of nutrient dynamics in the Galápagos to date. More work is
as was performed in the Hawaiian archipelago (Vitousek et al. 1983, 1995; Crews et al.
1995). Further, the Galápagos presents a unique dichotomy between human and natural
systems which should be explored in order for conservation efforts to be effective in the
future. Overall, understanding nutrient dynamics in the archipelago will allow land
Thank you to technicians S. Nerby and C. Moss for their hard work collecting and
processing samples. Thank you to J. Klassen and C. Gabrogge for their guidance with
chemical analysis and to A. Gomez, S. Schmidt, and M. Percy for sharing their site
Site Name Site Elevation Soil Type* Soil Mean Native foliar Non-native
Texture* Soil pH* %N foliar %N
Mirador 300 m Ultisol Sandy loam, Sandy clay loam, and Clay 6.06 2.22% 1.87%
Cerro Alto 500 m Ultisol Loamy sand and Clay 6.02 3.28% 2.16%
Analyte Fixed effects AIC
NH4+ Elevation * Season * Plant Type 355.5612
Elevation*Season + Plant Type *Season 345.837*
Elevation * Season + Plant Type 346.826
Elevation + Season + Plant Type 346.808
Elevation * Season 346.758
Elevation + Season 346.755
NO3- Elevation * Season * Plant Type 375.051
Elevation * Season + Plant Type *Season 370.6681
Elevation * Season + Plant Type 367.063*
Elevation + Season + Plant Type 483.803
Elevation * Season 390.261
Elevation + Season 497.262
PO43- Elevation * Season * Plant Type 390.238
Elevation * Season + Plant Type *Season 387.382
Elevation * Season + Plant Type 387.164
Elevation * Season 382.595*
Elevation + Season 384.67
Table 2.2 – Results from the stepwise AIC model selection processes. We selected the models with AIC scores listed with an *
300 m
500 m
650 m
Galapagos Science Center
Figure 2.1 – Map of study sites along the elevation gradient with photos demonstrating the difference in vegetation communities along
the climosequence. Zanthoxylum fagara (left) and Scalesia gordilloi (right) pictured at the 300m site, and El Junco lake (l) and
Psidium guyaba (r) at the high elevation site. Arrow on map inset shows location of the Galápagos Archipelago.
25.0 Elevation
400 650m
Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 Jan 2018
500m 500m
650m 75 650m
VWC (%)
60 0
Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 Jan 2018 Jan 2017 Apr 2017 Jul 2017 Oct 2017 Jan 2018
Figure 2.2 - Meteorological measurements of (clockwise) mean daily air temperature, cumulative daily rainfall, VWC, and mean
daily maximum RH. Note that the air temperature at the 650 m elevation site is modeled from the temperature inside the data logger,
and the VWC at the 300 m elevation site is from the 30 cm depth while the VWC from the 500 m and 650 m elevation sites are from
the 20 cm depth.
Figure 2.3 - NH4+, NO3-, and PO43- concentrations across elevations and between native or non-native plant canopies sampled under
with measurements from the warm season in the left column and values from the cool season in the right column. Lower cases letters
denote differences in nutrient pools between elevation and between season and upper case letter denote differences between pools
under native and non-native canopies.
how climate variability influences feedbacks between plant processes and soil nutrient
availability in the soil. In this case, N availability in the soil influenced plant nutrient
dynamics. On the other hand, on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos Archipelago,
plants fed back and influenced soil nutrient dynamics. Changes in precipitation, soil
moisture, and temperature strongly controlled nutrient concentrations in the soil, and to a
While these projects elucidated patterns of basic ecosystem function, further work
could augment the findings’ impact. For example, while we know that Douglas-fir trees
must be accessing most of their N from the soil, it is still uncertain if they are actually
evergreens are N limited or not by testing the hypotheses drawn by Warren and Adams
and metabolically inactive Rubisco content and then relate those measurements to trees’
photosynthetic rates across a season. This would allow me to determine if trees are
actually using the N they are taking up from the soil across the season.
However, the restoration must be carried out in a socially minded manner. Residents
value some invasive species, like orange trees and guava, for their products, and native
species restoration should be carried out in concert with agricultural production. Not all
land, though, can be used for production, and the Galapagos National Park must direct
and implement most of the restoration efforts. Scientists must guide land management in
order for restoration efforts to become effective, and results presented here can inform
land managers of impacts that their restoration will have going forward.
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